Finally, a reason to cross the border from Heaven, to Almost Heaven. See y’all in West Virginia!
Читать полностью…Italian Nationalists in Rome beat down communists.
Are you in Texas? Does this bother you? If yes, what are you going to do about it?
Are you going to stew in impotent rage on the internet and pretend you care about it, then put it out of your mind until the next one comes along and your cycle of cowardly avoidance starts all over again? Or are you going to get organized with others who are as sick of this as you are?
Texas Nationalist Network -
Patriot Front -
It's all true. Every single word. 😂.
Where is the FBI to arrest the executives of meta & IG for allowing this
Читать полностью…Never forget the White children who have been sacrificed on the alter of diversity. Although we never knew you, you will never be forgotten little man.
Читать полностью…Speaking of the FBI they just raided the home of Oakland, California Mayor Sheng Thao (D). They raided 4 homes and have refused to give any reason this far.
This pathetic man has been wrong on everything his entire career. He can't defend any of his positions when met with even the most mild criticism. Yet he's one of the (((system's))) top guys. All you have to do is be compliant and you can have a career for life with (((them))).
White guy: Spends his free time cleaning up abandoned properties.
Black guy:
Two young girls set up a lemonade stand and give one of "them" a free cup because he didn't have any money. Instead of thanking them, he steals their money and flips over their lemonade stand.
Children cannot even run a lemonade stand without falling prey to these predators. Luckily the girls older brothers were there to run the guy down and get the money back, good on them.
Pictured: zero Australians
Indian man Khateebulla Mirza, 37, who raped a woman in her Sydney apartment while armed with a meat cleaver and a choke chain, has been cleared of criminal responsibility by a judge after telling psychiatrist David Greenberg he thought he was in a video game.
Follow: @NoticerNews
Thomas of Patriot Front speaks about some of the common excuses heard about why somebody can't commit to activism and organizing.
See our latest action:
You could do this anywhere in america and it would probably do well. But you need a team to pull this off. I could go write an essay on why you need to be in an irl group but I'm just gonna stick with TRIBE AND TRAIN.
If I was an activist in Seattle I would design flyers to notify the public of this and point it out for exactly what it is.
Читать полностью…They're not "afraid" to defy Israel. They're compliant shills who have been bribed, blackmailed, and groomed by the system specifically for their loyalty to Israel.
Hamas hitting Israeli tanks with point blank RPG rounds and launching mortars from inside buildings in a neighborhood west of Rafah.
looks like they murdered another 12 year old girl
What is this now? every other day some young girl gets murdered, abused, and no one cares.
If you're Irish and this bothers you, start organizing.
Clann Éireann:
Comhaltas Irish Nationalist Club:
Republicans Against Antifa:
The perfect system. A self feeding system where everyone is enriched at the expense of White families who are driven into ruin.
Democrats get leftist voters. Corporations get cheap labor. All the hard working mexicans stay in mexico while all the garbage criminals come here & send billions back to their family flooding the mexcian economy in USD
BREAKING: Biden's State Dept Official Admits Great Replacement is Real; ‘They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States’
“Traditional, standard Americans are not leftists. Latin Americans are all leftists. This is just to try and change the demographics [of the United States]." - U.S. Consular Officer
“I wish people knew we were letting in criminals [to the United States] daily.” ⛓
Ones putting asulym seekers into hotel in knock. Just one of a lot places their using
Читать полностью…Yet another FBI agent convicted of horrible sexual atrocities. This one convicted of raping a 5yo girl over years. Men like this are the (((system's))) perfect agents. The FBI is vetted to weed out the morally conscious and keep the completely morally corrupt.
They come to Our neighborhoods, get free lemonade from little girls, and still think it's fine to destroy the stand and steal the money. One of Our People goes to their neighborhoods to clean the place up, and they call the cops on him. Here's the thing, THEY believe that these are equal actions. They think the system pigs are racially discriminating against them by arresting the criminal and not arresting the grass cutter. That's the world they live in.
Active Club was always the foundation. ‘72 and ‘23.
For an Anglo-Saxon South.
⚡️ @SouthernSaxon
Take the L out of flag and you'll have the type of football that really is.
NFL teams are starting up a homosexual flag football league.
As if football wasn't already gay
Russia and North Korea have signed a strategic part in which they would assist each other in case of aggression. Meanwhile America and western European countries keep losing power because our leaders only operate in the interests of their (((masters))).
If a White advocated wanted to get elected in a major city like Seattle where the current government has allowed anarchists to run rampant, they wouldn't even need to run on a racialist platform to get into power. They would simply just need to run on a law and order platform, which would be wildly popular. Then they could use that position to benefit White people. Pass hate crimes laws that protect White people. Use the police force to go after anti-White terrorists.
Читать полностью…If you're in the PNW area anywhere close to Seattle, spread the word about this. Make it a huge issue. Highlight that they chased away all the police because they allowed leftwing violence and criminality to take over and now they're making criminal invaders into police.