The modern world captured in one picture.
Rubber bullets wouldn't. Seriously though, why are US border defenses at least using less-than-lethal deterrents?
Guys like Jocko are exactly what the system needs. They are masculine, they are inspirational, and they tell just enough truth to motivate the conservative spirit to action. Unfortunately it’s entirely subversive. Jocko would have us go and spill the blood of American youth in the Middle East fighting against Muslims for committing ritual sexual abuse against their own women, going as far as calling them subhuman and saying we should hunt them down.
What about the people grooming our own children here at home? What about the nation that makes the hormones that public school teachers would use to sterilize our daughters and make eunuchs of our sons? What about the elites like Epstein with Mossad ties raping young American girls right at home? Somehow he can muster the rage to say we should hunt down Muslims harming their own but not the tribe harming or trying to harm our daughters.
We must create our own masculine cultural movement which offers the whole truth.
Feral black talks shit to a White man he thinks will be easy prey. The White was not looking good but the ending was a pleasant surprise.
Embrace Your Race.
New South Wales EAM continue to tribe and train.
Get involved. Join your local active club.
Today two nationalists, Tyrone and Christopher who hosted Black Wolf Radio were found guilty today of "encouraging terrorism" in Kingston upon Thames Crown Court.
They have been held on remand to await sentencing, even though they pose no danger or flight risk. It was another overt case of political persecution in the aim of creating a climate of fear in the White population who oppose the ongoing genocide of our people and to prop up their fake "far right terror threat" that doesnt exist.
Most of our society do know who the real terrorists are and it is the state themselves who facilitate, fund, encourage and commit acts of terrorism against the native British population. Often utilising their imported foreign hostile primitive pets to do so, most of the actual (native) British know this they are just to afriad (right now) of becoming targets of these terrorists to say it publicly.
The proceedings and the the jury were prejudiced by the clearly biased judge, who like other judges abuse their position to ensure the Defendants do not get a fair trial. The aim of these injustices is overt persecution of White natives for holding factual beliefs about the crimes being commited against them by traitors and invasive foreigner's. You find in these cases they will focus heavily on the beliefs of the accused, their political opinions and how "offensive" and "dangerous" they are for nothing more than having non marxist beliefs, rather than the alleged "crimes" they are accused of.
Persecuted nationalists are basically being convicted of being White and "far right" which apparently automatically makes everything you say, write, read or do is apparently an act of "terrorism". Just breathing and existing while being White and not agreeing with our extermination is an act of "extremism" and makes you a "terrorist".
Meanwhile the ongoing daily anti-White murders, stabbings, rapes, mutilations, beatings, assaults and extortion through threat of violence continues to be celebrated as diversity and social justice. The police often refuse to even investigate or arrest black and brown terrorists/ violent criminals as they fear the invasive occupation communities will riot and they will be fired.
Known Islamic state trained terrorists are flooding into our nation and being stationed in luxury hotels around the country by our state using money it extorts from you in taxes. Peaophiles repeatedly walk free from court, many won't even see court as saying "sorry" after raping 6 year old boys is "justice" but yet they send White men to prison for daring to voice their righteous hatred of those attacking our people and our home with genocidal intent.
Note to you marxist state controlled creatures who watch these chats noting everything its not just us "nationalists" noticing what you are doing. I promise you the day will come when the tables turn and you will find yourselves being the ones held accountable for your crimes against humanity, and we will not be forgiving.
First formal Tucson sector meet up. Compete with honor, keep your eye on the real prize and always rise above.
*record scratches*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this
Patriot Front (@PatriotFrontUpdates) placing flowers on the grave of Mary Phagan in Marietta, Georgia.
Mary Phagan was the 13 year old girl that (((Leo Frank))) raped and murdered. The ADL was started in the name of Leo Frank to help protect all future child raping murderers of his ilk.
Good job on Patriot Front for remembering the victims.
Support Our Guys all over America
Patriot Front -
Remphan's chosen receiving the daily $10 million from the US.
We should start doing this for good things. If something goes off efficiently without a hitch or we see things that are clean or wholesome we should say "that's just like National Socialist Germany" or "that's just like Hitler"
Good, it should've stayed that way.
The only important issue that's actually in the realm of possibility for a political solution is immigration. Last I checked the only party that says they MIGHT reduce legal immigration is PPC, a party with zero chance of winning. Even if they do, last I checked they were only going to reduce by 100,000. That's if they ever get any power more than the zero they have now and if they follow through. Neither of which I have any faith in that they will.
Do not put your faith in a "democracy" that's rigged against you by people who hate you. Put your faith in your own people. Form intentional communities of real White Canadians and prepare to ride out the wave of destruction mass Non-White migration into White countries causes. Make as many component White friends as you can, and don't wait till a situation like the one in France happens. Don't wait till your little girl is raped to death by Anti-Whites and stuffed into a travel bag like Lola Daviett was in France.
Our website was taken down by the usual suspects. The new version will be up and running very soon.
Читать полностью…Democracy is a false God that puts your power into the hands of your enemies. Choose a different path.
I won’t be reconstructed
And I do not give a damn
Aryan Freedom Network
Texas Chapter - Join Today!
Things Change By Unreasonable Men!
Читать полностью…Possibly the best tribute video I've ever seen. Almost all of Our Guys are well represented. EAM/NSN in Australia, GDL, Blood Tribe, Natsoc Florida, Patriot Front, Active Clubs, NSC 131.
Good job by Ancient Aryan on GAB:
This is what they want to do in the rest of the anglosphere. The UK is just the first to get there.
Be an outspoken National Socialist or oppose mass immigration or state mandated homosexuality and the system will label you as a terrorist and treat you as such even if you have not committed any criminal offences.
They want the destruction of all European nations to go ahead unopposed.
From the article:
"Terrorism prevention and investigation measures, known as TPIMs, allow the authorities to monitor and control people considered to be terrorists - but who are not facing criminal charges.
MI5 advises the government about who should be subjected to TPIMs.
Subjects face measures such as wearing an electronic tag, being relocated to different parts of the UK, bans on internet use, and limits on who they can meet and where they can go.
If the measures are breached, the subject can be prosecuted and jailed."
If you are in Queensland Get Active, Tribe and Train.
Blood and Honour
Hail Victory
Blood, Soil, Faith, Family, And Volk
Aryan Freedom Network
Pennsylvania Chapter
Join Today at
We are looking for experienced graphic designers to assist in numerous upcoming projects.
Inquire @Crew131Guy
Canadian cities are nothing but cesspools of violent crimes and degeneracy.
The Canadian government, along with all law enforcement, could eradicate this shit in a few months. Unfortunately, they're too focused on raiding, arresting, and persecuting Whites for hanging out together in parks.
Not to mention the fact the police and media won't even tell us what the parasite looks like.
Stopped at the last job for the day on the way home. The customer was a young working class white guy with a wife, similar age to me.
We get to talking, and he's saying he wants to move out of Sydney because of the traffic. I prod him a little more, after a bit more back and forth he's ranting about how you can't raise children here when the schools are teaching them to cut their dicks off and to be having gay sex, and that immigration is destroying the country and our standard of living.
The whole time I'm just telling him how it's an anti-White agenda that wants to destroy us, and he's correct etc. But the conversation is mainly him just ranting about the state of society and me just adding little bits.This happens to me quite often, more so recently.
A very high percentage of young working class White guys have some idea as to what's going on, and are making moves to gtfo out of these cities and this system in order to secure their future.
For every one of us actually involved in IRL racism and community building, there are thousands in support of us and the way of life we want to live.