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Читать полностью…According to a 2004 biography Andy Warhol approached Doors singer Jim Morrison to star opposite Nico in the lead role (the project was at that time titled "Fuck"). Morrison reluctantly agreed but was talked out of it by the Doors management and sent drinking buddy Tom Baker along to the shoot instead.Читать полностью…
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Update - Friend sent this nigger's channel and the comments are open season. Enjoy.
The Washington Post cartoonist who made this, Darrin Bell, was just arrested for owning child pornography.
Читать полностью…Duh how would you go through walls if it wasn’t for them stupid ass
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Читать полностью…Прощу прощения, но в кандидатах 6.13 очень много модулей ядра сломались 😂😂
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Читать полностью…Half-Life????
more like WOKE-Life AMIRRITE FELLAS???
Seattle redditor goes to buy a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
Submitted by - Tyrell.
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Читать полностью…тут больше нюанс что "VM detection" срабатывает и на KVM иногда
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