I am the Resurrection & The Life... I AM!... Your Redeemer lives 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Lord says…
I am The Resurrection & The Life… I AM! Your Redeemer lives…
April 21, 2006 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Everlasting who would be man, Immanu El… Born into the world of a virgin, the chosen vessel by which The Salvation of Man came, as a babe… Growing, living as a man yet remaining unspotted from the world and sin… Completely blameless…
Born to die, suffering as no man could endure, the healing of many in the blood of sprinkling, cleansing the unclean forever… Death and dying, My Spirit committed to The Father, all things accomplished… The cup of The Father consumed…
Rest, renewal by the tears of mourning, sleep in the lower parts of the earth, the tomb sealed… The grain of wheat, The Holy Seed, has fallen and died, planted in the earth for three days and three nights…
I have given of My life unto death, I have completed all The Father has given Me to do, for I have the power to lay down My life… Behold! I have the power to take it up again!
Thus says The Father in Heaven… Gabriel, Michael, roll back the stone! Release The Light unto men, for it shakes the earth with a great trembling!… Break free, O Son of Man! Break death’s hold! My beloved Son, Christ Jesus, Immanu El on Earth, YahuShua, come forth!…
Behold The Light of the world, The First Begotten from the dead, The Firstfruits, The Risen One! Says The Holy One, The God of Israel, The Maker of Heaven and Earth.
Thus says The Risen One… I am The Resurrection and The Life! And all those, who believe in Me, shall not die but live, for I shall raise them up at the Last Day!… No more tears, no more death, no more pain, for the old order of things has passed away…
All things restored in glory, the glory of everlasting life… The power of death destroyed, sin taken away and cast into the void of forgetfulness.
I AM RISEN! Your Redeemer lives, even forever and ever! Amen.
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Children of Wisdom... Life & Death - Blessing & Curse - One Way & One Truth 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Lord explains…
Children of Wisdom, Life & Death, One Way & One Truth
June 7, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
This question was asked of The Lord… Lord, what does this mean… „Wisdom is justified by her children?“
[The Lord answered] Wisdom can be a person or an idea, yet The Source is the same. For it is written… „No one can have anything unless God gives it.“ Therefore, the only true wisdom comes from God and is God. Apart from this is vanity and foolishness.
For all earthly wisdom is but dust blowing in the wind, and all knowledge born of men is mere kindling ready to be burned in the fire… For the glory of men is a quickly fading flower, and the kingdoms of men are at an end.
So then when wisdom bears children, or gathers them by adoption, they walk by that which they receive. And because wisdom and truth are married, all those of the truth shall be justified by what they do, according to the wisdom they had received.
For in the end there is but One Way and One Truth… And to live according to that Truth and that Way is pure wisdom, and shall lead to Life Everlasting. For this is their due reward, and shall also be their justification before the foolish and the hateful at the last day.
Remember what I said… „Who you choose, not what you choose, is the answer. For who you choose defines what you do. And whosoever chooses another, and not Me in truth, has chosen themselves, and has done according to their own will.“
As there is only One Way and only One Truth, and only One Life, there can be only One Wisdom also… Blessed are all those who choose Him…
For today I call heaven and Earth as witnesses against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing…Therefore, choose Life.
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My Predestination ... I do with My Children as I please 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Lord explains… My Predestination… I do with My Children, as I please
March 19, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Regarding her concerns about a child’s testimony of Heaven, which was written in a book. Beloved, why do you doubt the testimony of a young child? Says The Lord…
The answer to your query is this… I am The Lord. And if I am He, shall I not do as I please with My created ones? Therefore all I have spoken is true, and that revealed is true also. Tell Me, what is faith and what answers do you require?
Let not the greed of others skew your vision, nor cloud your discernment when presented with the truth. Rather lean upon My grace and receive of My spirit, and be at peace, for all shall be made clear in due time. For all I do is right and good, every word I speak is Truth. I am The Lord.
Therefore, Beloved, let it be known to you… If I take a child from the womb, or a child is lost to a mother, the child does indeed return to Me; even those murdered are Mine and dwell with Me where I am. Yet once they return to Me, I do with them as I please. I am The Lord.
Yet here is wisdom and understanding, you have not yet considered… Look upon your husband, Beloved. What is he? Who is he? When was he formed, and when did he come into being? Consider, if you are able… Timothy is My son who I formed in the womb of his mother, yet his existence was known to Me from the beginning. Even before time was time did I know him and create him in My mind; and by My understanding was his existence written and his name placed in My book… A son of God and a son of men, a man of God and a man of the earth, My own beloved who I had placed in My garden, made alive by My breath.
From the beginning until time has lost all meaning, he is Timothy, My son, a man. Even when the time comes for his transformation his identity shall in no wise change, though his body shall be transformed.
Therefore, before he was formed in his mother’s womb, he was with Me… A light, a boy to become a man, My servant, a prophet. And if during gestation he was lost, he would have returned to Me, to stay or to return as he was at the first, a boy who would become a man, a living soul, unique… And so it is with all My sons and daughters. I am The Lord.
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Timothy... I've made you a Watchman & Mouthpiece for My People 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Lord says…
Timothy, I have made you a Watchman & Mouthpiece for My People
(Original Title => Duty)
November 19, 2004 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For Timothy and his Wife, and for All Those who have Ears to Hear
Behold, the Spirit of The Lord is upon you. For it is written, and behold, the time has come… „In those days I will pour out My spirit, and My sons and daughters will dream dreams and prophesy.“ Therefore give heed to My spirit, and also receive, for that which is revealed is of utmost importance. For I have spoken, and shall continue to speak, and that which I give you shall be written in a book, says The Lord.
Thus I shall speak to you, Timothy… And you shall write My words, and you together with your wife shall place them in My book. For I have called you to be a prophet, as in the days of old; and you, Beloved, shall be his scribe. Thus you shall receive of the truth and blow this trumpet, you shall dream dreams and prophesy. For you are two of one flesh. Thus as one you shall serve Me, and together you shall accomplish My will…
As Baruch served Jeremiah, so shall you, Beloved, serve your husband, handling all affairs unique to your office. And as I called Jeremiah, so in like manner have I called you, Timothy. From your birth I set you apart for My purpose; yea, before your formation in the womb, I appointed you a prophet to the nations.
Therefore, Beloved, listen to your husband with all attentiveness and humility, for he is the head. You together are of one body, yet Timothy is the head. For he is your husband, and he speaks for Me.
Yet I am The Head of all, even over all creation, known and unknown, Lord of Heaven and Earth… And behold, I have set Timothy over nations and over kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.
And though he will be separated from you during the time appointed, he will not be alone, for I shall be with him. He too shall come to know My dwelling place, going out and coming in, walking in the fullness of My spirit. And this is the means by which he shall perform My will, accomplishing even all I command him. I am The Lord.
Timothy, I have made you a watchman for My people, a witness, of the number, My mouthpiece, and through you shall I make My plans known… You shall proclaim My words aloud, reprove, rebuke, and exhort, and convict this generation of its evil ways…
You shall dream dreams, see visions, and prophesy, until the day I send you into the midst of the battle… Fear not, for greater is He who dwells in you, than he who is in the world… I am The Lord.
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There is Healing for all Nations in the Presence of the Lamb 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Lord says…
There is Healing for all Nations in the Presence of The Lamb
September 18, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Words of the Lord spoken to Jayse, for a Sister in Christ, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
What I had spoken to My servant, Jayse, in his time of need, I now say to you… Is there anything you and I can not overcome together?…
Therefore beloved, when one comes to Me and chooses to look upon My glory, does not all else fade away, becoming as a faint memory, quickly taken away as dust carried upon the wind?
For by My wounds are you healed, and in My presence all things are restored… In the presence of The Lamb, there is healing for all nations! For I AM THE LORD.
For this is wisdom… I AM HE! And this is understanding… I abide forever! All healing is in Me! Therefore, everyone who comes to Me is made whole, and everyone who lives in Me shall abide forever.
Yet those who withhold remain bound, held fast by various hurts, both real and imagined… Searching in vain, not knowing what they are searching, hoping for a cure that shall never come.
Behold, I am here! I have indeed come down, and walk among My people. Lo, I have passed through the multitudes and searched.
I have looked upon the whole of this generation and seen… I know… Now embrace Me and do all I command you… For this is the last hour! Says The Lord.
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Don't be like the Hypocrite, who has two Faces... For I know your Heart 🎺 Trumpet Call of God
The Lord says…
Do not be as the Hypocrite, who has two Faces, for I know your Heart
October 28, 2009 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During Men’s Online Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear
Thus says The Lord to His servants… My sons, who you are at home reveals the person you remain. Therefore, do not be as the hypocrite who has two faces, for I see all your doings and know your heart. Thus the servant I call must be wholly of The Lord, at all times and in every season, one who serves Me in open and in secret, one who keeps The Lord close to his heart and present in all his thoughts, seeking always and in all ways to please Me…
Whether he is seen by men or hidden from their eyes, whether he is at home or in a public place, whether he is trumpeting My Word openly in the streets or has entered into his closet and shut the door in quiet supplication, The Lord has surely seen it. For I know all his goings out and comings in, and his thoughts are not hidden from Me.
Again I tell you, who you are at home is who you are. By a man’s actions is his heart revealed, and by his mouth is he defined before others. Therefore, honor Me first at home and among your beloved, as I have taught you, for My every word is Scripture and My every Letter truth.
So then go out and testify, speak My name aloud and reveal My glory to the world. Share My words with your kindred and trumpet My strong rebuke against your nation, sounding the alarm amongst your countrymen; be bold in word and by deed!
Yet, again I tell you, do not be as the hypocrite, who honors Me with their lips while their heart remains far from Me. For their actions testify against them, and that which they do in secret reveals the corrupt fruit of the same.
Therefore, let My servants be given fully to their task, and let them serve Me without distraction… Let each man first order his steps before Me in righteousness, and set his own house in order… Lest he be released from his responsibility and relieved of his service, his appointment passing to another.
And if My servant does indeed strive to keep his way straight, endeavoring also to set his house in order, taking a stand, he shall surely receive his reward.
Yet if his spouse refuses to give heed and attempts to bar his way, let her depart; and let My servant proceed to his task and be about The Lord’s business, let him go out.
For all who seek to bar My way before Me shall be left desolate, and all who fight against Me and persecute My messengers shall suffer many tears; even to the rebellious children shall it be… Yet not the young ones, for they are Mine, and I must take them. I am The Lord.
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