The Official Telegram Channel of the Norrœna Society
#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Hoenir and Lodur
Hoenir: Son of Burr and Bestla, father of Frigga with Natt. He was chieftain of the Vanir until he was deposed during the As-Van war (the Folkwar) and replaced by Lodur.
This is a symbol of the corruption of the worlds, where Hoenir represents the peaceful, tranquil waters of creation and Lodur the enflamed passions that can lead to conflict.
After Ragnarok, Hoenir is returned to his position so that he can lead the Vanir into the next age of peace.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odin_wife
Frigga of the Vanir
The conclusion that Frigg is the Germanic Earth Mother now seems inescapable. As Odin is called the All-father, Frigg has the appearance of an All-mother. The poet Egill Skallagrimsson refers to the gods collectively as “Frigg‟s progeny.”1 She is the wife of the highest god, and mother of at least two other ruling gods. As Frigg, the beloved, she is the wife of Odin and mother of Baldur. As Jörd, she is the wife of Odin and mother to Thor.
There is no question that the Germanic gods are conceived of as an extended family.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #afterlife #odisbook
Symbols of Afterlife- part 1
Odinist lore goes into a great amount of detail concerning the eschatology of our ancestors. This lore is an extension of our funerary rites and explains, in a metaphorical sense, what happens when we cross over after death. As with all things in our stories, the ideas presented are symbolic, but in their underlying context they may explain the nature of afterlife phenomena. Some of them even correspond to modern accounts of Out-Of-Body-Experiences and Near-Death-Experiences, while overlapping such explanations from other cultures. Such experiences should be kept in mind when we examine these ancient descriptions, for certainly there would have been some recollection and recording of identical events among our Odinic forefathers.
We now investigate the symbols within the Helfaring that manifest in the lore immediately after the funeral. These symbols can be broken down into three categories: the Transformative, the Moral, and the Tributary. The Transformative symbols represent moving from one state to another or altering one’s form in some way. The Moral symbols deal directly with morality and how the laws of our faith are expressed in the eschatology. The Tributary symbols are reverent, giving survivors an archetype that allows us to honor those that have died. In order to properly present each symbol I will state which category it falls under, quote from The Asatru Edda on it, then explain its significance in our afterlife examination.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #thrima #combat
Thrima, Norroena’s Combat Circle
To understand what we are doing within the combat circle it is important to understand a few of the goals of the Norroena Society.
The Norroena Society is devoted to rebuilding and re-establishing the sacred traditions of the Asatru/Odinist religion. Beyond the works of mainstream academia, which we feel are unsatisfactory, we wish to reforge our faith in the best manner possible.
We strive for excellence in our research and our projects. Our devotion is to our beliefs, our religious community, and our families, and it is towards them that we dedicate our efforts. The goal is to give our people the most efficient tools and resources for celebrating our ancient path.
With the above goals in mind, Circles were set up to research various aspects of our ancestors culture and religion, and to give our folks the tools and resources they need to create a practice that is set in our modern age, built on the foundations of our past. Our society’s motto is hearts in the past, minds on the present, and eyes toward the future.
The Combat circle was formed to research and create a modern combative system which is based on the martial arts that were developed and practiced by our ancestors in Northern Europe and on the European continent. ...
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#asatru #odinism #epicist #sedian
Sedian Devotion
..... We’re going to do a brief overview of the techniques that I have developed in beginning both praxis and practice of the esoteric and exoteric in revolt against the isolating pressures of the wolf age.....
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #the_asatru_edda
The Jarl
... 3. Under the patronage of Rígr-Heimdallr, Skjöldr-Jarl’s duty was to defend Svíþjóð from the Jötnar of the north, and because of this he was also called Borgarr, Not only was he notable for feats of arms, but also in affection for his fatherland.6 He continued to spread the custom of Heimdallr’s holy fire,7 and introduced beneficial laws, earnestly performing anything which could improve his country’s condition.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #sendabook
Tools: knife or sword, compass, wooden Elgr ( Algiz, Elhaz) rune, bowl of ice or water, flame, bowl of salt.
This ceremony is used to consecrate the most sacred utensils of your ceremonial practice. It is not necessary to perform a full ceremony every time you need to consecrate something, for often times a Hammersigning will do. Use your best judgment in deciding when and how you will sanctify certain items.
To begin, carve a large Sunwheel into the ground, approximately nine feet in diameter. Use a compass and make sure that the crossing lines match the cardinal directions. You can use an edged blade, such as a knife or a sword to do this, or even build it in stone or wood. How elaborate you want your Sunwheel is up to you. You are going to place an Elgr or Elhaz or Algiz rune made from the branches of a tree (Symbolizing Yggdrasil) in the center, a bowl of ice water in the north, a flame in the south, nothing will go in the east as of yet, and a bowl of salt will be used in the west.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #germanic_mythology
According to Danish Historian, Saxo Grammaticus, Book 1): Conquered, Hadding fled to Helsingland, where, while washing in the cold sea-water, he was attacked and cut down a beast of unknown kind with many blows, and having killed it, had it carried into camp. As he was exulting in this deed, a woman met him and addressed him with these words:
“Whether thou tread the fields afoot,
or spread canvas overseas,
thou shalt suffer the hate of the gods,
and through all the world shalt behold
the elements oppose thy purposes.
Afield thou shalt fall, on sea thou shalt be
an eternal tempest shall attend thy wandering,
nor shall rime ever quit thy sails;
nor shall thy roof-tree roof thee,
but if thou seek it, it shall fall smitten by the tempest; your herd shall perish from bitter cold.
All things shall be tainted,
and lament that thy lot is there.
Thou shalt be shunned a pestilence
nor shall any plague be fouler than thee.
Such chastisement doth the power of heaven mete out
for truly thy sacrilegious hands
have slain one of the dweller’s above,
disguised in a shape that was not his:
thus here art thou,
the slayer of a benignant god!
When the sea receives thee,
the wrath of the winds shall be
loosed upon thy head.”
And, when Hadding went back, he suffered all things after this fashion, and his coming brought chaos upon all peaceful places. When he was at sea, a mighty storm arose and destroyed his fleet: and when a shipwrecked man, wheresoever he sought shelter, there came a sudden downfall of that house. There was no remdy for his trouble, before he atoned by sacrifice for his crime, and was able to return into favour with heaven. For, in order to appease the gods, he sacrificed dusky victims to Frey. This manner of propitiation by sacrifice he repeated as an annual feast, and left posterity to follow. This rite the Swedes call Fröblod (the sacrifice or feast of Frey).”
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
The Impossible Nothing
It must be understood that one of the primary fundamentals of the Odinist belief in life after death is that nothingness is an impossibility. There is no ‘First Cause,’ there was no ‘beginning,’ though there are beginnings. Cycles begin, progress, end, then begin again. This is a natural law of the universe.
Our lore describes “The Earliest Age” of the natural cycle, where the ice and the fire and other elements are already present, so there was not this great vacuum where some god or some explosion created something from nothing. To us this does not reflect reality.
Energy (Fire) and Matter (Ice) are intrinsic to the cosmos and thus must have always been and always will be. If this is the case, then all things in the universe must be eternal (yet transmutable) as well, for there is no way we can ever reach a state of nothingness.
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#asatru #odinism #art #history #Völkerwanderung
Germanic Hero-Kings of the Migration Period
... Lingg let Julius Naue, a pupil of Schwind, paint frescos of the most prominent figures of the migration can see the youthful Germania and the aged Roma which has been overcome...
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Separation of Elements
So, what happens when we die?According to our lore, the elements that were given to us by Odin, Hoenir, and Lodur (see ch. 2) are dispersed and thus begin to manifest independently. The divine elements [önd (or Spirit/air), litr goda, our energy form (fire), and óðr, our mental capacity (water)] are separated from the earthly elements [lá, blood, and lík, body] so that the former may return to the lands of their creators and the latter remain here in Midgard.
Basically, the energies that make up Spirit, soul, and mind (önd, litr, and óðr) travel forth to the Gods to face judgment over their purity.
If the individual is judged worthy of either Gimle in Hel or Valhall in Asgard, they will be given the mead of the Underworld fountains to fully purify these elements.
If they are truly tainted with vile and evil actions and thus receive the lot of the damned in Niflhel there will be a second death. In this case the elements are separated again, leaving only an empty shell as the önd, litr, and óðr return to their source, the Gods. Afterwards the damned receive a new, ugly form befitting their foul natures so that they can face the punishments required for those who have committed terrible crimes.
This may sound all ‘fire and brimstone’ to some, but I can assure it is anything but. Our views on Niflhel simply reflect the values of justice we upheld in this life.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Affirming Life
Our faith, more than anything, is a tribute to life; with all its joys and sorrows, its complexities and necessities, the Odinist faces life head on, with courage in his heart and a smile on his face. Nietzche thus called this religion “The Great ‘Yes’ to Life,” and those men and women who choose it embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly.
Our Gods and Goddesses represent the many aspects of living within our realm of existence, from childbearing to working, from warfare to peace and compassion, from love to justice. Their lesson to us is to live our lives as fully as we can, while retaining a code of honor that is honest and direct. We do not have to toil over passages in books to guide us in every action we take, because the virtues we follow are already carved in stone upon our hearts.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
The three Classes
When Heimdall came to men, his desire was to help our people develop a civilization. In doing so he allowed us to understand a model that all humans will live by. No matter how we develop our societies, these models are always there, always in the background. People can create fantasies about ‘equality’ and utopias, but you will never be able to remove the classifications given to us by the Gods themselves. Some have even tried to remove them with the murder of millions of people and they were still unsuccessful. Of course, I am talking about the three castes or classes of men.
These classifications are not only natural, they are sacred to us. In the end you cannot defeat nature, and you cannot overcome it.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Heimdall - Skef ( Sceaf )
... Heimdall, God of the sacred fire (which would become the hearth-fire, for his name means ‘Home-Light’), was chosen to travel to Skandia (modern day Skåne) and teach the mortals how to build a culture. So, he was given a drink from each of the sacred fountains to empower him with the creative elements and inspire him for his task.
Heimdall then traveled across the sea in a self-propelled boat to bring the Odinic faith and spirituality to our lands (Fire/Water/Spirit).
The people of Aurvangaland (another name of Skåne) found him in the form of a child surrounded by the implements he would use to teach them the many skills he came to offer, sleeping on a sheaf of grain that would be the first to produce agriculture. Because of this, they gave the child the name Skef.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
... It is likely that our ancestors viewed the Earth as feminine due to its gestative and procreative properties in producing the fruits of the land.
In the same sense the first representative of fertility, the cow Audhumla, is female and it is unlikely to be coincidental that in the historic accounts cows would pull the cart of the Earth Goddess (Nerthus in Tacitus’ Germania ch. 40) in her yearly procession. Scientists have recently developed the “Gaia Theory” (Gaia being the Greek equivalent to Jord-Frigga) in which they recognize some form of intelligence in the way our planets’ ecosystems function.
According to the story, Frigga is the daughter of Hoenir, the niece of Lodur and Odin, as well as the latter’s wife. Her mother is Natt, or Night, possibly representing ordered darkness as Ginnungagap’s void was chaotic darkness.
If Hoenir represents Water, Lodur represents Fire, and Odin is Air/Spirit, why is Frigga, or Earth, their descendant and Odin’s consort? This is because her element is the newest of them all, and is also more dependent on the others than they are on each other.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
Son of Burr and Bestla, grandson of Buri, nephew of Mimir, husband of Frigga, father of Thor, Hodur, and Baldur with her, and of Bragi with Gunnlod; of Vidar with Grid, and Vali with Rind. As he is our highest God, so too does Odin serve as the highest spiritual example within our panthen.
After all, it is he who gave us the önd or Spirit, which connects us to him through dreams, visions, and the eternal quest for enlightenment. Odin travels all the worlds seeking new knowledge and thus exemplifies the pilgrim or holy wayfarer, who journeys far and wide gaining wisdom. In our faith we are to follow his example by exploring our world and experiencing different cultures and peoples.
The search for wisdom is not a destination, but a journey in and of itself, as Odin shows us.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #afterlife #odisbook
Symbols of Afterlife - part 2
... The bridge is roofed with shining gold, and the maiden guarding it is named Modgud.” (XXIV. 30)From this point the time of darkness is coming to an end, as the dead enter Hel-Urd’s proper realm. For the unmerciful, they are to see all the beauties of the Underworld that they have forfeited with their cruelty. For the compassionate, they are beginning to see what awaits them after their judgment. The beautiful bridge, shining with gold, protected by a lovely Goddess, is testament to that. A bridge is a symbol of transition, a connection from one place to another, as Bifrost connects Jormungrund to Asgard, etc. and this bridge heralds the dead entering the lands of bliss.Because of this, there is somewhat of a role-reversal here in regards to the symbols.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #history #epicist
The Beginning of the Anglo-Saxons
Many of our folk are of English descent, but do we truly know what that means? When we think of English history, of the great kings of England, the battles, the castles, the very language that has evolved into the tongue we speak and write today, we must give thanks to the Anglo-Saxons, our Germanic ancestors that settled there and helped make the land what it is today. And when speaking of the first days of the Anglo-Saxons in England, one must first speak of the brothers Hengist and Horsa.. These two brothers were the first of the people later known as the Anglo-Saxons to come to Britain, at the invitation of the ruler of the Britons. Hengist and Horsa led the Saxons in their conquest of Britain, gaining control of the Island and establishing the reign of their race that lasted 600 years. Without Hengist and Horsa there may never have been an England as we know it.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #epicist
.... Trúnaðr, the Old Norse term meaning trust, allegiance, or good faith, is a term that we should become familiar with. Maintaining Trúnaðr, or roughly translated as (with its implied meaning), loyalty, is a foundational principle by which we base our lives upon to form the basis that holds our life together; preventing it from unraveling into the empty, chaotic, and lonely life of one who exists, but never truly lives.
When we’re born, we immediately bond with our parents for sustenance, protection, and love.
As we grow, we bond with our siblings and/or cousins as we seek to establish common understanding with those similar to us. Growing older still, we seek friends who we can form kinship with; those who relate with us, while helping broaden our worldview outside the confines of our family.
Further still, we seek a mate to share our mental, emotional, and physical intimacies with – he or she with which we can bring into our innermost circle of confidence to share that which no one else knows. As the intimate union grows, we have children and complete the cycle; providing sustenance for, and giving our love and protection to, that extension of ourselves and our ancestors.
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#asatru #odinism #scholarship #epicist
The Family of Gods
Rather than a pantheon of gods, the Nordic deities are more often portrayed as an extended family, a clan.
This structure can be seen in mythological as well as historic sources.
Numerous poetic references designate the Earth as Odin’s wife and Thor’s mother, and throughout Germanic history we find traces of a powerful Earth-Mother from the earliest records to the close of the
ancient heathen era and beyond. Yet, despite the diverse designations for this figure, Odin is consistently shown to have only one legal wife. Whenever he appears, Frigga most frequently stands at his side. In the eddic poems and in all historic sources, Frigg, exclusively, is called Odin’s Wife, yet in the skaldic poems, the frequently occurring kenning ‘Odin’s Wife’ always refers to Jörð, the Earth. This, and other evidence, allows us to identify Frigg as Jörð, the sister of the sea-god Njörð, and mother of Njörd’s famous children.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #scholarship
The Face of the Earth
This is a link to Erica Timm’s map of the Distribution of the Frau Holle legends published in German in 2003. After reviewing all of the evidence, she concludes (along with Jacob Grimm and others) that these figures are a faded memory of Odin’s wife Frigg, who represents Mother Nature. She commonly rides in a wagon and appears in lakes and ponds, like Nerthus, and has names which identify her as Odin’s wife more clearly as one travels north.
In the Eddic lore, she is most frequently referred to as “Odin’s wife” under the names Frigg (with no other epithets in Snorri’s Edda) and Jord, Thor’s mother. She appears to be the sister of Njord (Audr-Udr in Gylfaginning 10), and called Jord in her youth. She is Odin’s wife Frigg, Frea, known as Frau Frick, Frekke, Fricca, and Fri in North-eastern Germany. Many names, one figure. Our ancient Earth mother known to all the tribes in common since the proto-Germanic period.
To me this shows the unity of these figures as epithets of a widely venerated Earth mother, wife of the Sky-father, inherited from proto-Indo-European times, which finds their Germanic expression in Odin and Frigg.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #the_asatru_edda
XLVII. Folkwanderung
1. Miðgarðr was being ravaged by the terrible cold Völundr produced. The destinctions between summer and winter disappeared altogether, and it seemed as if winter would reign every month of the year. The land closest to the southern shore of the Élivágar, where Egill’s fortress stood, became covered with glaciers and sheets of ice, which the rays of the summer sun did not melt. The Álfar that lived there, who had been Völundr’s assistants and Egill’s and Þjalfi’s comrades migrated, proceeding south toward the Svíar. The Jötnar then set out across the Élivágar in boats and settled on the abandoned meadows. There they made their homes beneath the roofs of glacier-covered mountains. Here, where Miðgarðr’s herds had died of hunger, their black oxen and gold-horned cattle grazed well, because, like Auðhumla, they licked sustenance from the rime-frost and scratched up nourishing mosses from drifts that covered the valley- paths.
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#history #odin_wife #scholarship #goths
In Crimea, Winguric paraded the idol before a tent used by Christians for their church service. Those who honored the idol were spared, and the rest were burned alive in their place of worship around the year 375 AD. A total of 308 people died in the fire.....
.... It is noteworthy that Athanaric did not persecute Christians in general, but primarily members of his own community who had converted. Since the purpose of the procession seems to be to promote prosperity, Carla O’Harris has suggested that Anthanaric’s true motivation in persecuting the converts may have been their unwillingness to participate in the time-honored rituals that would insure the well-being of the land, and therefore the community at large. His chosen means of execution, death by fire, may indicate that Athanaric saw the Christians as practitioners of witchcraft, whose religious rites would offend the gods and thereby blight the land.
#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
The Middle Root
In the symbolism of our sacred World Tree, Yggdrasill, there are three roots, each fed by one of the Underworld Fountains. In the north there is the root sustained by Hvergelmir, where ice-cold waters provide the tree with the power to endure. In the south is the Well of Urd (Urdabrunnr), whose root is maintained by the Norns and kept transparent (i.e. invisible) by the warm liquids that give the tree strength. These roots represent polar opposites—hot and cold, light and darkness. Urd’s realm is bright and beautiful, filled with life and verdure: the Elysian Fields of our faith. Hvergelmir is on the border of Niflheim, which is cold and dreary, lying on the mountain called Nidafjall that is perpetually shrouded in darkness.
In terms of morality, the two realms equal the chosen paths we mortals take. We will either choose life or death, order or chaos, benevolence or malevolence
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #the_asatru_edda
Chapter IV : Dísir
1. There are twelve Æsir whose nature is divine. The Dísir are no less sacred, nor are they less powerful. Those of the Æsir are called Ásynjur,those ...
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odisbook
In our lore we are given symbols that demonstrate our duty to the universal order to postpone Ragnarok for as long as possible. Although the end of this current cycle is inevitable, our world is still worth saving as as there are people here willing to prove that it is.
When we refuse to take care of our dead, our revered ancestors, their untrimmed nails will provide material for Naglfar, the ship of the dead. And when this ship has been loosed, the end has come. When men and women will not maintain the ties of matrimony, when oaths are no longer tended to, and when we all succumb to their wanton desires, this world will tear itself apart. But we can keep this from happening in the near future, and we owe it to every generation that follows us to work for life, for convergence and evolution, both in our society and in our own hearts.
It would be easy to give in.....
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #odins_wife #scholarship
The merry wives of Asgard: Odin and his women
Odin is said to have at least two wives, Baldur’s mother, Frigg, and Thor’s mother, Jörd, as well as giantess concubines such as Gunnlöd and Rind. In this regard, he is compared to other Western Sky-Fathers of Indo-European descent, coupled with an Earth Mother figure.
In modern accounts of Old Norse mythology, the Earth goddess Jörd is best known as the mother of Thor. Upon inspection, however, it becomes apparent that the skalds more often refer to Earth as “Odin’s wife,” typically substituting one of his many epithets for his name. At least 19 kennings of this type are recorded.....
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #lore
Freyja as Leader of the Valkyries?
This is not something found in the sources. The earliest reference to the idea that Freyja was the leader of the Valkyries is in Walhall: Germanische Götter- und Heldensagen by Felix and Therese Dahn, 1885, which reads:
“However, in Walhall’s golden halls, they exchange the warlike for peaceful action; they fill the white-armed, feasting and drinking gods’ horns with foaming mead and ale they keep drinking utensils and crockery. In both roles, their leader is Freya, as such called Val-Freyja, so that they only appear as cupbearers to all of the gods and hand the drinking horn to those entering Odins hall.”
The idea is not from Richard Wagner’s Opera cycle (1876 ff.). There Freyja replaces Idun, as the keeper of the gods golden apples. Like Idun she is stolen by giants.
Indeed Freyja does serve mead in Valhal, like the Valkyries do, according to Snorri Sturluson in Skaldskaparmal 24:
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #germanic_mythology
The Horned Man and the Ravens
This image in particular is of interest: It is a drawing of a fragment of tweezers from Ihre Gotland, which appear to depict energy rising from the crown of the head and manifesting as ravens [i.e. Hugin and Munin, Thought and Memory].
Fjolsvinsmal 45 calls them “wise ravens”
Horskir hrafnar Wise ravens
skulu þér á hám gálga shall tear out your eyes
slíta sjónir úr, on the high gallows,
ef þú það lýgur, if you are lying,
að hér sé langt kominn that from afar has arrived
mögur til minna sala. the youth (Svipdag) to my halls
Commentary: Menglad’s threat to Fjolsvith should remove any lingering doubts that he is someone other than Odin. Her response is clearly a triple riddle with one inescapable answer. The word horskir “wise, sagacious” troubled Bugge, who suggested various emendations. However, the word is certainly correct here. There are two ravens in the myth, who can obviously be said to be wise, i.e. Odin’s ravens, Huginn (Mind) and Muninn (Memory). They fly every day over the Underworld, gathering knowledge for Odin, whose eyes cannot penetrate thus far (Grímnismál 20). They are his “intelligence” in more than one sense. One of Odin’s appellations was Hrafnás, Hrafnagoð, Raven God.
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#asatru #odinism #sedian #Scholarship
Odin’s Wife: Mother Earth in Germanic Mythology
by William P. Reaves
Jörd, Thor’s Mother
... Odin’s wife Frigg in her role as Baldur’s mother clearly possesses characteristics of an earth goddess. Yet, in spite of this, both Frigg and Earth (Jörð) remain rather opaque figures in Old Icelandic literature. Despite her high rank, we know relatively little about Frigg. The case is much the same with Thor’s mother, the Earth. Physical descriptions of Jörd are few and mainly refer to her as...
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