Question -
Globalization and the rural society in India .
Answer -
🔸India is mainly an agrarian economy and about 70%of its population resides in rural areas and villages which contribute around 15% of GDP through its agriculture and allied sector.
🔸 So any integrationof Indian economy will have wider ramifications for both rural areas and its social, political and economic fabric. Rural life in India was characte -rized by self sufficient geographical unit following traditional way of life before the advent of globalization.
🔸Since the economic reforms of 1991 which led to liberalization, privatization and globalization, there have been implications on rural society which are both pathological and normal.
🔸It helped in mainstreaming rural society with the urban India and global world to an extent, helped in creating a more informed society and brought paradigm shift in education, devolution of power and technological reach.
🔸On the other hand, disproportionate economic prosperity in various parts induced pathological stains in the form of widespread migration, coerced land acquisitions, suicides of farmers, ever squeezing agricultural land leading to a disjunction between little tradition and great tradition of India.
🔸After globalization, Indian economy in general and rural areas in particular was opened up for quickdevelopment, increased income and standard of living. It was contented that the fruits of globalization will automatically trickle down to rural areas leading to better developments indicators.
🔸However in the long run, it led to a rural-urban divide of India. Most of the MNCs concentrated on leveraging the urban resources as more skilled
manpower was available there. This led to growth in certain pockets leading to backwardness in most areas.
🔸 Further it eroded the demographic base of rural society as more and more people migrated towards towns and cities for better life and income. Further globalization is based upon the principle of laissez faire which led to
indiscriminate exploitation of resources for generation of wealth.
🔸This led to overuse of village land
rendering them barren through mining. It also led to eviction of peasants from their land. Other factors like introduction of GMO crops in certain pockets of Maharashtra, cheap import of agricultural products from other countries etc took the toll over rural society. All these factors directly and indirectly led to suicides by farmers. Globalisation has also impacted the tribal society and its cultural identity in a big way. Thetrespassing of multi-national companies in these areas not only led to dissolution of most of tribal communities but also threatened their cultural identities, languages which a constitutional right.
🔸 In addition to that the deforestation, absence of rehabilitation has led the death of their traditional earning and livelihood. However on the positive note, it generated a lot of avenues for rural India. Globalisation led to breakdown of castes barrier to a large extent in the rural society. It led to change in the village social structure. It also rapidly transformed village society from subsistence based to market based. The competition without frontiers provided the choice to farmers to sell their produce anywhere at competitive prices .
#Model_Essay #Socio_Eco_Cultural
Question -
One is not born a woman, but becomes one . Analyse the statement in the Indian Context.
Answer -
The statement in question was made by the female existentialist philosopher Simone De Beauvoir in her book called the Second Sex‘. It alludes to the notion of women that is brought about by societal and Physiological conditioning. Hence Womanhood is something that is attained by a woman rather than something innate. Before we proceed however it is pertinent to difference between becomes becomes‘ (as used in the statement) and development. The latter is the manifestation of the being‘s innate nature and growth in a quantitative manner whereas the former can involve a change in Telos‘ alien to oneself. A women‘ in the above statement refers to society‘s idealized version hence referred to as societal women‘.
Conditioning, both classical and operant, entails alteration in behavior and concomitant changes in one‘s identity. A woman is conditioned by her physiology by virtue of her ability to bear children and by society by a combination of external and internal agents, such as her teacher or Father, in her milieu. She is also conditioned by societal expectation, rules and treatment by institutionally agencies in both favorable and unfavorable ways.
Physiological conditioning starts from a very early age rights from gifts including skirts that hinder free movement and the ability to climb trees, enjoy play. It is at this point a girl becomes aware of the differences between herself and boys. Upon the attainment of womanhood a ceremony is conducted to signal to her womanhood. This is not practiced in western nation and no undue significance is given to this particular event anymore and can be attributed to advancement in women empowerment abroad. In India the woman has greater exposure to conditioning and its impact hence. She is told of the appetites of men and how she must behave in front of them. She is told to obey a combination of rules and has her movements severely restricted. Certain social classes protect‘ their women by not letting them have an education in public schools with boys. The environment in which the women operate undergoes changes after this event and she begins to be conditioned in a different manner. It is important for the reader to note the lack of agency for the female sex. Things are done to and for her while her passivity in the affair is a Legitimate Expectation‘ of society whereas men enjoy stability in the growth and are developing‘ as individuals without violent alteration to their Telos.
Social conditioning of women is a lot more apparent in India. It is accomplished by the conforming of women to their societal expectations, even ones alien to them. This can be clearly understood upon examination of the societal role of Wife‘. From a young age women are taught to see their social standing in relation to theirs husbands or fathers. Her duties to her husband are learnt by watching her mother or movies or any other external source which depict this relation. Progress for her is made through men in her life and to identify with their success. These idealized versions stand in direct contradiction to the small margin of women who escape these notions and find a path for themselves. They seldom find accepting partners treating them as individuals and constantly experience covert societal indignation for their failure to meet these idealized versions of Wife. Although we as a nation embrace liberal beliefs and promise equality under the constitution our alief‘ (habitual belief-like attitude) is still backward.
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Deep Dive of 📌RTI Act👇
✅The RTI Act came into force with effect from October 2005.
✅The Right to Information (RTI) is an act of the Parliament of India which sets out the principles and techniques in regards to citizens’ right to information.
It supplanted the previous Freedom of Information Act, 2002.
✅It is an initiative taken by Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
✅The basic object of Act is to empower the citizens, promote transparency and accountability in the working of the Government, contain corruption, and make our democracy work for the people in real sense.
✅Provisions of RTI Act:
any citizen of India may request information from a “public authority” (a body of Government or “instrumentality of State”) which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days.
✅In case of matter involving a petitioner’s life and liberty, the information has to be provided within 48 hours.
✅The Act also requires every public authority to computerize their records for wide dissemination and to proactively publish certain categories of information so that the citizens need minimum recourse to request for information formally.
✅Section 13 of the original Act: It sets the term of the central Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners at five years (or until the age of 65, whichever is earlier)
The Public Information Officer (PIO) or the First Appellate Authority in the public specialists performs semi-legal capacity of settling on the application and appeal individually.
✅To document the request, pay Rs. 10 in cash or through bank draft or cash request or court expense stamp.
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Why is it right‘ for men to expect women to cook and clean when they both earn the same amount of money? What about the subtle impediments faced by ambitious women in their pursuit by institutional actors. This is the result of women operating in a patriarchal structure. She pulled by the reward of meeting the expectations of society with honor and social standing, to fit and become‘ rather than develop‘. Any attempt at development‘ is met with systematic and persistent hardship and her struggles are not met with sympathies. It is seen as a struggle against her destiny of becoming a Women‘ as society intended her to be, to make her realize her rightful place. In India, a conservative society, strictly defined roles with both traditional and religious legitimacy are powerful and have tremendous impact.
The reader might wonder if similar societal expectations‘ are not placed on Men and thus argue that men become‘ as well. It is the extent of the conditioning they face and the level of control that men have over themselves in their milieus that invalidates the argument. Men have far greater ability to escape these confining factors. Men are economically independent and society is far more tolerant of their ambition. The role of men has so far eluded strict definition and is therefore dynamic. It is defined, if at all, in a negative manner e.g. Men don‘t…… A women‘s role however is defined in a positive manner such as A women‘s place is in her home and any negative definitions extends as a logical derivative similar to the statement Women don‘t belong in politics since they belong at home.
It does beg the question, why can she not stop Becoming‘ a societal woman? Virginia Woolf wrote a book called a room of one‘s own‘ arguing for the need to find a space for development‘ without external conditioning. A plan to escape the conditioning effects of society and develop‘ as an individual however this will not be sufficient since the societal notion of a woman and their identity found does not fundamentally alter the patriarchal structure. Thus starting the cycle of conditioning afresh but this time she will be more resolute. Furthermore A room of one‘s own is available is only available to affluent section with education and employment opportunities in India.
We need a more fundamental change. She needs to regain her agency. J.J. Rousseau noted in the Origins of inequality‘ a direct relation between dependence and inequality and that inequality cannot exist without dependence. If women were thoroughly independent economically and empowered politically and socially, and in sufficient numbers it may be possible for them to develop‘ rather than become‘. We can see this happen in India with the women‘s reservation bill bringing about political empowerment, increased participation in the labor market gives women economic independence and a place outside the home for women slowly brings about societal changes. For women to enjoy the agency that men enjoy and for the creation of a society where one‘s anatomy is not the primary determinant of one‘s role is a goal of our constitutional republic. Till then however one is not born a women, but becomes one .
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