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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

purno gurnon e kritokaj 0 hobar kotha to

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

হ্যাঁ আলহামদুলিল্লাহ,থ্যাংকস

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Kmne hoi ektu explain korben..?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Can anyone solve it...??

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Total messages: 810688

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 1663233520 changed name from Fariha to Fariha (TC-1129)

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Guys, anyone from Barishal or Khulna???

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 1791501409 changed name from Arafat Himel to Arafat

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

3 number math aa Theta value tah keo bujiye diben

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

চিনিকে গাঁজন করলে উৎপাদিত দ্রব
  C2H5OH এর সাথে পানি নাকি কার্বন ডাই-অক্সাইড উৎপন্ন হয়???

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

এরকম কি কারোর আসছে? এখন করনীয় কি? একটু কেউ বললে উপকৃত হতাম

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Ans ki c ki hobe?
Boi e c deya

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Cos sin e venge losagu koren

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 7000457037 changed name from Mockingbird to Proxima centauri

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Amar kache acs sakib vai best lage

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

srtcut use koren H/n+1 n=gotisokti vibobsoktir koto gun=2

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Taile vul, 3 jon jehutu right

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

কালকেও কি gst এর সাবজেক্ট চয়েজ দেয়া যাবে?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 6904071689 changed name from Nj nj to Soya soya

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 1663233520 changed username from fari_h_a to Fariha4AHT

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Gst subject choice apply ki mobile phone diya kora jabe?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Eita kivabe hoilo?
Ei sutro koi ache?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Hsc24 er Chem2nd paper bp er inorganic course ta ache??

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

লদ্ধি দ্বয়ের অন্তর×√3

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 6924821409 changed name from Syed Usama to Fabiha Rahman

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Or,tan 2x=1
Or 2x=nπ+π/4

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

খুলনাতে কি এখনো ঝড় হচ্ছে?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)


যদিও অনেকের নাকি ওনার পড়ানোর স্টাইল ভালো লাগে না। বাট আমার কাছে বেস্ট মনে হয়েছে🙂

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

1:1 ratio te reaction kore
Tai 20 ml 0.25 M Hcl 20 ml 0.25 M NH4OH er sate reaction korbe..baki thakbe (80-20)ml 0.25 M NH4OH

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Hsc 25 batch chemistryr jnno acs valo hbe nki alchemy

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