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HAPPENING NOW: Large crowds gather at the occupation of Humboldt University’s Department of Social Sciences, which students have renamed the Jabalia Institute.
After successfully negotiating with the administration, the students have entered their second day of occupation. They have been permitted to remain on the premises until 6pm. The students, however, assert that they will stay until their demands are met.
They are demanding that the university provide scholarships to Palestinian students as it did for Ukrainian ones. They also demand that the university stop adhering to the IHRA definition of anti-semitism, which conflates anti-Zionism with antisemitism.
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Unrest in New Caledonia continues as French President Emmanuel Macron visits the Pacific island amid rising tensions. Protesters continue to block several roads while riot police and military vehicles patrol the streets of the capital, Nouméa.
At least six people have been killed and hundreds wounded after violence erupted across New Caledonia following Macron’s attempts to tighten French colonial rule over the archipelago.
While in New Caledonia, Macron pushed for removing protesters’ barricades, saying that the approximately 3,000 French security forces deployed “will remain as long as necessary, even during the Olympic and Paralympic Games” in Paris.
Pro-independence leaders, who a week earlier declined Macron’s offer to hold talks via video call, now joined an in-person meeting with him in Nouméa. Rival pro-France leaders, who want the archipelago to remain part of France, also attended the talk.
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Today marks the 104th anniversary of the founding of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in 1920 – at one point the largest communist party outside of China and the USSR.
The PKI was brutally wiped out during the US-led Cold War anti-communist frenzy. Top-secret CIA reports described the killings as among the worst mass murders of the 20th century.
Following political unrest and a failed coup in 1965, communism was banned in Indonesia as a political movement and ideology. The ban on the PKI remains in place to this day.
The aftermath of the coup led to brutal purges and mass killings from 1965 to 1966, resulting in a death toll ranging from 500,000 to nearly two million.
Despite evidence from declassified documents that Western intelligence agencies were aware of and supported the massacres, the CIA has denied their involvement. History textbooks in Indonesia often omit or downplay the killings.
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EXCLUSIVE: “Universities should not be investing in war, they should be investing in education.”
Watch this exclusive video from inside Berlin’s Humboldt University occupation in solidarity with Palestine. red. is the only media inside the occupation where protesters told us their demands and why taking on German universities is so critical.
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UPDATE: Berlin police are violently trying to clear protesters gathered on the street outside Humboldt University. The protesters have spontaneously gathered in solidarity with students who occupied the university this afternoon.
Humboldt Uni is in Berlin's tourist hotspot, Friedrichstraße. Amongst the protesters are tourists who had stumbled upon the occupation.
red. Media is inside the Humboldt Uni occupation. Follow us for updates.
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EXCLUSIVE: Students at Berlin’s Humboldt University are occupying the Department of Social Sciences building in protest of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, along with Germany’s complicity in it. Watch as students explain why they are taking direct action to express their views.
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HAPPENING NOW: Crowds gather outside Humboldt University’s Department of Social Sciences in solidarity with the students who are currently occupying the building. They have gathered in protest of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, along with Germany’s complicity in it. Student protesters have hung a banner from the window that says “Jabalia Institute.”
There is a large police presence on the scene. They have blocked off the entrances to the building and closed the street where the institute is located. Humboldt’s campus is situated in the center of Berlin, in a district that is frequented by tourists.
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On this day in 1942, the Yugoslav antifascist partisan, Stjepan Filipović, was executed by the Nazis in what is modern-day Serbia.
Filipović had been a key figure in the 1941 partisan uprising against the Nazi occupation forces and their collaborators. In 1942, he was captured by Chetnik collaborators in Valjevo and publicly hung.
Even when he was being dragged through the streets of the city, Filipović remained defiant, shouting slogans in support of the partisan anti-fascist resistance. His final words were “Death to fascism, freedom to the people!”
This slogan became a rallying cry for the partisan movement and a symbol of resistance against Nazi occupation. Despite Filipović’s death, the partisans continued their struggle against fascism and were ultimately successful in liberating Yugoslavia in 1945.
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Police have joined anti-austerity protesters in the province of Misiones, Argentina. Officers are now on strike, and Milei's “libertarian” government has had to send federal agents from the capital to try to keep order.
Misiones is a strategic province bordering both Brazil and Paraguay. The protests began as a teachers’ strike against low pay and inflation. The police then refused orders to repress the population and instead joined them, citing their own low pay as the reason.
A police mutiny is illegal, and if it spreads to other regions, it would be a threat to Milei's power. Numerous Latin American countries have seen a coup result from police mutinies, such as Bolivia in 2019 and Ecuador in 2010.
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US officials are saying the quiet part out loud about the ICC?
International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan told CNN that senior US officials were not pleased with the Court's pursuit of Israeli leaders for war crimes.
A US official recently lectured him that the institution was “built for Africa and thugs like Putin.”
The US has been under fire for its hypocritical treatment of the genocide in Gaza when compared to its stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. No US ally has ever been targeted by the ICC in its entire history.
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Over 5,000 families launched a land occupation in rural Caucasia in Colombia, seizing over 400 hectares. The area previously belonged to a drug lord and was administered by the state after the narco was handed over to the US.
Over the past month, increasing numbers of displaced and impoverished people have been gathering on the property in north-western Colombia, preparing to build a permanent existence on the land they confiscated. The occupiers’ sole demand of the government is the right to stay on the land.
The local right-wing mayor Jhoan Oderis Montes Cortés spoke harshly against the squatters and announced that he would take action against them with the authorities. 36.6% of Colombians were living in poverty in 2022.
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Protesters in New Caledonia put up barricades, blocking the main road that links the capital of Nouméa to the airport. Though the police have dismantled many of these barriers, the road remains closed. French President Emmanuel Macron has called another security meeting to quell the unrest as protests persist on the island.
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An attempted coup involving US citizens has been thwarted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. An armed group tried to assault government buildings in Kinshasa but was stopped by the Armed Forces. Three were killed and 50 arrested, including three US citizens.
Christian Malanga, a Congolese businessman in the US, led the coup. He's the leader of a right-wing group called the United Congolese Party that claims to be a “government in exile.” Malanga's son, who is a US citizen, is among the arrested and was seen wearing a US flag badge on his bulletproof vest.
The US Embassy has stated that it was not involved and has promised to cooperate with DRC authorities. Western corporations have long profited from destabilization in the Congo by looting the country's natural mineral wealth, including cobalt, a crucial element used to produce most electronics.
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Centuries of colonial rule and a genocidal occupation finally ended for East Timor on this day in 2002, becoming the first new sovereign state of the 21st century. Independence was won through the heroic resistance led by socialist revolutionary guerrillas and international pressure.
Portugal colonized East Timor in the 16th century, while the Dutch colonized the western part, which later became Indonesia. Portugal abandoned their colony in 1974.
The Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (FRETILIN) declared independence in 1975, leading to an Indonesian invasion to prevent a communist state, causing the death of up to 20% of the population.
FRETILIN's guerrilla wing fought relentlessly, inspired by Mao Zedong, Amilcar Cabral, and Cuba's anti-imperialist resistance. In 1998, a popular uprising in Indonesia forced dictator Suharto to resign. This paved the way for a UN referendum, resulting in a majority voting for independence.
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Did you know that a white South African communist and legendary anti-apartheid activist was Nelson Mandela's housing minister? On this day in 1926, Joe Slovo was born. A long-time comrade of Nelson Mandela, Slovo dedicated his life to the struggle against apartheid and racism while fighting for a socialist revolution that would end racial and class inequality in South Africa. Slovo also supported Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation.
In 1961, he helped found Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), which would lead the resistance against apartheid. Due to political persecution from the apartheid government, Slovo was forced into exile in the United Kingdom, Angola, Mozambique, and Zambia. He returned to South Africa in 1990, and following the 1994 elections, he was appointed minister of housing in Nelson Mandela's post-apartheid government.
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The walls are closing in on Israel and its backers with the ICC's arrest warrant applications for Israel's leadership, and more countries recognizing Palestinian statehood. Sound good? Yes. But watch out for where this may be heading. Watch Faten Elwan explain.
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Seen at the pro-Palestine occupation at Berlin's Humboldt University. 🍉
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BREAKING: Students occupying Humboldt University in Berlin have won an important victory: The uni management will NOT order police to evict them. The unprecedented decision comes following a few hours of negotiations with the student protesters, and was met with cheers by protesters who have gathered in solidarity outside the occupied university.
Until now, Berlin's student occupations have ended in violent police evictions, arrests, threats of exmatriculation and vicious smear campaigns against the students by German media. Today, those same students have shaken Germany's hitherto unshakeable support for Israel.
Our team is inside the occupation. Follow us for updates.
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Photo dump from inside the ongoing pro-Palestinian occupation of Humboldt University in Berlin. Students have barricaded themselves against the looming police raid. The walls bear messages of solidarity with the Palestinian resistance. The building of the university where Karl Marx once studied has been renamed the “Jabalia Institute” by the protesters.
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🟡 UPDATE: Police call in reinforcements in an effort to clear the entrance to Humboldt University’s Department of Social Sciences in Berlin.
Students have barricaded the building, and riot police have also blocked off the entrances and closed the street where the institute is located.
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BREAKING: Students at Berlin’s Humboldt University are occupying the Department of Social Sciences building in protest of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, along with Germany’s complicity in it. They have begun spray-painting slogans on the walls to draw attention to the dire situation people are currently facing in Palestine. They have also set up barricades in the building, and police have just arrived on the scene. The students are determined to remain inside.
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Israeli invasions throughout several parts of the West Bank are met with relentless resistance by Palestinian armed groups.
In Tubas and Jenin, Palestinian forces blew up Israeli bulldozers with IEDs (improvised explosive devices), a tactic that is being used increasingly often in the current period of fighting.
Jenin, a key resistance stronghold, remains a primary target of Israeli attacks. On May 17, Israeli fighter jets bombed the city, and ground offensives occur almost daily.
In Tubas, Palestinian fighters responded to Israeli raids targeting several homes. Resistance fighters managed to destroy at least one bulldozer involved in the raid.
Footage shows Israeli forces using collective punishment tactics such as destroying infrastructure.
Since October 7, the death toll in the West Bank has reached at least 510, all victims killed by Israeli forces.
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Several European countries, including Norway, Spain, and Ireland, have now made the move to recognize Palestinian statehood. While the US and its allies are busy blocking the UN from recognizing and granting full membership to Palestine, the vast majority of the international community, 143 of the 193 UN member states, already recognizes Palestine as a state.
As international pressure on Israel and its allies grows amid its continuing war of extermination against Gaza, along with the ICC’s latest arrest warrants for top Israeli politicians, countries all over the world are pushing for the recognition of Palestine and an end to Israel’s crimes.
In response, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz has ordered Israel’s ambassadors in Ireland and Norway to return immediately to Israel, as Israel becomes increasingly isolated on the international stage.
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“So if the Palestinians have a complaint, they have to bring it to an Israeli court?” – US State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller told reporters that Palestinians should go to Israel to get justice for Israeli war crimes.
Under US protection, Israel has enjoyed impunity, ranging from the 1948 Nakba to the scorched-earth tactics in Gaza today. War criminals in the ranks of the Israeli military enjoy systematic protection from prosecution.
Miller condemned the ICC prosecutor's arrest warrant bid for Israeli and Gaza ruling party leaders. When asked where Palestinians can go for legal justice over war crimes in Gaza, he said Israel has jurisdiction over the strip. Miller then confused reporters by saying that the US, Israel’s largest arms supplier, has jurisdiction.
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Uruguayans held a “silent march” yesterday to remember the victims of the US-backed dictatorship.
The military junta ruled from 1973-1985, but the authoritarian period began in 1968. For a country of just 3 million people, hundreds of thousands were exiled, over 200 were executed, and 197 disappeared.
As one of the Cold War era dictatorships, the junta had the full support of the US government and coordinated with the other military juntas in the region to capture each other's dissidents across borders.
Henry Kissinger had even helped rig the elections before the 1973 coup to ensure that the left-wing “Broad Front” party wouldn't be able to win.
Those responsible for human rights abuses were protected by an amnesty law up until 2011 when leftist President Pepe Mujica eliminated it.
Mujica was one of the hundreds who were imprisoned and tortured during this period due to his membership of the “Tupamaros” socialist guerilla movement that resisted the military regime.
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Violent clashes between resistance fighters and invading Israeli forces erupted in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin. Israeli military forces, including special forces, have entered the city en masse, infiltrating Jenin refugee camp. Resistance fighters have reportedly engaged the occupation forces with “heavy and successive barrages of bullets.”
Israeli forces have already killed at least seven Palestinians so far, including a doctor, a teacher, and a student, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Another 12 people have been wounded, including multiple students. All Jenin schools as well as its refugee camp have been evacuated due to the Israeli operation, which began this morning.
The Jenin refugee camp has been subjected to more Israeli military raids than anywhere else in the West Bank.
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On this day in 1941, Nazi Germany began one of the bloodiest, but least known chapters of WWII. The four year occupation of Crete, Greece's largest island, was marked by hundreds of atrocities, which left wounds that are still open to this day.
Shockingly, a red. media investigation found Nazi memorial sites still standing on the island, tucked away just out of view from the most popular tourist hotspots. They attract visits from active German soldiers, veterans and neo-Nazis.
And what is the German government's stance? To find out more, watch this video and for the full investigation, stay tuned for our upcoming documentary.
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Breaking: The International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Minister of Defense Yaav Gallant. They are accused of several war crimes perpetrated in their assault on Gaza, including the starvation of civilians, attacking humanitarian workers, and violating international law.
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants for high-ranking Gazan resistance leaders, Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and Mohammed Deif. The prosecutor filed the application for war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated on October 7, 2023, including extermination, murder, and hostage-taking.
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READ OUR LATEST: Erdoğan’s Palestine Dilemma: The Anatomy of a Collaborator
Erdoğan's delicate dance with Israel: Despite outcry over Gaza, trade thrives & political maneuvers persist. Explore the intricacies of Türkiye's Palestine-Israel policy – a story of pragmatism & collaboration.
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