71yo grandmother in Springfield, Ohio mowed down and killed by a Haitian driver while taking out the trash. People of Springfield, Ohio do not have to live like this.
If this bothers you and you live in Ohio, join the Ohio Active Club and tribe & train.
There is no such thing as a "conspiracy theory" when it comes to the jew. Anything said about them should be taken as fact until proven otherwise, regardless of how vile or unbelievable it seems. Anything said about the jews that doesn't have evidence one way or the other should be taken as educated guess work based on observable and predictable patterns of behavior. If you assume a jew is behind something vile, you'll always be more right than wrong.
Training martial arts in a public class setting has taught me that there are a ton of ugly, knuckle-dragging subhumans that could absolutely whoop most untrained Nazis asses. There's this fella in one of my classes, you can just tell he's retarded from the way he looks; Eyes too close together, very small forehead, constantly talking about big trucks and tractors and lacks the discipline to continually drill for more than a set period of time before he gets bored.
But then think about this: He's been training for six months. I've seen him pull some slick moves while rolling. And while he certainly isn't any prodigy, I'd bet money he would annihilate any computer racist in a one on one. He makes up for in consistency what he lacks in intelligence, focus and talent.
One of my good friends who has trained a few different martial arts for many years has told me about antifa members who go to the gym to train 3-4 times a week, one of which is apparently the champion of his weight class in the local circuit. That weight class may only be 135 lbs, but he'd still toss a great many self-proclaimed National Socialists in the trash can.
Be honest with yourself: Are you the Nazi that Terry the Tiktok Trucker could humiliate? If so, you need to get on the road to fixing that, and fast. Not only are you an embarrassment to National Socialism, but to your entire line of ancestors and any descendants you should have. It's not just about reading books. It's not just about tilling fields. It's not just about who has the coolest memes or the hottest takes.
The world is moving on from all that. And if you don't move with it, you're gonna find you've been left behind.
Remarkable restraint shown by Croatians when dealing with this nigger animal. These nigger streamers intentionally go places they aren't wanted and bother the locals. Then they scream racism when people refuse to tolerate their poor behavior.
When they tell you the west is importing the best from India, show them this.
Literal backward peasants have been imported from rural india into Canada who are raiding a farmers corn field.
Outside the front of the Melbourne Magistrates Court, I face a year in jail for the alleged crime of giving a political salute that has upset Australia’s ruling class, that is to say, the Jews.
Читать полностью…They won't answer the question asked because they're fully aware of what the answer is - that foreigners are being housed with priority ahead of our own. There is no end to the tidal wave of foreigners coming here with their hands out. The entire political class is committed heart and soul to defending the ethnic displacement of our race, as they are committed across all parts of the Western world to disenfranchising those of European heritage.
Читать полностью…2025 Convention Speaker List
The AFP is excited to announce the following speakers for our 2025 National Convention:
🇺🇸 Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Director, AFP
🇺🇸 Thomas Rousseau
Leader, Patriot Front
🇺🇸 John Fassbinder
Executive Director, AFP
🇺🇸 Ralph Brandt
Chairman, AFP
🇺🇸 Michael Hill
League of the South
🇺🇸 Sam Dickson
Lawyer, Philanthropist
🔔 Keynote 🔔
Dr. Tom Sunić
Director, AFP
It's because they don't want you there. Go back to Africa, nigger.
As George Lincoln Rockwell said "if I'm wrong, prove it, and I'll stop." They could never prove him wrong, so it took an assassins bullet to stop him.
Happy birthday to Dr. William Luther Pierce. Founder of the National Alliance, author of The Turner Diaries, and one of the greatest Americans to ever live.
The street shitters have to go. They aren't welcome in ANY White countries or lands period.
Читать полностью…1. Make social services unavailable.
2. Make it a federal crime to employ them.
3. Make it punishable with prison time and harsh fines to give them aid or allow them access to state welfare.
4. Ban all NGOs and pressure groups that assist or facilitate mass migration as terrorist organizations. Punish them accordingly if they persist.
5. Completely scour the border patrol and ICE of any bad actors and mass hire men with a history of pro-deportation leanings.
6. Empower a culture of real patriotism and incentivize citizens to inform on undesirables as a duty to their Nation.
7. Offer incentives to remaining undesirables to return home.
8. Deputize Nationalist groups to police undesirables.
Denied any of the opportunities or services that this country offers, many illegals will self-deport. Just by turning off welfare and job access we could make a huge dent. If Dominican Republic can deport 500,000 Hatians, we can deport a few million illegals.
"The peasantry was instinctively opposed to this destructive force, but they were completely disorganized and could not put up a serious resistance. Industrial workers, though, were sliding towards communism at a dizzying pace, being systematically fed the cult of these ideas by the jewish press and generally by the entire jewry of the cities. It seemed that every jew, merchant, intellectual, or banker-capitalist was, in his sphere of influence, an agent of these anti-Romanian revolutionary ideas." - Corneliu Codreanu, Chapter 1, Page 12 of For My Legionnaires. Speaking of the bolshevik revolution in Russia that was threatening to take hold in his native Romania.
Irish citizen appears to use a drone to cover a traffic camera.
Faggot tries to get in Blood Tribes way and gets punched in the face by 3 different people. Look how he starts off as such a tough guy trying to confront them. Next thing you know he's crying and running away.
Just got home from one of our biggest training sessions in Melbourne, heaps of new men, young lads and families.
One thing that I noticed more than ever today is that our children were the only White kids at the playground, and all the non-Whites were gawking at the White lads training.
It is clear for all to see, that this is a community of White people who are not going to give up their land to entitled, opportunistic invaders.
Croatian Nationalist smacks German leftist in the face for laughing at and trying to take pictures of his White power shirt.