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Telethon Chat

Dude explain what do you want to achieve

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Telethon Chat

When i try to GetFullUser to newly created bot id i get error ValueError: Could not find the input entity for PeerUser(user_id=7828538638) (PeerUser), but when i try to GetFullUser with bot username everything is good, but if i do it too fast i got UserFull object with previously created bot info

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Telethon Chat

Can telethon send photo album information? It's the photo album I edited myself.

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Telethon Chat

ah i see. thanks! makes sense now

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Telethon Chat

.delete() is for Messages and reply_to isnt a Message

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Telethon Chat


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Telethon Chat

Hi, how i can get all the join requests from a private channel?

im trying with this function:

result = client(functions.messages.GetChatInviteImportersRequest(
offset_date=datetime.datetime(2018, 6, 25),
link='some string here',
q='some string here'

but i can't get all of them without using a offset_user. (i don't have one)

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Telethon Chat

read the docs of get_chat_members and then pass proper enums to filter

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Telethon Chat

it doesn't work! ttl_period=None

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Telethon Chat

Then the program stops

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Telethon Chat

yes, because this group is for telethon only, and the error may be pyrogram-related

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Telethon Chat

please stay on topic

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Telethon Chat

This is a non-pyrogram Telethon library group

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Telethon Chat

This is telethon chat

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Telethon Chat

Can someone help me code this?
I want to collect information about those who are banned from joining a specific channel, but this error appears

error: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'

from pyrogram import Client, filters
from pyrogram.errors import ChatAdminRequired, PeerIdInvalid
from pyrogram.types import Message


app = Client("ooo", api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, bot_token=BOT_TOKEN)

@app.on_message(filters.command("Get") & filters.private)
async def banned(client: Client, message: Message):
if len(message.command) < 2:
await message.reply("Please specify the channel username after the command.")

channel_username = message.command[1].strip()
banned_users_file = "banned_users.txt"

banned_user_ids = []

if not isinstance(channel_username, str) or not channel_username.startswith("@"):
await message.reply("Make sure to enter the channel username correctly (starting with @).")

async for member in client.get_chat_members(channel_username, filter="banned"):

if member.user:
print("Member without user attribute:", member)

with open(banned_users_file, "w") as file:

await message.reply("User IDs have been collected. Sending the file...")

await client.send_document(, document=banned_users_file)

except ChatAdminRequired:
await message.reply("The bot needs admin privileges in the channel with permission to ban members.")
except PeerIdInvalid:
await message.reply("Invalid channel username. Please enter it correctly.")
except Exception as e:

print(f"Error: {e}")
await message.reply(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")

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Telethon Chat

Any solutions? Or just add asyncio.sleep() to wait for update info?

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Telethon Chat

explain more
I couldn't recognise what have you meant of 'information'
Did you mean 'description' ?

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Telethon Chat

Hi and welcome to the group. Before asking any questions, please read the rules from the group's description, and don't forget to read the docs. Make sure you are using the latest version with pip3 install -U telethon, since most problems have already been fixed in newer versions.

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Telethon Chat

reply message isn't sent by server, so you would need to do await message.get_reply_message(), but it's a waste of request and reply message could already be deleted anyways and since delete_messages doesn't raise error for that case it's shorter to delete right away by id.

.reply_to isn't library property, it's a raw api thing, which can be None

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Telethon Chat

was that a concious decision to not include message.reply_to.delete()?

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Telethon Chat

if message.is_reply:
await, message.reply_to_msg_id)

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Telethon Chat

Whats the best way to delete a replied to message? await message.reply_to.delete() does not work. do i have to get the message.reply_to_msg_id and delete that manually?
something like

if hasattr(message, 'reply_to'): await

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Telethon Chat

you won't know it unless a chat was initiated with you or send a message to them, for obvious privacy reasons

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Telethon Chat

telegram simply does not allow fetching all members

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Telethon Chat

I tried the same code on Telethon, but there is an error: it collects only 10% of the information of banned people.

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Telethon Chat

Is there any objection to asking for help with a pyrogram library since it is the same method for making a telethon?

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Telethon Chat

Hey Ai, don't do that again (offtopic, insults, unnecessarily tagging admins) or I will ban you. You have been warned.

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Telethon Chat

The captcha bot in the Pyrogram group is broken. Please help or remain silent

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Telethon Chat


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Telethon Chat

oh sound great, i'm gonna try it

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