Summarizer Bots
- @MellonLabs_bot
- @SB_Summarizer_Bot
- @text_audio_summarizer_bot
- @ytvideo_to_text_bot (youtube)
- @SummaryChannelBot (for channels)
- @Meeting_summarizer_bot (youtube or any meetings)
ChatGPT & Ai Bots
- @Nallin_Bot
- @GPTaskBot
- @AbhikritiBot
- @NeuralRobot
- @JWGPT3_bot
- @AiinfoChatBot
- @GPT_Fast_Bot
- @Ai_modern_bot
- @ChatGPT4_BOT
- @ChatingGPTBot
- @Bardy_Bot (Bard)
- @OpenAiChat_Bot
- @ChatGPT_BIAbot
- @Chat_GPT_Robot
- @GPT4TelegramBot
- @ChatGPTPublicBot
- @OpenAI_GPTNew_bot
- @Chat_OpenAi_combot
Mdisk Downloader Bot
Movies / Films / Series - Entertainment Bots
╚ • Bot which can gives you latest movies/films/series.
- @iPapkornBot
- @Ezpzfilebot
- @FileServingbot
- @TheMinatoBot
- @SearchITRobot
- @ProSearch3Bot
- @ProSearch4Bot
- @TPE_Movie_Bot
- @ProSearch25Bot
- @Netflix_seriesbot
- @filmiessearchbot
- @tigershroffimdbot
- @Ongoing_Series_Bot
- @MovieSearchTG_bot
- @SamanthaMoviesBot
- @LightSpeedSearch_bot
- @Marvel_Movies_and_Series_Bot
More similar bots :
• IMDb > Here
• Mdisk search > Here
• Downloaders > Here
Save Restricted Content Bots
╚ • Bots which can forward/share/get contents from restricted channels/groups.
- @GetFilesRoBot
- @save_content_bot
- @Save_Restrict_Bot
- @SaveRestrictedBot
- @RestrictedContentBot
- @TG_SaveContent_Bot
- @SaveContentTempBot
- @RestrictedContentSaveBot
- @SaveRestrictedContentBot
- @restricted_content_save_bot
- @RestrictedContentForwardBot
- @Save_Restricted_Content_Bot
Multi purpose bots
╚ • Bots with multiple functionalities.
- @aigis_bot
- @UseTGBot
- @UseTGxBot
- @JVToolsbot
- @UtilitiesRobot
- @UtilityTools_Bot
- @DevToolsForBot
Wikipedia Bots
- @wiki
- @WebSrcBot
- @WikipediaPDF_bot ( download pdf )
- @WikipediaSummaryBot
Vote / Poll Bots
- @like
- @vote
- @QuizBot [ Verified ]
- @dooxbot
- @chelpbot
- @QuanBot
- @netpsbot
- @rivalrybot
- @KLQuizBot
- @MasterPoll_Bot
- @ultimate_pollbot
- @questionariesbot
- @AdvancedPollsBot
Amazon Related Bots [ Search , Track etc ]
- @TrackBot
- @LetMeBot
- @Keepa_Bot
- @TrackokBot
- @AzSearchBot
- @TrackAzonBot
- @ScontoClick_Bot
- @AmazonGlobalBot
- @CercaOffertee_Bot
- @Traccia_Prezzo_Bot
- @AmznPriceTrackerBot
- @AmazonSearchEngineBot
Search Bot
This bot is an extension of the native Telegram search engine. Here, you can search for active Telegram groups, channels, and bots, with each search yielding up to 10,000 links. You can even search for private links and Telegram message posts. Send any keywords you're interested in, and give it a try now!
Check it out here >>
Search Group & Channel Bots :
- @tgdb_bot
- @SearcheeBot
- @enSearchBot
- @chats_finder_bot
- @MotherSearchBot
Epic Game Store Notifier Bots
- @EGSNotifier_Bot
- @FreeOnEpicGamesBot
If you know any similar bots feel free to drop username in our group chat
🎉 Woohoo! We've hit 10,000+ subscribers on channel! Thank you for your immense support and encouragement.
For those who don't know, TGBot List is a dedicated channel where we, as a team, curate a list of different purposeful and functional bots that are made for public use. It's been an incredible journey so far, and we're thrilled to have reached this milestone.
🕊️ What's new?
1) We've enabled reactions, so you can now react to the bots you like with emojis.
2) We've opened a discussion group for our community members. You can join the group : /channel/+_-LXw0PBVig5Zjdl
💖 Thank you again for your support, and we promise to keep curating the best bots for you. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and features!
4GB Uploader Bot
Document converter Bots
╚ • Convert document from one to other format
- @PDFBot (for ebook)
- @GPDFBot ( " )
- @ToPDF_Bot ( " )
- @DocConverterBot
- @FilesConvertroBot
- @SmartConverter_bot
- @NewFileconverterBot
- @Cloud_Convert_Bot (unstable)
- @Complete_PDF_Bot (for ebooks)
Join Requests Approve/Disapprove Bots
╚ • Bots which can auto approve and disapprove join requests from new members.
- @AcceptRequestBot
- @ChannelActionsBot • Source Code
- @Auto_Approver_bot • Source Code
- @ArkAutoApprove_Bot
- @ltiron_auto_approve_bot
For some special cases 😆
- @PremiumJoinBot (Auto accept request from premium user)
- @PremiumKickBot (Auto reject request from premium user)
Mdisk Movie Search Bot
- @MdiskMoviesSearchRobot (Main)
- @ProSearchsBot
- @MovieSearchsBot
- @MdiskMovieSearch1Bot
- @MovieSearchsRobot
- @MdiskMovieLinkSearchBot
- @MoviesSearchRobot
- @MdiskSearchingBot
- @HindiMoviesSearchBot
- @MoviesSearchsBot
- @MdisksMoviesSearchBot
- @MdiskSearchsBot
- @HindiMovieSearchBot
- @MdiskSearchsRobot
- @MdiskMoviesSearchBot
Anti Channel Bots
╚ • Ban or delete messages sent via / as channels in group.
- @iSmart_Robot
- @Thunder_gmbot
- @NoChannel_Robot
- @AntiChannel_RBot
- @TG_AntiChannelbot
- @RestrictChannelBot
- @channelLimiterBot
Lyrics Bots
╚ • Fetches or find lyrics of any song you like.
- @iLyricsBot
- @songlyrbot
- @LyricsorBot
- @SongRefBot
- @PyLyricsBot
- @GetLyricsBot
- @BingMusicBot
- @genius_the_bot
- @LyricsSeekerBot
- @GetTheLyricsBot
To Do Bots
- @do2bot
- @dotobot
- @yastabot
- @todo_9_bot
- @todoeasybot
- @TodoTask_bot
- @todogroup_bot
- @MeReminderBot
Reminder bots : Here
Video sticker bots
- @toWebmBot
- @VideoStickerXBot
- @VideoToStickerBot
- @AnimatedStickersRoBot [ Open Source ]
Anti video sticker
- @AntiVideoStickersBot