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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Congressman who had no long gun training in his life. Hasn't fired a gun in 6 years. recreated the event and got 15 out 16 kills shots

It's a miracle that Trump survived.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

No, YOU'RE a coward. Anyone who makes money pumping out shitty morally superior hot takes about how we're supposed to high road these parasites when we have a chance to take them down; is a loser.

We don't need our behavior policed by some fat idiot podcaster who has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. We're not playing pretend podcast time anymore. We're playing to win now.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Shout out to Elijah Schaffer for interviewing Tom.

Most mainstream podcasters would not associate with Tom because their revenue would be at risk

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Member of the Blue Division. Spanish volunteers in the German army from 1941-44.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Legal and financial terrorism

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The US Marshals rescued nearly 200 children, many who were being sex trafficked and abused. Meanwhile the FBI is full of pedophiles and degenerates.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

This once again underlines the futility of voting for conservative parties.

These people care only about money, and will only pretend to oppose the far left and liberal laws being put into practise.

Don't fall for their cheap tricks.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

In possibly the most kosher lawsuit you've ever heard of, the ADL is suing Iran, Syria, and North Korea for "supplying money, weapons, and know how" to Hamas.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Israeli soldier hanging out of a tank gets taken out by a Hamas sniper. This is the clearest sniper footage to come out of Gaza so far. Israel has lost another 2 soldiers killed in action today.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

We at @TheWesternChauvinist7 have reached 23,000 subscribers. 

Thanks to our friends at

Thanks to all the Active Club, NS, and WN groups that shared us.  We only do this to help you guys and the wider IRL cause grow as a whole.

Thanks to every channel who shares us regularly.  Thanks to all our subscribers who share us in group chats and spread our links.  Thanks to everyone whose heart beats for Our People.

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

French Nationalists have been out in the streets in areas to prevent violence after hoards of invaders led by antifa started rioting following the kosher-conservative victory in the French elections.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Fury is building in Adelaide over a school holidays drag queen story hour event where a crossdresser will read far-left propaganda books to children.

Follow: @NoticerNews

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

British students singing German marching song Erika.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Spanish citizens gathering outside a mosque attended by 3 invaders who beat a man to death with a baseball bat. The Spanish man had been trying to save a 15yo girl from being raped, and was subsequently murdered as a result.

The Spanish man leaves behind a wife and 5 children. RIP David, you died a hero.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Close, you're only 5% off.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Southern Saxon distributed material around:

- Alum Creek, West Virginia
- Stockbridge, Georgia
- Lexington, Kentucky
- Clarksville, Tennessee

⚡️ @SouthernSaxon

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

After weeks of foreign invaders rioting in Leeds, British system pigs have finally made an arrest. They arrested an English woman who was opposing the rioters. Always count on the system pigs to work for the system against Our People.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

"What is happening in society is strength is being punished, beauty is being destroyed, honor is being ridiculed; and the opposites are being promoted. That is one of the most fundamental fights that we're in for, life itself; the existence of life" - Thomas Sewell

Thomas Sewell: /channel/TomSewellAlerts

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Rob Rundo messing around with his guys sparring 3 on 1 back in the day. Reminder Rob Rundo is still being held prisoner in California despite having his case thrown out several times already.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)


Apple and Google have the power to censor telegram channels they do not like.  If you'd like to see our permanent and uncensored channel


You can get around the censorship if you have an Android by downloading the app directly from telegrams website here  If you have an iPhone or do not wish to download the new Android app you can use the telegram web browser at either and and view all telegram channels uncensored with no apps required.  spread this to everyone you possibly can.

You will also be able to see:

And all other app store censored channels.

And follow us on GAB:

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

🇳🇱Dutch Conservative Secretary of State Changes Position on Child Transgender treatment:

Vicky Maeijer, a Dutch right-wing cabinet member and secretary of state has reversed her stance on "transgender treatment" for children, stating "medical care should be available to everyone".

Just last year, before she got a position within the government, she voted and spoke out against this treatment.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Truth w proof.
israel loyalty above American
Every Single Time

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

The Saxon began to hate.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

One Israeli soldier was killed and one seriously wounded in another roadside IED attack in the West Bank. This is the second IED attack to kill and wound Israeli soldiers in the West Bank in less than a week. The previous attack killed 1 and wounded 15.

For those unaware, the West Bank is a much larger part of Palestinian territory than Gaza, but far less militarized. The fact that they are now resisting in a way that is causing actual casualties is a huge problem for Israel. As is the fact that Hezbollah and Iran have found a way to smuggle weapons to them.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Day of Glory 15/6/24 🇸🇪🤝🏻🇫🇷

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

White Boy Summer Fest 2024.

Tapahtuma piti sisällään huippubändejä, kamppailua ja asiakeskustelua. Suomessa ennennäkemätön konsepti on noussut parissa vuodessa yhdeksi vastakulttuurin merkittävimmäksi tapahtumaksi, jolle selvästi on tilausta jatkossakin.

Tulenväki kiittää kaikkia paikalle saapuneita! Nähdään taas ensi vuonna ja tässä välissä myös muissa tapahtumissa!

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Pedophile who said he wants to "impregnate a 13yo girl" gets beaten in a grocery store.


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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

Please follow and share @NSNUncensored. This channel serves as a backup/replacement for @NationalSocialistNetwork as it is blocked for a majority of users.


💬 @NSNContactBot

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The Western Chauvinist (Main Banned)

It's funny they're trying to pretend like this is some sort of grassroots movement of goyim who are just so sick of seeing poor jews getting picked on.

This is nothing but a lame attempt to organize whatever European Canadian sympathy remains to them. It will not work, nor will these laws meant to keep people from criticizing them.

Everyone who is aware of them is sick of them. The rest of the people in Canada are uninterested in this political sphere, or are too busy struggling to keep their own heads above water in this economy to care.


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