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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

This morning, members of Las Vegas Active Club memorialized Andreas "Andy" Probst who was viciously murdered in a hit and run attack by two racial strangers in a stolen car.

Whites should always show solidarity with their own when they are victimized at the hands of sub-humans.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Southern, NH 📍


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Philly nigger just walks up to a random White guy and executes him.

White hate is a myth though


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

It's like I've always said in reference to African Americans, those people are for the birds. @HateFacts

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Remember to mask up.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

A story in 2 parts.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Jews always shapeshift between White and jewish at their leisure.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Our friends @ The Western Chauvinist always keep it real 💪🏻👊🏻

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

91% of White Americans are third generation Americans or greater.

By contrast 77% of Hispanics in the US are foreign born or the children of immigrants.

60% of Asians in the US are foreign born.

Even 21% of Blacks in the United States are foreign born or the children of immigrants, about 9.8 million people.

All totaled, foreign born non-Whites and their children under the age of 18 make up 40.5% of the non-White population in the US, about 56.6 million people.

It is perfectly reasonable for White Americans to demand a conversation about whether it is desirable to continue to live around such huge populations of people with such shallow connections to the US.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Incompetent for Trial Americans: The final euphemism boss

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

We are in a decaying society. It is time for some superheroes.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

This is what Vicpol does when White men peacefully assemble.

This photo will come back to haunt this Rat trigger happy Paedo.

White Man, Fight Back.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

📍 South Carolina

After over a year, returning to our very first post is a bit nostalgic.

A lot has happened after that warm summer night in the South Carolina lowcountry. Over some warm tea a discussion to start a new group, an active club, dedicated to serve as a means for white men in Dixie to form brotherly bonds and train.

Much like our passion for the security of our race, this tag has remained true and pristine since the day it was made.

Hail victory brothers.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Christopher Wood goes in person to a city council meetup on public health and reads out the names of the jews behind covid and their dual-citizenship with Israel.

Follow him on GAB:

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


(MA, CT, RI, NH, ME, VT)

Hit us up:
@Crew131Guy &


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

The usual susspooks.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

As many of you are aware I am not a Christian, I am a White Nationalist. I describe my religious belief as being Aryan, the path of the upward life force, it that is not tied to any set of politics or formulated church doctrine, but is closest to Hitler's teaching of National Socialism and William Luther Pierce's Cosmotheism.

This post is not made for the purpose of fracturing the relationship between Christian White Nationalist and White Nationalists, as this is the key fracture line that our enemies would have us divided on. I also appreciate Christian platforms such as Gab and GiveSendGo for assisting our movement in our struggles against evil.

Today I saw another instance of an ancient and famous tree being cut down as a means to spiritually hurt White people and it reminded me of an ad I saw on Gab recently for "The Boniface Option" by Torba's mate Isker.

I do not have a copy of the book but read many of its summaries and agree whole heartly with its core message and share this same sentiment in everything that I do; parallel power; mocking, hating and tearing down the false idols of the globohomo; standing and fighting instead of just fleeing.

There is a character limit of gab and telegram and want to keep this as a one part post so I will summarise my immense opposition to the lumping of traditional ancient Aryan peoples in with the modern day freaks and weirdos that are destroying our harmony and society.

This symbology and false equivalency is a caustic inversion of reality. Boniface, who was one day in London, next day in Frankia, next day in Rome and then the following day in Hesse Germany, cut down an ancient oak tree that symbolised a living blood memory of a people. It was a life symbol that tied the living to their ancestors.

Him and his hired gang financed by an international element, went into a people's community, White men, women and children, who were living the way their ancestors for thousands of years had taught them to live, and chopped down a living energy that tied them to blood and soil, in order to install a foreign thought process on them that they never asked for. According to the victors of this cultural and genetic genocide of Whites, after the tree fell, the whole town immediately converted to Christianity, as if everyone turned around on the bus and clapped - le reddit style.

Christian power from the time of Rome's collapse was in the cities, it had little power over rural people. Pagan was a slurred used similar to how Bogan, Red-neck, or bumpkin is used by todays Liberals. Pagans were not a unified force but a loosely connected culture of people based on genetic closeness.

Today's globohomo, liberalism and communism are not the oak tree of our ancient ancestors, they are a parasite vine that is strangling the oak. Today's globohomos, liberals and communists aren't worshipping the 'false idols' of their ancient ancestors, they are swinging axes cutting down these ideals, figuratively and literally.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Every Birth of a New Frontier has been a blast to be at, fighting or building kameradery!
The memories we've been making, will continue to make, and light the torch in every young man to embrace the internal power within to become the warriors our race needs!

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

They're not human


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Black parasites looting a liquor store. "Everybody must eat" share some of your food then, you fat fuckin bitch. Doesn't look like you've missed any meals. Unless the residual checks have dried up since they took your face off the syrup bottle.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

National Socialist boxer Max Schmeling knocking out Joe Louis in 1936. This fight was considered a huge cultural event, as Schmeling was representing National Socialist Germany at the time.

Schmeling had previously been world heavyweight champion for 2 years from 1930 to 1932. He retired with a record of 56-10-4, and went on to serve in the German airforce during WW2.

Schmeling died in 2005 at the age of 99, making him the longest living Heavyweight champion of all time. In 2003 Ring magazine voted him number 55 on their list of 100 greatest punchers of all time.


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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

For anyone in the wider movement that supports the goal of a politicised white power community in South Australia, there is a way to help.

The legal fundraiser GiveSendGo (see the link below👇)

While activists have been getting non stop results against the jewish system "antisemitism has been at an all time high the last year and a half" - norman schueler.

Inevitably they have employed their pet police in attempts to stop it. These manifest in the form of legal battles and false accusations against activists.
Presently defeating these in court is the most urgent requirement for funds.

Any other donations over time will go a long way to improving other community projects and activism.

Fight for the men who fight for you.


Activists campaigning for an Aryan Voice to Parliament, NSN 2023

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Absolutely incredible training and sparring with Cincinnati AC & Tennessee AC brothers yesterday. We might push it to the limit and take and give shots as good as we get, but at the end of the day we are brothers helping other brothers get as strong and tough as humanly possible. Do you have what it takes to be a strong White Nationalist? ⚡️⚡️

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Biden government is deporting this White German family who has lived here for 15 years despite accepting millions of brown rapists, drug dealers, and terrorists pouring through our border.

The infestation controlling our nation couldn't be more clear. Browns only, no Whites allowed.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Yeah one side is full of gays Jews kike nigga faggets hate their own race the other is white based and redpilled.

It's your choice Australia.

Vote no.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

CARF (Campaign against Racism & Facism) openly promote politically motivated violence against White Australians.

What does Counter Terrorism do?

Raid White Australians of course.

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The Western Chauvinist (censored)

Today, we marched with the No campaign in Melbourne’s CBD. Our mission was to fight back against the subversive cuckservative narrative that The Voice was not a racial issue. The Voice is part of a long march by Marxist forces to destroy White people politically in Australia, so that they can destroy us physically later.

At first, the No rally was indistinguishable from the Yes rally held a week earlier. With only the ‘Welcome to Country’ omitted, the cuckservatives had all the same talking points, and prostrated their White guilt before aboriginal primitives. The speeches were about how much they love aboriginals and about how the aboriginals love and support them. They performed fake aboriginal ceremonies with abo sticks droning their dreadful noise.

The Prime Minster Anthony ‘I cry all the time’ Albanese stated ‘it costs nothing to be respectful’. This is a flat out lie. The Voice, a treaty, or a Welcome to Country isn't about respect, it’s guilt being used as a weapon against Whites. It is taking power away from Whites while we are psychologically disarmed and giving it to a bunch of Jews, abos and traitors.

We racialised the No campaign and drew attention to the fact that The Voice is fundamentally against the interests of White people. Despite the constant screeching from a few of the rally organisers who were upset we did not worship aboriginals, the majority of the people in the crowd were supportive of our message. The cuckservative organisers value the sanction of their opposition more than they value winning.

The average Australian is sick and tired of being lectured by abo lovers voting yes and fake abo lovers voting no; they are tired of Welcome to Country; they are tired of smoke ceremonies; they are tired of endless White guilt.

The Australian people don’t need permission to Vote No because they have the latest Sky News Cuck Shed created convoluted anti-White excuse. The Australian people need the courage to stand up for their political power and their own racial Interest.

They may not want to make the issue racial, but if we wish to survive as a people, then we must.

Voice = Anti-White!

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