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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Members of Patriot Front at yet another location in North Carolina helping families who have been devastated by hurricanes.

"They are more interested in the concerns of Israel than they are in the Apalachian people.  A people that have been continuously stomped upon by the federal government, and they are again in this instance."

Well said by these great young men.  Remember who was there when people needed them.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Here's why the people of North Carolina aren't getting the help they need.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

They are telling us they have no funds to manage the untold pain, suffering and loss of Our People in Appalachia. Then all we see is them throwing around money to everyone who hates us.

You have BILLIONS for Israel, you have BILLIONS for illegals, and you have hundreds of millions for anti-White organizations now.

It's not enough we get destroyed and forgotten, but we have to watch as they give a quarter billion to turn ADL buildings into fortresses so they can write more anti-White garbage about the same people who are snubbed and dying in North Carolina as we speak.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Lindsey Graham is worse than a kike.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

There are good men organizing to go help families in western North Carolina who have been victims of the hurricane. Please give what you can to help them.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Why would our money go to White Americans who are dying and without food or water? Our money is for middle eastern jews who already have all the money. Don't you know that your labor is only taxed to fill the trust fund for the jew? Now stop being difficult and die quietly, like a good goyim.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Allegedly US soldiers asking for leave to go help their families devastated by the hurricanes are being told no because they might have to go help Israel. This is what the system think of Our People. Why would they let their cannon fodder go help some random consumers when the important people in Israel might need us to die for them?

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Read the books they do not want you to. Build a family and love your people.

Be a "Radical"

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

It's afraid.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Riverland Active Club is the official Active Club for the Missouri region, covering all of Missouri, Eastern Kansas, and Southern Illinois.

We are a network of White Nationalist men whose focus is on cultivating physical fitness, outdoorsmanship, an active, healthy lifestyle, and fraternal bonds through collective organizing among our members and their families.

Get. Active.

✅ Start Your Vetting Here.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Crazy footage of Iranian missiles impacting in Israel.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Scenes from West Jefferson NC.

Our hearts go out to all Our People being hit be this hurricane.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The Austrian Freedom Party, an alleged 3rd position party who want to turn back the tide of mass migration, has won the general election in Austria. The system will of course stand in their way.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

UFC fighter Renato Moicano wins his fight in Psris and says "fuck Macron, fuck globalists" and advises the crowd to read Democracy The God That Failed by Hans Herman Hoppe.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Supporting Israel means supporting the destruction of your own people.

Just within the past two decades, over 7,000 U.S. troops have died in conflicts across the Middle East—wars that were fought not for American interests, but to protect Jewish elites who use our military as their personal enforcers, and more broadly, Our Nation as a puppet state.

While our government continues to send billions in aid to Israel, our children are sent to fight and die for a cause that offers no benefit to Our People. We have seen the devastating effects of this policy time and time again, with the loss of American lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria—all nations destabilized to serve Israeli geopolitical interests.

The other tragic consequence of these foreign endeavors for Israeli conquest is the massive influx of invaders into Our Nation. By destabilizing the Middle East through these endless wars, the very same Jewish elites who push for American military intervention then exploit these wars as an excuse to flood our homelands with displaced foreigners.

What is the result? Our communities are now dealing with the consequences of cultural erosion, rising crime, and social disintegration, all because we were forced to fight wars that had nothing to do with us. All the while, Israel itself remains shielded from these consequences. Israel destabilizes foreign lands and then brings the fallout to our front door.

Support for Israel ends in the sacrifice and slaughter of our sons and daughters, all in the name of demographic replacement in our own Nations. 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 #EndForeignWars 🇺🇸

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Patriot Front members in western North Carolina helping people who have been devastated by the hurricane. Remember when the chips are down, who helped you.

Remember who wouldn't let the servicemen return home because they needed them on standby to help Israel. Remember who it was that said there's no money for Appalachia, because THEY SPENT IT paying for Israel's wars and illegal migrants. Remember who directly tried to prevent our people from going to these areas and helping.

Finally, remember who it was that came to help when the people needed it. Our Guys were there doing the work our bought and paid for kosher-elites and political prostitutes refuse to do.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The Ohio Active Club is in North Carolina helping with disaster relief.  Despite the fact that cops tries to turn them back.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

One of Our Guys living in North Carolina is saying that there are still 40,000 people in Buncombe county alone that haven't been accounted for yet. That's a county of 300,000 people, and 40,000 are missing. Not only that, but they are shutting down private air traffick, so citizens with choppers can't fly rescue missions. He says "army choppers fly over my house 3-4 times an hour. The federal govt is angering the people here beyond belief. Don't be surprised if Appalachia pops off."


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Lindsey Graham is the most pathetic kosher-right shill there could possibly be. How does a man become so corrupted and demoralized. The blackmail they have on this guy must be horrible. He's become like gollum from LOTR, or more like Reek from GOT.

How does a man charged with looking out for the interests of United States citizens blow off the thousands of dead in the worst natural disaster in US history like this. Even if Israel was our friend (and not our worst enemy) you don't blow off your dying family to help your drunk idiot friend win a bar fight he started himself.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Something like an estimated 700 people have been killed in the most devastating hurricane to ever strike the US. Who has responded in Our People's time of need?

The occupied US government has sent all the young people in the military that could've helped to Israel. It isn't the government that has responded, but Nationalists like Patriot Front who answer the call.

How can you possibly call these great men feds. If they were feds they'd be going to the middle east with all the rest of our money and resources.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Remember, the system HATES you, they HATE your family, they HATE your people. They've already slowly spiritually killed the majority of us. Sending your physical body to soak up bullets and bombs on behalf of a foreign people that also HATES you is nothing to them. They literally believe that's YOUR job, to be their shield.

They replace you everywhere and act like you don't even belong to a collective group. Yet, when the war begins and they see their power waning, to whom do they turn? Us. Don't let them get away with it. Stay home and organize with your people. Join a Nationalist group and fight the only fight that Our People have an actual stake in.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The jew always wants the goy soldiers to carry them.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Total Nazi Schizophrenic Victory

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Allegedly US soldiers asking for leave to go help their families devastated by the hurricanes are being told no because they might have to go help Israel. This is what the system think of Our People. Why would they let their cannon fodder go help some random consumers when the important people in Israel might need us to die for them?

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The German system is trying to ban AFD because they're an anti-mass immigration and pro-German party that's winning elections. They pretend "democracy" is the greatest thing to ever happen until they lose democratically. Then they do what they did to Golden Dawn in Greece, and what they want to do to AFD in Germany.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Minneapolis is now being policed by non-citizens.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Degenerate game, based answer.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

White people build nations, blacks destroy them.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Men like Thomas Sewell change the life path of people who hear their words. That's why Thomas is censored and shadowbanned everywhere, and that's why to a much larger degree, Hitler's speeches are censored. There are power in the words of great men who speak with conviction.


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