Active Empire in New York
Active Club Dauphiné part of Active Club France
"American Spirit, European Blood" - Patriot Front
Patriot Front members in California.
Central Florida Active Club
Anyone can say they are willing to fight and die for a cause. That's a safe thing to say while there is no conventional war to fight. For the cause of Our People, the only indicator that someone would live up to that statement is if they are working in real life and organizing for the cause now. Get out from behind the screen and start to organize. The cause of Our People depends on it.
A group of West Virginia coal miners voluntary made a road in a week that the North Carolina government said was going to take months.
The people want to see Patriot Front get the promotion they deserve.
That would be an interesting experiment for sure.
We could not care less about "free speech" what we want is speech that makes sense, works for Our Homelands, and excludes the enemies of Our People. Immigration is also far too low on this list.
Join Active Club Pennsylvania if you live in Pennsylvania. Step out from behind the screen and start to organize with your people.
Ages 18-34 rate NS far more positively than any other demo according to this poll.
British men track down man who allegedly exposed himself to children and threatened their mother.
Active Club Finland
⚖️ On Friday, October 11th, Florida-based attorney and White nationalist Augustus Sol Invictus was found guilty in a Virginia court of "burning an object with intent to intimidate." This charge carries a potential sentence of up to five years. His conviction follows Albemarle County’s unsealing of a dozen indictments related to the Unite the Right rally, and comes shortly after the arrest of ex-Marine Vasillios Pistolis on September 18th for his involvement. Additionally, Thomas Rousseau, founder and leader of the Patriot Front, was arrested in Virginia for the same charge in late February of this year.
🔥 The charge of "burning an object with intent to intimidate" stems from an old Virginian "Anti-Klan law," which addresses the Ku Klux Klan's use of cross burning, an ancient Celtic tradition, at their rallies. In 2018, shortly after the events of Unite the Right, Virginia legislation attempted to amend the law to include "carrying a flame-producing instrument." This is clearly a move by the anti-White establishment to criminalize the freedom of speech of Unite the Right protesters.
⚫️It is also noteworthy that both prosecutors in the Invictus case, Lawton Tufts and Armin Zijerdei, were present on August 12th, counter-demonstrating against Unite the Right alongside violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists, none of whom have faced any charges.
⚫️Mr. Invictus is appealing his case to the Supreme Court.
⚖️ Website / X / Substack
Irishman catches predator in the act of assaulting an Irish woman and saves her.
George Lincoln Rockwell, the greatest American to ever live.
Ryan🇮🇱Girdusky says “I hope your beeper doesn’t go off,” to a pro-Palestinian guy. Can you imagine the outrage if that guy had responded something like "I hope there's no paragliders nearby" or anything of the sort. They think it's funny to mock the deaths of the people they're aggressing against. Just like they think it's funny to keep charts with the % of Our People remaining in America on their doors at the ADL.
In Western North Carolina the Red Cross is closing all it's shelters. This will leave people whose homes have been destroyed completely without shelter.
This woman is delivering tiny homes to provide shelter for families, but the county is bothering them about permits.
In addition to that, child services is threatening to take away people's children because they're homeless.
This kosherized system has seen a natural disaster ruin thousands of peoples lives, provided a token response, and put every barrier and insult in the way of people trying to provide relief and rebuilding. This is how they treat the suffering of their citizens.
The midwits who did as they were told by traitors and jews when institutionalising multiculturalism were told: "It will end racism".
The reality is that it created a racism timeline bell curve.
There was an initial spike in racism because people were upset that the precedence had changed (Romper Stomper).
Then things settled for a bit and we had salt and pepper multiculturalism, where we got a few Chinese and Indian restaurants and some doctors and engineers.
Then we had millions of slaves just appear in out country in the last decade or so and everyone is getting genuinely pissed off.
You can't actually end Racism, you either genocide a Race so they don't exist anymore or they continue to exist.
Any Race that has a will to exist will always have a Racism immune system.
Anti-racism is just AIDs, destroying the national body.
Interesting poll results after 60,000 votes.
Huge protest against replacement migration by Spanish Nationalists.
Only those committed to Our People so much that they'd be willing to sacrifice everything are worthy of calling themselves NS/WN. If you've engaged in no real life organizing, you are automatically excluded.
Train hard, fight easy.
Nationalist 13 in Ontario Canada
Locals in Liverpool, England track down a non who is alleged to have tried to kidnap children from a school.
"Australian Nationalists of the NSN facing down system pigs and invading hordes"
Thomas Massie visits the site of the Waco massacre. The federal system pigs massacred men, women and children in 1993. 82 innocent people were murdered, many burned alive.
This is why it is important to follow the events in Palestine and Lebanon. The same people who murder women and children over there hold control over YOUR government here.
They will do the same thing to YOUR family, we just aren't resisting them hard enough yet to justify that level of force. They'll try to Waco every one of us if we become even a minor threat to their power.
Active Club Scotland members in Sweden competing in an event hosted by GymXIV & Tvasaxe
The unity of Our People transcends borders.
American Blackshirts protesting the "pride" festival in Orlando, Florida.