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Telethon Chat

Would you please show your codes

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Telethon Chat

telethon should not miss updates, if it does it's a bug

make sure you're using the latest version and your handlers are not crashing

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Telethon Chat

Documentation for get_entity

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Telethon Chat

its been a couple of years since I started using userbots, and even more than a bot at a time, my account is normal

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Telethon Chat

Is it real to leave comment under post, where is not discussing group, but leaving comments is available?

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Telethon Chat

How do I minimize my risks of getting banned?
My account didn't violate any ToS , just normal chats with my other account..

It got banned

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Telethon Chat

yeah it returns None

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Telethon Chat

the event is a callback query
ah i should've asked in a better way

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Telethon Chat

how to get text using the bot itself

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Telethon Chat

Why doesn't the bot give a notification to oner after there is a user who subscribes to the telegram channel?

# Fungsi untuk menangani event saat pengguna bergabung dengan channel
async def new_user_joined(event):
if event.user_joined:
# Mendapatkan info pengguna yang baru saja bergabung
new_user_id = event.user_id
# Jika Anda ingin notifikasi dikirim ke pemilik bot atau pengguna lain
owner_id = 7998861975 # Ganti dengan ID pengguna yang ingin menerima notifikasi

# Mengirimkan pesan ke pemilik bot atau pengguna lain tentang pengguna yang baru bergabung
await client.send_message(owner_id, f"Pengguna dengan ID {new_user_id} baru saja bergabung dengan channel!")

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Telethon Chat

other dc ? But what this mean ? This mean it is still valid just need somehow to change dc or it is completely invalid ?

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Telethon Chat


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Telethon Chat

Documentation for events.ChatAction

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Telethon Chat

Raid detected - automatically enabling antiraid mode. For the next 6 hours, any new users will be banned for 1 hour.

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Telethon Chat

Guys hi, I have this problem I need to connect to a private channel ( with the approval of the administrator )

invite_hash_url = KT_-6Apa-2I3MTgy(No plus)

I'm getting an error - InviteHashExpiredError

And does not come to the channel, that I threw a request to join the channel, just an error that the link is out of date(

await self.client(ImportChatInviteRequest(invite_hash))

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Telethon Chat

does your teleton receive incoming events instantly?

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Telethon Chat

Hello everyone. Please tell me, I created a bot that catches new events on Teleton, but the problem is that as a result it receives events with a big delay, and sometimes it even simply misses them. Is this normal for Teleton or am I doing something wrong?

There is no such problem with Pyrogram, it receives everything instantly.

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Telethon Chat

how to get private channel id

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Telethon Chat

It will work fine. as long as that's a bot and not userbot

anything else is related to you, reduce the AI and debug it

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Telethon Chat

New account easily get banned

Telegram hates userbot
Doing things that gived floodawait

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Telethon Chat

I'll have to rely on variables then

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Telethon Chat

CallbackQuery has event.get_message(). it won't work mostly if callback originated from InlineQuery result

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Telethon Chat

like, bot sent this message via an inline query.
event.message.text nope
event.text nope

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Telethon Chat

🔤 Text to insert:

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Telethon Chat

Hi and welcome to the group. Before asking any questions, please read the rules from the group's description, and don't forget to read the docs. Make sure you are using the latest version with pip3 install -U telethon, since most problems have already been fixed in newer versions.

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Telethon Chat

it's as it mentions, you provided invalid authorization. that likely never existed or in another dc

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Telethon Chat

It won't. unless it's expired or you're using really old library version.

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Telethon Chat

How can check hidden users in group or supergroup?

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Telethon Chat

Hi and welcome to the group. Before asking any questions, please read the rules from the group's description, and don't forget to read the docs. Make sure you are using the latest version with pip3 install -U telethon, since most problems have already been fixed in newer versions.

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Telethon Chat

How can I make normal size buttons

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