🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 22-10-2021
1. TUMULT (NOUN): (कोलाहल): Chaos
Synonyms: Commotion, Agitation
Antonyms: Harmony, Peace
Example sentence:
The petrol prices are rising due to the political tumult in the gulf countries.
2. UNFEIGNED (ADJECTIVE): (अकृत्रिम): Original
Synonyms: Genuine, Real
Antonyms: Pretentious, Counterfeit
Example Sentence:
The reality show was completely unfeigned and free of scripted fights.
3. CRAVING (NOUN): (तृष्णा): Strong desire
Synonyms: Appetite, Hankering
Antonyms: Disgust, Dislike
Example Sentence:
His mind is full of unpleasant, unsatisfied craving.
4. QUIRK (NOUN): (पागलपन): Eccentricity
Synonyms: Oddity, Foible
Antonyms: Normality, Inability
Example Sentence:
Wearing only pink socks is Gayatri’s oddest quirk.
5. CAUCUS (NOUN): (दल): Group gathered to make decisions
Synonyms: Gathering, Convention
Antonym: Individual, One
Example Sentence:
The legislative caucus had a long discussion over the new bill.
6. EXCURSION (VERB): (भ्रमण): Cruise
Synonyms: Expedition, Jaunt
Antonyms: Halt, Stop
Example Sentence:
Our island excursion of Honduras was filled with touring the landmarks.
7. BUNGLE (VERB): (घपला): Mess up
Synonyms: Blunder, Mismanage
Antonyms: Manage, Fix
Example Sentence:
He was fired as he could bungle the simplest of tasks given to him.
8. FOLKSY (ADJECTIVE): (मिलनसार): Casual
Synonyms: Homey, Informal
Antonyms: Formal, Cold
Example Sentence:
Anuradha is a folksy fellow.
9. CREAK (VERB): (चरमराना): Squeak
Synonyms: Groan, Screech
Antonyms: Mumble, Whisper
Example Sentence:
There was a loud creak in the corridor.
10. TIRADE (NOUN): (आक्षेप): Abuse
Synonyms: Ranting, Denunciation
Antonyms: Praise, Complement
Example Sentence:
The employee launched a tirade when fired from his job.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 16-10-2021
1. SUBSEQUENT (ADJECTIVE): (आगामी): Following
Synonyms: Ensuing, Succeeding
Antonyms: Previous
Example Sentence:
The theory was developed subsequent to the earthquake of 1906.
2. INCUMBENT (ADJECTIVE): (वर्तमान): Current
Synonyms: Existing, Present
Antonyms: Past
Example Sentence:
The incumbent President had been defeated.
3. SPURN (VERB): (तिरस्कार करना): Refuse
Synonyms: Decline, Reject
Antonyms: Adore
Example Sentence:
He spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned.
4. RETREAT (VERB): (स्थान छोड़ना): Withdraw
Synonyms: Retire, Draw back
Antonyms: Advance
Example Sentence:
When the enemy attacked, our troops were forced to retreat.
5. MOUNT (VERB): (उठना): Increase
Synonyms: Grow, Rise
Antonyms: Decrease
Example Sentence:
The costs mount up when we buy a home.
6. CONSERVATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिवर्तनवादी): Traditionalist
Synonyms: Traditional, Conventional
Antonyms: Radical
Example Sentence:
They were very conservative in their outlook.
7. SNAP (VERB): (टूटना): Break
Synonyms: Fracture, Splinter
Antonyms: Hold
Example Sentence:
The strings of the guitar kept snapping.
8. CONTEST (VERB): (प्रतिवाद करना): Oppose
Synonyms: Challenge, Dispute
Antonyms: Agree with
Example Sentence:
The former orderly contests his dismissal.
9. VIGOUR (NOUN): (शक्ति): Robustness
Synonyms: Hardiness, Strength
Antonyms: Weakness
Example Sentence:
I am 69 but still full of vigour and vitality.
10. PUERILE (ADJECTIVE): (बचकाना): Childish
Synonyms: Immature, Infantile
Antonyms: Mature
Example Sentence:
We had a puerile argument.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 13-14 Oct.21
1. IMMEDIATE (ADJECTIVE): (वर्तमान-संबंधी): Current
Synonyms: Present, Existing
Antonyms: Past
Example Sentence:
The immediate concern was how to avoid taxes.
2. NURTURE (NOUN): (लालन-पालन): Upbringing
Synonyms: Care, Fostering
Antonyms: Nature
Example Sentence:
We are all what nature and nurture have made us.
3. CONCERNED (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): Worried
Synonyms: Anxious, Disturbed
Antonyms: Casual
Example Sentence:
The school's decision is being questioned by a group of concerned parents.
4. APPARENTLY (ADVERB): (जाहिरा तौर पर): Seemingly
Synonyms: Evidently, Ostensibly
Antonyms: Improbably
Example Sentence:
The child nodded, apparently content with the promise.
5. DISMISS (VERB): (निर्वासित करना): Banish
Synonyms: Set aside, Abandon
Antonyms: Entertain
Example Sentence:
It would be easy to dismiss him as all brawn and no brain.
6. INTENSIFY (VERB): (बढ़ाना): Escalate
Synonyms: Boost, Increase
Antonyms: Lessen
Example Sentence:
Eventually, the dispute began to intensify.
7. DISQUIET (NOUN): (बेचैनी): Unease
Synonyms: Uneasiness, Worry
Antonyms: Calm
Example Sentence:
There is disquiet about animal testing among general public.
8. CONSIDERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (पर्याप्त): Sizeable
Synonyms: Substantial, Appreciable
Antonyms: Paltry
Example Sentence:
He is in a position of considerable influence.
9. BAR (VERB): (रोकना): Prohibit
Synonyms: Debar, Preclude
Antonyms: Admit
Example Sentence:
Journalists had been barred from covering the elections.
10. CONTROVERSIAL (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद): Contentious
Synonyms: Disputed, Contended
Antonyms: Uncontroversial
Example Sentence:
The dispute continued to be controversial for years.
11. CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अराजक): Disorderly
Synonyms: Disordered, Disorganized
Antonyms: Orderly
Example Sentence:
The administration of finance was as chaotic as the condition of parliament.
12. VULNERABLE (ADJECTIVE): (सहज में घायल होने वाला): At risk
Synonyms: Endangered, Unsafe
Antonyms: Invulnerable
Example Sentence:
Children are the most vulnerable members of society.
13. ABROGATION (NOUN): (निराकरण): Repudiation
Synonyms: Revocation, Repeal
Antonyms: Institution
Example Sentence:
The ministry proposed for the abrogation of the electoral law of 1850.
14. HALT (VERB): (ठहरना): Stop
Synonyms: Come to rest, Pull up
Antonyms: Start
Example Sentence:
There is growing pressure to halt the bloodshed.
15. DEPRESS (VERB): (दबाना): Slow down
Synonyms: Reduce, Lower
Antonyms: Encourage
Example Sentence:
Fear of inflation in America depressed bond markets.
16. WITHSTAND (NOUN): (विरोध करना): Resist
Synonyms: Hold out against, Stand up to
Antonyms: Give in
Example Sentence:
The structure had been designed to withstand winds of more than 100 mph.
17. SETBACK (NOUN): (बाधा): Problem
Synonyms: Difficulty, Issue
Antonyms: Breakthrough
Example Sentence:
There was a serious setback for the peace.
18. UPHOLD (VERB): (कायम रखना): Maintain
Synonyms: Sustain, Continue
Antonyms: Abandon
Example Sentence:
They uphold a tradition of not causing distress to living creatures.
19. INCAPACITATE (VERB): (अक्षमता): Disabled
Synonyms: Debilitated, Indisposed
Antonyms: Fit
Example Sentence:
He was incapacitated by a heart attack.
20. SURREAL (ADJECTIVE): (अवास्तविक): Unreal
Synonyms: Bizarre Unusual
Antonyms: Real
Example Sentence:
The story was a surreal mix of fact and fantasy.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 11-10-2021
1. TRAVAIL (NOUN): (कष्टपूर्ण परिश्रम): Ordeal
Synonyms: Trial, Tribulation
Antonyms: Comfort
Example Sentence:
Advice for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail.
2. NEEDLESS (ADJECTIVE): (बेकार): Unnecessary
Synonyms: Inessential, Non-Essential
Antonyms: Necessary
Example Sentence:
I deplore needless waste.
3. REBELLION (NOUN): (विद्रोह): Defiance
Synonyms: Disobedience, Insubordination
Antonyms: Obedience
Example Sentence:
What she did was nothing but an act of teenage rebellion.
4. HASTEN (VERB): (जल्दी करना): Speed up
Synonyms: Accelerate, Quicken
Antonyms: Delay
Example Sentence:
This tragedy probably hastened his own death from heart disease.
5. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनोखा/अद्भुत): Eye-catching
Synonyms: Startling, Striking
Antonyms: Inconspicuous
Example Sentence:
Her routines and leotards tend to be outrageous.
6. RELAXATION (NOUN): (रियायत): Moderation
Synonyms: Modification, Easing
Antonyms: Tightening up
Example Sentence:
Relaxation was given to censorship rules.
7. DIRE (ADJECTIVE): (भयानक): Terrible
Synonyms: Dreadful, Appalling
Antonyms: Good
Example Sentence:
Misuse of drugs can have dire outcomes.
8. DISENGAGE (VERB): (वापस लेना): Withdraw
Synonyms: Leave, Pull out of
Antonyms: Enter
Example Sentence:
The commanders disengaged their forces.
9. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दंड निलंबित करना): Pardon
Synonyms: Spare, Acquit
Antonyms: Charge
Example Sentence:
He was sentenced to death but then reprieved.
10. DEFECTION (NOUN): (पक्षत्याग): Desertion
Synonyms: Absconding, Decamping
Antonyms: Joining
Example Sentence:
One defection from the government dissolved Temaru's majority.
The Hindu Vocabulary 09-10-2021
1. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (असुगम): Far-Fetched
Synonyms: Unlikely, Dubious
Antonyms: Realistic
Example Sentence:
The outrageous claims made by the previous government.
2. COUNTER (ADJECTIVE): (विरोध): Opposing
Synonyms: Opposed, Opposite
Antonyms: Complementary
Example Sentence:
After years of argument and counter argument there is no conclusive answer.
3. COMPLICATION (NOUN): (जटिल स्थिति): Complexity
Synonyms: Difficulty, Intricacy
Antonyms: Simplicity
Example Sentence:
To add further complication, English-speakers use a different name.
4. UNPRECEDENTED (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): Unparalleled
Synonyms: Unequalled, Unmatched
Antonyms: Normal
Example Sentence:
The preparations were made on an unprecedented scale.
5. DELUGE (NOUN): (सैलाब करना): Barrage
Synonyms: Volley, Flood
Antonyms: Trickle
Example Sentence:
We received a deluge of complaints.
6. EFFICACY (NOUN): (प्रभावकारिता): Effectiveness
Synonyms: Success, Potency
Antonyms: Inefficacy
Example Sentence:
There is little information on the efficacy of this treatment.
7. ILLUSTRIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शानदार): Eminent
Synonyms: Distinguished, Acclaimed
Antonyms: Unknown
Example Sentence:
The family was illustrious and wealthy, and claimed descent from Constantine.
8. AGGRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आक्रामक): Assertive
Synonyms: Forceful, Competitive
Antonyms: Submissive
Example Sentence:
We needed more growth to pursue our aggressive acquisition strategy.
9. PROPITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अनुकूल): Favourable
Synonyms: Auspicious, Promising
Antonyms: Inauspicious
Example Sentence:
Finally, all things proved to be propitious.
10. TRAGEDY (NOUN): (त्रासदी): Disaster
Synonyms: Calamity, Catastrophe
Antonyms: Fortune
Example Sentence:
A tragedy arrived that killed 95 people.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 07-10-2021
1. COMPREHENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): Inclusive
Synonyms: All-inclusive complete
Antonyms: Partial
Example Sentence:
Her collection of photographs was anything but comprehensive.
2. COHERENT (ADJECTIVE): (तार्किक): Logical
Synonyms: Reasoned, Reasonable
Antonyms: Incoherent
Example Sentence:
They failed to develop a coherent economic strategy.
3. INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (रुक-रुक कर): Sporadic
Synonyms: Irregular, Fitful
Antonyms: Continuous
Example Sentence:
Shortly afterwards he fell ill of an intermittent fever, but seemed to recover.
4. FEAT (NOUN): (उपलब्धि): Achievement
Synonyms: Accomplishment, Attainment
Antonyms: Failure
Example Sentence:
The new printing presses were considerable feats of engineering.
5. CHRONIC (ADJECTIVE): (बहुकालीन): Constant
Synonyms: Continuing, Continual
Antonyms: Temporary
Example Sentence:
The schools seldom suffer from chronic overcrowding.
6. NORM (NOUN): (मानक): Standard
Synonyms: Usual, Normal
Antonyms: The exception
Example Sentence:
She scored well above the norm in math.
7. EXPOSED (ADJECTIVE): (भेद्य): Vulnerable
Synonyms: Defenseless, Undefended
Antonyms: Defensible
Example Sentence:
The army's exposed right flank was under attack.
8. COGNIZANT (ADJECTIVE): (जानकार): Aware
Synonyms: Conscious, Apprised
Antonyms: Ignorant
Example Sentence:
She must be cognizant of the political boundaries within which she works.
9. NOVEL (ADJECTIVE): (नया): New
Synonyms: Original, Unusual
Antonyms: Old
Example Sentence:
The disease was novel as it was unheard until it hit the nation.
10. ELITE (NOUN): (कुलीन): Best
Synonyms: Pick, Cream
Antonyms: Dregs
Example Sentence:
The elite of armed forces were invited.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 05-10-2021
1. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): Practicable
Synonyms: Practical, Workable
Antonyms: Impractical
Example Sentence:
It is not feasible to put most finds from excavations on public display.
2. COMPROMISE (NOUN): (समझौता): Agreement
Synonyms: Understanding, Settlement
Antonyms: Intransigence
Example Sentence:
Eventually they reached a compromise.
3. FEDERAL (ADJECTIVE): (संयुक्त): Confederate
Synonyms: Federated, Combined
Antonyms: Unitary
Example Sentence:
The health ministry has sole federal responsibility for healthcare.
4. RETRIBUTION (NOUN): (प्रतिदण्ड): Punishment
Synonyms: Penalty, Nemesis
Antonyms: Forgiveness
Example Sentence:
Employees asked not to be named, saying they feared retribution.
5. VIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य): Workable
Synonyms: Feasible, Practicable
Antonyms: Impracticable
Example Sentence:
The proposed investment was said to be economically viable.
6. INSURGENT (NOUN): (विद्रोही): Rebel
Synonyms: Revolutionary, Mutineer
Antonyms: Loyalist
Example Sentence:
The armed insurgents planned an attack.
7. DECIMATE (VERB): (बरबाद करना): Destroy
Synonyms: Kill, Remove
Antonyms: Bear, Build
Example Sentence:
The inhabitants of the country had been decimated.
8. SPECTACULAR (ADJECTIVE): (प्रभावशाली): Impressive
Synonyms: Magnificent Splendid
Antonyms: Unimpressive
Example Sentence:
The party suffered a spectacular loss in the election.
9. ANXIETY (NOUN): (चिंता): Worry
Synonyms: Concern, Apprehension
Antonyms: Calmness
Example Sentence:
There was anxiety in her quiet voice.
10. CREDULITY (NOUN): (भोलापन): Gullibility
Synonyms: Naivety, Innocence
Antonyms: Worldliness
Example Sentence:
Moneylenders prey upon their credulity and inexperience.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 03-10-2021
1. COOPERATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (सहकारी): Collaborative
Synonyms: Collective, Communal
Antonyms: Individual
Example Sentence:
Every member has clearly defined tasks in a cooperative enterprise.
2. CAUTION (NOUN): (सावधानी): Care
Synonyms: Wariness, Awareness
Antonyms: Incaution
Example Sentence:
Anyone receiving a suspect package should exercise extreme caution.
3. FARE (VERB): (अग्रसर होना): Get on
Synonyms: Proceed, Progress
Antonyms: Fail
Example Sentence:
The party fared very badly in the recent elections.
4. RECLAIM (VERB): (पुनः प्राप्त करना): Recover
Synonyms: Regain, Retrieve
Antonyms: Forfeit
Example Sentence:
You can only reclaim Rs 25 of the Rs 435 deducted.
5. MANOEUVRE (NOUN): (गतिविधि): Operation
Synonyms: Exercise, Activity
Antonyms: Inactivity
Example Sentence:
Snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres on precipitous slopes.
6. DISENGAGE (VERB): (छुड़ाना): Remove
Synonyms: Detach, Disentangle
Antonyms: Attach
Example Sentence:
I disengaged his hand from mine.
7. ENTRANT (NOUN): (नौसिखिया): Beginner
Synonyms: Newcomer, Fresher
Antonyms: Veteran
Example Sentence:
The prize will be awarded to the entrant who wins the tiebreak.
8. RIVAL (NOUN): (प्रतिद्वंद्वी): Competitor
Synonyms: Opponent, Contestant
Antonyms: Partner
Example Sentence:
He has no serious rival for the job.
9. PART (VERB): (बिदा होना): Leave
Synonyms: Take one's leave, Separate
Antonyms: Arrive, Meet
Example Sentence:
There was a good deal of kissing before we parted.
10. INEPT (ADJECTIVE): (अयोग्य): Incompetent
Synonyms: Unskilful, Unskilled
Antonyms: Competent
Example Sentence:
The referee was inept to handle the match.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 01-10-2021
1. COMPLACENCY (NOUN): (आत्मतुष्टि): Smugness
Synonyms: Self-satisfaction, Self-approval
Antonyms: Dissatisfaction
Example Sentence:
The figures are better, but there are no grounds for complacency.
2. DEPORT (VERB): (निकाल देना): Expel
Synonyms: Banish, Exile
Antonyms: Admit
Example Sentence:
He was deported for violation of immigration laws.
3. SCRUTINIZE (VERB): (जाँचना): Inspect
Synonyms: Survey, Scan
Antonyms: Glance at
Example Sentence:
Customers were warned to scrutinize the small print.
4. SUSPENSION (NOUN): (निलंबन): Adjournment
Synonyms: Interruption, Postponement
Antonyms: Continuation
Example Sentence:
He was angry about his suspension from the team.
5. CONVALESCENT (ADJECTIVE): (अच्छा हो जानेवाला): Recuperating
Synonyms: Recovering, Improving
Antonyms: Worsening
Example Sentence:
The Roman Convalescent Home for women and children was erected in 1865.
6. EXTRAORDINARY (ADJECTIVE): (उल्लेखनीय): Remarkable
Synonyms: Exceptional, Amazing
Antonyms: Ordinary
Example Sentence:
He is well known because of an extraordinary practice.
7. TAME (ADJECTIVE): (पालतू): Domesticated
Synonyms: Domestic, Docile
Antonyms: Wild
Example Sentence:
The fish are so tame you have to push them away.
8. INCLUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (समावेशी): Including
Synonyms: Incorporating, Counting
Antonyms: Excluding
Example Sentence:
All prices are inclusive of VAT.
9. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (सुस्त): Slack
Synonyms: Slipshod, Negligent
Antonyms: Stern
Example Sentence:
Lax security arrangements at the airport.
10. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): Stern
Synonyms: Forbidding, Uninviting
Antonyms: Amiable
Example Sentence:
The expression on his face was grim.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 29-09-2021
1. CERTAIN (ADJECTIVE): (निश्चित): Unquestionable
Synonyms: Sure, Definite
Antonyms: Unthinkable
Example Sentence:
It is certain that more changes are in the offing.
2. VETERAN (NOUN): (अनुभवी): Old hand
Synonyms: Old-timer, Old stager
Antonyms: Novice
Example Sentence:
The veteran actor passed away due to cardiac arrest.
3. FACTION (NOUN): (अंदरूनी कलह): Infighting
Synonyms: Dissension, Dissent
Antonyms: Harmony
Example Sentence:
The army faction gradually gathered strength in the parliament.
4. MERCENARY (ADJECTIVE): (लोभी): Money-oriented
Synonyms: Grasping, Greedy
Antonyms: Altruistic
Example Sentence:
She is nothing but a mercenary little gold-digger.
5. RELENTLESS (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): Harsh
Synonyms: Grim, Fierce
Antonyms: Lenient
Example Sentence:
Although, he is patient yet a relentless taskmaster.
6. EVADE (VERB): (बचना): Elude
Synonyms: Avoid, Dodge
Antonyms: Confront
Example Sentence:
Friends helped him to evade capture.
7. AUDIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुनाई देने योग्य): Perceptible
Synonyms: Discernible, Detectable
Antonyms: Inaudible
Example Sentence:
Some ultrasound is audible to dogs.
8. SINISTER (ADJECTIVE): (अमंगल): Threatening
Synonyms: Menacing, Ominous
Antonyms: Promising
Example Sentence:
There were sinister dark clouds gathering overhead.
9. UNEARTH (VERB): (पता लगाना): Excavate
Synonyms: Exhume, Disinter
Antonyms: Bury
Example Sentence:
Workmen unearthed an ancient artillery shell.
10. GENEROSITY (NOUN): (उदारता): Liberality
Synonyms: Magnanimity, Munificence
Antonyms: Meanness
Example Sentence:
I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 27-09-2021
1. CONVENTIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (पारंपरिक): Normal
Synonyms: Standard, Regular
Antonyms: Original
Example Sentence:
A conventional morality had dictated behaviour.
2. ALLUDE (VERB): (संकेत करना): Suggest
Synonyms: Imply, Mention
Antonyms: Specify
Example Sentence:
Mrs. Sharma alluded to some health problems, without being specific.
3. INDUCE (VERB): (उत्प्रेरित करना): Persuade
Synonyms: Convince, Get
Antonyms: Dissuade
Example Sentence:
The pickets induced many workers to stay away.
4. INDUCT (VERB): (प्रतिष्ठित करना): Admit to
Synonyms: Allow into, Introduce to
Antonyms: Bar from
Example Sentence:
Arrangements have been made to induct new members to the organization.
5. ACCESSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (सुगम): Approachable
Synonyms: Available, Easy-going
Antonyms: Unapproachable
Example Sentence:
He is more accessible than most tycoons.
6. CONTENT (ADJECTIVE): (संतुष्ट): Contented
Synonyms: Satisfied, Pleased
Antonyms: Discontented
Example Sentence:
He seemed more content, less bitter.
7. INEQUALITY (NOUN): (असमानता): Imbalance
Synonyms: Inequity, Disproportion
Antonyms: Equity
Example Sentence:
Social inequality is now on its peak.
8. INTEGRITY (NOUN): (अखंडता): Unity
Synonyms: Unification, Wholeness
Antonyms: Division
Example Sentence:
The PM upholds territorial integrity and national sovereignty.
9. BRUTAL (ADJECTIVE): (क्रूर): Savage
Synonyms: Cruel, Bloodthirsty
Antonyms: Gentle
Example Sentence:
He was accused of a brutal murder.
10. SENSELESS (ADJECTIVE): (बेहोश): Pointless
Synonyms: Futile, Hopeless
Antonyms: Sensible
Example Sentence:
It was as senseless as crossing Death Valley on foot.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 25-09-2021
1. QUINTESSENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (सर्वोत्कृष्ट): Typical
Synonyms: Prototypical, Stereotypical
Antonyms: Average
Example Sentence:
He was the quintessential tough guy—strong, silent, and self-contained.
2. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): Spiteful
Synonyms: Malevolent, Hostile
Antonyms: Benevolent
Example Sentence:
He took a sort of malicious pleasure in irritating the monks.
3. VIOLATE (VERB): (उल्लंघन करना): Contravene
Synonyms: Breach, Infringe
Antonyms: Comply with
Example Sentence:
They had violated all the terms of a ceasefire.
4. REPRIEVE (VERB): (दण्डविराम): Pardon
Synonyms: Spare, Acquit
Antonyms: Charge
Example Sentence:
Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved.
5. SUBVERSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): Disruptive
Synonyms: Inflammatory, Insurgent
Antonyms: Loyal
Example Sentence:
He is a a subversive creature.
6. VANDALIZE (VERB): (उपद्रव मचाना): Destroy
Synonyms: Damage, Harm
Antonyms: Build
Example Sentence:
Stations have been vandalized beyond recognition.
7. RESTORE (VERB): (पुनर्स्थापित करना): Reinstate
Synonyms: Put back, Replace
Antonyms: Abolish
Example Sentence:
The government restored confidence in the housing market.
8. AID (NOUN): (सहायता): Assistance
Synonyms: Support, Help
Antonyms: Hindrance
Example Sentence:
He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid.
9. COMPACT (ADJECTIVE): (संक्षिप्त): Concise
Synonyms: Succinct, Condensed
Antonyms: Rambling
Example Sentence:
He gave a compact summary of the play.
10. SEIZE (VERB): (ज़ब्त करना): Grab
Synonyms: Grasp, Snatch
Antonyms: Let go of
Example Sentence:
She jumped up and seized his arm.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 23-09-2021
1. ABYSMAL (ADJECTIVE): (अति-गहन): Dreadful
Synonyms: Awful, Terrible
Antonyms: Superb
Example Sentence:
The quality of the work she does is abysmal.
2. TRIBUTE (NOUN): (श्रद्धांजलि): Accolade
Synonyms: Praise, Commendation
Antonyms: Criticism
Example Sentence:
The video is a tribute to the musicals of the 40s.
3. COOPERATION (NOUN): (सहयोग): Assistance
Synonyms: Helpfulness, Help
Antonyms: Impeding
Example Sentence:
We would like to ask for your cooperation in the survey.
4. ADDICTION (NOUN): (लत): Dependency
Synonyms: Dependence, Craving
Antonyms: Indifference
Example Sentence:
He committed the offence to finance his drug addiction.
5. TRANSFORM (VERB): (बदलना): Change
Synonyms: Alter, Modify
Antonyms: Preserve
Example Sentence:
Lasers have transformed cardiac surgery.
6. ACQUITTAL (NOUN): (दोषमुक्ति): Absolution
Synonyms: Clearing, Exoneration
Antonyms: Conviction
Example Sentence:
The trial resulted in an acquittal.
7. ANXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (उत्सुक): Eager
Synonyms: Keen, Desirous
Antonyms: Uninterested
Example Sentence:
The company was anxious to avoid any trouble.
8. WELFARE (NOUN): (कल्याण): Well-being
Synonyms: Health, Happiness
Antonyms: Hardship
Example Sentence:
They don't give a damn about the welfare of their families.
9. UNDESIRABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अवांछनीय): Unpleasant
Synonyms: Disagreeable, Nasty
Antonyms: Desirable
Example Sentence:
The drug has some undesirable side effects.
10. SLIGHTLY (ADVERB): (थोड़ा): A bit
Synonyms: Somewhat, Rather
Antonyms: Very
Example Sentence:
He lowered his voice slightly.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 21-09-2021
1. TERMINATE (VERB): (समाप्त करना): End
Synonyms: Close, Conclude
Antonyms: Begin
Example Sentence:
He was advised to terminate the contract.
2. SLAM (VERB): (आलोचना करना): Criticize
Synonyms: Find fault with, Censure
Antonyms: Praise
Example Sentence:
The new TV soap was slammed as being cynical and irresponsible.
3. CONCEDE (VERB): (स्वीकार करना): Admit
Synonyms: Acknowledge, Accept
Antonyms: Deny
Example Sentence:
I had to concede that I overreacted at his behaviour.
4. INTENT (ADJECTIVE): (दृढ़-संकल्प): Determined
Synonyms: Bent, Set
Antonyms: Half-hearted
Example Sentence:
The government was intent on achieving greater efficiency.
5. DETRIMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): Harmful
Synonyms: Damaging, Injurious
Antonyms: Benign
Example Sentence:
Recent policies have been detrimental to the interests of many old people.
6. JEOPARDY (NOUN): (ख़तरा): Peril
Synonyms: Danger, Risk
Antonyms: Safety
Example Sentence:
The whole peace process is in jeopardy.
7. INDICTMENT (NOUN): (अभियोग): Charge
Synonyms: Accusation, Arraignment
Antonyms: Acquittal
Example Sentence:
It is an indictment for conspiracy.
8. EXUDE (VERB): (छोड़ना): Discharge
Synonyms: Release, Emit
Antonyms: Absorb
Example Sentence:
The beetle exudes a caustic liquid.
9. DIVINE (ADJECTIVE): (दिव्य): Godly
Synonyms: Godlike, Angelic
Antonyms: Mortal
Example Sentence:
Heroes seldom have divine powers.
10. COLD SHOULDER (VERB): (रूखा व्यवहार करना): Snub
Synonyms: Ignore, Slight
Antonyms: Acknowledge
Example Sentence:
She was cold-shouldered by almost everyone.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 19-09-2021
1. STIMULUS (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन): Spur
Synonyms: Stimulant, Encouragement
Antonyms: Discouragement
Example Sentence:
The dog responded to the stimulus of the ringing bell.
2. VANDALIZE (VERB): (उपद्रव मचाना): Deface
Synonyms: Demolish, Wreck
Antonyms: Build
Example Sentence:
Stations have been vandalized beyond recognition.
3. ISOLATION(NOUN): (अलगाव): Separation
Synonyms: Segregation, Quarantine
Antonyms: Contact
Example Sentence: This was a vacation, not an isolation camp.
4. RELIANCE(NOUN): (भरोसा): Dependence
Synonyms: Dependency, Credit
Antonyms: Disbelief
Example Sentence:
The universal reliance on animal life stimulated the study of the animal kingdom.
5. POTENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (क्षमता): Possible
Synonyms: Likely, Prospective
Antonyms: Unlikely
Example Sentence:
We are a part of a campaign to woo potential customers.
6. DISMISS (VERB): (ववदा करना): Let go
Synonyms: Release, Free
Antonyms: Form
Example Sentence:
I dismissed the taxi at the end of the road.
7. COMMEND(VERB): (सराहना करना): Praise
Synonyms: Compliment, Congratulate
Antonyms: Criticise
Example Sentence:
He was commended by the judge for his courageous actions.
8. COMMEND (VERB): (सराहना करना): Praise
Synonyms: Compliment, Congratulate
Antonyms: Criticise
Example Sentence:
He was commended by the judge for his courageous actions.
9. FATALITY (NOUN): (मौत): Death
Synonyms: Casualty, Mortality
Antonyms: Birth
Example Sentence:
A sixth fatality involved a newly fledged juvenile.
10. BOUNTY (NOUN): (उदारता): Generosity
Synonyms: Magnanimity, Munificence
Antonyms: Meanness
Example Sentence:
For millennia the people along the Nile have depended entirely on its bounty.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 21-10-2021
1. INFIRM (ADJECTIVE): (कमजोर): Frail
Synonyms: Weak, Feeble
Antonyms: Strong
Example Sentence:
Those who are old or infirm aren't allowed to travel.
2. NULLIFY (VERB): (अमान्य ठहराना): Annul
Synonyms: Void, Invalidate
Antonyms: Ratify
Example Sentence:
Judges were unwilling to nullify government decisions.
3. ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (आत्म विश्वासी): Confident
Synonyms: Forceful, Self-confident
Antonyms: Retiring
Example Sentence:
The job of a salesman calls for assertive behaviour.
4. AMID (PREPOSITION): (के बीच): In the middle of
Synonyms: Among, Between
Antonyms: Surrounding
Example Sentence:
Our dream home, set amid magnificent rolling countryside.
5. INQUISITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (जिज्ञासु): Curious
Synonyms: Intrigued, Interested
Antonyms: Uninterested
Example Sentence:
I didn't like to seem inquisitive.
6. TANGLE (VERB): (उलझाना): Confuse
Synonyms: Jumble, Mix up
Antonyms: Simple
Example Sentence:
His ideas tangled matters even further.
7. ECONOMICAL (ADJECTIVE): (किफ़ायती): Cost-effective
Synonyms: Effective, Efficient
Antonyms: Extravagant
Example Sentence:
Solar power may provide a more economic solution.
8. ABATE (VERB): (न्यून होना): Subside
Synonyms: Lessen, Let up
Antonyms: Intensify
Example Sentence:
The storm had suddenly abated to a huge extent.
9. PREMIUM (NOUN): (वरिष्ठ): Superior
Synonyms: Premier, High-end
Antonyms: Inferior
Example Sentence:
Premium vine and good music is all he needs for a good weekend.
10. EXQUISITE (ADJECTIVE): (अति सुंदर): Beautiful
Synonyms: Lovely, Elegant
Antonyms: Crude
Example Sentence:
The place was filled with exquisite, jewel-like portraits.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 15-10-2021
1. FALLOW (ADJECTIVE): (परती, बिना जोती बोई भूमि): Uncultivated
Synonyms: Unploughed, Untilled
Antonyms: Cultivated
Example Sentence:
Incentives were provided to farmers to let land lie fallow.
2. SUSCEPTIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (भोला): Impressionable
Synonyms: Credulous, Gullible
Antonyms: Sceptical
Example Sentence:
They only do it to tease him as he's too susceptible.
3. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (हद से ज़्यादा): Extortionate
Synonyms: Excessive, Sky-high
Antonyms: Reasonable
Example Sentence:
Some hotels charge exorbitant rates for phone calls.
4. BELITTLE (VERB): (छोटा करना): Disparage
Synonyms: Denigrate, Run down
Antonyms: Praise
Example Sentence:
She belittled my riding and driving skills.
5. UNEARTH (VERB): (पता लगाना): Excavate
Synonyms: Exhume, Disinter
Antonyms: Bury
Example Sentence:
Workmen unearthed an ancient artillery shell.
6. ONGOING (ADJECTIVE): (चल रही है):
In progress
Synonyms: Under way, Going on
Antonyms: Finished
Example Sentence:
There is an ongoing debate on the issue.
7. CONTEMPT (NOUN): (निंदा): Scorn
Synonyms: Disregard, Disrespect
Antonyms: Respect
Example Sentence:
She treated evryone with much contempt.
8. INSTITUTE (VERB): (आरंभ करना): Install
Synonyms: Instate, Induct
Antonyms: Dismiss
Example Sentence:
His sons were instituted to the priesthood.
9. MISLEAD (VERB): (बहकाना): Deceive
Synonyms: Delude, Lie to
Antonyms: Be honest
Example Sentence:
The government misled the public about the road's environmental impact.
10. RELEGATE (VERB): (कम करना): Downgrade
Synonyms: Lower, Put down
Antonyms: Upgrade
Example Sentence:
They aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 12-10-2021
1. STAUNCH (ADJECTIVE): (निष्ठावान): Stalwart
Synonyms: Loyal, Faithful
Antonyms: Disloyal
Example Sentence:
He is known for being a staunch supporter of the anti-nuclear lobby.
2. DESECRATE (VERB): (अपवित्र करना): Violate
Synonyms: Profane, Pollute
Antonyms: Venerate
Example Sentence:
Not more than 300 graves were desecrated.
3. PROVOCATIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्तेजक): Annoying
Synonyms: Irritating, Exasperating
Antonyms: Soothing
Example Sentence:
The newspaper had allowed to publish a provocative article.
4. UPHOLD (VERB): (समर्थन करना): Confirm
Synonyms: Endorse, Sustain
Antonyms: Overturn
Example Sentence:
The court upheld his claim for damages.
5. SCINTILLATING (ADJECTIVE): (बहुत चमकीला): Brilliant
Synonyms: Dazzling, Exciting
Antonyms: Boring
Example Sentence:
His scintillating wit was loved by the audience.
6. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): (कठोर): Stern
Synonyms: Forbidding, Uninviting
Antonyms: Amiable
Example Sentence:
Hikers made a grim discovery when they came across a dead body in the woods.
7. CRIPPLE (VERB): (विकलांग बनाना): Disable
Synonyms: Paralyze, Immobilize
Antonyms: Able-bodied
Example Sentence:
A young student was crippled for life.
Synonyms: Deprived, Disadvantaged
Antonyms: Privileged
Example Sentence:
Needy and underprivileged members of the community.
9. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): Slack
Synonyms: Slipshod, Negligent
Antonyms: Stern
Example Sentence:
We must ever be lax with our security.
10. FORGO (VERB): (त्यागना): Do without
Synonyms: Go without, Give up
Antonyms: Keep
Example Sentence:
She wanted to forgo the tea and leave while they could.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 10-10-2021
1. FASCINATING (ADJECTIVE): (चित्ताकर्षक): Engrossing
Synonyms: Captivating, Absorbing
Antonyms: Boring
Example Sentence:
He was also the most fascinating person she'd ever spoken to.
2. AGGRESSION (NOUN): (आत्मविश्वास): Confidence
Synonyms: Self-confidence, Boldness
Antonyms: Diffidence
Example Sentence:
He plays violin with sheer volume and aggression.
3. EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): Speed up
Synonyms: Accelerate, Hurry
Antonyms: Delay
Example Sentence:
To expedite the approval process, one can apply online.
4. DILIGENCE (NOUN): (ईमानदारी): Conscientiousness
Synonyms: Assiduity, rigour
Antonyms: Laziness
Example Sentence:
Few party members challenge his diligence as an MP.
5. GENERIC (ADJECTIVE): (सामान्य): General
Synonyms: Common, Collective
Antonyms: Specific
Example Sentence:
Chehre is a generic term for all goat's milk cheese.
6. DEFER (VERB): (समर्पण करना): Yield
Synonyms: Submit, Give way
Antonyms: Stand up to
Example Sentence:
He was not a man to defer this kind of pressure.
7. STEREOTYPE (VERB): (रूढ़िबद्ध धारणा बनाना): Typecast
Synonyms: Pigeonhole, Conventionalize
Antonyms: Unconventional
Example Sentence:
The city is too easily stereotyped as an industrial wasteland.
8. DISRUPT (VERB): (भंग करना): Distort
Synonyms: Damage, Buckle
Antonyms: Organize
Example Sentence:
Alcohol can disrupt the chromosomes of an unfertilized egg.
9. TOLERANCE (NOUN): (सहनशीलता): Forbearance
Synonyms: Toleration, Sufferance
Antonyms: Intolerance
Example Sentence:
The plants have a high tolerance for heat.
10. TERRIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (बीमार): Ill
Synonyms: Unwell, Poorly
Antonyms: Well
Example Sentence:
I was sick all night and felt terrible for two days.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 08-10-2021
1. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): Former
Synonyms: Old, Past
Antonyms: Present
Example Sentence:
He fled to America with Gia Manek, an erstwhile friend of his wife's.
2. RESCIND (VERB): (रद्द कर देना): Revoke
Synonyms: Repeal, Cancel
Antonyms: Enforce
Example Sentence:
The government eventually rescinded the directive.
3. EXCEPTIONAL (ADJECTIVE): (असामान्य): Unusual
Synonyms: Uncommon, Abnormal
Antonyms: Usual
Example Sentence:
Late claims will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
4. RETALIATE (VERB): (प्रतिकार करना): Fight back
Synonyms: Strike back, Respond
Antonyms: Turn the other cheek
Example Sentence:
The blow stung and she had retaliated immediately.
5. HARASS (VERB): (सताना): Pester
Synonyms :Badger, Hound
Antonyms: Leave in peace
Example Sentence:
Being harassed at work can leave you feeling confused and helpless.
6. PROMPT (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): Quick
Synonyms: Swift, Rapid
Antonyms: Slow
Example Sentence:
She would have died but for the prompt action of two ambulance men.
7. COMPASSION (NOUN): (दया): Pity
Synonyms: Sympathy, Feeling
Antonyms: Indifference
Example Sentence:
The victims must be treated with compassion.
8. FLAG (VERB): (थकना): Tire
Synonyms: Weaken, Falter
Antonyms: Revive
Example Sentence:
If you begin to flag, there is an excellent cafe to revive you.
9. IMPAIR (VERB): (हानि पहुंचाना): Damage
Synonyms: Harm, Diminish
Antonyms: Improve
Example Sentence:
A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing.
10. FLOUT (VERB): (अवज्ञा करना): Defy
Synonyms: Go against, Scorn
Antonyms: Observe
Example Sentence:
The advertising code was being flouted.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 06-10-2021
1. ASTONISHING (ADJECTIVE): (आश्चर्यजनक): Surprising
Synonyms: Impressive, Amazing
Antonyms: Unimpressive
Example Sentence:
All his achievements are nothing short of astonishing.
2. INCURSION (NOUN): (आक्रमण): Attack on
Synonyms: Assault on, Raid on
Antonyms: Retreat
Example Sentence:
In case there is an incursion into our territories, we have to repel such attacks.
3. PRECEDE (VERB): (पूर्व में होना): Lead up to
Synonyms: Pave the way for, Set the scene for
Antonyms: Follow
Example Sentence:
A gun battle had preceded the explosions.
4. VANITY (NOUN): (गुमान): Conceit
Synonyms: Self-conceit, Narcissism
Antonyms: Modesty
Example Sentence:
It flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him.
5. SPECIFIC (ADJECTIVE): (विशिष्ट): Particular
Synonyms: Specified, Certain
Antonyms: General
Example Sentence:
Huge savings were made to meet specific development needs.
6. STARTLE (VERB): (डराना): Surprise
Synonyms: Frighten, Scare
Antonyms: Put at ease
Example Sentence:
A sudden sound in the doorway startled her.
7. SEIZURE (NOUN): (अभिग्रहण): Confiscation
Synonyms: Impounding, Commandeering
Antonyms: Restitution
Example Sentence:
Cowed by the bold seizure of the leaders, the states of Holland submitted.
8. CONFIDE (VERB): (गुप्त रूप से बताना): Reveal
Synonyms: Disclose, Divulge
Antonyms: Keep from
Example Sentence:
He confided his fears to his mother.
9. SANCTION (NOUN): (दंड): Penalty
Synonyms: Punishment, Deterrent
Antonyms: Reward
Example Sentence:
A range of sanctions were aimed at deterring insider abuse.
10. HARBOUR (VERB): (आश्रय देना): Shelter
Synonyms: Conceal, Hide
Antonyms: Hand over
Example Sentence:
He was suspected of harbouring an escaped prisoner.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 04-10-2021
1. COMPLEX (ADJECTIVE): (जटिल): Complicated
Synonyms: Involved, Intricate
Antonyms: Simple
Example Sentence:
The was a complex task of regenerating Docklands.
2. OBSCURE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्पष्ट): Obscure
Synonyms: Unclear, Dense
Antonyms: Limpid
Example Sentence:
It was nothing but technical jargon that was opaque to her.
3. ALARMING (ADJECTIVE): (भयप्रद): Worrying
Synonyms: Disturbing, Frightening
Antonyms: Reassuring
Example Sentence:
Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.
4. DEFECTION (NOUN): (परित्याग): Desertion
Synonyms: Absconding, Decamping
Antonyms: Joining
Example Sentence:
His defection from the Labour Party was really shocking.
5. EMACIATION (NOUN): (दुर्बलता): Thinness
Synonyms: Starvation, Underfeeding
Antonyms: Obesity
Example Sentence:
He was thin to the point of emaciation.
6. COMPREHENSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक): Inclusive
Synonyms: All-inclusive, Complete
Antonyms: Partial
Example Sentence:
I own a comprehensive collection of vivid photographs.
7. PAINSTAKING (ADJECTIVE): (श्रमसाध्य): Careful
Synonyms: Meticulous, Thorough
Antonyms: Careless
Example Sentence:
He gave painstaking attention to detail.
8. FUTILE (ADJECTIVE): (निष्फल): Fruitless
Synonyms: Vain, Pointless
Antonyms: Useful
Example Sentence:
A futile attempt was made to keep fans from mounting the stage.
9. CURB (VERB): (अंकुश लगाना): Restrain
Synonyms: Hold back, Keep back
Antonyms: Release
Example Sentence:
She promised she would curb her temper.
10. LONE (ADJECTIVE): (एकाकी): Deserted
Synonyms: Uninhabited, Unfrequented
Antonyms: Populous
Example Sentence:
She live in a house in lone rural settings.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 02-10-2021
1. VIOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (हिंसक): Brutal
Synonyms: Vicious, Savage
Antonyms: Gentle
Example Sentence:
They had to face a violent confrontation with riot police.
2. DEMOLITION (NOUN): (विध्वंस): Destruction
Synonyms: Knocking down, Flattening
Antonyms: Construction
Example Sentence:
The monument was saved from demolition.
3. NEGLIGENCE (NOUN): (लापरवाही): Carelessness
Synonyms: Lack of care, Dereliction of duty
Antonyms: Conscientiousness
Example Sentence:
His injury was due to the negligence of his employers.
4. DIGNITY (NOUN): (गरिमा): Nobility
Synonyms: Majesty, Regality
Antonyms: Informality
Example Sentence:
He bowed in front of God with great dignity.
5. INDUCE (VERB): (कारण बनना): Cause
Synonyms: Produce, Effect
Antonyms: Prevent
Example Sentence:
None of these measures induced a change of policy.
6. DECEPTION (NOUN): (धोखा): Deceit
Synonyms: Duplicity, Double-dealing
Antonyms: Guilelessness
Example Sentence:
I dealt with a range of petty deceptions.
7. SPLENDID (ADJECTIVE): (शानदार): Magnificent
Synonyms: Sumptuous, Grand
Antonyms: Modest
Example Sentence:
The view of the HawaMahal was splendid.
8. PINNACLE (NOUN): (शिखर): Peak
Synonyms: Height, Summit
Antonyms: Nadir
Example Sentence:
He had reached the pinnacle of his career.
9. LAX (ADJECTIVE): (बेपरवाह): Slack
Synonyms: Slipshod, Negligent
Antonyms: Stern
Example Sentence:
Never let go of that privacy or be lax with your security.
10. INDEFINITELY (ADVERB): (अनिश्चित काल के लिए): Sine die
Synonyms: Forever, For good
Antonyms: Temporarily
Example Sentence:
Talks cannot go on indefinitely.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 30-09-2021
1. FEASIBILITY (NOUN): (व्यवहार्यता): Practicability
Synonyms: Practicality, Viability
Antonyms: Impracticality
Example Sentence:
There is feasibility in screening athletes for cardiac disease.
2. UNDERSCORE (VERB): (ज़ोर देना): Emphasize
Synonyms: Highlight, Stress
Antonyms: Understate
Example Sentence:
The company underscored the progress made with fuel cells.
3. SUSPICION (NOUN): (संदेह): Intuition
Synonyms: Feeling, Impression
Antonyms: Certainty
Example Sentence:
She had a sneaking suspicion that he was laughing at her.
4. UNSCRUPULOUS (ADJECTIVE): (नीतिज्ञानहीन): Unprincipled
Synonyms: Unethical, Immoral
Antonyms: Ethical
Example Sentence:
Unscrupulous landlords might be tempted to harass existing tenants.
5. EXPLOIT (VERB): (अनुचित लाभ उठाना):
Take advantage of
Synonyms: Make use of, Abuse
Antonyms: Treat Fairly
Example Sentence:
These workers are at particular risk of being exploited in the workplace.
6. COMPASSION (NOUN): (दया): Pity
Synonyms: Sympathy, Feeling
Antonyms: Indifference
Example Sentence:
The victims should be treated with compassion.
7. STREAM (VERB): (लहराना): Flutter
Synonyms: Float, Flap
Antonyms: Dangle
Example Sentence:
Her black cloak streamed behind her.
8. HORRIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (बुरा): Nasty
Synonyms: Disagreeable, Unpleasant
Antonyms: Pleasant
Example Sentence:
The tea made by her tasted absolutely horrible.
9. PARTIALLY (ADVERB): (आंशिक रूप से): Partly
Synonyms: In part, Relatively
Antonyms: Wholly
Example Sentence:
The work partially fulfills the function of a historical memoir.
10. ADVENT (NOUN): (आगमन): Arrival
Synonyms: Appearance, Emergence
Antonyms: Departure
Example Sentence:
The advent of television was a milestone.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 28-09-2021
1. BLATANT (ADJECTIVE): (ज्वलंत): Flagrant
Synonyms: Glaring, Obvious
Antonyms: Inconspicuous
Example Sentence:
She turned her back on him in blatant disregard he wasn't likely to misinterpret.
2. EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): Speed up
Synonyms: Accelerate, Hurry
Antonyms: Delay
Example Sentence:
He promised to expedite economic reforms.
3.UNUSUAL (ADJECTIVE): (असाधारण): Remarkable
Synonyms: Extraordinary, Exceptional
Antonyms: Unremarkable
Example Sentence:
He is a man of unusual talent.
4. DOMINANCE (NOUN): (प्रभुत्व): Supremacy
Synonyms: Superiority, Ascendancy
Antonyms: Subservience
Example Sentence:
There is worldwide dominance of Hollywood.
5. REDEMPTION (NOUN): (मोचन): Retrieval
Synonyms: Recovery, Reclamation
Antonyms: Deprivation
Example Sentence:
The peasants found the terms of redemption unattractive.
6. ESCALATION (NOUN): (वृद्धि): Rise
Synonyms: Hike, Advance
Antonyms: Plunge
Example Sentence:
A convincing argument backed by a slow policy may limit escalation of a crisis.
7. VIOLENT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यन्त): Intense
Synonyms: Extreme, Strong
Antonyms: Mild
Example Sentence:
I have a violent dislike for red roses.
8. FURY (NOUN): (रोष): Rage
Synonyms: Anger, Wrath
Antonyms: Good humour
Example Sentence:
Her eyes were filled with tears of fury and frustration.
9. BAR (VERB): (रोकना): Prohibit
Synonyms: Debar, Preclude
Antonyms: Admit
Example Sentence:
Journalists had been barred from covering the elections.
10. ELIGIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (योग्य): Entitled
Synonyms: Permitted Allowed
Antonyms: Ineligible
Example Sentence:
Customers who are eligible for discounts, formed a long queue.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 26-09-2021
1. APPLICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (प्रयोज्य): Relevant
Synonyms: Appropriate, Pertinent
Antonyms: Irrelevant
Example Sentence:
The same considerations are equally applicable to accident claims.
2. SLENDER (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): Meagre
Synonyms: Limited, Slight
Antonyms: Considerable
Example Sentence:
India has a large population of people of slender means.
3. DIPLOMATIC (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार कुशल): Tactful
Synonyms: Sensitive, Subtle
Antonyms: Indiscreet
Example Sentence:
He tried his best to be diplomatic but failed.
4. CLASH (NOUN): (संघर्ष): Be incompatible
Synonyms: Not match, Not go
Antonyms: Match
Example Sentence:
The yellow shirt clashed with her purple skirt.
5. DUBIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (संदेहात्मक): Doubtful
Synonyms: Uncertain, Unsure
Antonyms: Certain
Example Sentence:
I was rather dubious about the whole idea
6. EXTORTIONATE (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक): Exorbitant
Synonyms: Excessive, Sky-high
Antonyms: Reasonable
Example Sentence:
The fee was nothing but extortionate.
7. DEFIANCE (NOUN): (अवज्ञा): Resistance
Synonyms: Opposition, Confrontation
Antonyms: Submission
Example Sentence:
His was an act of defiance.
8. CONCERN (NOUN): (चिंता): Anxiety
Synonyms: Worry, Disquiet
Antonyms: Serenity
Example Sentence:
Sia gazed at her with concern.
9. MISCHIEF (NOUN): (शरारत): Badness
Synonyms: Misbehaviour, Misconduct
Antonyms: Solemnity
Example Sentence:
She'll make sure Sia doesn't get into mischief.
10. CAUTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (सतर्क): Careful
Synonyms: Wary, Aware
Antonyms: Incautious
Example Sentence:
Any cautious tourist will guard her passport.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 24-09-2021
Synonyms: Sound, Admissible
Antonyms: Invalid
Example Sentence:
He should at least give a legitimate excuse for being late.
2. COMMIT (VERB): (समर्पित होना): Devout
Synonyms: Devoted, Loyal
Antonyms: Apathetic
Example Sentence:
We are committed to the fundamental principles of democracy.
3. COUNTER (VERB): (विरोध करना): Parry
Synonyms: Answer, Contradict
Antonyms: Support
Example Sentence:
The possibility of the enemy being able to counter with similar missiles was remote.
4. ERSTWHILE (ADJECTIVE): (भूतपूर्व): Former
Synonyms: Old, Past
Antonyms: Present
Example Sentence:
The erstwhile president of the company died recently.
5. UNRELENTING (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): Continual
Synonyms: Constant, Continuous
Antonyms: Intermittent
Example Sentence:
Everyone for him was an unrelenting opponent.
6. OVERWHELMING (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिहार्य): Immense
Synonyms: Profuse, Enormous
Antonyms: Small
Example Sentence:
His party won overwhelming support.
7. CLAMOUR (NOUN): (कोलाहल): Din
Synonyms: Racket, Uproar
Antonyms: Silence
Example Sentence:
The questions rose to a clamour.
8. PERFUNCTORY (ADJECTIVE): (असावधान): Cursory
Synonyms: Desultory, Quick
Antonyms: Careful
Example Sentence:
He gave a perfunctory nod.
9. DISTRESS (NOUN): (संकट): Anguish
Synonyms: Suffering, Pain
Antonyms: Happiness
Example Sentence:
To his distress he saw that she was trembling.
10. CONVICTION (NOUN): (निश्चय): Certainty
Synonyms: Certitude, Assurance
Antonyms: Uncertainty
Example Sentence:
She had been speaking for some five minutes with force and conviction.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary 22-09-2021
1. WORRISOME (ADJECTIVE): (चिंताजनक): Worrying
Synonyms: Daunting, Alarming
Antonyms: Reassuring
Example Sentence:
The situation was becoming worrisome day by day.
2. INUNDATE (VERB): (बाढ़ लाना): Flood
Synonyms: Deluge, Overflow
Antonyms: Drain
Example Sentence:
The islands may be the first to be inundated as sea levels rise.
3. CONVENE (VERB): (बुलाना): Summon
Synonyms: Call, Order
Antonyms: Disperse
Example Sentence:
He had convened a secret meeting of military personnel.
4. SIGNIFICANTLY (ADVERB): (विशेषकर): Notably
Synonyms: Remarkably, Outstandingly
Antonyms: Slightly
Example Sentence:
Energy bills have increased significantly this year.
5. TROUBLED (ADJECTIVE): (चिंतित): Anxious
Synonyms: Worried, Concerned
Antonyms: Unworried
Example Sentence:
We felt very bad looking at her troubled face.
6. BONHOMIE (NOUN): (खुशमिज़ाजी): Geniality
Synonyms: Conviviality, Affability
Antonyms: Coldness
Example Sentence:
He emits good humour and bonhomie.
7. REMOTE (ADJECTIVE): (असंभाव्य): Unlikely
Synonyms: Improbable, Implausible
Antonyms: Likely
Example Sentence:
Chances of a lasting peace became even more remote.
8. REMISS (ADJECTIVE): (बेपरवाह): Negligent
Synonyms: Neglectful, Irresponsible
Antonyms: Careful
Example Sentence:
It would be very remiss of me not to pass on that information.
9. IMMUNE (ADJECTIVE): (बचा हुआ): Resistant
Synonyms: Not subject to, Unsusceptible
Antonyms: Susceptible
Example Sentence:
They are immune from legal action.
10. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): Failure
Synonyms: Disaster, Catastrophe
Antonyms: Success
Example Sentence:
His plans turned into a fiasco.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 20-09-2021
1. SEMBLANCE (NOUN): (दिखावा): Appearance
Synonyms: Approximation, Show
Antonyms: Difference
Example Sentence:
She tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order.
2. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (पहेली): Problem
Synonyms: Difficulty, Quandary
Example Sentence:
The experts had to face one of the most difficult conundrums.
3. SUPREMACY (NOUN): (वर्चस्व): Ascendancy
Synonyms: Predominance, Primacy
Antonyms: Inferiority
Example Sentence:
The supremacy of the king always prevails.
4. LAUD (VERB): (प्रशंसा करना): Praise
Synonyms: Extol, Hail
Antonyms: Condemn
Example Sentence:
The obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier.
5. FACILITATE (VERB): (सुगम बनाना): Ease
Synonyms: Smooth, Enable
Antonyms: Impede
Example Sentence:
Schools were located in the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources.
6. EXHIBIT (VERB): (दिखाना): Show
Synonyms: Display, Reveal
Antonyms: Conceal
Example Sentence:
He could exhibit a saint like calmness.
7. MALICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (दुर्भावनापूर्ण): Spiteful
Synonyms: Malevolent, Hostile
Antonyms: Benevolent
Example Sentence:
He had been found guilty of malicious damage.
8. PERPETUAL (ADJECTIVE): (निरंतर): Everlasting
Synonyms: Never-ending, Eternal
Antonyms: Transitory
Example Sentence:
Deep caves have perpetual darkness.
9. PARAMOUNT (ADJECTIVE): (सर्व-श्रेष्ठ): Uppermost
Synonyms: Supreme, Chief
Antonyms: Subordinate
Example Sentence:
Staying on schedule is paramount to ensure confidence in the system.
10. CRISIS (NOUN): (संकट): Catastrophe
Synonyms: Calamity, Cataclysm
Antonyms: Blessing
Example Sentence:
The current economic crisis is unbearable.
🎯The Hindu Vocabulary : 18-09-2021
1. DIFFUSE (ADJECTIVE): (तितर-बितर): Verbose
Synonyms: Wordy, Prolix
Antonyms: Succinct
Example Sentence:
The second argument between us was more diffuse.
2. DISSENT (NOUN): (मतभेद): Disagreement
Synonyms: Difference of opinion, Argument
Antonyms: Agreement
Example Sentence:
There was no dissent from this view.
3. INQUISITIVE (ADJECTIVE): (जिज्ञासु): Curious
Synonyms: Intrigued, Interested
Antonyms: Uninterested
Example Sentence:
I do not like to seem inquisitive to anyone.
4. DISINTERESTED (ADJECTIVE): (निष्पक्ष): Unbiased
Synonyms: Unprejudiced, Impartial
Antonyms: Biased
Example Sentence:
A banker is under an obligation to give disinterested advice.
5. MODERATE (ADJECTIVE): (मध्यम): Average
Synonyms: Modest, Medium
Antonyms: Great
Example Sentence:
Both of us walked at a moderate pace only.
6. STEEP (ADJECTIVE): (आकस्मिक): Sharp
Synonyms: Sudden, Precipitate
Antonyms: Gradual
Example Sentence:
The steep rise in unemployment.
7. SLUMP (VERB): (गिरना): Flop
Synonyms: Flump, Collapse
Antonyms: Stand up
Example Sentence:
She slumped against the cushions.
8. KEEN (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही): Eager
Synonyms: Anxious, Impatient
Antonyms: Bad
Example Sentence:
My friend is a keen gardener.
9. INDIGENOUS (ADJECTIVE): (स्वदेशी): Native
Synonyms: Aboriginal, Local
Antonyms: Expatriate
Example Sentence:
We met indigenous people of Siberia.
10. GARNER (VERB): (संचित करना): Gather
Synonyms: Collect, Accumulate
Antonyms: Disperse
Example Sentence:
The police struggled to garner sufficient evidence.