Dear European brothers,
Us as youth are lucky enough to be able to connect with you all, we love to see what’s going on all across Europe with the nationalists, our ancestors are watching.
Boomers allowed our continent to be fucked and cucked by Jewish supremacy ✡️🏦.
With networks between us all we will win no matter the sacrifices we have to make.
We salute our brothers
May god be with you all.
- English youth.
This article is antisemitic.
This is why the 🇮🇱 system in Australia wants to destroy @Thomas_Sewell and the NSN through legal warfare.
There were 4 members of the NSN arrested yesterday. Jacob Hersant, Nathan Bull and a third member were arrested for wearing offensive Halloween costumes. Thomas Sewell was arrested for being mad at the oppression he and his people face from system pigs every time they throw a rally. Only Thomas has been charged so far, the others are being interviewed.
Jacob Hersant, @jacobhersant
(Leader of NSN) has been arrested alongside Thomas Sewell @Thomas_Sewell as well as highly active NSN member Nathan Bull @Nathan_Bull
These are family men with women and children at home who have been intimidated and threatened by the State Enforced Terror Police, had their homes raided and turned upside down and been charged for acting in a patriotic and honourable manner.
This is an example of anti-White policy being enforced to stifle any pro-White disssident action by a brown and gay ZOG occupied government.
The chimp outs are beginning. 😂.
Irish man catches nons trying to steal a motorcycle. He jumps directly on one of the thieves heads with both feet.
Absolutely amazing.
In Germany, the AfD party makes remigration adverts featuring Aryan pilots deporting foreign men.
Allegedly an Iranian hacker group got control of some Israeli kikes telegram chan.
The small village of Petersdorf, Germany is set to receive 500 invaders who will live in an old army base. The village itself only has 600 people, this will be a nightmare for them. This is the price they pay for remaining tied to the 🇮🇱 system.
Subscribe to our backup channel The Western Chauvinist 12. It will remain inactive for now. We will start posting there if and when this channel is banned.
Irishman catches predator in the act of assaulting an Irish woman and saves her.
What is our purpose as Aryans and National Socialists?
Читать полностью…Japan got instant nigger-fatigue after nigger did flash monkey dancing on subway.
Читать полностью…Ryan🇮🇱Girdusky says “I hope your beeper doesn’t go off,” to a pro-Palestinian guy. Can you imagine the outrage if that guy had responded something like "I hope there's no paragliders nearby" or anything of the sort. They think it's funny to mock the deaths of the people they're aggressing against. Just like they think it's funny to keep charts with the % of Our People remaining in America on their doors at the ADL.
Only Fascists can recover what we’ve lost
Читать полностью…The 🇮🇱 system in Australia has sentenced Jacob Hersant to a month in jail for allegedly throwing a "Nazi salute" which he never did. If you watched the video of the alleged salute, the arm gesture Jacob made wouldn't have even got him kicked off Facebook. Jacob is the first person in Australian history to be convicted under this new ban on the Roman Salute.
"We kiilled millions of our own brothers and for what? So that now there's niggers in Sweden and Paris? And they're speaking Hindi in London?" - @Thomas_Sewell
Читать полностью…The Jews and their puppet politicians view laws as weapons against their enemies
Читать полностью…The system in Australia is once again doing the 🇮🇱 bidding and arresting Thomas Sewell whom they have already held for more than half a year over a nothing charge in the past. They've also convicted Jacob Hersant on the ridiculous charge of holding his arm in a manner of which they don't approve. He'll probably be disproportionately sentenced when the time comes. The anti-White agenda is on full display every time they wage legal warfare against the leaders of Our Guys in Australia.
The only vote that matters.
Two parties, the same tyranny.
Israel is the one place you CAN'T legally boycott without consequences in 28 states (look up anti BDS laws). The 🇮🇱 cries out in pain as he strikes you.
On this day in 1920, IRA volunteer Kevin Barry was hung in Mountjoy Prison at just 18 years of age. The only crime Barry was guilty of was fighting to free his land from the shackles of a foreign and oppressive regime.
Today Clann Éireann remembers and commemorates Kevin Barry, and all the young men who fought and died in the struggle to make Ireland a nation Gaelic and Free.
Do your civic duty and cast your vote.
Cuckservatives distract our people from what’s important with the pointless and trivial
Читать полностью…George Lincoln Rockwell, the greatest American to ever live.
What could they POSSIBLY mean by this?
In Western North Carolina the Red Cross is closing all it's shelters. This will leave people whose homes have been destroyed completely without shelter.
This woman is delivering tiny homes to provide shelter for families, but the county is bothering them about permits.
In addition to that, child services is threatening to take away people's children because they're homeless.
This kosherized system has seen a natural disaster ruin thousands of peoples lives, provided a token response, and put every barrier and insult in the way of people trying to provide relief and rebuilding. This is how they treat the suffering of their citizens.