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Join us for BOOK CLUB!
Come hang out as we dive into The Celestine Prophecy, a book that has profoundly shaped my understanding of life and spiritual growth. I've read it many times, and each time it reveals more about the Great Awakening that so many of us are experiencing. This book offers tangible insights into how we can embrace our awakening—not just for our personal transformation, but for the greater good of the world. It’s truly one of my all-time favorite reads! I hope you’ll join us for a fun and enlightening discussion of this powerful story.
7pm pacific | 10pm eastern
Help me pick the next book for Book Club! (poll following)
1. The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire by Deepak Chopra explores the concept of synchronicity, illustrating how aligning with the universe's deeper patterns can lead to the manifestation of desires and the realization of one's true purpose through heightened awareness and intention.
2. Journey of Souls by Michael Newton presents case studies of individuals under hypnosis, revealing detailed accounts of life between lives, reincarnation, and the soul’s journey through the spiritual realms, offering insights into the purpose of existence and the afterlife.
3. Etidorhpa is a mystical, allegorical novel by John Uri Lloyd about a man's journey to the center of the Earth, where he encounters metaphysical teachings on science, spirituality, and the nature of reality, blending elements of adventure, esoteric wisdom, and philosophical inquiry.
Join me tonight for The Kate Awakening Live!
7pm Pacific | 10pm Eastern
Does it help you or make you feel worse when someone shares with you that they're struggling?
Читать полностью…The craziest thing to realize is that we hold the key to our own shackles.
Yes censorship and brainwashing tactics are still being used heavily, but the last 7+ years have proved the information is still accessible to those who go looking for it.
There's something Q posted multiple times that I've been thinking a lot about lately - "the choice to know will be yours."
Many are still waiting around for the "authorities" to be our mommy and daddy and tell us what to do. This is the paradigm we're here to conquer.
We're still waiting on a cure for cancer. Guess what? They already exist. In fact, cures for just about every human illness and ailment already exist. And you can have them if you only choose to look. But many will only accept potentially life saving information if it's given to them by their doctor.
People turned on Trump for Operation Warp Speed not understanding the solid reasoning behind it (which is a whole other topic). And they completely overlooked the fact that he also told us about Ivermectin and other curatives and protected our rights to CHOOSE for ourselves. They want to blame him for harm that may have come to grown adults who made their own choices because he didn't act like their daddy and tell them what to do.
We have to take accountability for ourselves. That's the whole point. Even if we're lied to, the responsibility to verify before we accept those lies is still on us.
I'm thrilled that with RFK Jr joining forces with Trump topics like vaccines, Big Pharma and Big Food are now at the forefront of American conversations. But I have mixed feelings about this next administration coming in and acting like our daddy, banning everything that's harmful and enabling people to stay in the childlike state of waiting for someone else to fix everything for them.
Not that I wouldn't welcome some disclosure and help to come from the top, of course I would. But our focus needs to remain on course correcting our own dangerous need to rely on others so we aren't doomed to repeat history.
The power to change things has always been ours, but we have been conditioned to fear our own freedom and sovereignty. While it's helpful to have leaders who support transparency, the real awakening is breaking free from needing them, too.
Let's think about optics for a minute and how you actually reach people.
In recent years, it's been primarily folks on the right sounding the alarm on topics like Big Pharma, vaccine skepticism, Big Food (glyphosate, seed oils, GMO), poisoned products, chronic illnesses in children, etc.
Imagine the optics if these things were exposed by Trump.
Now imagine them exposed by RFK Jr.
And then throw in the assassinations of his family members and what pulling that thread will unravel and reveal. Then think about what that would have looked like exposed by Trump, versus the impact of it being exposed by Robert.
Our nation is healing. 🩹
BOYS CLUB tonight!!
See you there!
7pm PDT | 10pm EDT
I mentioned this on my show last night but I thought I’d also drop it on here. CBD and Mor is doing a Buy One Get One 50% off right now that also works with my promo code (Kate15) of an extra 15% off!
So if you were thinking of trying it or you tried it and loved it and know you’ll eventually want to reorder, now is the time! 🌿
Promo code: Kate15
Join me tonight for The Kate Awakening Live!
7pm Pacific | 10pm Eastern
Join us tonight for Episode 2 of Boys Club!
7pm pdt | 10pm edt
Here's to the return of mean Tweets. 🔥
Hold nothing back.
“This is the final battle.”
🐥- President Trump
This isn’t just randomly happening.
Most of us are waking up to the fact that we’re being poisoned. The more we wake up, the worse we realize it is.
It’s in our food, water, air, the clothes we wear, and the products we use. We’re being bombarded. The regulatory bodies we trusted to protect us have, quite literally, sold us out.
The good news is, once we realize this, we can take matters into our own hands. It will be work at first, they haven’t made it easy.
But this is one of the things I am most passionate about, and I’m here to help as much as I can. We’re all helping each other by sharing what we’ve learned and what’s helped us. And we WILL win.
We stayed comfortable and put it off for as long as we could, but the warning signs are in our faces now. It’s time for us to fight for our lives and the lives and health of our children and future generations. 🩷
If only people knew the kinds of dark entities attached to porn that are invited into your space, your body and your mind when you watch it.
It’s basically like summoning demons on a Ouija board plugged into a lightning rod of sexual energy, the most potent form of human energy.
BOYS CLUB tonight!!
See you there!
7pm PDT | 10pm EDT
A balance is emerging. Do you guys see it?
The great divide really began in the 1960s. Clash between the conservative and hippy movements created radically different camps who could no longer listen to each other or consider the other side's point of view.
But both had some important things to learn from the other.
Hippy ethos bred loose morality and promiscuity, setting off a chain reaction of degeneracy. Now we’re finally seeing a cultural return to traditional values.
At the same time, holistic health and skepticism of institutions and authority are finally being adopted by generations who put Mountain Dew in baby bottles.
Our nation is healing. 🩹
If you only have 3 minutes to watch Tucker Carlson’s show today, this is the 3 minutes you need to see.
The pharma treadmill is making everyone sick, and you won’t believe how bad it is until you see these stats:
• Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, compared to 1 in 1500 in the not-so-distant past.
• In California, it's even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22.
• 74% of American adults are overweight or obese.
• Close to 50% of children are overweight or obese.
• 50% of American adults have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.
• 30% of teens now have prediabetes.
• Infertility is increasing by 1% per year.
• Sperm counts are decreasing by 1% per year since the 1970s.
• Young adult cancers are up 79%.
What's causing all this? It's simple: “Our TOXIC food system and our TOXIC environment.”
@CaseyMeansMD explains:
“The thing that people need to understand is that all of these conditions are caused or driven by the exact same thing, which is metabolic dysfunction. This core foundational issue of how our bodies on the cellular level function, which is driven by our toxic food system and our toxic environment.
“These subtle, insidious forces that are creating slow progressive illness, starting now in fetal life, that allow patients to be profitable and on the pharma treadmill for their entire lives. They make us sick, but they don't kill us. And then we are drugged for life.”
The Call #6 is here!
Make yourself up for a listen to our rollercoaster of hilarious, mundane on to out-of-this-world, spiritual and therapeutic topics.
By now, you must know that we can never foresee where our conversations are going.
This time we started out having hysterical laughs and ended it with a laugh too.
The title of this call is courtesy to a quote Leylen used. And at this rate, we soon may have our very own book with a compilation of spontaneous quotes blurted out during our talks, which will also include one of Kate’s latest:
“Never look a gifted egg in the mouth”
All in all, this call contains a variety of topics that went from grandmothers in spirit, books, doomsday, surviving in Arizona, to dealing with real sufferings and more stuff in between all that. It definitely had its funny twists and serious turns, which is the beauty of just having a phone call between friends.
Much love,
Leylen, Patricia & Kate
ICYMI, last night I had one of my oldest and dearest friends on the show with me because I believe his story can help so many people. Ryan is an Army veteran, who, like many veterans, had a hell of a time integrating the things he experienced in war with being back in regular life. He witnessed the same kind of unhealed trauma push his friends to take their own lives, and he saw himself heading down the same dark path of self medicating and apathy. As long as I’ve known him, he’s always been the guy with his nose in a book, constantly seeking and learning and growing. Thank God, during this time, he was able to find different modalities that helped him not only get himself healthy physically and mentally, but also allowed him to ground the traumatic energies and transmute what was plaguing him into what fuels him. We talked last night about how it doesn’t necessarily take going to war, most people walk around traumatized just given the state of our world. There can also be a stigma, particularly for men, around getting help and healing. The VA and therapists can be no real help and even a detriment. Ryan has found a way to nurture and restore himself, while maintaining the aspect of the warrior, which he says all men innately possess.
Please share this episode with anyone you think it may help. 🪖♥️
I've been talking to a lot of people lately, including reconnecting with a bunch of old friends.
It seems there is a common theme with just about all of them, everyone seems to be going through the hardest/craziest period of their lives right now. Like never before.
I'm not talking about the state of the world/country/economy, though that's a contributing factor. I mean things popping up in people's individual lives. Things like death of a family member, severe illness of a loved one or themselves, insane betrayal, vicious divorce or breakup, traumatic events, serious mental health struggles, legal troubles, sudden, unexpected change, etc.
If you believe in "soul contracts" it's almost like everyone's contracts are coming due at the same time. It's the wildest thing.
I'm curious, are any of you experiencing the same? Please answer below. 👇
When it clicks, it clicks …
Work on making it click :)
If you are still not back on Twitter/X, try appealing your account again! My friend just did and got his account back in minutes! 🔥
A succinct history of Trump and Elon Musk's budding alliance, and why it matters.
The DOD's biggest contractor is Elon Musk. This occurred when Donald Trump was in office. Trump essentially helped propel Elon into his position as the richest man on the planet. What did Elon Musk do with the massive wealth he acquired? He bought the CIA-controlled Twitter, and subsequently exposed how they were working against Trump and Republicans. He could have done anything else with his money. But he attempted to save free speech. Listen to what Trump said here: "He's one of our great geniuses. And we have to protect all these people. He's one of our very smart people. We have to cherish those people. Shocking how's come so fast. You go back a year. They were talking about the end of the company and now all of a sudden they are talking about these great things. He's going to be building a very big plant in the United States. He has to because we help him so he has to help us."
Full Substack Thread:
Enjoy the show 🍿
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