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اسئلة MCQ عن محاضرات male gential tract :
محاضرة اولى
محاضرة ثانية
محاضرة ثالثة
Prostatitis is characterized by inflammation of the prostate gland. Which of the following is NOT a symptom commonly associated with prostatitis?
a. Dysuria
b. Urinary frequency
c. Lower back pain
d. Erectile dysfunction
Which type of prostatitis is most commonly associated with urinary tract infections caused by E. coli and other gram-negative organisms?
a. Acute prostatitis
b. Chronic bacterial prostatitis
c. Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis
d. Chronic granulomatous prostatitis
What is the diagnostic approach for prostatitis?
a. Blood tests
b. Radiographic imaging
c. Microscopic examination and culture of urine specimen
d. Biopsy of the prostate gland
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate is commonly seen in aging men and can lead to urinary obstruction. Which specific zones of the prostate are most commonly affected by nodular hyperplasia?
a. Peripheral and transitional zones
b. Central and periurethral zones
c. Peripheral and central zones
d. Transitional and periurethral zones
True or False: Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate is associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer.
a. True
b. False
What hormonal factors are implicated in the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?
a. Androgens
b. Estrogens
c. Both androgens and estrogens
d. Thyroid hormones
Which enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a key hormone involved in the proliferation of epithelial and stromal elements in BPH?
a. 5α-reductase
b. Estrogen synthase
c. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
d. Androgen receptor
Which factor is suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of BPH in addition to androgens?
a. Age-related increases in testosterone levels
b. Increased expression of DHT receptors on prostatic parenchymal cells
c. Decreased levels of estrogen
d. Lack of testosterone administration
What is the characteristic microscopic feature of hyperplastic nodules in BPH?
a. Presence of lymphoid infiltration
b. Destruction of glandular epithelium
c. Crowded papillary projections in the glands
d. Absence of stromal elements
How is BPH distinguished microscopically from prostate carcinoma?
a. Presence of inspissated secretory material in the glandular lumen
b. Crowded proliferating epithelium in the glands
c. Absence of stromal elements between the hyperplastic glands
d. Infiltration of lymphocytes in the surrounding stroma
What is the approximate incidence of cryptorchidism in males at birth?
a. 1 in 100
b. 1 in 10
c. 1 in 1000
d. 1 in 10000
When do most "retained" or "retractile" testes descend into the scrotum?
a. During the first year of life
b. During puberty
c. During adolescence
d. During adulthood
Cryptorchidism is unilateral in what percentage of cases?
a. 20%
b. 40%
c. 60%
d. 80%
Which of the following is considered a long-term consequence of cryptorchidism?
a. Breast cancer
b. Lung cancer
c. Testicular malignancy
d. Kidney failure
What is the most likely cause of testicular atrophy in cryptorchidism?
a. Decreased testosterone production
b. Excessive estrogen production
c. Autoimmune reaction
d. Genetic mutation
Which type of testicular biopsy is particularly useful in individuals with azoospermia and normal endocrine findings?
a. Sertoli cell biopsy
b. Germ cell biopsy
c. Leydig cell biopsy
d. Testicular fibrosis biopsy
Which of the following conditions is characterized by a halt in the maturation sequence of spermatogenesis?
a. Germ cell aplasia
b. Spermatocytic arrest
c. Generalized fibrosis
d. Normal spermatogenesis
What is the main cause of torsion of the testis?
a. Genetic mutation
b. Bacterial infection
c. Physical trauma
d. Hormonal imbalance
Inflammatory lesions of the testis are more commonly found in which structure?
a. Epididymis
b. Seminiferous tubules
c. Interstitial tissue
d. Tunica albuginea
Which of the following is NOT a cause of testicular inflammation?
a. Venereal disease
b. Tuberculosis
c. Mumps infection
d. Testicular trauma
Nonspecific epididymitis and orchitis usually result from:
a. Direct invasion of bacteria from the bloodstream
b. Spread of infection from the urinary tract
c. Autoimmune reaction
d. Genetic mutation
Orchitis is a common complication of which viral infection?
a. Influenza
b. Measles
c. Mumps
d. Chickenpox
Severe cases of orchitis may lead to:
a. Increased sperm production
b. Tubular hyperplasia
c. Tubular atrophy and fibrosis
d. Spermatocytic arrest
ملزمة GIT لحد ص 74 أشرت وتركت السؤال من السنوات السابقة ع الموضوع الخاص بيه مو حتى تعتمدون عليه لا بس حتى تشوفون الاشياء الركزت عليهم وشلون جابتهن
والاشياء الي حذفتهن شخبطت عليهن
واخر محاضرة مادرستها درسوها انتم وحددوا المهم بيها
الملف هذا يفيد الي بعده مادارس الGIT ومايكدر يتابع شرح الدكتورة
صحح هايه الايام فترة امتحانات وسهر وقلق وتفكير واو...... وهايه الفترة مو فقط أنت دا اتمر بيها وإنما الأاف الطلاب مثلك دا تمر بيها ...... بس اتذكر شغله وخليها ابالك كل هذا الشيء الي دا تسوي مو النفسك؟! وإنما دا تسوي لليوم الي اتكون بي فاصل بين حياة وموت المريض، اتخيل لمن تكون سبب في إنقاذ حياة شخص شنوا الشعور الي حينتابك؟! اكيد شعور فخر واعتزاز.... وشغله لخ لاتنساها ( الله مع الصابرين) فصبر وستبشر برحمة من الله، ودائماً استعين بالله بكل خطوه تخطيها وقبل كل انجاز اتسوي لترئ من بعد ذلك النور 🤍🌸
Читать полностью…1-Which hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland stimulates the production of sex hormones in the ovaries and testes?
a) Prolactin
b) Growth hormone
d) Gonadotropins
2-Which hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland acts on the breast for the secretion of milk during lactation?
a) Prolactin
b) Growth hormone
d) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
3-Which hormone is produced by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland and helps regulate calcium levels in the body?
a) T3 (triiodothyronine)
b) T4 (thyroxine)
c) Calcitonin
d) Thyroglobulin
4-What is the most common cause of hyperpituitarism?
a) Functioning adenoma
b) Hyperplasia
c) Secretion of hormones by non-pituitary tumor
d) Certain hypothalamic disorders
5-What is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism?
a) Ablation of the thyroid gland
b) Hashimoto's thyroiditis
c) Primary idiopathic hypothyroidism
d) Decreased production of TSH by the pituitary gland
6-What is the primary cause of hyperthyroidism?
a) Overproduction of TSH by the pituitary gland
b) Underproduction of T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland
c) Ablation of the thyroid gland
d) Excessive production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland
7-What is the primary cause of hypothyroidism?
a) Overproduction of TSH by the pituitary gland
b) Underproduction of T3 and T4 by the thyroid gland
c) Ablation of the thyroid gland
d) Excessive production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland
8-Which autoimmune disorder is the most common cause of primary hyperthyroidism? a) Grave's disease
b) Hashimoto's thyroiditis
c) Thyroid adenoma
d) Papillary carcinoma
9-What is the primary cause of diffuse non-toxic and multinodular goiter?
a) Impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones due to dietary iodine deficiency
b) Overproduction of TSH by the pituitary gland
c) Excessive production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland
d) Ablation of the thyroid gland
10-What is the most common type of thyroid neoplasm?
a) Follicular adenoma
b) Papillary carcinoma
c) Medullary carcinoma
d) Anaplastic carcinoma
11-Which type of thyroid neoplasm is associated with increased calcitonin levels in the serum?
a) Papillary carcinoma
b) Follicular carcinoma
c) Medullary carcinoma
d) Anaplastic carcinoma
12-What is the initial phase of Hashimoto's thyroiditis characterized by?
a) Hyperthyroidism
b) Hypothyroidism
c) Thyroid nodules
d) Thyroid pain
Morphology of breast cancer
the breast cancer divided into
1-Carcinoma in situ
-Ductal with or without Paget's disease.
2-Invasive or infiltrative carcinoma.
-Ductal with or without Paget's disease.
In addition to other rare types of breast cancer which are
1- Medullary carcinoma.
2- Colloid carcinoma.
3- Tubular carcinoma.
محاضرة Breast
symptoms and signs of diseases of the breast:
inflammatory changes
nipple discharge
lumpiness or a palpable mass
symptomatic breast lesions (>90%) are benign
a symptomatic breast lesions (<10)are benign
women with cancer
Symptomatic about 45%
a symptomatic about 55% to attention through screening tests
complete mole does not perm it embryogenesis and therefore never contain
fetal parts or normal villi and this cause by empty egg fertilized by 2 spermatozoa.
So the epithelial cells carry diploid karyotype (46, xx or 46 xy).
partial mole contain fetal parts and normal villi with abnormal one, which is resulting •
from a normal egg is fertilized by 2 spermatozoa so it carries triploid karyotype (69 xxy)
اسئلة MCQ عن المحاضرة ثالثة د حميد male gential tract
اسئلة من المحاضرة "prostate "
ملاحظة / الأجوبة صحيحة تحتها خط
اسئلة MCQ عن المحاضرة الاولى د حميد male gential tract
اسئلة من المحاضرة
ملاحظة / الأجوبة صحيحة تحتها خط
نقطتين ممكن تتخربطون بينتهم محاضرة د لمياء
ومهمات من اسئلة سنوات سابقه
1-The most common malignant tumor of urinary bladder is:
a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Squamous cell carcinoma
c. Transitional cell carcinoma
d. Lymphoma
2-Is a complication of bladder stone:
a. Squamous cell carcinoma
b. Transitional cell carcinoma
c. Clear cell carcinoma
d. All above
من تبلشون د مها ركزوا كلش زين لان تحب شوية تغير بالاسئلة مالتها يعني ممكن تجيب اسئلة من السنوات السابقة بس تغير بيهم
1-Acute mastitis
staphylococcus infections ➡️ caused breast abscess
streptococcus ➡️caused pain, swelling and breast tenderness.
2- Chronic mastitis
a- Granulomatous mastitis➡️ presencen of non-caseating granuloma↪️ immunologically mediated.
b- Tuberculosis➡️ composed of typical caseating granuloma of TB.
Invasive mole of GTD local spread but metastasis do not occur.
Choriocarcinoma Usually occur 50% after complete mole and less partial mole, 25% after abortion and remainder percentage after normal pregnancy.