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#asatru #odinism #sedian #the_asatru_edda
Chapter IV : Dísir
1. There are twelve Æsir whose nature is divine. The Dísir are no less sacred, nor are they less powerful. Those of the Æsir are called Ásynjur,those ...
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
In our lore we are given symbols that demonstrate our duty to the universal order to postpone Ragnarok for as long as possible. Although the end of this current cycle is inevitable, our world is still worth saving as as there are people here willing to prove that it is.
When we refuse to take care of our dead, our revered ancestors, their untrimmed nails will provide material for Naglfar, the ship of the dead. And when this ship has been loosed, the end has come. When men and women will not maintain the ties of matrimony, when oaths are no longer tended to, and when we all succumb to their wanton desires, this world will tear itself apart. But we can keep this from happening in the near future, and we owe it to every generation that follows us to work for life, for convergence and evolution, both in our society and in our own hearts.
It would be easy to give in.....
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odins_wife #scholarship
The merry wives of Asgard: Odin and his women
Odin is said to have at least two wives, Baldur’s mother, Frigg, and Thor’s mother, Jörd, as well as giantess concubines such as Gunnlöd and Rind. In this regard, he is compared to other Western Sky-Fathers of Indo-European descent, coupled with an Earth Mother figure.
In modern accounts of Old Norse mythology, the Earth goddess Jörd is best known as the mother of Thor. Upon inspection, however, it becomes apparent that the skalds more often refer to Earth as “Odin’s wife,” typically substituting one of his many epithets for his name. At least 19 kennings of this type are recorded.....
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #lore
Freyja as Leader of the Valkyries?
This is not something found in the sources. The earliest reference to the idea that Freyja was the leader of the Valkyries is in Walhall: Germanische Götter- und Heldensagen by Felix and Therese Dahn, 1885, which reads:
“However, in Walhall’s golden halls, they exchange the warlike for peaceful action; they fill the white-armed, feasting and drinking gods’ horns with foaming mead and ale they keep drinking utensils and crockery. In both roles, their leader is Freya, as such called Val-Freyja, so that they only appear as cupbearers to all of the gods and hand the drinking horn to those entering Odins hall.”
The idea is not from Richard Wagner’s Opera cycle (1876 ff.). There Freyja replaces Idun, as the keeper of the gods golden apples. Like Idun she is stolen by giants.
Indeed Freyja does serve mead in Valhal, like the Valkyries do, according to Snorri Sturluson in Skaldskaparmal 24:
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #germanic_mythology
The Horned Man and the Ravens
This image in particular is of interest: It is a drawing of a fragment of tweezers from Ihre Gotland, which appear to depict energy rising from the crown of the head and manifesting as ravens [i.e. Hugin and Munin, Thought and Memory].
Fjolsvinsmal 45 calls them “wise ravens”
Horskir hrafnar Wise ravens
skulu þér á hám gálga shall tear out your eyes
slíta sjónir úr, on the high gallows,
ef þú það lýgur, if you are lying,
að hér sé langt kominn that from afar has arrived
mögur til minna sala. the youth (Svipdag) to my halls
Commentary: Menglad’s threat to Fjolsvith should remove any lingering doubts that he is someone other than Odin. Her response is clearly a triple riddle with one inescapable answer. The word horskir “wise, sagacious” troubled Bugge, who suggested various emendations. However, the word is certainly correct here. There are two ravens in the myth, who can obviously be said to be wise, i.e. Odin’s ravens, Huginn (Mind) and Muninn (Memory). They fly every day over the Underworld, gathering knowledge for Odin, whose eyes cannot penetrate thus far (Grímnismál 20). They are his “intelligence” in more than one sense. One of Odin’s appellations was Hrafnás, Hrafnagoð, Raven God.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #Scholarship
Odin’s Wife: Mother Earth in Germanic Mythology
by William P. Reaves
Jörd, Thor’s Mother
... Odin’s wife Frigg in her role as Baldur’s mother clearly possesses characteristics of an earth goddess. Yet, in spite of this, both Frigg and Earth (Jörð) remain rather opaque figures in Old Icelandic literature. Despite her high rank, we know relatively little about Frigg. The case is much the same with Thor’s mother, the Earth. Physical descriptions of Jörd are few and mainly refer to her as...
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #our_fathers_godsaga #rydberg
PART 3 / 3
... A drink is also prepared for the damned, but it is blended with poison, painful to swallow and dreadful in its effect. With this drink, they die a second death, A drink is also prepared for the damned, but it is blended with poison, painful to swallow and dreadful in its effect. With this drink, they die a second death, which means that the spirit they received from Odin before their birth, the noblest component of mankind, flies away from them. With it escapes the inner body made of fine elements, which Lodur gave every human being– the body formed in the image of the gods, which provides the outer physical layer the form it bears in mortal life. Once this inner body leaves it, the doomed soul takes on another appearance reflecting its evil, which is always nasty, and often monstrously ugly, to behold.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #our_fathers_godsaga
Hear Ye, Hear Ye , Hear Ye !!!
For the very first time the full journey of the dead, the places of bliss and punis, as reconstructed by Viktor Rydberg in his “Our Fathers Godsaga”
Urd, the dis of fate, is also the dis of death. Because she determines every human’s fortune and lifespan, she also determines their hour of death.
She who lays life’s lots, also lays death’s. She, who along with her sisters, presides over the past, present, and future, presides over and gathers under her kingdom’s scepter, the past, present and future of all generations. As the dis of death and ruler in the underworld, she is also called Hel. Hel, therefore, is the name of both the kingdom of bliss in the underworld and its queen.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #epic
An Overview of the Germanic Mythology’s Epic Order
... Germanic tribe after another converted to Christianity and the great Germanic mythic structure at last completely brought down in ruins, what do we find? The epic-synthesizing instinct again in full activity, since from the rubble, new epics joined together and were built up into one great whole. The ancient heathen heroic epic about Mannus and his descendants was sentenced to oblivion and dissolution; but the scattered pieces had life and with newly historic and quasi-historic support were tied in anew with legends about the Gothic King Hermanrich, about Odoacer, King Theoderich, and King Attila. Sigurd Fafnirsbane’s epic sprouted out of the soil of decaying myths, and an epic-synthetic need hastened to further nourish it with what could still be found close at hand of the remains of decomposing sagas, and which, more or less organically, became incorporated with the Dieterich epic. One ought to have realized a long time ago that the epic-building urge did not come with the baptism of the Teutons, but has its basis in human psychology and was active through the millennia. A contrary opinion is puerile.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
In the Odinic faith no act is more sacred than the sexual union between a man and a woman to beget a child. This is the ultimate manifestation of the creative Spirit within us, which draws us to our mates, then forms a bond between the two, which will culminate in their physical joining where the sperm will combine with the egg to create life. The desire to converge is innate within all of us, as we have seen, and here it allows us to continue our genetic line that was sanctified by the Gods of our people so long ago.
Our ancestors believed in having many offspring and spurned childlessness, and we should follow their example to further our families and folk today. We need to take this valuable lesson to heart as low birthrates continue to lead Europeans toward extinction...
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #lore #scholarship
The Vanir Gods Njord and Nerthus
... Nerthus is most often identified as one of the Vanir. It has long been recognized that the name Nerthus is an etymon of Njörðr, the most senior of the named Vanir gods, and father of Freyr and Freyja. Grimm himself noted that the name Nerthus was identical to the later Old Norse name Njörðr, an “identity as obvious as that of Freyr to Freyja.” According to John McKinnell (2005), the development would be “Nerthus > *Njarðuz (breaking) > *Njörðuz (u-mutation) > Njörðr (synscope).” Much has been made of this apparent gender gap. Over the years, scholars have suggested that the deity described by Tacitus was actually male or had changed gender over time, reflecting the reduction in the status of women between the times of Tacitus and Saxo. The competing theory that Nerthus was a hermaphrodite received some attention when it was first proposed, but is now generally rejected.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #the_culture_of_the_teutons
....The soul is called hugr, Anglo-Saxon hygi, thereby indicating it as desire and inclination, as courage and thought. It inspires a man’s behavior, his actions and his speech are characterised according to whether they proceed out of whole hugr, bold hugr, or downcast hugr.
“My hugr urged me to it.” It sits within, giving counsel or warning; “my hugr tells me,” is a weighty argument, for when the hugr has told a thing, the matter is pretty well settled.
When a man has followed the good counsel from within, and attained his
end, then there rises from his soul a shout of triumph, it is his hugr laughing in his breast.
Finally, we encounter the soul as mód, as the Anglo-Saxons have it. A man’s mod is his mind, the will and strength of him, the
long-remembering, that which keeps both injury and friendship alive in the foreground of his consciousness, and the boldness, which will not suffer will and memory to consume each other in indecision. Mód is quite properly the soul in its fully awakened state.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook #doctrine
Our cycle ( of Ages ) concludes with the return to Chaos, with the breaking down of the Order so that all must either defend the light of the Gods or succumb to the darkness within and join the forces of corruption. Our lore is quite explicit in its telling of the end of this cycle, of the last age on our wheel of existence, The Varg Age (vargr meaning ‘wolf’ or ‘outlaw’), or Ragnarok.
It is the time when Gods and heroes stand together for a final stand, when the worlds have fallen apart and they are the only hope for salvation. Men no longer obey the divine decrees and care nothing for their social bonds. Monsters ravage the worlds, the World-Tree quakes and groans, and all prepare for the ominous Twilight of the Gods.
The fact is, we know almost for a certainty that this world will end, for at some point our sun must burn out. However, ......
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #the_culture_of_the_teutons #Grönbech
Luck, specially in Kings and Chieftains
Besides honour, man needs something which in the ancient language is called luck; The associations of the modern term, stressing the sense of chance or fortune, all run counter to the spirit of ancient Teutonic culture....
Whichever way we turn, we find the power of luck. It determines all progress. Where it fails, life sickens. It seems to be the strongest power, the vital principle indeed, of the world.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Acceptance and Duty
... if we view fate as a neutral force, and karma or urlag as an innate aspect of that force, then morality becomes something different altogether. There is cause and there is effect, you do something and there is a response to it. You either work alongside the powers of convergence or those of entropy. It is that simple. The Gods are there to show us the way, to inspire us in following a higher path, and to teach us the laws of faith and morality; but in the end fate will have its final decree. This is why it is said that Urd and her sisters “established laws, allotted life to the sons of men, and pronounced urlag” (LIII.45).
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Separation of Elements
So, what happens when we die?According to our lore, the elements that were given to us by Odin, Hoenir, and Lodur (see ch. 2) are dispersed and thus begin to manifest independently. The divine elements [önd (or Spirit/air), litr goda, our energy form (fire), and óðr, our mental capacity (water)] are separated from the earthly elements [lá, blood, and lík, body] so that the former may return to the lands of their creators and the latter remain here in Midgard.
Basically, the energies that make up Spirit, soul, and mind (önd, litr, and óðr) travel forth to the Gods to face judgment over their purity.
If the individual is judged worthy of either Gimle in Hel or Valhall in Asgard, they will be given the mead of the Underworld fountains to fully purify these elements.
If they are truly tainted with vile and evil actions and thus receive the lot of the damned in Niflhel there will be a second death. In this case the elements are separated again, leaving only an empty shell as the önd, litr, and óðr return to their source, the Gods. Afterwards the damned receive a new, ugly form befitting their foul natures so that they can face the punishments required for those who have committed terrible crimes.
This may sound all ‘fire and brimstone’ to some, but I can assure it is anything but. Our views on Niflhel simply reflect the values of justice we upheld in this life.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Affirming Life
Our faith, more than anything, is a tribute to life; with all its joys and sorrows, its complexities and necessities, the Odinist faces life head on, with courage in his heart and a smile on his face. Nietzche thus called this religion “The Great ‘Yes’ to Life,” and those men and women who choose it embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly.
Our Gods and Goddesses represent the many aspects of living within our realm of existence, from childbearing to working, from warfare to peace and compassion, from love to justice. Their lesson to us is to live our lives as fully as we can, while retaining a code of honor that is honest and direct. We do not have to toil over passages in books to guide us in every action we take, because the virtues we follow are already carved in stone upon our hearts.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
The three Classes
When Heimdall came to men, his desire was to help our people develop a civilization. In doing so he allowed us to understand a model that all humans will live by. No matter how we develop our societies, these models are always there, always in the background. People can create fantasies about ‘equality’ and utopias, but you will never be able to remove the classifications given to us by the Gods themselves. Some have even tried to remove them with the murder of millions of people and they were still unsuccessful. Of course, I am talking about the three castes or classes of men.
These classifications are not only natural, they are sacred to us. In the end you cannot defeat nature, and you cannot overcome it.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Heimdall - Skef ( Sceaf )
... Heimdall, God of the sacred fire (which would become the hearth-fire, for his name means ‘Home-Light’), was chosen to travel to Skandia (modern day Skåne) and teach the mortals how to build a culture. So, he was given a drink from each of the sacred fountains to empower him with the creative elements and inspire him for his task.
Heimdall then traveled across the sea in a self-propelled boat to bring the Odinic faith and spirituality to our lands (Fire/Water/Spirit).
The people of Aurvangaland (another name of Skåne) found him in the form of a child surrounded by the implements he would use to teach them the many skills he came to offer, sleeping on a sheaf of grain that would be the first to produce agriculture. Because of this, they gave the child the name Skef.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
... It is likely that our ancestors viewed the Earth as feminine due to its gestative and procreative properties in producing the fruits of the land.
In the same sense the first representative of fertility, the cow Audhumla, is female and it is unlikely to be coincidental that in the historic accounts cows would pull the cart of the Earth Goddess (Nerthus in Tacitus’ Germania ch. 40) in her yearly procession. Scientists have recently developed the “Gaia Theory” (Gaia being the Greek equivalent to Jord-Frigga) in which they recognize some form of intelligence in the way our planets’ ecosystems function.
According to the story, Frigga is the daughter of Hoenir, the niece of Lodur and Odin, as well as the latter’s wife. Her mother is Natt, or Night, possibly representing ordered darkness as Ginnungagap’s void was chaotic darkness.
If Hoenir represents Water, Lodur represents Fire, and Odin is Air/Spirit, why is Frigga, or Earth, their descendant and Odin’s consort? This is because her element is the newest of them all, and is also more dependent on the others than they are on each other.
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#asatru #odinism #odisbook #sedian
Acceptance and Duty
...if we view fate as a neutral force, and karma or urlag as an innate aspect of that force, then morality becomes something different altogether. There is cause and there is effect, you do something and there is a response to it. You either work alongside the powers of convergence or those of entropy. It is that simple.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #our_fathers_godsaga #rydberg
Post 2 of 3
The Journey of the Dead
...In the underworld, the common path of the dead first winds in a westerly direction through deep and dark dales. At one point, a mile-wide thorny heath with no path must be crossed. Then it is best to have Hel-shoes to protect the feet. Therefore, one must not neglect to strap Hel-shoes on the feet of a relative or a friend who has passed way, before they are buried. Admittedly, it is true that these shoes, like everything else the corpse carries to the grave — such as clothes, weapons and jewelry– remain in the grave; but everything in creation, including things made by man, have an inner material and an inner form, and it is the grave goods’ inner form that accompanies the dead to the underworld. The survivors’ care for the dead counts in their favor, and those who have Hel-shoes come through the thorn-heath with well-protected feet. If they do not have them, and if in their lifetime they were merciless to others who walked the thorny paths of mortal life, they do not come through without torn and bloody feet. But to the merciful who lack Hel-shoes, a pair is extended to them from a tree, growing at the beginning of the thorny-way.
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#the_asatru_edda #lore #odinism #sedian
Jörmungrund is the most ancient land, which was inhabited and decorated long before the other worlds.(1)Originally it was divided by three realms, each separate from the other (2)
2. First, there is Niflheimr, which lies north of the Niđafjöll.(3)Here is the gloomy, muddy, and cold land of frost, which is shrouded by mist and fog.)4)Hvergelmir rests atop the Niðafjöll, the mountain region which serves as the boundary between it and the southern realms.
3. Next, there is that land which is owned by Mímir, called Glasisvellir or Ókolnir.(5)This is a place of indescribable magnificence, with flower fields and groves that are never ravaged by frost or winter.(6)Here is also where Mímir’s hall is located. That wonderful hall that the Æsir call Brimir’s hall, was owned by Mímir.(7)After his birth, Mímir became the guardian of the central well, Óðrœrir, or Mímisbrunnr, and the root of Yggdrasill borne out of it(.8)Because this well bore Yggdrasill’s seed, the great ash is called Mímameiðr as well.(9)Hidden in the glorious well of Mímir lies all knowledge,(10) and wisdom and intelligence are also hidden there.(11) He is full of wisdom because each morning he drinks of his mead from the Gjallarhorn.(12) It is from him and his well that the rúnar and Galdr have their origin.(13 )Glasisvellir is separated from the south by the river Gjöll.(14)
4. Finally, there is the southernmost region, called Helheimr.(15) There arose from the sea, Urðarbrunnr, which stands under the tree, three maidens who were fostered by Mímir and Bestla.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Defining the Elements
Describing the four elements as we have may lead some to think that we are heading in some ‘New Age’ direction or something like that. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are simply defining these materials as they are explained in our creation story, and how they can be presented in both realistic and spiritual terms. Because these forces are natural, as are our Gods, and not ‘supernatural,’ we can explain them in reasonable, common sense ways. The elements in their materials forms, as Water, Fire, Air, and Earth, are easy to define, and are recognized as purely natural since we interact with them on a daily basis, are subject to them, and are a part of them. If you prefer, you can classify them in more scientific terms as Liquids, Energies, Gases, and Solids.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook The Grotti-Mill Besides creating lands of pristine forests and majestic mountains for Gods and men to dwell in, the Aesir joined with the primeval Giants to build the first form of technology: the great mill known as Grotti. This too has a connection to the Water/Fire/Spirit concept, for the mill causes the ebb and flow of the sea (Water), is the origin of the sacred friction-fire (and consequently of its patron, Heimdall), and is also a wishing-mill (Spirit); providing luck, plenty, artistry, wisdom, gold, and peace for those who need it. But it also has a relation to the Earth element as well, for there are nine Giantesses who turn the mill, one of whom is named Eyrgjafa ‘She Who Creates Sand Banks’ and another named Angeyja ‘She Who Makes the Islands Closer,’ both of which reference the mills usage of Giants’ limbs to create land, as with Ymir. This relates to the different layers of soil, which the lore claims came from different Giants in different ages. Ymir was ground up in the earliest age, then this was done to his son (born from his feet), named Thrudgelmir, and finally, in this age, the soil is derived from the flesh of Thrudgelmir’s son, named Bergelmir. In another story there is a description of the lesser Grotti-Mill that grinds salt and makes the sea salty, and salt is considered the highest representation of the Earth element, for our ancestors viewed salt deposits as highly sacred and even fought wars over them. Because Grotti is the worlds’ first fire-auger, Lodur ‘the fire producer’ becomes its caretaker and guardian, though Frey later joins him in this position. One of the Giant-maids who turns the mill-handles has the name Imdr ‘Ember’ and the fact that there are nine relates to the nine-spoked fire-augers used in ancient times by nine young women to produce the holy friction or need-fire. Until this time, according to the lore, fire had only come from the primordial flames of Sokkdalir, but now, through Grotti and the fire- auger, it could be controlled and used throughout the worlds, and its beneficial properties made it a most holy device for all beings, mortal and divine. Grotti also turns the stars in the sky, and as such represents the mechanical motions of the universe. Our ancestors thus recognized the turning of the stars in the sky (which is actually the earth rotating on its axis) along with the motion of the cosmic order. The North Star was the pivot point of its central pillar, and was called Veraldar Nagli ‘The World-Nail.’ This is why in the lore Grotti’s foundation is situated in the northern part of Jormungrund, right over the Hvergelmir fountain. The Mill itself symbolizes the idea that behind the ordered workings of the universe is the driving force of the Gods, the beneficial representatives of the Spirit element. The Giants wish to bring the universe back to the chaotic (anti-matter) state, for this is what they are descended from, while the Gods came later from the ice that had stabilized and was licked away by Audhumla. Basically, the Gods represent looking forward, to the advancement of the cosmos and all those within it. ....( please follow the link below)
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Tacitus says that seven northern nations worship Mother Earth, who is named Nerthus . Among the tribes that he says worship Nerthus are the Longobardi (Lombards).
In the History of the Lombards by Paul the Deacon c. 750, the now Christian Lombards have a legend among them, “a silly fable told by told men” about how Odin’s wife Frigg (called Godan and Frea) tricked Odin into giving them the name Longbards, and thus demanded that he also give them the victory. The trick involved Frigg telling the tribe to have their women come with them, their long hair arranged like beards, and assemble on the battlefield together. That evening, Frigg turned his bed around so that in the morning, Odin (called Godan) wakes and first sees this strange sight on the battlefield and asks, “Who are these Long-Beards?”.
This explains the statement in Tacitus Germania ch. 40 that the Lombards are a small but fierce tribe who can hold their own against more powerful neighbors. The Lombard Saga naturally explains why. Odin’s Wife Frigg secured victory for them and gave them a new name the Lombards (Longobards), prior to that, they were known as the Winnilli. In doing so, Odin sanctioned their women to fight alongside their men men on the battlefield.In Tacitus the Longobards worship Nerthus, and in their own history, recorded 600 years later, they say Frigg helped them acquire their name– the same one which Tacitus uses for them.
If these two histories can be connected, then Frigg (“the beloved”) is also known as Nerthus, “who is Mother Earth”. Her brother is the sea, Njord. They are the parents of Freyr and Freyja. In the temple of Uppsala the idol of Freyr is called Fricco, which is a masculine version of Fricca, Frekka, Frigga, Odin’s wife. In Skaldic poetry, “Odin’s wife” is a kenning for the Earth, Thor’s mother. Frigg is the mother of Baldur, her only child if you believe Snorri. So if Frigg is Nerthus, Mother Earth, then she is the mother of Thor and the Twins, Baldur and Hodr, by Odin; and the twins Freyr and Freyja by her own brother Njord. She is the Mother of the Gods. In the skaldic poem, the gods are said to be Frigg’s progeny..In Voluspa 4, the three sons of Borr, Odin and his brothers, lift Jord (earth) up from the sea, and they all three have relations with her (Lokasenna 24).
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
From every death comes life, and with the destruction of the world a new one shall arise. In the Ragnarok prophecy, after the conflagration has ended the Underworld, Jormungrund, will rise up out of the sea to become the new Earth.
This is likely based on the same observations that developed our creation myth, when islands are formed from volcanic activity in the sea and seem to pop up out of nowhere. In this new world Gods and humans will live together to forge a holy alliance that will keep peace for ages to come. Baldur, Nanna, and Hodur will organize the Gods and Goddesses who survived the battle within their new home of Idavoll.
Lif and Leifthrasir gather their children from Odainsacre, where they were preserved during the times of strife. An eagle flies over the beautiful waterfalls to signify the return of animal life. The history of the previous cycle will be discussed, then Hoenir will step forward once again to continue the faith of our forefathers. Vidar and Vali, Magni and Modi prepare themselves to take the next step towards building a new world, and the sun shall be carried by Sol’s daughter. The world is reborn, the wheel begins anew.
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#asatru #odinism #lore #scholarship
Rider on the storm: Wodan, master of the Wild Hunt
... According to these legends, Odin hunts at the end of the year, especially in the time between Christmas and Twelfth-Night, when the winds blow their fiercest. As such, Júlnir or Jölnir, “Yule figure”, occurs among Odin’s names in Snorri’s Edda. The peasants were always careful to leave the last sheaf of grain out in the fields to serve as fodder for his horse, “for the pagans believed that this same diabolical huntsman made his presence known in the fields at harvest time,” according to Luthern clergyman Nicolaus Gryse, who first connected Odin’s name to the Wild Hunt in 1593.
The object of the hunt varies and was sometimes a spectral boar, a stag, a white-breasted maiden or some wood nymph. In the late Middle Ages, when the belief in Odin was largely forgotten, the leader of the Wild Hunt became Dietrich of Bern, Charlemagne, Frederick Barbarossa, King Arthur, King Waldemar of Denmark, or some Sabbath-breaker like Hans von Hackelberg, who, in punishment for his sin, was condemned to hunt in the air forever. In lower Germany, there are many such stories of one Hakkelberend, whose name points back to Odin....
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
The Internal Struggle
The hedonist likely believes that their lifestyle is benign, that really we are making too big of a deal about this and we should not criticize them for their behavior. For this we must examine the paradigm of Loki. He began his campaign in Asgard as a benevolent deity, a light-hearted prankster who won the hearts of the Gods with his humor and wit. Who can forget the episode when he tied his testicles to a nanny-goat to make Skadi laugh? He was especially loved by Thor and Odin, becoming the latter’s blood-brother and joining both of them often on their many excursions. From the first day Loki displayed his hedonistic, bisexual tendencies, which gradually grew worse and worse the longer he stayed in Asgard. In fact, Loki’s temperament parallels the turning of the wheel, as the ages pass and the corruption of the worlds develops. At first, in the Golden Age, he is completely benevolent and his sexual pursuits are viewed as merely a part of his jovial nature. Then, as each age passes his inflamed passions become more cruel and sadistic. At first, he starts sabotaging the Gods only slightly, small infractions that the Gods demand he make recompense for. As his career continues he grows more and more corrupted, his innate desires fully taking over. Eventually he surrenders completely to them and begins outright committing crimes against the Gods, in secret to begin with, then blatantly. He becomes the ultimate enemy of divinity and creation, the leader of the forces of entropy at Ragnarok.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Odin’s wife and mother of the Aesir—Thor, Baldur, and Hodur with him; she also gave birth to Frey, Freya, Blik, Blid, Frid, Eir, Hlif, Hlifthrasa, Thjodvarta, and Bjart with her brother, Njord.
Such a close union is allowed among the Vanir (but not the Aesir), and we would see this as an aspect of divinity rather than a model to live by. All in all, Frigga has thirteen children known to us, more than any other Goddess, which is fitting since she is our matron of childbirth and marriage.
Her role in the fertility process, according to the lore, is in seeing to it that the Manna Mjotudr, the fruits of human destiny and life, are delivered to the right expectant mothers. Therefore, women pray to her when they wish to have children.
Besides being Goddess of childbirth and motherhood , Frigga is also identical to Nerthus , Jord , and Erde , our Mother Earth.
As such her first spiritual lesson for us is in maintaining our connection to the land...
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