New Jersey based Antifa terror suspects Laura Borschel and Zachary Ackermann exposed.
Assuming they continue their harassment of Pennsylvania based Nationalists, we will release additional information.
🔻Article Below🔻
The Western Chauvinist main got axed, be sure to follow their new channel:
Comhaltas Irish Nationalist Club members training boxing.
You’re on a battlefield. The enemy is before you. Would you prefer look beside you and see Jew Frontier and their rare, coveted army trannies, or the National Socialist Network?
Читать полностью…It is not more bravery to stand up for Christianity that we need. Christian Nationalism is an ideological dead end that will not even preserve christianity in any tolerable form.
The only thing that will preserve Christianity is the unity of Our People. Something Elon Musk is dead set against.
Our Guys are the only ones with the ideological commitment to actually create a world where Our People will be free to practice Our native European religions without subversion.
Over 100 million in AIPAC money. That's just ONE of the pro-Israel lobbies. How much money does Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Qatar, and all the other "interfered in our elections" countries contribute to candidates?
Israel literally buys every single one of our alleged representatives. No other lobby in the world even comes close.
Help this king get his channel back up to full power
Deport them all.
There is a war being waged on White people. If you are not actively fighting back, you are passively accepting your subjugation.
Ask why.
anyone have this where the background is dead aboriginals, i vaguely remember seeing it but can't find it.
Читать полностью…A friend of ours (A fellow Nationalist in good standing) has a cat suffering from bladder stones and currently leaking blood. If you can spare any money to help with Tobi's surgery, you'd be sparing our friends daughter the heartbreak of having to put him down.
Shamefur dispray Western Man
This girl I follow on Twitter who has been a more basic-tier anti-covid, anti-NWO type account for the past few years is now posting stuff like this.
She has over a quarter of a million followers and this post has nearly a million views…
Over 35,000 people say Adolf Hitler is a better man than Winston Churchill.
Great follow:
National Action members were jailed unjustly under Britain’s insane counter-terrorism legislation for their non-violent political activism; they should be freed
Читать полностью…Kamala Harris is going to create a "pathway to citizenship" for millions of invaders.
Members from European Australian Movement New England chapter meeting to train.
Channel: @EuropeanAustralianMovement
Contact: @EAMContactBot
Australian nationalists protested in Melbourne with a banner reading "mass deportations now" on Saturday, but police broke up the peaceful demonstration within 10 minutes and arrested the group's leader.
Don't just love it, fight for it.
I don't get it, how can the same thing be trending twice at the exact same time?
Because when you hear the name "George Floyd", your first thought ought to be...Jews.
Last night Melbourne members from The European Australian Movement attended the National Workers Alliance meeting in Rowville.
The speakers discussed the negative effects of Mass Immigration, and detailed the horror of the State mandated sexualisation of children.
Overall the speakers were very passionate and well researched and the crowd were very receptive to the majority of the talking points.
There was one dubious question during the QandA in response to the speakers bringing up the need for Australians to protect their European Identity. The audience member was upset that the speakers dare bring this subject up, as according to him this was "playing into the hands of the elites, who want to control us through divide and conquer".
After the event most people mingled outside or in the catering room and I approached the organisers to thank them and the Polish club for putting on the event.
During our conversation a very agitated man accosted the lead organiser and tried to berate him over not begging for forgiveness from the Aboriginies for "stealing their land". The lead organiser was very calm and simply stated that they have completely different worldviews and aren't going to see eye to eye on the subject.
The agitated man continued to spout the same pathetic nonsense that without worshipping at the alter of boongs, we can't have a legitimate position on anything.
I asked the man why he came to a meeting about mass immigration and protected children from grooming, to prostrate himself over aboriginals.
Like all big mouth system bootlickers, he was rude and aggressive to my polite line of questions, which as you can imagine caused a more steadfast response from myself, ultimately leading to the invitation to conduct mutual combat outside, which was unfortunately declined.
I am sick of the cult of self flagellating cuckholds and losers and refuse to argue with these bad faith agents who want the White Race to perish.
We are the conquerers, and the conquerors do not beg for forgiveness from the vanquished.
If only we had White countries willing to do this.
Clip from last night's SPECIAL EDITION of the INSOMNIA STREAM - Jews and Black Music in the American Mainstream
Читать полностью…Gabriel (((Rubin)))
If you're a racist White Australian and you haven't met me irl yet wtf are you doing? We need to nationally socialise. The distance between where we are right now and becoming a movement that can mobilise serious numbers behind our political goals is only going to be traversed by YOU making the effort to network with fellow racists. This is especially true if you live in Melbourne, but over the next 6 months or so I will be visiting the other major cities at least once and organising pub meet ups which you will not be invited to unless you make the effort to connect.
I will be making a big invite only group chat for Aussies ONLY to participate in, so your step 1 is DMing me @joeldavis and requesting to be added to it.
Every city in Australia has thousands of White Nationalists in it. If you ever want there to be street marches against immigration with thousands of people attending, if you ever want to get White Nationalists elected to any form of office, if you ever want a network of WN-sympathetic business owners who will make sure WN activists who get doxed have secure employment to fall back on to feed their families - a precondition is forming large communities of White Nationalists who know each other personally, spend time together, trust each other and support each other. We won't be in a position to rebuild White society until we build White community.
Or even better maybe you aren't interested in the pub but just want to come lift and box with a bunch of racists, get vetted and join EAM - @NSNcontactbot
But if you're just passively consuming content at home without networking with fellow White Nationalists in some way, you're part of the problem.