TRAINING CENTER 🎓Internationally recognized and accredited qualifications ✈️Networking opportunities for professionals 📞 (99) 8145027 📞 (94) 3535020 👩💻 @TESOL_International Get information about tour programs:
Meet our speaker 🎁
Ms. Maftuna Karimova
👩🏻🏫She has been in the English Language Teaching field for 7 years as an IELTS INSTRUCTOR , TESOL TRAINER
There is a list of her achievements:
💥 linguist;
💥teacher trainer;
💥IELTS Instructor;
💥General English teacher;
💥International Speaker.
📚LMU in Munich, Germany- Computational Linguistics;
📚Webster University in Tashkent TESL/TEFL.
✨ Bavarian International School in Munich;
✨Bucheon University in Tashkent;
✨UzSWLU in Tashkent.
👩🏻🏫She will discuss '' Teaching Pronunciation'' so join us on March 26 at 4:00 PM
Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
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#Good day
#Enjoy your day
🌼Time's work is to pass away, if it is bad then have patience, if it is good then thank it.
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#TESOL ASIA International
🎊Welcome to TESOL Asia International Teacher Training corses.
👩🏻🏫👨🏼🏫 Siz Ingliz tili o'qtuvchisimisiz ?
🧐Hali hanuz xalqaro toifadagi ustoz bo'la olmadingizmi?
🤩O'zbekiston bo'ylab C1 darajaga tenglashtirilgan sertifikatnichi qo'lga kirita olmadingizmi?
🥰Unda nimani kutyapsiz hoziroq biz bilan bog'laning .
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Registration link:
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🌷Days begin with hopes ends with dreams
🌸Every day starts with some expectation, but Every day surely ends with some experience.
"That's life''
Good morning 🌷🌸
Have a nice day🌼
Join us:
📚5 exam preparation tips to help you ace your test.
📌 Start your revision early
📌Organise your study time
📌Look after yourself during study and exam time.
📌Take regular breaks
📌Know your exam
As you get more experienced in taking exams, you will find the ways that work best for you, and learn how best to prepare. In the meantime, these tips should give you a good starting point for study.
Good luck!🎉
For more information ✅
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Registration link:
Join us:
#Good morning
🧐 Looking back gives you regrets.
🤩 Looking a head gives you opportunities.
Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Давлат органларида чет тили дарслари йўлга қўйилади. Тил билган ходимларга устама тўланади
Кейинги йилдан бошлаб, давлат органларига ишга қабул қилиш ва юқори лавозимга тайинлаш учун хорижий тилни билиш талаб қилинади.
👉 Telegram каналлари👇
Ўзбекча | O‘zbekcha | Русская
Читать полностью…📣Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣Attention 📣Attention 📣 Attention 📣 📣 Attention 📣 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣 📣 !!! 💐 🎉 🎊 💐 🎉
🎉 Registration for offline (onsite) Pre&Primary Education diploma and STEAM teacher Accredited Certificate course for summer intake is finally open
❗️We offer internationally UK Accredited TESOL/TEFL/teacher training Certificate and diploma courses.
After completing this course you will get a diploma in Pre&Primary Education and Steam teacher Certificate.
The Certificates and diplomas are recognized all over the World.
A new course starts in June 2021
❗️For registration and to get more information, please contact :
📞 +998946580718
📞 +998998145027
📣Attention 📣
15% discount
🎉 Registration for IELTS INSTRUCTOR course for March intake is finally open
❗️The Certificates are recognized all over the World.
For more information, please contact :
📞 +998998145027
Registration link:
Siz ingliz tili o'qituvchisimisiz?
•Darslaringiz zerikarli tuyiladimi?
•O’quvchilarni boshqarish mahoratingizni oshirishingiz kerakmi?
•O’quvchilaringiz yoshi va o’rganish maqsadidan qat’iy nazar, darsingizdan zavqlanishini xohlaysizmi?
✔️ Unda bizning TESOL/TEFL kurslarimizning bahorgi qabuliga yoziling!
Biz bilan:
• Kasbiy professionallikni oshirasiz va malakali o’qituvchi bo’lasiz!
• Zamonaviy yangi o’qitish texnikalari va metodikalarini o’rganasiz!
•Xalqaro toifadagi malakaga ega ustoz bo’lasiz!
Shoshiling, joylar chegaralangan!
👉 TESOL ASIA International haqida 👈
Ma'lumot uchun:
Kursga yozilish uchun:
Join us:
We would like to share some key points about OFQUAL Regulated TESOL Level 6 Diploma course
1️⃣OFQUAL Regulated TESOL Level 6 Diploma is considered an internationally recognized Diploma equivalent to C1 in the territory of Uzbekistan.
2️⃣OFQUAL Regulated TESOL (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)
3️⃣This course is ideal for those who wish to gain a higher professional qualification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
4️⃣You are assigned a tutor as soon as you enrol, who will give you help and guidance through the course as well as mark your assignments and give you personal feedback.
5️⃣~Links about OFQUAL Regulation:
Click here:
Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Registration link:
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✅The benefits of effective time management .
⏱Less procrastination
Setting a schedule you can stick to every day will provide you with the necessary paths to never stray away from the work you need to do in order to reach your goals.
👨🏫Working smarter
You will also become more accountable to yourself as you will be responsible for tracking and analyzing your own time correctly.
💆🏻♀️Less stress and more time for relaxation
Being more efficient with your time means extra hours you get to do the things you love
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Registration link:
Join us:
📣Attention 📣 15% discount 🥳
🎉 Registration for IELTS INSTRUCTOR course for March intake is finally open
❗️The Certificates are recognized all over the World.
A new course starts on March 20 2023
For more information ✅
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Registration link:
Join us:
Would you like to be internationally qualified teachers and teach everywhere?
Welcome to our spring courses 🌸🎊
🏃🏃♀️Hurry up
📌Seats are limited
For more information ✅
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
Registration link:
Join us:
#Happy Women's day🥳
W- Wonderland wife
O- Outstanding friend
M- Marvelous daughter
A- Adorable sister
N- Nurturing mother
2nd International Conference on Education and Linguistics:
Energising English Language Teacher Research and Practice
The conference is being organized by Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT)
May 21, 2021. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Conference program:
Presentation abstracts:
In-person participation:
Local presenters and attendees: 10 USD* per person
In-person conference participation fee includes:Attendance of all sessions/presentations
Virtual participation:
Conference pack
Coffee breaks and lunch
Local and international attendees: Free
Registration for visitors is open now:
For in-person visitors:
For virtual visitors:
Hurmatli kanalimiz a’zolari !!!
Yaqinlashib kelayotgan Ramazon hayiti - Iyd Al-Fitr bilan tabriklaymiz
Alloh tutgan ro'zalaringiz va qilgan ibodatlaringizni qabul qilsin va o'zining jannati bilan mukofotlasin.
Sizga ishlaringizda omad,ko’ngil hotirjamligi tilab qolamiz!
Поздравляем вас с наступающим Священным праздником Рамазан - Ийд аль-Фитр 😇🥳
Пусть Аллах примет ваши Ураза и молитвы, и наградит вас с своим Раем.🤲
Желаем вам, душевного равновесия и полной гармонии в сердце. Желаем здоровья вам и вашим родственникам.
Dear our followers!
Congratulations on the upcoming Holy Day of Ramadan - Eid al-Fitr 😇 🥳
May Allah accept your Fasts and prayers, and reward you with His Paradise.🤲
We wish you peace of mind and complete harmony in your heart. We wish health to you and to your relatives.
Some photos from ongoing TEFL specialized TEYL course
Читать полностью…📣Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣Attention 📣Attention 📣 Attention 📣 📣 Attention 📣 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣 📣 !!! 💐 🎉 🎊 💐 🎉
🎉 Registration for offline (onsite) Pre&Primary Education diploma and STEAM teacher Accredited Certificate course for summer intake is finally open
❗️We offer internationally UK Accredited TESOL/TEFL/teacher training Certificate and diploma courses.
After completing this course you will get a diploma in Pre&Primary Education and Steam teacher Certificate.
The Certificates and diplomas are recognized all over the World.
A new course starts in June 2021
❗️For registration and to get more information, please contact :
📞 +998946580718
📞 +998998145027
Учителям с международным сертификатом о знании иностранного языка будут платить до 50% надбавки к зарплате
Кроме того, каждому учителю иностранного языка выделят по 1 млн сумов из бюджета, а преподавателям с высоким баллом возместят стоимость получения международного сертификата.