[request] This was a question in a practice exam, I needed to find b(the height of the triagle) knowing that it's area is 3 meters sqaured
[Request] By age nine, how uncommon is it, statistically speaking, to find 1500 four-leaf clovers?
[REQUEST] Does this appear accurate? Can anyone verify?
[Request] is this possible?
[Request] How many slices to make a mile-high sandwich?
[Request] is this even possible?
[Request] Is this correct?
request what’s the chances of 4/6 people getting something that has a drop chance of 2.5%
Request Does the Earth contain enough energy to propel itself out of orbit around the sun?
Last night when I was trying to fall asleep I had a silly idea: space travel is difficult and dangerous, so why do it when we could just take home with us?
In my imagination the people of Earth have come together to build an absolutely massive rocket engine that points straight up into the sky and taps into the heat trapped in our planet's core as a source of energy. In order to travel through space (say, to Mars for a nice visit), we light the engine, do a burn and fling the Earth out of its natural orbit around the sun and towards Mars.
Now I realize there are a lot of impracticalities here, and moving the Earth out of its orbit would probably kill everyone (so let's agree to not actually do this), but my main questions are:
1. If we were able to convert geothermal energy into some form of energy that could be used in a rocket, does the Earth contain enough geothermal energy to push itself out of its orbit? How far could we go?
2. How big of an engine would be necessary to do this?
[Request] How do you solve this problem
[Request] Recreational problem - What is the area of the shaded part? Circles are concentric.
[Off-site] Scott Steiner did the math
[Request] If a pyramid-shaped aquarium is filled to 50% of its capacity in terms of volume, how deep is the water relative to the aquarium's height? (not a homework problem)
[Off-site] They worked it out before they worked it out.
[Request] How many people are unable to go to Trezure's party?
[Request] How deep would the Grand Canyon really have been during the Stone Age?
[Request] How much space would you need to store all the pennies and how much would it cost?
[REQUEST] is there any truth in this statement
[Request] how much would the pressure at the bottom of this ocean be with Earth's gravity and with Ganymede's gravity?
[Request] Explain the steps to me like I'm 5.
[REQUEST] this seems like it might be true, can anyone confirm?
[Request] Given what is visible of the "imperfect" Rubix cube, is this even a possible configuration, and- if so- how many moves would it take to solve from how it looks now?
[Request] Determine interior room dimensions from this schematic. Is it possible to determine the interior dimensions of this unit (like of each space, not the total square footage) from this?
[Request] is it possible to estimate how much rice would distract a vampire until dawn?
[Request] How many fans would this have actually taken?
[Request] If Jeff Bezos’s entire net worth were converted to gold, how much mass and volume would it have? How would it compare to the total amount of gold in the world?
Request how fast would you need to swing a sword to remove all of the blood from it?
In movies and shows (typically anime) you see a character swing a sword to remove all of the blood from it. How fast would you need to swing a sword in order for that to happen?
Request How many litres of pineapple juice would it take to dissolve a human body?
[Request]is this correct
[Request] What is the G-force experienced by the passengers?