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“My people, do not suppose you can dabble with fire and keep from being singed. Do not think you can compromise with your time to indulge in a distraction and come away from it unscathed. The enemy is very clever. He puts a juicy tidbit in front of you and whispers, ‘Wow! Check this out, it will only take a moment.’ And off you go. But that moment turns into three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes… Four more videos later and you’ve lost an hour, your mind is hazy, and your head is filled with filth.”

“When you go against your conscience you always lose. Always. I am trying to spare you that by telling you how very important it is to restrain your curiosity and keep your heart and mind focused on what is good and pure and holy. Or what I have designated you to do.”

“This is where the fruit is sweetest and richest—in the place that I’ve designated for you. It is counter-productive for you to work in another man’s orchard. The fruit from your orchard is compromised. While you are gone, the birds peck away at it, the grasshoppers feast on the foliage, brigands come by and steal bushelfuls, and the enemy cuts the tree down. You cannot afford to be gone from your orchard: too much is at stake.”

“Protect your gifts and your assignments with a life of obedience and trust in Me. I only want what is best for you, My dear ones. Very simply… if you love Me, you will obey Me. And I will protect you from the snare the enemy has set to cripple your wings, so you can no longer fly.”

“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” John 14:23

(Clare) And the other Scripture that’s been ringing in my ears… “Do you love Me more than these?” John 21:15

And that’s what Jesus said to Peter three times. Because Peter had snuck back to his fishing industry. And the Lord was wanting him to continue to serve Him. You can’t run a fishing industry and serve the Lord at the same time. That was not his designated spot. That was not what God created him to do. So, He asked (Peter) three times… Do you love me more than these?

God bless you, dear Heartdwellers. Please, stay away from distractions like the plague. Take it from one who knows.

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Rhema Nov 7, 2022 ❤️ Time is almost up and there will be a global Blackout
Time is almost up and there will be a global Blackout

October 14, 2021 – Message from Mother Mary thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Dear God of peace, You have taught us that by turning to You and resting in You we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength. Lift us up to Your presence where we may be still and know that You are God… Amen.

(Mother Mary) “Child, you are much occupied with communications and electronics going down. Today, while working, you were thinking this could be a relief. My Son gave you that thought to ease your mind because this will and needs to happen to eliminate distractions and get back to a simpler life, a life of prayer, growing your own food and where all your daily efforts are focused on what is pleasing to your Lord because of your love for Him.

“My children, do you have any idea how much time is wasted on the internet, viewing and listening to videos that will avail you nothing in Heaven? So very much time, you cannot fathom the waste, when you all need to be pressing into prayer, helping the poor and comforting Jesus.”

(Clare) Just then I saw an image of sand draining out of an hourglass, and the earth turned black. There was not a single spot of light anywhere in the world; it was pitch black.

(Mother Mary) “Time is almost up and there will be a global blackout. Please prepare for this, dear ones. Parents, let your children know what is coming. Most of you have limited time here on earth and need to have greater concern for storing up merits in Heaven. Ask for the grace to extinguish all worldly desires and to thirst for the salvation of the human race.

“God is sovereign over the entire universe, including all that happens here on earth. Nothing happens that God does not allow. He is not the author of suffering, but He does allow it, and suffering accomplishes His purpose. Children, stay clean for your Lord, do not allow sin to enter into your thoughts, hearts and actions. There will come a time when creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay, and you will be brought into a glorious freedom as children of God.”

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EBook Overview...

Your personal Rhema from Jesus...

Website with Divine Revelations...

Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations...

Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english...

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The End Times

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Video Playlist Love Letters...

Warnings from Jesus...

Instructions for the Left Behind...

Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages...

EBook Overview...

Your personal Rhema from Jesus...

Website with Divine Revelations...

Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations...

Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english...

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New York City falls under Tsunami - Prophetic Dream
New York City falls under Tsunami … Prophetic Dream

March 29, 2016

The Lord is with us, precious Heartdwellers.

We had a prophetic dream from one of our senior members that I want to share.

She began…
I was in New York, staying in a high-rise hotel. I’m not sure what part of New York it was, but it was practically right on the water. I did remember that it was the highest building in the midst (middle) of the city where every building surrounding it was smaller and it was a shiny gold color. My husband and I went online and searched out high-rise hotels that would be very close to the water in New York and we found a picture that matched EXACT TO THE VERY “T” of the high-rise in my dream!

It was Trump Tower in New York! I was on the very top floor and was getting ready to just walk into this huge main office when I stopped to look out the windows at the water. The entire top floor of this main office area was entirely windows and the view of the water (ocean) was very spectacular. As I began to walk over to the windows I felt a “rumble” under my feet and the building swayed a little. I felt little nauseated.

I turned my head and looked into an area of the office where there were two women and a man working at their desks. I asked them, ‘Did any of you feel that? I think we just had an earthquake!’ Then I looked up and there were hanging lights in the office and they were swinging back and forth and I said, ‘Look at the lights!’

Then I turned and saw a woman that was in the process of ending a phone call (it was weird, because she was using the old fashioned rotary-style phone ) and she looked up at me with complete terror in her face and a stunned look in her eyes as she laid the phone down and said, ‘They said it was a “10” in Indonesia.’ (I was made to know that this one happening was a bigger one in New York where we were) and earthquakes were beginning to erupt simultaneously all over the world. Everyone in the office just stood in shock unable to speak/frozen in total fear.

Then I heard a Voice say, ‘…and their hearts will be failing them for fear’ and I turned to look out the window and a wall of water rose up and rolled over the entire city and I stood there and watched all the buildings fall like dominoes. Then it hit the building we were in and it started wobbling back and forth, then it fell over and me and one of the women and the man were laying on the wall as the windows were breaking and the water was pouring in filling up the room.

Then I remembered what the Voice had just said and I screamed out to the Lord and asked Him to help me remember anything and everything that I needed to repent of if there was anything else that I hadn’t remembered (as my husband and I stay repented up all day long. We’re always reminding each other about keeping our wedding gowns clean and without wrinkle, spot, stain or blemish).

So then, back to the dream. I turned and looked at the man and woman laying on the wall beside me and knowing that we had only a few split seconds to live. I screamed out at them, ‘YOU MUST SAY THE SINNERS PRAYER RIGHT THIS SECOND! YOU WON’T GO TO HEAVEN IF YOU AREN’T SAVED! YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN SO YOU WILL GO TO HEAVEN! I kept screaming, ‘HURRY AND PRAY THE SINNER’S PRAYER WITH ME! PRAY WITH ME BEFORE WE’RE GONE OR YOU WILL NOT GO TO HEAVEN. YOU WILL BE IN HELL!’

I knew they weren’t saved. My heart broke in half for them as I watched them frozen in fear unable to speak. Then the water covered over us all, the building went down under thousands and thousands of layers of water and then it rolled under water towards the ocean and disappeared. I was choking and drowning in the water and I knew that I was going to be dead in moments but I also knew that Eternity with Jesus in Heaven was waiting for me and that I would be with Jesus forever – so a few moments of going through death compared to eternity was worth it.

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The End Times
Curiosity... If you love Me, you will obey Me and a short Gold Update ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus
Jesus says… If you love Me, you will obey Me…
Curiosity & A short Gold Update

January 7, 2018 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… Thank You, Jesus, for Your incredible patience with us. Help us to see how the very littlest things that are outside of Your will for us are baited traps, waiting to break our wings. Amen.

Lord, I wanted to ask You when the gold would come into play.

Jesus answered… “For now, it is good that you have it set aside. I have My reasons and they will unfold in due time. In the meantime, be anxious for nothing. Know that what you have set aside was done out of obedience and it will bear good fruit — as long as your heart is not set on material gain, but set on the exploited children of the world whom I weep over daily.”

(Clare) Yes, I did intend that to benefit them.

(Jesus) “Be at peace. You did the right thing. Let it sit for now.”

(Clare) Thank you, Lord, for clarifying that.

Well, dear Heartdwellers, I am coming to realize that my life is a minefield. Not of bombs, but of distractions that are waiting snares set to break my wings. Today, next to my video, was an excellent source for updates on the Deep State, without having to listen to a bunch of filler. I gave into temptation and listened to about five minutes and realized, ‘You know? I really don’t want to hear this garbage.’

Dear Heartdwellers, curiosities are deliberate, baited traps set to clip your wings and keep you from fulfilling your destiny by eating away at time and energy that should have been spent on your mission. I am the very worst example of that, and I am warning you — please… if you love the Lord and value your mission—don’t fall for these things. Avoid them like the plague! They are the fowler’s snare.

Jesus continued… “You cannot compromise, Clare. Not now, not later. You cannot afford to compromise. No, I am not going to threaten you. But it is serious and you need to be aware that you cannot afford to compromise. I love you, dear one. I am only doing what is best for you. If it were good for you to listen to those things, do you think I would deprive you?”

(Clare) No.

(Jesus) “That’s right, I would not. You will be much happier, I can guarantee that. Besides, I have music for you to write and there are those who are still waiting for you to put out new music. I am gentle and kind at heart, and if it were healthy for you, I would not censor you. If it would bring you a measure of comfort and good, I would never censure you. But I tell you the Truth… it is pure distraction and a portal for the enemy to pour the world into your head.”

“In that condition, you do not function on the beautiful, high and lovely place I have designed for you. Trust Me, Clare. This place I am taking you to is so much better than where you have been. Despite your flaws, I am not turning back on you or leaving you to the wolves who are continuously circling you, looking for a way to attack and kill you. They are relentlessly evil and hell-bent on destroying you. They hate intimacy with Me more than anything else, because it changes people’s lives for the better and sets them free to fully become who I created them to be.”

“Truly, I live and breathe and move from inside their hearts. I protect you from them, unless you walk into their den and eat from their table. Well, that is hardly the stature of a pure and stately soul. It is more the stature of a hungry dog. That is why I am keeping you from this whole line of thinking and investigation. It is utterly worthless and toxic to your soul. Of course, the enemy knows this and plagues you with opportunities to indulge. But if you will resist him, you will be safe.”

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The coming financial Collapse in the US is part of My Cleansing ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ
Jesus explains…
The coming financial Collapse in the US is part of My Cleansing

December 7, 2017 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) Lord Jesus, please impart to all of us the absolute critical condition of our nation and the need for deep intercession and fasting. Jesus, deliver us from evil, deliver our president, our nation and the world… Amen

Jesus began… “It will not happen all in one day. Just like the real estate crisis, it will begin in one day and end in one day, several months later.

“This is part of My cleansing of this nation. This is a wakeup call to My people who are sitting on the fence. It is time to get your souls in order. This is not just about money, it’s about a decadent people who have forgotten Me. No longer will one group of Christians be alive and the other dead.Spiritually, that is.

“Rather, this will shake the death and lukewarmness out of them, to wake up, pay attention, and respond to Me.

“It will not be all that disastrous, as you first thought, because it is true: your president is expecting this and has prepared for it. This will not take him by surprise.

“Although the media will attempt to blame him, that won’t last long, and it won’t stop him from bringing these criminals to justice. It will confuse people, but only for a short time.

“It is the praying Christians who will hold this nation together. Oh, My heart aches for those who do not know better, and have been so lazy, refusing to read the signs of the times. Oh, how I ache and hurt for them. It truly is a harsh measure to bring them into a state of awareness, for they have chosen to sleep though many things they should have been aware of.

“This, unfortunately, goes with the middle-class liberal lifestyle, as well as the elderly retired who didn’t rock the boat but just fit into the mold of conformity, counting up their retirement benefits.

“Families will be called upon to support their own elderly, putting a new burden on them. This also is by My design, to wake them up from a selfish lifestyle and draw them into hearts of charity and caring, even as the Scriptures advise.

“’Honor your father and mother’ – which is the first commandment with a promise – ‘so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.’ (Ephesians 6:2-3)

“Clare, this is only temporary. Everything will bounce back in a few months; timing depends much on your prayers. All of your prayers.

“I do not want you to have the idea that this is the end. It is NOT the end; it is a temporary adjustment and correction to a society of materialism. You will recover, all will recover, but it will be a difficult transition.

“I just want you to be prepared to do what you can for all involved and to keep this mission afloat while the transition is taking place. There will be a resurgence of holiness and prosperity that, if handled well, will last quite a season. However, if people begin to forget Me again, that will be the beginning of the end.

“I want you to be encouraged. I want you to encourage others, along with the warning. There are several steps they, too, can take.

“First and foremost is prayer and support for your President – he will not lead you astray. He will lead you out of this collapse if you pray and follow him. Encourage others to follow him and to stay in prayer. Much will depend on how much you stay in prayer, fast, and give.

“The dangerous place to be during this transition are the big cities, but there is not going to be the kind of rioting and pandemonium you imagine.

“It is going to be a slow, increasing depression until the system rights itself. It will put a hole in the president’s economy, but it is going to bounce back.

“As I have told you before. Rest in Me. Trust Me. It’s not going to be as traumatic some have presented it, who want to sell their schemes.

“Nevertheless, turning your cash into gold is still the right thing to do until the system rights itself.”

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Rhema Oct 30, 2022... Jesus' Warning regarding Halloween 🎺 Do you want to cast your Lot with Satan?
The Lord warns regarding Halloween… Do you want to cast your Lot with Satan?

October 6, 2004 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy… Lord, is celebrating Halloween OK?

[The Lord answered] In regards to the day in which your land celebrates the Day of the Dead, those who hear not, speak not, think not, nor pray, for all their thoughts have perished with them, I say this…

To honor this day is to honor nothing, and is contemptible. And to honor death and darkness is to cast your lot with satan. It is to partake in the works of demons… I am The Light and The Life! Honor Me!

So again, I say to you… Do not do it! In no way make for yourself images of the dead. Do not buy or sell such things, nor decorate your house; carve no image, nor adorn yourself or your children with these symbols.

Rather, celebrate autumn and its splendor, and give thanks… Offer up praises to The Lord your God, for all creation declares My name! Beloved, I created autumn so all may partake of My brushstrokes, and know I am God, and give Me glory. For My splendor is written in the leaves of the trees.

It is also carried upon the wind, as it moves through the tall grasses; it soars high above on the wings of eagles.

Yet it remains as near as the fragile flower at your feet… Behold, everywhere you look the hand of God is clearly seen!

Therefore, be separate from the world and its evil ways… Stand apart from the corrupt traditions of men, and delight no more in those things I hate…

For as it is written… The highway of the upright is to depart from evil, and he who watches his steps preserves his life… Says The Lord.

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The End Times

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The End Times

When I was screaming at the man and woman in the dream my husband was shaking me because my screams woke him up and scared him, but the screaming was coming out in struggled squeaks which probably sounded creepier to my poor husband. Sort of like when you’re trying to run in a dream and you struggle because you can’t run. The dream was so realistic and terrifying that I got up for a while and sat in my chair until I settled down enough to go back to sleep. My husband asked me, ‘Honey, what in the world is going on with you lately?’

The Lord began waking me up in 2009 and I have never been the same person. My whole personality has changed. My family wants nothing to do with me because they say I’m crazy. My sister told me that I needed medication and serious counseling. lol! The lukewarm church just doesn’t ‘get it’ and it’s just so frustrating. It makes me cry because no one will listen! Sometimes I just sob in my prayer closet I see our Lord’s Heart breaking and it breaks my heart! But He did say it would be exactly like the Days of Noah and here we are!

So, I looked up the verse in my dream: Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:26

Oh how I long to be home with the Lord and be rid of this place. NOTHING interests me here anymore. Do you feel this way, too?

And that was the end of her dream and message.

Well, people, we’re getting closer to that time. And the Lord tells different people different things. He doesn’t show us all the same things. But if we’re unified as one, if we listen to one another and if we listen to what the Lord is saying through one another, we can put all the pieces together. It never was His wish for His Body to be divided. It has always been His purpose that we should work together and listen to one another, and understand more fully His inscrutable plans.

The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. Let’s stay repentant and in prayer.

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The End Times

“And people who seek to be in office to be corrupt and fall in line with this agenda have no idea how very foolish they are. They are only looking at the money. They haven’t a clue! They are sawing off the very limb they are on. The truth is, that when the ruling Elite have accomplished what they want, many of their serfs will be terminated; they will not be invited into their brave new world.”

“Wake up people! You who monitor sites like this, do you think when it hits the fan you will be invited into the private Elite’s bunkers to enjoy champagne and caviar? Think again. You will be locked out with all the other “grunts” that did their dirty work. You will come to the same end you served to bring others down with.”

“These men are evil liars who will do anything to promote their agendas. They will promise you security in their new government and then execute or lock you out when you’ve done their bidding. Repent of this evil you are partaking in. REPENT! I say to you.”

“If you come to Me contrite, I will forgive and heal you. And even if you should die in the line of service, you will be with Me in Heaven. Because My promises are true, every single one. And I love you dearly and died to make it possible for you to be in Heaven with Me forever.”

“Since when did Satan do anything like that for you? That’s right — he didn’t, he won’t and he will continue to teach you deceit, because he is the Father of Lies. And you should have figured it out by now: anything he promised you goes only so far, then he rips your soul from your body and torments you, while laughing at your stupidity in believing anything he said.”

“WAKE UP! You are a pawn—expendable. When your work is done, you are only good for the pleasure it will bring the demons to torment you forever in Hell. I pray for you, I love you and have no wish whatsoever to see you in Hell.”

“And for the rest of you, Heartdwellers, pray for these dupes, that they will wake up before it is too late. Do not be ugly or cruel to them; pray for them and show them My unconditional love. That is their only, ONLY hope.”

“In the meantime, do not allow the enemy to cut your prayer time short or make it spotty. Apply yourselves to prayer and fasting. Your life will improve by leaps and bounds, because you will be greatly rewarded for your obedience.”

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Instructions for the Left Behind...

Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages...

EBook Overview...

Your personal Rhema from Jesus...

Website with Divine Revelations...

Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations...

Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english...

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