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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The Prince and "Princess" of Bulgaria.

All the old monarchies have fallen, their descendants are all rotten monsters and mongrels, even their women are replaced with men.

It's time for a new breed of men to rise up, a new nobility of Blood and Honour.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The National Socialist movement in Australia is at strengths not seen since the days of Percy Stephenson. We have fanatical cadres of men in almost every major city and town in the country. The amount of supporters we have in the community dwarfs our membership: this is a PROBLEM!

Supporting the movement is great, and it is needed, but ACTION is needed more. We are aware of many Australians lurking on our channels, both here in SA and interstate that are still content with sitting on the fence. If you truly have our values you must stand up and join the struggle in some form.

If you’re a National Socialist looking for a community in Adelaide, we are the group for you!

If you are a National Socialist looking to be an activist, we are the group for you!

We already have a sprawling network of dedicated community members and fanatical activists, so there hasn’t been a better time to get involved up to this point.

Get involved: @NSNContactBot

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

I’m no fan of Blighes as you know but I’ll back him up against paki invaders every time. The neck of these cnuts.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Texas Nationalists met up with members of @americanblackshirts,@spacecityac, and @patriotfrontupdates for a 15 mile ruck march across the city of Houston, Texas.

Struggling together builds bonds and camaraderie that the internet could never recreate, and that movement drama can never break.

"Struggle is gruesome only for the weak" - Adolf Hitler.

Get Vetted. Get Involved.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We can only build National Socialism by preaching it openly and honestly

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

It's a good redpill tactic to ask people how many died during the holocaust, then ask them how many Americans died in WW2. They will immediately realize they know one but not the other.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

People who believe this are coping and refuse to acknowledge that obviously your race will play a huge part in determining your character.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

This is the funeral procession route for the three year old boy stabbed at a grocery store in front of his mother by a psychotic black woman. The entire local community is putting this memorial on for him and his family.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

80 years ago, 2,500 Americans (the overwhelming majority of whom were White working class men) died on the beaches of Normandy for what they were told was the security of our way of life. We are living in the outcome of their sacrifice. The end of WWII paved the way to the rule of our nation by a ruthless minority that wants to see our history erased, our bloodlines ended. Will you let them succeed, or will you organize in defense of your people and their accomplishments?


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

White Fotress not White flight.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We are them.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

I wish for a world without jewish control.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Happy pride month.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The jews were the only real winner of WW2. They got everything after.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Albury banner action 07/06/24


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

This guy is dangerous, to blow up over something so trivial like doing your job is unhinged. These people are completely incompatible with us.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Remember, this happens all the time and we're expected to live with it. Like it's just part of life and the price of diversity.

Remember Waukesha

Remember little Cannon Hinnant

Remember Cash Gernon

Remember Victoria Rose Smith

We just have to accept that every so often when they feel like it some nons going to MURDER ONE OF OUR CHILDREN AT RANDOM. Our People are tired of this.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

📍 Atlanta, Georgia

SSAC Georgia Youth after a night of boxing and removing leftist propaganda.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

I can't believe this is the actual tour they give at Auschwitz.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

NSN Riverina chapter disrupted a paedo grooming event held at a local cinema in Albury.

The event was aimed at children as young as 12, grooming them to transition their gender followed by a Q&A.

Due to it being a series of short films, they were able to avoid the Australian standard rating system.

Members of NSN Riverina showed up in force to oppose the degeneration of our youth. As per usual, the system pets of NSW police promptly moved in and tried to move on NSN under the guise that they didn't have permission to protest.

The police claimed the presence of NSN was offensive and the banner was a weapon.

The government now needs you to get permission to protest (read: State approved protests only).

Whilst the Riverina chapter continues to grow rapidly, the NSW Police force and alike continue to shrink.

The days of the police moving on "unapproved" protests are numbered.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Thank you for explaining that

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We are asking all White Men and Women of Good Character in the Northeast region to attend this funeral Procession.

From 11:45am - 1:00pm Saturday (tomorrow) Julian loved dinosaurs and the color green so try to bring related items and/or signs. The Procession starts at St. Charles Borromeo Church.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We fought a war so that we could be enslaved and replaced by jews.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

When the White man gets angry, he gets organised. And every day he gets angrier.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Go make me an image of a sandwich, bitch! @HateFacts

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Being a White zionist just means you choose jews over your own race.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Happy upcoming Fathers Day.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

It's the jews.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Nationalist Coalition principle 7:
Secure the border, restrict immigration, and begin mass deportation.

When we import the third world, we become the third world. No more waiting, the millions of foreign aliens that have abandoned their homelands must be deported back to their countries of origin en-masse. The borders of this country must be secured and locked down on the land, in the air, and in the sea. We demand a repeal of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and to return to the immigration standards that made this nation the envy of the third world, rather than a mirror image of it. A White majority must be secured in perpetuity.

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