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THC - The Horny Club

📌 New Group and updates📌

👉We have made a new group for Jameliz. Click here to join it.

👉We've also added the links to all the groups back, if you are a new member and weren't able to join them, you can now.

👉We've also reworded the rules in multiple groups to prevent miscommunications.

👉A new THC Twitter account has been made. Follow it for content and news regarding our groups. >

For unban appeals or serious questions message @zeroequalszero

Click here for the rules.

If you can't join because of pornographic content click here to fix it.

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THC - The Horny Club

📌 🚨 Important warnings 🚨📌

All group invites have been temporarily disabled so we do a clean up. If you are a new member you're going to have to wait a few days until you can join groups, shouldn't be too many. We will ping again when they are enabled.

I also want to take this chance to give a big warning to people. Be careful with what links you click on telegram, a lot of people are getting "hacked" by clicking a link and giving their login session to another device that will spam bad things in our groups. These links look like regular telegram links and people think are safe. Don't fall for scams and only click a link if it comes from a THC mod.

And follow the new THC twitter account ☺️

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THC - The Horny Club

📌 This is the new main channel for THC since the other hit the member limit 📌

If you want to join all THC groups at once, click here.

Please type @admin if anything bad gets posted in our groups.

For unban appeals or serious questions message @zeroequalszero

Click here for the rules.

If you can't join because of pornographic content click here to fix it.

If you join too many groups too fast you will get rate limited, just wait a few minutes and try to join again.


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THC - The Horny Club

We recently made a discord server to hang out. This is a place where we can listen to music together, watch movies, game, talk about different things etc.

This is a Safe For Work space. No nudity allowed, only cool vibes.

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THC - The Horny Club

Follow the THC and 0equals0 twitter accounts for new links/updates in case our groups or subreddits go down.

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THC - The Horny Club

Group rules & Guidelines

1. You need to be 18+ to be in any of our groups.

2. Content from underage people is not allowed. And avoid talking about it.

3. Gore, depictions of abuse or self harm content is not allowed. Roleplay allowed in the Extreme Fantasies group.

4. Do not spam in any group. This includes spamming requests, same type of texts across the same or multiple groups, sending messages that have nothing to do with the groups etc. Posting scam telegram groups or discord server links will all count as spam and will get you banned.

5. Any form of harassment is not allowed. This includes racism or hate speech, but also kink shaming. (exceptions might occur in a roleplaying scenario or in the extreme fantasies group)

6. Always post content in the appropriate groups. This means no requesting other girls or content in the wrong groups. If you have any questions, ask in our General Chat

7. DM requests go into the Ask for DMs group. Do not spam normal groups with those, you will get muted.

8. Only post fakes, captions and tributes in the specific group for those. (Some will be allowed in regular groups in moderation)

9. Do not post, ask or offer any pics or videos from people you know or knew in real life. It's only allowed in our Extreme Fantasies group and asking in any other THC group will get you banned.

10. Do not advertise or promote anything unless you have permission from the mods. You can message one of them and ask. We also have a promos group where you can pay to promote.

11. No selling or buying in our groups. Same goes for asking for funds or pools to buy content from a girl. This is to keep our members safe. (We are not responsible for anything that happens in dms)

12. English only. We welcome people from every nationality but please avoid messages in different languages other than English.

13. Read the pinned messages! Every group chat has pinned messages with information and rules about that certain group.

14. Groups will sometimes have media disabled, this is to prevent bad things from being posted when mods are offline. You'll have to wait until it's turned on or be active enough to get a role to be able to post.

These will get you banned without a warning - Child pornography, bestiality, sending virus or malware, promoting scam groups, sending gore, "send me anything illegal" pics, asking or sending pics of people you know in real life like girlfriend or family, linking discord or telegram groups 3+ times.

This list does not constitute the full set of rules, and our moderators may take action on misbehavior and violations that are not explicitly listed above.

For unban appeals, message @zeroequalszero

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THC - The Horny Club

The Horny Club Groups

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THC - The Horny Club

Seems like telegram groups are currently down and messages are not being sent. Gotta wait until they fix it.

Since only channels seem to work, I'm gonna take the chance to say I love all of you guys and what we have done as a community 🥰

Edit: They are now fixed

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THC - The Horny Club

Just something random and quick that I decided to do for the end of the year.

Thanks for being a part of The Horny Club in 2023 and for making our community great ❤️ Let's keep it going and make it even better for 2024.

Happy New Years 🍾🎧

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THC - The Horny Club

If you can't join a group because of pornographic content and use an iPhone follow the steps below. If you live in a country that bans porn you can't fix it

1. Login to 'Telegram Web' (
2. Hit the three lines and switch to the old version
3. Open Settings > Privacy and Security
4. Check Disable Filtering box under Sensitive Content
5. Close and Reopen Telegram app, if not, Delete and Reinstall Telegram app

Possible alternate methods if the above doesn't work:

1. Try some alternative Telegram apps (Telegram Lite, Nicegram, BGram etc - there are many choices)

2. Get the Telegram apk directly from the website, not the Play Store (android only)

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THC - The Horny Club

A guide for new telegram users.

Hide your phone number. Settings > Privacy and Security > Set Phone Number to Nobody

Disable filtering sensitive content. Settings > Privacy and Security > Set Disable Filtering to ON

Make a folder for better use. Settings > Folders > Create a folder > type thc in the search bar and add all the THC groups to that folder.

Set a username. Settings > Edit Profile > Username.

Do not fall for any "send this in 3 groups to be accepted" and don't click any suspicious links that are not sent by a moderator. Mods have a tag that either say "Admin" or "Moderator".

If you have any questions about telegram or our groups, join our general chat and ask there. If it's more personal or serious, you can dm one of our mods.

There's too many hidden settings and features on telegram so here's a list with some of the features and limits of telegram.

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