“And when the lights dim
And falls slowly the curtain
I return to dance in a ring
With the skeleton man
And the bearded lady
The bird-boy and
The laughing dwarf;
Among dragons
And avenging angels
Winged maidens
And herds of blind men
Who dark
With open wide orbits
Taking me at last
To the world where
Uncertainty does not exist”
The unnameable
Gave me the axe
To lop off the head
Sever the limbs
Disguise coldly
And throw away
العالم المذهول تخور قِواه
في جبن ويخلد إلى القيلولة،
قيلولة هي نوع من الموت-
اللذيذ حيث النائم، شبه مستيقظ
يتذوق شهوات فنائهِ.
Never say die
I must never die
Let me out of here
I belong out there
You son of a bitch
I'll pull your hair
On the day of anger. the hungry ones. puppets wake up, come to life as the birds of the soul
settle into the rays of chaos.
Then I was in a vast garden
And I cut the tree in the middle
"Tree of the knowledge
Of dood and evil"
Building a vessel
That I named "Narrenschiff"
And I sailed through
Black waves of clotted blood
Closing my eyes...