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On this day 35 years ago, revolutionary socialist and Black Panther leader Huey P. Newton was murdered in Oakland, California. Here are some of the most iconic photos of the Black Panther Party, colorized.
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Massive protests across Indonesia continue to escalate over the contentious regional electoral law revisions. Despite the Indonesian parliament’s postponement of the ratification of these changes, protesters remain on the streets, with some raising doubts about the law’s actual cancellation.
The protests have rapidly expanded in both size and intensity, with thousands of students and activists flooding the streets. Key buildings, including the Constitutional Court, Presidential Palace, and House of Parliament, were invaded during the unrest.
The parliament supposedly did not pass the legislation due to a lack of a quorum, and it is unclear if they will try to ratify the changes before regional elections open up on Tuesday. The ongoing repression and legislative maneuvers reveal a deepening commitment to preserving the status quo at the expense of the people’s democratic rights.
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Enraged Indonesians took to the streets to oppose the ruling party’s latest power grab. In major cities like Jakarta, Padang, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, police attacked protesters with tear gas and water cannons. The ruling elite has already been forced to listen to the will of the people, as they have just suspended the change.
Protesters are rallying against changes to electoral regulations which would effectively prevent smaller parties from challenging the ruling party. The country is up in arms as they see this as a political crisis that further encroaches on basic democratic rights.
Indonesia has a notoriously difficult environment for political organizing. It is illegal to support communism and the country’s president-elect, Prabowo Subianto, was kicked out of the military in 1998 for kidnapping student activists.
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In an attempt to deflect from mass outrage about Israel’s genocide in Palestine, the Democratic Party has selected so-called progressive Minnesota governor Tim Walz as vice president. But what does his record really say about his politics? Watch as we scratch beneath the surface of headlines and sound bytes.
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As Kurdish-Arab tensions erupt into a tribal uprising, the fragile partnership in Syria’s northeast faces its toughest test yet. Oil, power, and alliances are all on the line. What does this mean for Syria’s future?
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Hundreds took to the streets in the Indian city of Badlapur to protest government inaction over a sexual abuse case. Outraged protesters gathered at the railroad station, blocking the tracks and hurling stones at police as they demanded justice for the affected children. Police responded violently in an attempt to disperse the protesters.
The two young girls were allegedly abused at their nursery school last week. Police have since arrested a male employee of the school, but the parents of the children accuse the police of a delay in action.
The school’s management has also been the target of criticism. Parents have spoken about various safety lapses, including the lack of functional CCTV cameras on campus. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights called the school’s attitude towards the case “insensitive,” accusing it of trying to “suppress the case.”
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Amnesty International has called for an investigation into German police’s repression of pro-Palestine activists. In doing so, they have validated the calls of activists over the past 10 months, who have long been calling for such accountability.
Germany remains one of the principal backers of Israel while the Israeli army continues its genocidal war in the Gaza Strip.
Since October 7, the German state has shown unprecedented repression of any showing of solidarity with the Palestinian people or even the mere calling for a ceasefire.
German police continuously respond with violent repression of activists, raiding organizing spaces, amongst other repressive tactics, systematically criminalizing dissent to Israel’s genocide in Gaza.
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Hundreds of Bolivians took to the streets amid economic turmoil in the country. Union workers protested against fuel shortages and rising inflation caused by the ongoing dollar crisis gripping the country.
Similar protests due to fuel shortages have been ongoing in Bolivia since the beginning of the year as the nation’s economic crisis grows more severe. Bolivia imports half of its gasoline to meet domestic demand, costing about $800 million annually. Furthermore, as much as 80% of diesel supplies are imported.
The economic situation in the country has only worsened following the failed coup attempt by the country’s military in June. To reduce dependency on imported diesel, the government headed by Luis Arce launched an initiative expected to foster the creation of five to six new biodiesel plants, each requiring an investment of around $30 million.
Whether this will alleviate the country’s crisis and help lift the strain on Bolivian workers is yet to be seen.
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On this day in 1998, US President Bill Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on the largest pharmaceutical factory in Sudan. The Al-Shifa factory produced 90% of Sudan’s pharmaceuticals. Its bombing led to tens of thousands of people dying from malaria and other treatable diseases.
The US claimed that the factory was producing chemical weapons and that it was linked to Osama bin Laden. When none of this turned out to be true, the US blocked a UN investigation into the attack. Sudan has requested an official apology multiple times since the 1998 attack. However, the US has never expressed any regret or compensated Sudan for the attack.
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Thousands of people coming from all parts of the US came to Chicago to protest the Democratic National Convention. Police had set up a “security fence” meant to sequester the protesters, but protesters were able to tear it down and break through.
The protesters are demanding an end to US aid to Israel and a ceasefire. Speaking at the DNC, so-called “progressive” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that Kamala Harris is “working tirelessly to bring a ceasefire to Gaza.” Yet, just last week, the US approved $20 billion in weapons to Israel.
Meanwhile, negotiations for what many argue is the last chance at a ceasefire have stalled. Hamas refuses to consider any ceasefire proposal that allows Israeli troops to remain in Gaza and declined to attend the latest talks. The US and media outlets are again framing the issue as the responsibility of Hamas, who has also accused the US of symbolically using the ceasefire talks to “buy time” for Israel’s genocide.
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63 years ago today, two dogs became heroes of the Soviet space program when they spent a day in space orbiting around the Earth. Former street dogs Belka ("squirrel") and Strelka ("little arrow") became the first ever Earth-bound creatures to survive a trip to outer space. The purpose of the mission was to see how the dogs would react to zero gravity in space.
Watch this incredible archive footage of these canine cosmonauts who became Soviet celebrities and helped Yuri Gargarin become the first man in space the following year.
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A Cholera Epidemic has struck war-torn Sudan. Sudan’s Ministry of Health declared the nationwide cholera epidemic due to contaminated drinking water and weather conditions. The eastern states of Kassala and al-Qadarif have the highest numbers of confirmed cases. According to the WHO, 11,327 cholera cases with 316 deaths had been reported across Sudan.
The humanitarian crisis caused by the conflict in Sudan has exacerbated the spread of diseases, including cholera, with large numbers of displaced people sheltering in areas without sanitary infrastructure. WHO official Margaret Harris also added that dengue fever and meningitis infections were also on the rise in the East African country.
The war in Sudan, now ongoing for more than a year, has caused over 17,000 deaths, while 7.7 million people have been internally displaced, and 16.4 million children alone are facing starvation.
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Hundreds of German Neo-Nazis and far-right extremists have gathered in the eastern German city of Leipzig, flashing Nazi salutes and showing numerous other Nazi symbols. The Neo-Nazis rallied at Leipzig’s central station against more than 20,000 protesters who attended the city’s pride parade.
Prior to the parade, several organized fascist groups had already mobilized to disrupt Leipzig’s pride parade. This came just a week after hundreds of Neo-Nazis already disrupted the pride parade in the city of Bautzen, also located in the eastern German state of Saxony.
While most of the Neo-Nazis in Leipzig didn’t get much further than the central station due to police encircling them, they did allow the fascists to leave the station in smaller groups. At the same time, they enjoyed police protection throughout the day.
Meanwhile, however, massive crowds of anti-fascists had also gathered at the station to counter the Nazi rally.
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Who is responsible for global warming? Contrary to the narrative, the global north is by far the biggest polluter, causing 92% of excess CO2 since 1750. The US alone is responsible for 25% of historical emissions since 1750.
In contrast, the Global South is only responsible for 8%. According to Worldmeter, when judged per capita adjusted for population size, China is responsible for 7.44 metric tons of emissions, and India 1.44 per capita.
However, the Global South will likely suffer much more from climate change than the Global North. For example, it is estimated that in sub-Saharan Africa, as many as 86 million people could be displaced by climate change by 2050, and 19 million are in North Africa. Read on.
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Legendary German communist leader Ernst Thälmann was executed by the Nazis on this day 80 years ago, following an order from Adolf Hitler.
The Chairman of the Communist Party of Germany dedicated his life to the working class, communism, and fighting fascism. He built the Red Front, a militant organization to fight fascism in Germany.
In 1944, after 11 years of solitary confinement, he was transferred to the Buchenwald concentration camp and shot.
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“A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides,” says Biden, a blatant lie, considering the most conservative ratio between Palestinian and Israeli deaths lies at around 45 to 1. Will pundits chalk this up to his senility or admit he is a deluded racist?
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Major Western headlines are currently talking about a new “bridging” ceasefire proposal led by the US and Israel, who are pressuring Hamas to accept it. What are the terms of this new proposal, and why does Hamas insist on the conditions of the July 2 ceasefire? Read On.
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At least three Palestinians were killed as part of an Israeli incursion into the Tulkarem refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli military targeted a house in the camp with an airstrike as Palestinian resistance fighters attempted to fend off the invasion. Since October 7 alone, at least 637 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in the West Bank.
As part of the incursion, Israeli forces deployed snipers on rooftops and sent in bulldozers, deliberately causing severe damange to infrastructure. Meanwhile, the res!st@nce fighters said that they “continue to clash with the occupation forces” and “have achieved direct hits among them.”
Several other Israeli raids have been conducted across the West Bank, clashing with Palestinians. Just last month, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declared Israel’s continued presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as unlawful. It said it should end “as rapidly as possible.”
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“These countries are not underdeveloped. They’re overexploited.” — Watch socialist historian Michael Parenti perfectly get to the point of the myth of “underdevelopment” in the Global South. The wealth and so-called “development” of the Global North was only made possible by the continued exploitation of some of the richest countries in the world, be it India, the Congo, or the riches of Latin America.
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Today is the anniversary of Nat Turner's 1831 slave rebellion, one of the most significant slave uprisings in the US. On August 21, 1831, Turner, an enslaved preacher, led a three-day uprising in Southampton County, Virginia. Slaves went from plantation to plantation, killing around 60 slave owners and white people and making the rebellion the deadliest slave uprising in US history.
On August 21, 1831 Turner gathered around 70 slaves and free Black people and went house to house freeing slaves and killing many of the white people they encountered using knives, hatchets, and blunt instruments. The rebellion was eventually defeated by the state militia.
Turner evaded capture for six weeks but was eventually put on trial, convicted, and executed on November 11, 1831. His body was dissected and his skin was sold to make souvenir purses. It would take a full civil war decades later to defeat the evil system of slavery in the US.
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At least 72 protesters were arrested in front of the Israeli consulate in Chicago as protests at the Democratic National Convention continue. The police deemed the protest “unlawful” and violently dispersed the crowd. The remaining protesters were then kettled and many arrested, some with zip ties.
Repression of Palestine protests are likely to intensify further once the university semester starts again. Many universities have passed regulations banning “tent protests” and prohibited protests from starting after a certain time in the evening. Other regulations are requiring students to request permission from the university before hanging signs from buildings, giving the university administration power over which views can be expressed on campus.
Protesters in Chicago have emphasized that replacing Joe Biden with Kamala Harris will have no effect on the genocide in Palestine.
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25 Palestinian prisoners were just released from Israeli concentration camps. red. media spoke to the released hostages about the abuse they endured.
Israeli society has been overwhelmingly supportive of the torture of Palestinians. In a recent survey, 65% of Israelis opposed the prosecution of soldiers who raped Palestinian prisoners. Israeli ministers have also joined protests against the prosecution of these soldiers and politicians have publicly condoned such brutal acts.
While imprisoned, Palestinians are also subjected to starvation, sleep deprivation, and regular beatings. Of the thousands of Palestinians detained, dozens have been murdered from the torture they are subjected to, including rape. The real number of Palestinians killed is likely far greater than we know.
Earlier this month, Fady Baker, a survivor of Sde Teiman torture center, also shared his testimony with us. Watch the full exclusive interview here.
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What did Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro have to say about Africa? Under his leadership, Cuba became a close ally of anti-colonial liberation movements in Africa, trained guerrilla fighters from numerous liberation movements, sent troops to Africa, and supplied anti-colonial movements with the necessary materials to fight for liberation. Watch as Fidel Castro discusses the question of "how much his people would be willing to sacrifice" in the context of the Global South, particularly Africa.
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Headlines for the few, silence for the many.
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It is no secret that the West, above all the US, is calling for “regime change” in Iran. But did you know that this is actually not the first time? Today is the 71st anniversary of the CIA’s first successful coup, the 1953 coup in Iran. Read on.
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Hundreds of thousands of Indian health workers went on a nationwide strike over the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at a government hospital in the city of Kolkata. While most hospitals were only hit by a 24-hour shutdown, some doctors remain off the job as they continue to demand justice.
The strike was called for by the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the country’s largest organization of medics comprising 400,000 members. Many of the protests led by doctors were also joined by tens of thousands of supporters demanding action.
Doctors are not only demanding justice for the victim but also the implementation of the Central Protection Act, a legislation aimed at protecting healthcare workers from violence.
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Following Yemen’s involvement with Palestinian forces in the struggle against Israel and the July 20 Israeli airstrikes on the Yemeni city of Hodeidah, media attention has returned to Yemen.
This raises questions about Ansarallah and the Yemeni war’s origins. But who are Ansarallah, and why did war in Yemen break out in the first place?
Last year, we interviewed Abdulelah Hajar, a senior Yemeni diplomat and advisor to the Ansarallah-led Supreme Political Council, to explore these crucial issues. Watch the full interview here.
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Trump’s VP candidate has not brought him any support in the polls. So why was JD Vance picked? Well, he’s the candidate of the tech-billionaire overlord class.
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Have you noticed the raging wildfires, searing heat waves, and devastating flash floods? Capitalism is literally burning the planet. Watch on to see how.
Flash floods from China to Brazil engulf entire cities. Wildfires devour entire forests in several parts of the world. Record heatwaves prove fatal in many regions. The climate crisis could lead to 14.5 million deaths and $12.5 trillion in economic losses worldwide by 2050, warns the WEF.
The richest 1% account for the same emissions as the poorest 66% of humanity (5 billion people) in recent years, according to a recent Oxfam report. “Oxfam undertook an analysis of 125 billionaires and found that, on average, they emitted 3m tonnes of CO2e a year through their investments – over a million times more than the average for someone in the bottom 90% of humanity.”
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Watch Venezuelan anti-imperialist revolutionary leader Hugo Chávez’s speech responding to the US invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, in which he said that the US was using its “war on terror” as a wild card to advance its interests ruthlessly.
In the wake of 9/11 and the US vendetta in the Middle East to justify, among other things, the imperialist occupation of Afghanistan, Chávez addressed the UN General Assembly. Chávez argued for a “war on poverty”, not the US-led “war on terror.”
The 20-year war in Afghanistan was the longest in US history, with, according to conservative figures from the “Costs of War Project”, the number of deaths totaling up to 360,000.
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