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TRAINING CENTER 🎓Internationally recognized and accredited qualifications ✈️Networking opportunities for professionals 📞 (99) 8145027 📞 (94) 3535020 👩‍💻 @TESOL_International Get information about tour programs: https://t.me/nreducational

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TESOL International

-Dastur kimlar uchun?
1.O’z ustida tinmay izlanib,malaka oshiradigan va boshqa davlatlarda ham do’stlar orttirmoqchi bo’lgan ustozlar uchun .
2.Ozorbayjon xalqining madaniyati bilan va go’zal Baku shahrini ekskursiya qilmoqchi bo’lgan ustozlar uchun .

🟢Bu dasturning jami to’lovi: $650
Dastur ichiga kiradi:
✈️Aeroportdan kutib olish va kuzatib qo’yish
👩‍💼O’qituvchilar uchun malaka oshirish training kursi
🏨Bir haftalik turar joy
🍽Mazali Ozorbayjoncha nonushtalar
🪩Ozorbayjon madaniyatini kuzatish
🌇Bir haftalik Baku shahri bo’ylab gid bilan ekskursiya
Firma hizmatlari

⚠️ Dastur ichiga kirmaydi:
•Borish kelish aviachiptalar- $450
•Tushlik va kechki ovqatlar

Telefon raqamimiz:
☎️+998 94 353 50 20

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TESOL International

3 idiots

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TESOL International


Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

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TESOL International

🇲🇾 Malaysiaga sayohat va ta'lim dasturi

📆 Sana: 14 avgust

🟢Dastur ichiga nimalar kiradi
-🧑‍💼haftada 5 kun ingliz tili darsi;
👩‍💼kuniga 4-6 soat dars
✈️aeroportdan kutib olish va kuzatib qo'yish;
🍽3 mahal ovqat;
📔o'quv materiallari;
📝kurs registratsiyasi;
🎡Malaysia bo'ylab qiziqarli sayohatlar.

⚠️ Dastur ichiga kirmaydi:
-aviachipta; 800$-900$
-firma to'lovi (500 000 so'm)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dastur kimlar uchun: 10 yosh va undan katta studentlar va ota-onalar uchun

👩‍💻Dastur davomiyligi: 2 hafta
     Dastur to'lovi: 2000 USD

☎️ 99 894 353 50 20

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TESOL International

       Meet our speaker:
       Saida Irgasheva
Lead-trainer in TESOL ASIA International teacher training center

👩🏻‍🏫She will involve participants to the discussion of "Inclusivity in English Classroom: Uzbekistan experience" so join us on
🗓ON JUNE 20, 2023
🕒 at 7:00 PM

Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
📞 +998(94)3535020

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TESOL International

🥳New TESOL Level 6 course is waiting for you.!

Are you ready to join us?

TESOL gives you an opportunity

✅To develop your teaching skill
✅To get new knowledge
✅To be energetic and creative teacher
✅To be an international teacher

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

Registration link:

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TESOL International

       Meet our speaker:
       Saida Irgasheva
Lead-trainer in TESOL ASIA International teacher training center

👩🏻‍🏫She has over 25 years of experience in ELT as a teacher, lead trainer, mentor, materials and curriculum designer, and English language and education program coordinator.

Saida is a co-author of coursebooks and manuals such as:
💥 Training the Trainers Guidebook (British Council program)
💥Being a Teacher (RELO & UWL joined program)
💥Engaging Teachers 
💥Lesson planing and Management (Innovation Fund Program)
💥Zamonaviy Trener (PIIMA)  
📚International Presentations in UK, USA, Egypt, and Kyrgyzstan
👩🏻‍🏫She will involve participants to the discussion of "Inclusivity in English Classroom: Uzbekistan experience" so join us on
🗓 JUNE 20, 2023
🕒 at 7:00 PM

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

Follow us:
TesolasiaInternational" rel="nofollow">https://youtube.com/@TesolasiaInternational

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TESOL International

🇲🇾 Malaysiaga sayohat va ta'lim dasturi

📆 Sanalar: 31- Iyuldan 13 avgustgacha

🟢Dastur ichiga nimalar kiradi
-🧑‍💼haftada 5 kun ingliz tili darsi;
👩‍💼kuniga 4-6 soat dars
✈️aeroportdan kutib olish va kuzatib qo'yish;
🍽3 mahal ovqat;
📔o'quv materiallari;
📝kurs registratsiyasi;
🎡Malaysia bo'ylab qiziqarli sayohatlar.

⚠️ Dastur ichiga kirmaydi:
-aviachipta; 800$-900$
-firma to'lovi (500 000 so'm)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dastur kimlar uchun: 10 yosh va undan katta studentlar va ota-onalar uchun

👩‍💻Dastur davomiyligi: 2 hafta
     Dastur to'lovi: 2000 USD

☎️ 99 894 353 50 20

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TESOL International


🌼“Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.” — ...
🌼Rise and grind!
🌼Remember, the early bird always gets the worm.
🌼“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” — ...
🌼“Don't be afraid to fail; it's proof you'll soon be successful.”

Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

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TESOL International


7 days Happiness Challenge

1. Visit new places ✈️
2. Watch sunrise 🌞
3. Start a journal 📚
4. Bake a cake 🎂
5. Talk a walk 🚶‍♂️
6. Help someone 🌷
7. Write a letter 💌

Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

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TESOL International

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dastur kimlar uchun: 10 yosh va undan katta studentlar va ota-onalar uchun

👩‍💻Dastur davomiyligi: 2 hafta
     Dastur to'lovi: 2000 USD
Ta'til boshlanish sanasi : Iyul  31

Dastur ichiga oladi:
🧑‍💼haftada 5 kun ingliz tili darsi;
👩‍💼kuniga 4-6 soat dars
✈️aeroportdan kutib olish va kuzatib qo'yish;
🍽3 mahal ovqat;
📔o'quv materiallari;
📝kurs registratsiyasi;
🎡Malaysia bo'ylab qiziqarli sayohatlar.

Dastur o'z ichiga olmaydi:
-aviachipta; 800$-900$
-firma to'lovi (500 000 so'm)

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TESOL International

Good afternoon
Dear teachers and leaders !We would like to share some information :
(OFQUAL )The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation is a non-ministerial government department that regulates qualifications, exams and tests in England.
There are OFQUAL Qualification courses ,which are considered OFQUAL Regulated courses and OFQUAL Registered companies in the UK.
We offer both OFQUAL regulated courses and Endorsed courses.
We also offer OFQUAL registered TQUK endorsed TESOL courses.
You can check about TQUK here:

We offer OFQUAL regulated TESOL level 6 Diploma course.
You can check here:

We offer OFQUAL regulated TEFL level 5 Certificate course.
You can check here :

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TESOL International


For more information ✅
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

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TESOL International



🌷“If your Sunday doesn't involve wine and yoga pants, you're doing it wrong.” ...
🌷“There is always something new to learn and feel each Sunday.” ...

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TESOL International

🇲🇾 Malaysiaga sayohat va ta'lim dasturi

📆 Sanalar: 31- Iyuldan 13 avgustgacha

🟢Dastur ichiga nimalar kiradi
-🧑‍💼haftada 5 kun ingliz tili darsi;
👩‍💼kuniga 4-6 soat dars
✈️aeroportdan kutib olish va kuzatib qo'yish;
🍽3 mahal ovqat;
📔o'quv materiallari;
📝kurs registratsiyasi;
🎡Malaysia bo'ylab qiziqarli sayohatlar.

⚠️ Dastur ichiga kirmaydi:
-aviachipta; 800$-900$
-firma to'lovi (500 000 so'm)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dastur kimlar uchun: 10 yosh va undan katta studentlar va ota-onalar uchun

👩‍💻Dastur davomiyligi: 2 hafta
     Dastur to'lovi: 2000 USD

☎️ 99 894 353 50 20

Читать полностью…

TESOL International

       Meet our speaker:
       Saida Irgasheva
Lead-trainer in TESOL ASIA International teacher training center

👩🏻‍🏫She will involve participants to the discussion of "Inclusivity in English Classroom: Uzbekistan experience" so join us on
🗓ON JUNE 20, 2023
🕒 at 7:00 PM

Registration link

Zoom link :

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
📞 +998(94)3535020

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TESOL International



🌷“Sunday is a day of reflection; to think about, meditate on, and evaluate your behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires.”

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TESOL International

Bakuga sayohat dasturi

📆 Sanalar :
10 iyuldan 16 iyulgacha
17 iyuldan 23 iyulgacha
31iyuldan 6 avgustgacha
7 avgustdan 13 avgustgacha

🟢Dastur ichiga nimalar kiradi
-🧑‍💼Ertalabki nonushta
👩‍💼kuniga 3-4 soat dars
✈️aeroportdan kutib olish va kuzatib qo'yish;
📔o'quv materiallari;
📝kurs registratsiyasi;
🎡Baku bo'ylab qiziqarli sayohatlar.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dastur kimlar uchun: 10 yosh va undan katta talabalar,ustozlar va ota-onalar uchun

👩‍💻Dastur davomiyligi: 7 kun
     Dastur to'lovi: 550 USD

☎️ 99 894 353 50 20

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TESOL International

🇬🇧Facts About London That You Probably Didn't Know

☘️The smallest City in England is London. ...
☘️Big Ben isn't really called Big Ben. ...
☘️There are over 170 museums in London, including 11 national ones. ...
☘️London is considered a forest. ...
☘️There are six ravens in the Tower of London. ...
☘️The city has a Peter Pan Hospital.

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

Registration link:

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TESOL International


Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
📞 +998(94)3535020

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TESOL International

       Meet our speaker:
       Saida Irgasheva
Lead-trainer in TESOL ASIA International teacher training center

👩🏻‍🏫She will involve participants to the discussion of "Inclusivity in English Classroom: Uzbekistan experience" so join us on
🗓ON JUNE 20, 2023
🕒 at 7:00 PM

Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
📞 +998(94)3535020

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TESOL International

📣Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention 📣 Attention !!! 💐 🎉 🎊 💐 🎉 🎊 💐

🎉 Registration for  IELTS INSTRUCTOR   course for June intake is finally open
❗️The Certificates are recognized all over the World.
A new course starts on June 25  2023

For more information, please contact :
  📞 +998998145027
  📞 +998943535020


Registration link

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TESOL International

🎁Yozni TEFL kurslari bilan boshlang🤩

🥳Yangi faslga yangi energiya bilan o'tdingizmi ?
🎊Xalqaro toifadagi ustoz bo'lib Yoz faslini davom ettirishni xoxlaysizmi?
😍Bizning kurslarimiz aynan siz uchun biz bilan birgalikda malakali va tajribali ustoz bo'ling.

For more information ✅
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

Registration link:

Join us:

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TESOL International

       Meet our speaker:
       Saida Irgasheva
Lead-trainer in TESOL ASIA International teacher training center

👩🏻‍🏫She will involve participants to the discussion of "Inclusivity in English Classroom: Uzbekistan experience" so join us on
🗓ON JUNE 20, 2023
🕒 at 7:00 PM

Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027
📞 +998(94)3535020

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TESOL International

1. What is TEFL ?
✅ TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language.

2.-What is TESOL ?
--✅ Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.

3.What is the difference between TESOL and TEFL ?
✅ Level 5 Certificate in TEFL
~Total Credit hours:29
~Guided hours:168
~Total hours:290
✅ TESOL level 6 course
~Total Credit hours:37
~Guided hours:160
~Total hours:370

4.✅ Accreditation
Regulated by OFQUAL
1. Links to OFQUAL regulated TEFL qualification:
2. Links to OFQUAL regulated TESOL qualification:

~✅ How can I verify my Certificates?
1.With QR code
2.Online Verification system

The assignments and portfolio tasks are assessed by LTTC IQs/Moderators.
The moderation period lasts from 2-6 weeks.

Читать полностью…

TESOL International

       Meet our speaker:
       Saida Irgasheva
Lead-trainer in TESOL ASIA International teacher training center

👩🏻‍🏫She will involve participants to the discussion of "Inclusivity in English Classroom: Uzbekistan experience" so join us on
🗓ON JUNE 20, 2023
🕒 at 7:00 PM

Registration link

Contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

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TESOL International

📣Attention 📣

🎉 Registration for IELTS INSTRUCTOR course for JUNE intake is finally open
❗️The Certificates are recognized all over the World.
A new course starts ON JUNE 25, 2023

For more information ✅
contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

Registration link:

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TESOL International

"Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson story"


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TESOL International

The Future of English Language Teaching Conference is open now.

Saturday 10 June, 2023

Join here:

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TESOL International

Attention 📣📣📣
Don’t miss a chance!

👩🏻‍🏫👨🏼‍🏫If you are working as English teachers and want to become more professional ;
✅To become better teachers
✅To learn interactive teaching methods
✅To refresh your knowledge in teaching
✅To find better job opportunities

contact us:
📞 +998(99)8145027

Registration link:

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