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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The Dixieland Nationalists Club participated in a joint demonstration with White Lives Matter (@WLM_USA_FLORIDA) and The Order of the Black Sun (@The_Black_Sun_Rises) in Orlando, Florida. Get vetted and get active today!


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Hey everyone we exceeded full power level recently and got apple blocked.

New channel is @croweater2

Adelaide's finest
can't be stopped.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

You can't pick and choose which Whites you love. Country Whites or City Whites. You love all your people or you're the problem. A Bourgeois Bugman who worships "cool black people". I can't even...

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Do you really need to consider people like this to be taken seriously?

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Just like grandma used to make

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Karas dėl perėjos tęsiasi 😉🇱🇹💪

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

One White warrior gets attacked by two feral mestizos and beats both their asses.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The movie Radio was consider Cuba Gooding Jr.s greatest role because before then nobody had ever played a black man of above average intelligence in a movie before. @HateFacts

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Friday night in the barrio with the goys

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The White liberal will have their reckoning one day. Most will reform to the new order, but some will require a sharp lesson.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Five members of Patriot Front (@PatriotFrontUpdates) found guilty of "conspiracy to riot" in Couer D'Alene Idaho. This is absurd, but it is a misdemeanor only punishable by a year in prison and $5000 fine (I believe). It is still ridiculous that a group with a 5 year history of marches and activism with zero riots or violent incidents would be convicted of this.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Jews and their shabos goys in every institution are our competitors for control of our homelands. Non-whites are just a weapon they use to further their takeover from the native White populations.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

NSC is a non-violent Pro-White fraternity in the New England area. We organize and travel to, many times across state lines, First Amendment protected political protests and demonstrations. Sometimes at these events, outside agitators beyond our control threaten and attack us for exercising our First Amendment rights. Always on public property, and if not we leave when asked to.

This is well documented in our video releases, and while we favor a more modern and high-energy form of protest, we have never attacked anyone. All images or videos of our activists in physical altercations were brought on by outside agitators beyond our control.

We reject and all false assertions that we are in any way a gang, criminal enterprise, or terrorist group. We adopt terms used for us by our enemies such as, “Coordinated Brutal Force” as terms of endearment, and are making light of a phenomenon where we are slandered and harassed in the media.

We demonstrate in populated urban areas to maximize our political impact and garner the most media attention. In these areas, a small minority of agitators (many affiliated with Antifa terrorist groups) are against our ideas in varying degrees of hostility.

Our enemies understand the paradigm that we live in, and the reason that these small groups of agitators are so bold to physically attack us is because our politicians and media encourage it, and they see other groups refuse to defend themselves. These people are eventually attacked and harassed out of Pro-White advocacy. We refuse to be pushed out of the public forum, and we are willing to defend our collective safety at these events by any means available to us within our rights.

Thank you for your continued support.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Jewish behavior is the primary cause of antisemitism.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

How will the sons of pleasure and ease contend with the sons of struggle and sacrifice? How will those who long for the comforts of the world compete with those whose desires transcend what the material world has to offer?

Those weak men with an absolute lack of will, how will they stand before men who cannot be bought because the things they love are not commodities.

Their world is in its death throes, it’s death rattle can be heard by all. Our world is the world to come and there will be no place for them in it.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

This is why any real WNs hate Nick Fuentes.

At his core Funtes is an upper-middleclass suburban elitist.  He worships the (((media))) image of "thug" culture from the safety of his gated community.  His poorly thought out views on Southerners are just a repetition of what anti-White liberals have stereotyped Southerners as for years.  His only experience with "cool gangsters"  is from behind a screen.  He's never had to wade through the concrete jungle, he's only driven through it with his windows rolled up and 911 cued in his contacts list.

it's always soft elitist nerds like Nick that try to tell you "thug" culture is cool.  That's because they know they'll never experience it directly.  He has an unfamiliarity with violence that makes him inadequate to speak on it.  He's a housecat who promotes lion culture because he sees them behind bars at the zoo every once in awhile.  Meanwhile at home he drinks milk from a dish and gets scratched behind the ears.  Also he's clearly gay.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Fuentes is an anti-White nigger worshipper.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

During his latest anti-White screed, Nick Fuentes attacks White Southerners, comparing them to Black people but says they're worse because "Black people are cool" and "rap music is good." He goes on to blame White Southerners for Black culture before attacking farmers in order to fully establish his contempt for the blue-collar working class.

Follow @RPGTV2

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

By God We'll have our home again


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The European Australian Movement and National Socialist Network will be hosting our first annual WHITE POWER Lifting Meet on July 29th in Melbourne's West.

We will also be hosting a luncheon with seminars and speeches on July 30th.

We emplore members of the wider nationalist community to celebrate the movement's exponential growth with us.

CONTACT US for further details:

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Volunteers with the People’s Initiative cleared flooding debris from local businesses and homes in Montpelier, Vermont.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Latino White supremacy on display.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We're thinking ahead this time and promoting our next channel @TheWesternChauvinist9 BEFORE we get banned. It will be inactive for now. Sub to it and we'll pick up right where we left off if this channel gets app banned.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Attention all White residents of Geelong:

A group of Paedophiles plan on holding a demonstration in your home town.

Please make sure to keep all White children a safe distance away (indoors if possible).

Message @BasedBaker to Get Active, Tribe and Train

Hail Victory

Blood and Honour

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

"There is no sport that so much as this
one (boxing) promotes the spirit of attack,
demands lightning decisions,
and trains the body in steel dexterity."

"And so sport does not exist only to make
the individual strong, agile, and bold;
it should also toughen him
and teach him to bear hardships." -Adolf Hitler

If you’re in Melbourne, contact @LegacyBoxing. Get active. Get involved. Tribe and Train.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

White man in Toronto suffering from a certain type of fatigue at having to deal with the behavior of Africans.

Look how the cosmopolitan liberal elitists just assume he's being the bad guy because he's yelling. He's yelling at "kids" even though there's more of them and they're all bigger.

He's sick of seeing the worst people in the world crowd up space that White people built. We all are, and it's about time people express that.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

When there is a large percentage of white people in the government, owning businesses, attending colleges, and accumulating wealth it’s called oppression.

When it’s a wildly disproportionate amount of Jewish in those positions and accumulating wealth it’s called high-achievement.

Anyone else find that weird?

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Patriot Front members attending their trial for the crime of traveling to a public park June of last year.     Looking good as always.     All Cops Are Faggots.

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