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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Eta belon hobe..belun na..

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

গ আর ঘ কেউ করে দিবেন ফ্রি থাকলে

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Procedure Dekhi ektu

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Vf= V0+Vrlnm0/m

Vo=initial velocity
Vr=rocket er sapekke jalani purar har
mo=initial mass=rocket+jalani
mf=final mass=jalanir vor

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

PSTU(Patuakhali) CSE Better naki PUST(Pabna) CSE ??  কারো আইডিয়া আছে?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

t=4×10^-3 s

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Shroter biporite gce

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

50 m উজানে মানে কী ভাই?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Shortcut die korte paren..jodi 3 ta bol porospor 120 degree kone thake ebong tader maje diff equal=d hoy tahole d√3 lobdhi..6 kore difference tai 6√3

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

srtcut use koren H/n+1 n=gotisokti vibobsoktir koto gun=2

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Taile vul, 3 jon jehutu right

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

কালকেও কি gst এর সাবজেক্ট চয়েজ দেয়া যাবে?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 6904071689 changed name from Nj nj to Soya soya

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 1663233520 changed username from fari_h_a to Fariha4AHT

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Gst subject choice apply ki mobile phone diya kora jabe?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Total messages: 810772

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

p out ber kore n=pout/pin bebohar kore p in ber kore 746 dara vag

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Procedure Dekhi ektu

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

(iv) কেউ পারবেন? পারলে করে দিয়েন please

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Eta keo Kore den please

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Eta mega byte per second hobe na????

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

ulta dike 50m mane to bhai clear na

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

p=750/760 atm
v=2.53 L
n (co2)ber koren
Jehetu (Caco3)=Cao+Co2
Tai n(co2)=n(CaCo3)
Erpor m(Caco3)=M(Caco3)×n(Caco3) use kore answer paben

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

purno gurnon e kritokaj 0 hobar kotha to

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

হ্যাঁ আলহামদুলিল্লাহ,থ্যাংকস

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Kmne hoi ektu explain korben..?

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Can anyone solve it...??

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Total messages: 810688

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

User 1663233520 changed name from Fariha to Fariha (TC-1129)

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The Solvers (Exam Mate)

Guys, anyone from Barishal or Khulna???

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