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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Yes, stickering makes you instantly cooler and increases your gains. All the rumors are true

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

It needed to be said and not for the first time in Ireland it was Justin Barrett who said it:

The only solution is MASS DEPORTATION.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

@PatriotFrontVideos » "What are you afraid of?"


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Over 200,000 views already

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Spreading the word about this newest outrage against Sam Melia and Our People in general on X.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

German nationalist student group Deutschen Burschenschaft did a torch march yesterday in Thuringia with representatives from AfD

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front on Patrick Bet David's youtube show that has 1.8 million subs.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Hey folks. If you've checked the Patriotic Alternative website today you will have learned that my husband, political prisoner Sam Melia, has been banned by the state and HMP Hull from having any contact with his children while he is in prison. Not only this, but he is not allowed any photographs of our children, and I'm not even allowed to mention them to him when I speak with him.

After serving three months of his sentence already and having full contact (including visits) with our two-year-old and one-month-old daughters, they have now decided that Sam is a Person Posing Risk to Children (PPRC) because of Sam's "racist posters, insignia and literature" and "racist and offensive attitudes".

We have been dealing with this for the past week or so behind the scenes and Sam gave them until today to fix it, informing them that if it wasn't resolved we would go public with the news. Well, it is not resolved, so we will keep to our word and let the world know how the British state treats good men like Sam. Tonight at 7pm on Patriotic Alternative's monthly update for May, I will tell you everything.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The conviction will probably be the thing that clenches his victory, however you feel about that.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Trump was found guilty on 34 counts, but im sure the Israelis will get him out of it for all the loyalty he's given them.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Peak African moment right here 😂. One of the funnier clips I've seen in a long time. They're just like us...


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Everyone knows that Israel and (((them))) in general are the problem.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Read: We now have a Secretary for Vilifying Men in Australia.

And you’re paying for it.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

"Here is a place where bankers, lobbyists and zionists, all one in the same; steer our nation towards an inescapable demise" - Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front outside the New York Stock Exchange in NYC.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

scholar driving around, with a suspended licence, on a zoom call with his judge about his suspended license

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

3 years ago after being banned from every other social media site multiple times for simply speaking my mind I made my way to telegram.
Last week my page was App Store banned which basically kills the channels ability to grow.
So like 36 times before I am starting over yet again.
I appreciate all of you who have continued to support throughout the years.
We are dominating the information war with memes against a trillion dollar propaganda machine.

Never give up or let these people break your spirit.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

British youth chanting "Allah, Allah, who the f**k is Allah" at anti-invader march.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

While German media continues its witch hunt of anyone caught singing “Ausländer raus”, a user on X asks NDR—A STATE BROADCASTER—why they don’t investigate migrant rape gangs with the same zeal.

NDR responded with a yawn emoji.

It will never be possible to hate these people enough.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Basically every single comment I looked at said Patrick Bet David was the one who was triggered, and Thomas came off looking golden. All the top comments are Our Guys and have 1000 likes.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Korea sounds like a pretty cool place.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Thomas did what this admin would say was a fantastic job in this interview. I believe this is the first time he's been interviewed by someone high profile that wasn't one of Our Guys and was going to challenge him from a different perspective. To the wider audience he came off as a polite intelligent young man. Patrick Bet David kept trying to insist there was some sort of anger or negative influence that led Thomas to his beliefs at a young age. Thomas explained it was talking to peers and having access to information that led him to his beliefs. PBD said Thomas was "triggered" at one point which didn't ring true at all, it really appeared like PBD was trying to get a "moment" he could clip. Most of the YouTube comments are favorable to Thomas and mentioning that PBD had Chris Cuomo on and didn't push against him nearly as hard.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

If you listen to the first part of the audiobook of H.A. Covington's The Brigade, a very similar thing to what is happening to Sam Melia happens to a friend of one of the main characters. He ends up in prison because he said something "racist" and they keep his children from him. In the book the main character redacts the guys accusers and he walks free.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Just because Tucker uses our rhetoric doesn't mean he's "our guy". But he is adjacent to what we believe in some ways even if he won't outright say so. Let's continue to normalize and make those on the right use our talking points, so that when our people are alienated by the anti-White establishment they have a place with us to call home.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Donald Trump's donation page is getting overwhelmed and crashing.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

"A miscarriage is a medical abortion.”
"No it's not, let me educate you.”

Very rational argument. That poor little girl. She probably has multiple murdered siblings, or two “mothers,” if not both. Ugh.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

She also tried to sell the girl to a man for $5 specifically for him to have sex with. One of the usual suspects obviously.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

What the fuck kind of 1984 government job is that.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

@PatriotFrontUpdates » Activists from Network 11 trained in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Submit your application today:

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

It's good to see strong POC women teaching their daughters to be strong like them. 🙈


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

A guide on how to do whatever you want by claiming it was just a "mistake". It's been happening since well before the USS Liberty.


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