Request What are the chances that someone will someday fill out a perfect March Madness bracket?
Obviously the odds of a given individual filling out a perfect bracket for the NCAA basketball championship tournament are unbelievably low. But, what are the odds that someone out there will fill out a perfect bracket in a given year? Also, what are the odds that someone out there will fill one out if, say, the tournament continues for another 100 years? Bonus points for how many years, on average, before someone out there fills out a perfect bracket. I think these would really just be simple binomial and/or geometric distributions, but it's been years since I took a stats class, so I'll need some help.
Request The Improbability Drive
In the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the "Heart of Gold" travels anywhere the pilot wants to go, nearly instantaneously, using the "Improbability Drive." This works by taking the desired location and calculating the probability of the ship arriving there.
According to the Guide, the scientists who discovered it, did so by calculating the probability of such a device and when they completed, poof! it appeared before them. In essence, r/theydidthemath and there it was.
So.... my question for you is what is the probability of creating a spaceship engine that can travel through space and time by calculating the probability of it happening and then making it happen?
request fuel savings from weight loss
My family goes on a lot of road trips. It’s far cheaper to drive than to buy 7 plane tickets and rent an SUV at the location. Husband and I could would like to lose a combined 100 lbs.
Our fully loaded SUV currently weighs 6500 lbs. Our highway mpg is 16.3 when averaged over 3000 miles. We drive about 17,000 miles per year, averaged over the last 5 years. How much fuel would we save if we actually lost the 100lbs?
[Request] How fast was the other motorcycle going?
[OFF-SITE] and strive for an a+ we shall
[RDTM] In case you were wondering how many lemons it takes to flood France in lemonade
[off-site] spongebob goes hard
[Request] How far would an I beam need to fall to have enough energy to disable a tank.
[Request] How many calories?
[RDTM] How many Dino Nuggies can you make with the body of a fox girl?
[REQUEST] How hard would one have to yell at the ball to make the sound waves move the ball?
[request] roughly how many people are actually qualified to solve this? What percentage of the population? I would also [request] someone to solve it but i dont think reddit can.
[request] how many rpm do you think those wheels are spinning at 100km per hour?
[REQUEST] How much force would be exerted on her body at the time of her hitting the ground?
[Request] How big would a asteroid need to be to completey Destroy the middle east
[Request] How many days will this occur in a year?
[Request] If Wall-e moved what forces to earth would be applied
[Self] did I do the correct math?
[request] how heavy would Peter have to be for his gravity to lift a tv?
[Request] Is it tho?
[REQUEST] I guess this is more physics than math, but anyways, I saw this notification and started thinking. If we built a bridge around the earth without it being mounted to the earth, what would happen? Would it stay in orbit, fly away or decide to fall down in some place?
[Request] I feel stupid, how do you solve this?
[Request] How Many Jupiters would 1,100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Strawberries' Volume Equal
[REQUEST] How much CO2 would be required to carbonate the oceans, and does that much exist on earth?
[Request] How big would the person with this skull be?
[Request] Can someone check the math to see if this is true?
[REQUEST]How much alcohol percentage would be in 24 shots of tequila and how much it would be to taken per minute it in 8 minutes?
[REQUEST] How much would one person need to cry to be able to submerge every continent?
[request] how long would it take for a human to do all the necessary calculations to mine bitcoin using pen and paper?
[Request] how much heavier would someone be if this happened?