EBook Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/all-love-letters-from-jesus-to-his-bride-as-pdf/
Your personal Rhema from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Website with Divine Revelations... https://jesus-comes.com
Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations... https://search.jesus-comes.com
Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org
Rhema Nov 18, 2022 ❤️ Everything that befalls you, I have allowed for a very specific Reason
Everything that befalls you, I have allowed for a specific Reason
June 11, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare
(Jesus) “Clare from every one of the things you and Ezekiel have suffered, I have brought forth a ten-fold harvest. Every single suffering has yielded a rich harvest for the Kingdom of God.
“I told you these things ahead of time, My Brides, because I could see what was coming. It is so important for you to take these kinds of warnings seriously and remember them in the fray of the battle, so you don’t grow discouraged. I have seen all of you fighting to keep your faith. I have seen all of you growing weary in the battle.
“But I’m here to tell you there is an end coming. Dare I say soon? No, I don’t think I will. I will just promise you, there is an end coming.
“What Clare and Ezekiel have suffered is but a fraction of suffering of those who have been displaced and lost everything… children, husbands, wives. Please, put this into perspective.
“You are going to be reunited with your families in Heaven, but for now, at least you are still able to stay warm and fed and receive treatment when you are sick. Although I truly want to be your first recourse in illness.
“But I want to commend you that you are standing, you are not caving in. You are not shaking your fist at Me, although the devils have tempted that response. You are holding on to the gift of faith and shouldering your crosses, custom-made crosses that I have designed specifically just for you, knowing your strengths, weaknesses and how much you would rely on Me.
“All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is extending to more and more people may overflow in thanksgiving, to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, yet our inner self is being renewed day by day. For our light and temporary affliction is producing for us an eternal glory that far outweighs our troubles. Therefore, we do not lose heart. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:15-18)
“Remember these words, My Doves, and you will not fall in the battle. Live by these words and you will fear no evil and you will receive high marks when the tally is finally in.
“Remember… There is nothing that befalls you that I do not allow for a specific reason, and in all events, I am in control. Seek the response inspired by My Holy Spirit and you will wear the Crown of Victory. You are co-laborers in My vineyard. Every suffering, every deed, will bring forth a vintage harvest at the appointed time.”
Text & Audio https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/06/13/jesus-erklart-diese-leichten-und-momentanen-leiden-jesus-explains-these-lite-and-momentary-sufferings/
Our Channels... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Love Letters... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtXjZtyd4NBrpV6sw6xjWwz
Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/
Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/
EBook Overview... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/all-love-letters-from-jesus-to-his-bride-as-pdf/
Your personal Rhema from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Website with Divine Revelations... https://jesus-comes.com
Browse & Compare the Divine Revelations... https://search.jesus-comes.com
Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org
The Days of Revelation are upon you... Are you a prodigal Son or a Rebel ?... 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Days of Revelation are upon you… Are you a prodigal Son or a Rebel?
November 11, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord… I am God, and there is no other. I AM, and there is none like Me… He who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that shall be!
Therefore hear the word of The Lord, and have understanding… All things written in My Book have come to pass, save these of the latter days and that Judgment which is to come. Behold, the Day of The Lord approaches, and The Son of Man comes as a Thief, to steal away all those who abide at His right hand, and to pass judgment upon all who remain at His left… Upon great and small, rich and poor, bond and free.
For this wicked generation holds fast in their rebellion, and will not repent of their sins… Of their covetousness, their false-witnessing, their thefts, their adulteries, their murders, their dishonoring of their parents, their forsaking of My Sabbaths, their desecration of My name, their idolatries!
Indeed, they refuse to worship The One True God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, in spirit and in truth! For they are a stiff-necked, most wicked generation!… Therefore, I shall dash them in pieces! For their sins are many, and their transgression only increases by measure! Behold, on the horizon a great storm builds and gains strength, it approaches and has come.
The sky is red and looming, yet this generation remains unmoved. My children, the latter days are here! Is there any question?! Can The Son of Salvation be in error?!… From the foundation of the world, He is The Word of Truth! From everlasting to everlasting, He is The Word of God! Thus all He has spoken shall surely come to pass!… And though it seems to tarry in your eyes, wait for it. It shall surely come, it will not tarry, for The Holy One comes quickly! Says The Lord.
Thus says The Holy One of God, He who was and is and is to come… I am The All in All, and you are of My body. Shall I not then protect and cover that which I have healed and cleansed in My own body, thoroughly purging that which is not of My body?
And what of those broken off? If they return to Me in all faithfulness, with a heart which speaks true, shall I not then welcome them, grafting them in again? Are they not also cleansed? Yea, even more will I do! For they have fallen from such a great height, weighted down by pride and arrogance, landing hard atop The Stone, severely broken!… Rejoicing, and much thanksgiving! The prodigal son has returned home!
Yet those who refuse to repent, those who hold fast in their rebellion to the bitter end, shall be broken with no reprieve. They shall be crushed beneath The Cornerstone, ground to dust under the weight of The Mountain which shall fill the entire earth, vessels of wrath meet for destruction… Even so, amen.
Text & Audio https://awakeningforreality.com/tage-der-offenbarung-days-of-revelation/
EBook... https://awakeningforreality.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ebook-Trumpet-Call-of-God-Version-2021-10.pdf
Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiIC5DnRJAAnB-PVB-MHRHfapNwxf_LnB
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... https://awakeningforreality.com
Personal Word from the Lord... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com
Nov 6, 2022 ❤️ Jesus says... Pray for your Enemies and against the Ravages of Nuclear War
Pray for your Enemies and against the Ravages of Nuclear War
November 6, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare
(Clare) Dear Heartdwellers, stay in prayer for the world because the situation is dire. When I came into prayer I asked the Lord... 'What is on Your heart?'
(Jesus) “Nuclear war is a holocaust, a very, very terrible thing. It damages both people and land and animals. Pray against this evil, pray against the severity of its consequences, and do not worry about anything, all is in My hands. I do not disappoint good wills, rather I protect and nurture. And I know how your heart is troubled Beloved, just trust Me.”
(Clare) And here He is talking about a situation that arose with a new access point to get into our land, and when we were totally legal and able to use it, they blocked it off with barbed wire today. This is troubling, I just do not want to have anything to do with rancor, I keep trying to bless these people and ask for God’s best for them.
(Jesus) “Evil men may triumph for a time, but justice is coming.”
(Clare) And here He is referring to the neighbors, some of them witches, with covens, cutting off access.
(Jesus) “I am of course more concerned in the salvation of their souls and your prayers for them gain weight when they oppress you without cause. If you can carry this cross without rancor, it will bring forth sweet fruit. Do not stress, I have a plan.”
(Clare) OK Lord, Your ways are always best.
(Jesus) “And for the other matter on your heart, keep praying, there is change coming. Your prayers do carry weight, keep that in mind when you are tempted to take any action. Prayer first, because it moves mountains. You trying to move the mountain is like a little child with a spoon trying to move the mountain out of the way. Then I come in with lasers and accomplish it quite easily. Trust the plan, Beloved.”
(Clare) OK Lord, I will, help me please.
(Jesus) “That is a given. This war is coming but oh what a cost to human beings, animals, and Earth. The Earth is already unstable on its axis, using such force will be catastrophic. Pray against it, My Bride. I love you. I am planting graces in such a way that they will be activated by the right heart attitude. Always love your enemies and have pity on them. You bearing with these obstacles in patience is releasing mammoth graces for the conversion of souls. Trust Me in this. They may win the skirmishes, but they will most assuredly lose the war, and some who are in their clutches will be released, much to their master’s chagrin.
“These moves they make against you are only causing more grace to abound to those who want to be set free from the covens. They are engineering their very own undoing, so let them oppress and watch the conversions begin to flow. I use all things to My benefit; of this you can be assured.”
(Clare) I know Lord, I have seen it so many times before.
(Jesus) “I tell you this because I want you to have peace, I Myself will handle this. Hold tight and love. Pray for them continuously and graces will flow, conversions will come. It is by your patient endurance that Satan is conquered. But more importantly, pray against the effects of this war, the nuclear effects.”
Text & Audio of Video Content... Coming soon
Channels - Kanäle... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Video Playlist Love Letters... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtXjZtyd4NBrpV6sw6xjWwz
Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/
Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/