All my lads, give Big Tim a follow.
Fastest hands in the West and a true NatSoc.
"First I became a conservative, and I promptly became thoroughly and totally disgusted with conservatives. They are the most cowardly bunch of finks that I have ever had to deal with. They're all busy calling me a communist just to prove THEY'RE not nazis!" - Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, the greatest American to ever live.
Also, the reason White birth rates are in decline globally is because of jewish subversion. White people can't even afford to own houses in most White countries because jews have turned real estate and property speculation into a cash cow for foreign money and investment, instead of a house being somewhere to live and raise a family. Cost of living is insanely high due to jewish manipulation and control of global financial markets for their gain and at our expense. White populations are also targeted with subversive media that dissuades them from having children, ie: "Having babies is bad for the planet", "Babies will destroy your career", "Don't you want to travel and find yourself", all examples of jewish press media memes that are fed to our people.
These subversive attacks on our people come from every direction, but all from the same tribe.
The good news just keeps rolling in...
When 23andMe said I was <0.2% Jewish, I thought perhaps I should start the car and chill out in the garage until bedtime.
But with your help, I have eliminated all the remnants of the Jew which remained in me....
Who would you rather side with?
Clip from our latest show "No Right to Self-Defense?" where we compare Andrew Lester to the case of Joyce Moore, a White grandmother who was shot and killed two months ago by a Black male after opening her front door in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Full episode now on Odysee: modernpolitics:0/ModPol-SelfDefense:4" rel="nofollow">
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Australians putting in the work.
Akon(Famous rapper) wants all African's to move back to Africa. He believes Africa will become a Wakanda type continent when this happens.
I have to agree with him. Black people have done such a great job with Chicago, St Louis, New Orleans, and Detroit; so we know they will take care of Africa.
Where do I sign this petition?
𝐄 𝐍 𝐉 𝐎 𝐘 | 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 | 𝐃 𝐄 𝐂 𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐄
Nostalgia for a time I never experienced.
"My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right"
This is why most sane White people would answer the door with a gun if a nigger shows up, this isn't even taking into account one walking in through your front door unannounced.
Corey Long will be imminently indicted for “burning an object on a highway or other public place in a manner having a direct tendency to place another person in reasonable fear of apprehension of death or bodily injury”…right?! 🧐
Читать полностью…"He was born into an average family
He lost both his parents in his teens
He never attended university
He was homeless
He sat in prison
Yet no other man has affected people as much as him
His name is mythical
He will live forever
Adolf Hitler"
We know now, and soon the rest will.
My name is Tim Lutze.
As of the last six months, and unsatisfied with the state of the modern world - I stopped complaining online and got active in real life.
My biggest concern was the rapid decline both physically and spiritually of my race. I decided to throw my support toward the only pro-European organisation in Australia, not out of hate toward anybody but out of love for my own people and to secure an existence for them.
Almost everybody around me was well aware of my views and spiritual beliefs.
I have always shown respect and welcomed people of all colour and creed into my gym and professional life without any bias whatsoever.
Despite all of that, being pro-European was enough to have me cast into the spotlight as some sort of hateful terrorist.
My boxing license was suspended, my gym deregistered and my bank accounts closed.
I have always been a reserved person and have never liked the attention directly on me, but they have forced me to now be a face for White Nationalism.
With so many great people already in Australian Nationalism, I feel honoured to have been pushed into making this channel.
I look forward to getting some content out there and even doing a couple streams in the coming weeks.
For those of you worried or concerned about some of these things, I can attest to the fact that there is never an ideal time.
Get active.
Train & Tribe.
Share the truth when you have a chance!
Very soon.
Today, activists from White Lives Matter, NJEHA, and S14 joined forces for a successful rally in Easton, PA. There, we demanded the release of all political prisoners nationwide, especially Robert Rundo founder of the Rise Above Movement, Will 2 Rise and Active clubs.
While we saw some support, we also received negative reactions from Anti-White racists. We stood our ground and called them out for their anti-White views.
We have been given a mighty gift. The future of our people rests upon our shoulders. If it's not us, it willl be no one!
Join us in securing the future of ourselves and our children!
One day you will have to justify the actions you took today. What will you tell them? That you strive and fought for our People? Or that you sat around, wasting your life on a computer, damaging your body with goy slop, bitching into the void that is the internet?
Stand and Fight! What will YOU choose White man!)
If I tried to scratch a Swazi on my back on my own. This is what it would probably look like.
Censorship in Australia. Full A4 size and other options here.
As ever feel free to modify for your own use.
These fags wearing high heels are what passes for Male leadership in Canada.
He's right about one thing. Them going back to Africa would have an immediate positive effect.
These animals need to be controlled.
Whose streets?
Our streets.
Melbourne is the birthright of every White Australian.
What comes next will be our Legacy.
An Arab suing an electric Jew for depicting a White historical figure as a negro.
Happy birthday Uncle A.
Today the Aryan Freedom Network celebrates the Birthday of Adolf Hitler.
Around the world millions of people will be celebrating this special occasion to honor a man that tried to save the world from the evils of International Jewry and Communism.
Heil Hitler & Sieg Heil
Aryan Freedom Network
Happy birthday to one of the greatest men to ever live. He taught us to see the enemy, and he struggled against them until the end.
He may have passed, but the struggle lives on. One day we will see his vision come true.
Folk, Family, Future.
We do not live in a colorblind society, and you are a fool if you think we do. You're a bigger fool if you behave like we do (republicans/conservatives/libertarians/Christian Nationalists). We live in a society where racial consciousness is encouraged on a daily basis for every racial group through every Avenue of promotion. The ONLY racial group not being promoted or incentivized to racial consciousness is White Americans.
Quite the opposite if you are a White American. Where our racial competitors are encouraged to celebrate and promote their racial identity, White people are encouraged to internalize hatred of their race and fracture into smaller cultural and political bodies who fight each other. We are specifically incentivized to REJECT our White identity more than any criminal is incentivized to stop committing crimes. They don't want to just kill us, they want to remove the fundamental building blocks of our identity and leave us as slaves.
The only answer to this is to embrace White identity, and get active in our racial groups interest. No matter what the penalty is, being a slave and a coward is worse. The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave man dies only once. If you're happy being a slave, there's nothing I can do to stop you. I would rather struggle for a righteous cause than live an easy life of cowardice.