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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

"Look what they need, to mimic a fraction of our power."


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Go against the flow, of Globohomo

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Every time a real Right Wing account gets doxxed.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

(((Untrustworthy))) Physiognomy

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

One of the reasons the Roman empire became so weak at the end was because the native Roman/Italian citizens were replaced by foreign troops from out in the provinces. The emperors eventually stopped being Roman and the new emperors shunned Rome altogether and set up the court of the Eastern Roman empire in Constantinople.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We're thinking ahead this time and promoting our next channel @TheWesternChauvinist9 BEFORE we get banned. It will be inactive for now. Sub to it and we'll pick up right where we left off if this channel gets app banned.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

NSN activists of West Melbourne spread the anti-immigration message to the Whites in Geelong.

Geelong is being invaded by hordes of blacks and islanders.

White men must organise a collective defence against the non-Whites the Liberal and Labor parties are bringing here to replace us.

Keep Geelong White!


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Defiant flyers distributed behind common White purchases at your local store.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

White Nationalism is the natural order. Fighting it makes you a subversive.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

“Hey man. I want you to hear it from me first. Jason’s dead.”

Silence for a moment. I waited for my old platoon sergeant to say it was a joke. I had just had a conversation with Jason the day before online. We had complained to each other about how lonely our society was for men who had spent years sweating, crying and bleeding alongside each other. About how ‘soft’ the so-called men we worked alongside as civilians were. About how society in general had no place left for warriors. Jason wasn’t dead. He was having a hard time, but we all were… right?

“I didn’t want you to see it online. His family is going to have the service this week. They wanted us to feel free to come for a memorial service over the holiday weekend this month.”

I thanked my old sergeant and hung up the phone. Leaned over my kitchen countertop and let the emotions wash over me. For the first time in a long time, I sobbed.

At the memorial service, a dozen-odd roughly dressed men made a circle in the church parking lot. Cigarettes and beers passed covertly. We recounted memories, stories and conversations with Jason. Every one of us could remember a time we depended on him for something; a mood lift, a joke, our sanity or even our lives.

Jason was a year shy of thirty. He left behind a grieving girlfriend, heartbroken parents and a brother who blamed himself. He left behind a group of men who had laughed and cried and fought with (and against) him. He was the first of the men I had forged a bond in fire with to pass on from wounds not of his body but his spirit. The first, but not the last.

I’ve been asked what radicalized me. It wasn’t the time five black males beat me to the ground until I passed out before they went through my pockets. It wasn’t the time two hispanic boys held guns at my head and took my phone, backpack and wallet. It wasn’t the time I had a frozen water bottle and a beer can lobbed into the back of my head at a political event where I went without being a supporter, just wanting to hear out a candidate. It was the looks on my brother’s faces as the rifles fired over a flag-draped casket. It was the despair I saw in a dozen war-worn White faces as men watched a brother laid to final rest, born down by the weight of a world who rejected his very existence.

Our opponents love to paint our movement as one of hatred, of reactionary opposition to “difference”. The reality is, our fight is one of love for our racial brothers and sisters. Of honor for our forefathers who secured our future through their labor and pain. Of hope for our children, and the future we shall leave as their inheritance. We don’t fight because we hate those different from us. We fight because we love our own Folk.

One Folk. One Nation. Hail victory! ✋🏻

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Just for a moment Imagine all the scumbags in this country that have never had their bank accounts closed.

Like Tom Sewell said when the system close your accounts they are saying they want you and your family dead. They don't want you to be able to cloth, feed or provide shelter for yourself.

Whilst I continue to go from bank to bank until there are none left Rapist, Murders, Paedophiles, Sex Traffickers and the like go about their lives with full banking privileges.

This is the real White privilege. I do not forget what goes around will come around, death will be too good for these traitors. 🦂


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The Aryan Freedom Network is hosting Aryan Fest on October 21, 2023.

This is a private event for AFN members, AFN official supporters and other White Nationalist groups that have a friendly relationship with AFN. 

List of games:
1. Aryan Boxing Competition
2. Archery Contest
3. Tug a War (Crews vs. Crews)
4. Celtic Games

Other Activities:
1. Guest Speakers
2. BBQ and Beverages
3. Camping 
4. Swastika Lighting at Dusk

Tickets are $20.00 for adults, kids are free. You will purchase tickets at the location of the event. This covers meals, both lunch & dinner and beverages all day.

For other White Nationalist groups who are interested in attending, you must contact AFN for further information at

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Compare yourself to other nationalist, Do not compare yourself to Joe 6 Pack or Steve sportball. It's not a fair comparison. Some people think they are better because they are awake but do nothing to help secure our existence.

When you look at the body of work that the other 3 men in this picture have done for White nationalism in Australia compared to me I don't even belong in the same photo as them.

Stop judging every one below you and thinking you are higher and mightier. Start aiming higher its time for us to rise and its not enough to just be awake. You need to GET ACTIVE.




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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

State of the State

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Low impulse control driver kills construction worker. Charged with manslaughter.

Full article---> HERE

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

They don't want you to have a reason to live. They want you to fear maintaining your demographic.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Eternal classic.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Legacy boxing Gym - Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺

➡️ @nsaction4
⚡️ Backup channel @nsaction5

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

That process is happening in White homelands as we speak. The politicians, the troops, and everything else are are being replaced by foreigners.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

This is what our military looks like on social media and at the bases.

But when you watch combat clips of the US military, it's mostly White men. The US military sends our best to fight and die to line the pockets of billionaires.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

"In this country the blacks vote black, the jews vote jewish. Only the White people are stupid enough to divide themselves and cancel each other out into little Republican and Democrat teams, and you gotta cut it out."


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Thomas Sewell and the EAM lads conducted themselves in a lawful manner against the rabid career criminal communist agitator horde who are routinely observed stealing oxygen on the streets of the ostensible autonomous socialist republic of Melbourne.

Because the state and federal governments subsidize these pro-paedo freaks, and criminal culpability is regularly being diluted in Victoria, are we really surprised that there are so many of these communist oxygen thieves.

Rather than addressing this rort the Zionist Newscorp newspapers propagate that "Nazis" pushing back against paedos is the problem and the way to solve it is to give scantily dressed adult industry award winning drag queens access to your kids inside Parliament house whilst they raise the trans flag alongside the Australian flag outside.

Meanwhile the priority of the counter-terrorism command is raiding and arresting cartoonists and shitposters for pissing off Dvir Abramovich for the 6 millionth time.

Food For Thought 🤔

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

What is happening in France is the result of a deliberate policy by the State, big business, and leftism to import populations who should not be there. Nationalists across Europe and America have for decades been warning about the imminent conflict between those of us with a right to our individual homelands, and the foreign populations brought in break up our national identities.

When foreign gangs were setting off bombs and hand grenades in Sweden, we were told it was not happening.

When Algerians and Chechens began shooting each other in the streets in Djion, we were told it was not happening.

When Hindus and Muslims started chopping each other up in the streets in England, we were told nothing was happening.

It is happening, and it will continue to happen so long as supposedly national governments can get away with sacrificing your children for positive GDP growth.

The first thing the men of our generation must do is to make ourselves capable of defending ourselves, our families, and our meitheal.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

“Hey man. I want you to hear it from me first. Jason’s dead.”

Silence for a moment. I waited for my old platoon sergeant to say it was a joke. I had just had a conversation with Jason the day before online. We had complained to each other about how lonely our society was for men who had spent years sweating, crying and bleeding alongside each other. About how ‘soft’ the so-called men we worked alongside as civilians were. About how society in general had no place left for warriors. Jason wasn’t dead. He was having a hard time, but we all were… right?

“I didn’t want you to see it online. His family is going to have the service this week. They wanted us to feel free to come for a memorial service over the holiday weekend this month.”

I thanked my old sergeant and hung up the phone. Leaned over my kitchen countertop and let the emotions wash over me. For the first time in a long time, I sobbed.

At the memorial service, a dozen-odd roughly dressed men made a circle in the church parking lot. Cigarettes and beers passed covertly. We recounted memories, stories and conversations with Jason. Every one of us could remember a time we depended on him for something; a mood lift, a joke, our sanity or even our lives.

Jason was a year shy of thirty. He left behind a grieving girlfriend, heartbroken parents and a brother who blamed himself. He left behind a group of men who had laughed and cried and fought with (and against) him. He was the first of the men I had forged a bond in fire with to pass on from wounds not of his body but his spirit. The first, but not the last.

I’ve been asked what radicalized me. It wasn’t the time five black males beat me to the ground until I passed out before they went through my pockets. It wasn’t the time two hispanic boys held guns at my head and took my phone, backpack and wallet. It wasn’t the time I had a frozen water bottle and a beer can lobbed into the back of my head at a political event where I went without being a supporter, just wanting to hear out a candidate. It was the looks on my brother’s faces as the rifles fired over a flag-draped casket. It was the despair I saw in a dozen war-worn White faces as men watched a brother laid to final rest, born down by the weight of a world who rejected his very existence.

Our opponents love to paint our movement as one of hatred, of reactionary opposition to “difference”. The reality is, our fight is one of love for our racial brothers and sisters. Of honor for our forefathers who secured our future through their labor and pain. Of hope for our children, and the future we shall leave as their inheritance. We don’t fight because we hate those different from us. We fight because we love our own Folk.

One Folk. One Nation. Hail victory! ✋🏻

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Just like that @TheWesternChauvinist7 has made it back to 13,000 subs. This is the largest we've been since the original channel was permabanned. At 55,000 we had the biggest WN channel there has ever been on Telegram. We built up the followings of many of large chans you see on Telegram today.

We played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between online people who think being a WN is a good idea, and the building of real life groups and organizations. We are proud of the fact that so many IRL activist groups have grown, linked up with each other, and become closer because of the work we've done here. All we ask in return is that groups and people we promote continue to be masters of their own egos.

This struggle right now is more unified (despite a few relatively minor disagreements) than it has been in decades. We are making more progress in the last few years than was made in the last 40 before that. Continue keeping egos in check, settle disputes in a way that leaves all aggrieved parties satisfied, and purge bad actors who seek to divide us against Our Brothers.

We are the future. We I'll keep growing, tribing, training, and unifying. Everyday we get a little stronger, and Our Enemies get a little weaker. One day we will have our home again.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Random mixed parasite rides around on a scooter shooting 4 White people and killing 1 and nobody even bats an eye. When the cops righteously rid the world of criminal niggers who shouldn't even be here, the world riots. It's been engrained into the subverted White mind that niggers will randomly kill our family members and we will just have to move and and deal with it on our own. It's engrained in the nigger mind that even the most criminal nigger element being punished for his crime is an assault on their entire race.

Whites are taught to shun White Unity and prioritize individualism as the most respectable pursuit. Meanwhile niggers are taught that looking out for their race and grouping together against Whites is the correct way to be. It is only now that small groups of White Nationalists are starting to break the jewish programming and group together. This is why being involved in real life group activism is important. You have people that will care what happens to you.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Found this on twitter (@coastylauren). More of our guys out there everyday.

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