Evil blotted out... Righteousness reigns 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
Evil blotted out… Righteousness reigns
July 20, 2009 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior -The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord… When My will is fulfilled to the last, and the wicked become ashes under the soles of your feet, indeed, when all things come to completion, satan shall be no more. Or do you also see with tainted eyes and blurred vision, as those within the churches of men? For the veil remains, and is held fast atop their heads; behold, their lies do not cease! For the churches of men do always bear false witness of Me; they think I have altogether become like them! Thus I will rebuke them, and list all My charges against them!
Therefore, My sons and daughters, consider and pray… Seek My face with a fervent desire to know Me as I truly am, that you may worship Me in spirit and in truth.
Now hear My words and gain wisdom, for thus says The Lord… If in My Word, as it was written in the beginning by My chosen people, there was no trace of this doctrine of hell and eternal torment, as it is commonly spoken of amongst the churches of men, how has it now come to be in the New Covenant Scriptures? Again, I say to you, consider and pray, and seek My face by He who alone is the image of The Invisible God; for only through The Son shall the true nature of The Father be revealed.
My children, be wise and vigilant; do not be deceived. For I tell you the truth, from the beginning satan was a deceiver and a murderer; he has never been on the side of truth. From the beginning he sought to ensnare My people, saying, “You will not surely die.” And still to this day, the lie is widely spoken of and accepted, even fiercely defended by the churches of men for the sake of pride. For they uphold the lie, teaching that whether one believes and accepts The Son, or whether one forbears and rejects The Life, all have eternal life in Heaven or in hell… BELIEVE THEM NOT!
See with greater eyes, for I do not change! I do not grant eternal life to the wicked in any form, nor shall the evil of heart see everlasting life! Their existence shall be taken from them; they shall surely be blotted out! There is no life in death, nor is there torment in My vesture, nor did it enter My mind!
Beloved, the churches of men speak foolishness, and their leaders teach doctrines of devils!… Therefore, empty yourselves and come to Me naked! Come out from among them, and be free of all these false beliefs and perverse doctrines!…
For it is written… Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in The Beloved, that you may prove what is good and acceptable before God, according to His will, which is perfect… I am The Lord.
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The Sower has sown and now I have come to reap… Yet woe to the Nay-sayers 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Sower has sown and now I have come to reap… Yet woe to the Nay-sayers!
February 9, 2006 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear
What is done is done, but need not be… For many are lost in confusion, having heard, but deny the power thereof. And to the nay-sayers, woe, I say to them… They also have not understood, nor do they know the power of The Lord.
They remain lost in their own deceptions, considering only their preconceived notions, of what they think the truth is and should be… Reconciling in their own minds, that they know the will of The Father and the meaning of The Word… Such arrogant, high-minded children, stomping upon the new faith sprouting in others.
These can not bear to hear The Truth Absolute. They long for that which is malleable, and yields to their own evil desires… And so it is fulfilled, those words spoken by The Son of Man, long ago… In so many stony places has The Word been sown, springing forth quickly in the hearts of men, receiving and understanding My words’ meaning. Then, when the heat of persecution arises, oh how quickly they fall away, sinking back into the mire of their own lives, which they see as comfortable and unchangeable.
Woe to the nay-sayers… Woe, I say to them!… You shall be the first to be thrown from your mounts, landing face down in the mud of disillusionment and shame.
Wipe your faces, and behold the splendor from on high, for it comes nigh! Look up!… I am The First and The Last… The Word of God. I have come to reap what I have sown…
And to punish those, who have sown seeds of dissension and falsehood in My Garden… Even so… Amen.
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Source... Official Website in englisch...