System pigs with shields getting pelted with objects earlier this week in England.
With the exception of outright murder and rape, the British government has started to treat it's citizens the same way that the Israeli government treats Palestinians and other dissenters in it's grasp. Mass raids and roundups, barely any trial before, insanely disproportionate sentences. They've arrested old ladies for posting "misinformation", boys as young as 11 for supporting the uprising, men for making hand gestures.
Any slight incident is being punished to the extreme, and it WILL NOT do what they think it will. Look into who runs the UKs immigration policies. You may find they are similar to the people in charge of Israel. The UK system acts as if they are an occupying force, and British people are a hostile occupied Nation. They are now finding that the British people are beginning to notice that.
One of the usual suspects randomly murders a man with a knife in an NYC laundromat. Randomly stabbing little British girls in England, and randomly stabbing a defenseless man in NYC. Remember, you're not supposed to notice the pattern.
The best part of the RAHOWA are the friends you make along the way. Contact:
You're not going to change the world by being a soft coward.
The system is going full mask off in England at the moment. White man, fight back against the beast before it gets to this point in Australia.
Читать полностью…The non that runs War Monitor wants to know what's responsible for unrest in the UK. Go look in the mirror. People like you being brought in by the system to rape and murder children.
Over the August 1st, Elders day, long weekend, Nationalist communities came together in a display of unity not seen between nationalist groups from Canada in a long time, if ever.
A big heartfelt thank you to every one of you for coming. We couldn't have asked for more polite and respectful guests who acted in a truly Aryan and Noble manner. I really feel honored to know and to have the privilege of calling them my brothers and sisters. This is the beginning of something truly wonderful for White Canadians.
Representatives including, but not limited to, were:
Nationalist 13 - (Southern/Southwest Ontario)
Toronto Fitness Club - (Toronto and surrounding area):
Frontenac Active Club - (Montreal and surrounding area): @Friendlyfash
Hosted by a member of the Occidental Templars from the Church of Aryanity @Cygnus_ObscurumX21
ORION, Our Race Is Our Nation
ORIOR, Our Race Is Our Religion
Good, get out you fuckin rat.
This non who is an elected labour representative is out in the streets calling for protesters to get their throats slit. If one of Our People did this they'd be imprisoned for a year.
Good job Bulgaria.
Armed mobs of invaders running around the streets of England. Minimal effort by the system pigs to intervene, zero effort to arrest.
You gonna listen to this nigger loving leftoid and stay home, or your racial kin that want you to make it through this?
Get networked, get vetted, and get active.
Join White Club Staffing if you need help getting in contact with your local or regional club.
Oh a mere choir boy. Just a lad who made a mistake. How is ANYONE to read this headline and not come to the same conclusions we've all came to. Not only do they all have ro go back, but the system that allows them to be here has to be completely uprooted.
Windy City Active Club in Chicago
This admin keeps a photo of little Cannon Hinnant on my phone to remind me of the senseless and irrational nature of the enemy we deal with. Exactly 4 years ago today, one of the usual suspects walked up and shot him in the face. His excuse? He was "riding his bike on my lawn". This was the one that pushed me to fight for a world where Our People were unified in our own defense.
When this happened, there was no outrage outside of Our Circles. There were no riots, no packs of outrage mobs, it was as if it was just some kind of fact of life. I was not aware of it at the time, but I made a subconscious deal with myself. From that point on I would do whatever I needed to unite and organize my people, so that one day the society that failed little Cannon would be replaced by something that would honor his memory.
Since then many more children have been victims, and many more of Our People are starting to feel like I do. Tribe & Train.
Follow Our Guy Zoomerwaffen at his new chan.
Millions of Our People in Britain support the uprising. The task is bringing them all together and keeping them away from kosher-conservative Tommy Robinson types.
All Our Homelands in one picture.
Nor Cal Active Club for Our People living in Northern California.
The non that runs War Monitor wants to know what's responsible for unrest in the UK. Go look in the mirror. People like you being brought in by the system to rape and murder children.
The American Blackshirts have some great pomo material.
This is why you don't announce actions beforehand. It gives the NGOs enough time to organize a mob of mutants to agitate.
The British Nationalist uprising was an organic response and nobody opposed them. These freaks are astroturfed by the system as a counter. There's nothing real about them.
The job of British Nationalists is to be able to organize large numbers without having to announce their intent to the public. Thus denying the NGOs and j-left agitators the opportunity to organize astroturfed opposition against them.
To accomplish this, you need to be meeting and organizing with your people. Form bonds that go beyond being random strangers in a reactionary mob.
The Ohio Active Club growing stronger every day. The city of Springfield, Ohio used to have a population of 57,000. In the last few years over 20,000 Haitian "migrants" have been added to it. If you're one of Our People in Ohio, now is the time to Tribe & Train.
One of Our People backs down a disrespectful non. Good on him, his son will remember that.
System pig van with facial recognition camera being forced to drive off by crowd in Rotherham.
This is why.
German system pigs have been asking people not to share video of this German boy being lured into a trap and gang assaulted by several invaders. Allegedly they're "investigating" the incident.
Invaders blocking Norrh London roads with bikes and fire while they wait for British protesters to show up to a planned protest.
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