Honoured and Grateful <3
Thanks you for making this shit possible. 10k + groups in 2 months.
Minor Update on Public Repo:
- Merged all sudo commands under one button
- Removed extra buttons for Helper Commands Menu
- Only SudoUsers can access the sudo commands menu now.
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Booting will now throw error if no assistant client is started.
• Added a new var:
Required : False
Description : Provide a telegraph image link for the bot’s private start message. You can leave it blank if you don’t want image
-> Use /update
to push updates
Repo • Support • Deploy • Documentation
CopyPasters and CopyPasters!
Only reason we have stopped repo support
Motherfuckers firstly gonna kang yours and then they’ll proclaim themselves as fucking developers!
Your mother must have been kanged too by someone which resulted in a milksop like you! I pity your developers.
⚠️ Confirm your Yukki music bot here before adding them to your chat. ⚠️
Yukki Music + Video Bots:
Few Other Bots:
We only own these bots. Except these bots all other bots are fake , they can ban your whole group , can leak your group images and will play with your privacy. Stop trusting out any random bot out there.
Do verify bot username from here before adding them under Yukki’s name
Heroku Deploy is Fixed and Live Now!
Deploy Yukki Music Bot on Heroku easily now!
- How to Deploy Yukki Music Bot on Heroku?
1. Visit Official Repo
2. Login or Signup on Github
3. Fork the Repo and Copy its URL
4. Click on Deploy to Heroku and Paste your URL here!
Or Simply Visit the deploy page from here.
We have just updated the repo on Github.
Yukki Music Bot v2.0 is out now
- Added Support for Video Calls
[ Merged /play command with Audio.. Use same /play for video too ]
- Added Support for Heroku
[ Added UPSTREAM_BRANCH, REPO options , checkout more help for heroku commands via /help ]
- Added Support for Live Stream
[ Now Live Streams are Supported too ]
- Introduced LOGGER [ Enable Logger with /logger ]
Merged Multi-Assistant Branch
[ You can now use any number of Assistant Clients in between 1-5 ]
Repo :- http://github.com/TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot
Report bugs and issues in Support
PyMongo Error Fix
• Login to your MongoDb
• Under Security Section , Go to Database Access
• Edit the Role to atlasAdmin@admin and Update it.
@YukkiRobot is live !
- New Core
- Multiple Playlists
- Progress Bar
- Settings Section under /start
- Inline Help buttons call via /help
- More optimized stats functions call via /stats
*Theme Module is under maintenance*
Report Bugs :- @NotReallyShikhar
Repo of same bot will be launched within 1-2 days over here after testing. [ Stars Appreciated😒]
New core is almost completed and will be live very soon!
Multiple assistants
Deployed on new high specs server
Adding Video Calls Support too! ( bugs expected)
✅Youtube-Playlist Support added
✅You can play Spotify playlists too now!
✅Better Optimized Search and Fast Responsive Core!
✅Added Multiple Playlists Support! ( You can have 3-4 Different Playlists now )
We’ll keep working on developing new things! Till then you keep on copying our source code!
Next time, send your mom as a tip before you copy us! ( I’ll be grateful )
Signing Off @NotReallyShikhar
A Video Streaming Telegram Bot Written in Python using PyTGcalls and Pyrogram
Here is a list of commands for Video Streaming Bot
/vplay - To Stream a Video in Group (Youtube Search, Youtube Link)
/vstop - To Stop a Video Stream
/vpause - To Pause a Video Stream
/vresume - To Resume Video Stream
/vskip - To Skip The Current Playing Video
/repo - To Get The Repo
/help , /start - To Get Welcome Menu and Commands (works in private)
/alive - To Check If The Bot Is Alive
No support chat for Now but will make one soon
Here is the Repository
PRs are appreciated
Hello decent boy🌚
We have @YukkiR0bot reserved now and safe with us.🌝
Wannabe hacker from lucknow huh?🤣
we only own these bots
not responsible for any other XYZ YUKKI BOT
📣 New Bot Announcement:
Only AFK bot with maximum uptime based on pyrogram and uses MongoDB for better functioning.
Tip: Reply to any image , gif or non-animated sticker with /afk and see magic
- 24*7 Uptime
- Fast Response
- Less Garbage Strings.
Report Bugs or Errors: @TheYukki
Happy New Year everyone.. Wishing you days of sunshine and sparkle in this new year..
We are now only Yukki from Team Yukki.
No one except @NotReallyShikhar is handling/owning Yukki right now. If anyone claims themselves as Owner/Dev/SudoUser thats completely False.
I'll try to update Yukki Bot and Github Repo as much as i can on daily basis. Any suggestions, bug, issue reports are most welcome.
We have shifted our Support Group (More like Fam Group) to @YukkiSupport
Old Support Group is closed.
I'm having busy schedules with my college and other works too. I'll try to solve issues in group as much as i can.
Sorry for late replies in DM and support group.
Requesting my homies to solve each other's issues in group <3
@OfficialYukki | @YukkiSupport | @NotReallyShikhar
Presenting Yukki Music Bot
The most awaited project is finally on Github.
- Heroku , Railway , Vps Deployable
- MongoDB based queues, playlists, gban and sudo
- Live Progress Bar for playing musics.
- Optimised core with Clean codes.
Repo:- http://github.com/TeamYukki/YukkiMusicBot
Facing PyMongo Issue? Here is the fix.
• Do report us the bugs in support group
With ❤️ from Team Yukki
New Updates:-
• Added a live timer progress bar for playing music. [ Beta ]
• Added Queue Check
• Playlists Feature More Optimized [ Multiple Playlists Support ]
• Multiple Thumbnails
• Inline Help Section Buttons
• Introducing Auth Users List. (AUL users can use admin commands without admin rights)
More Expected till launch:-
• Spotify Playlists Support
• Youtube Playlists Play at once
Releasing Very Soon :)
- Team Yukki
This is regarding some of the rumours spread in past months about The Dev of Yukki and about Team Yukki. Who owns it, who has Yukki source code? and every shit like that.
We have seen many people claiming to be dev of Yukki in past months but no one is really a part of it, Project Yukki is solely owned by @NotReallyShikhar,we forked Callsmusic2 by Theta in Feb and made it the most interactive we could. No one else is a part of it, If anyone claims that he/she has Yukki's Source code or He/She is Yukki's dev Thats completely FALSE, Shikhar was off for a while but is back again and you can catch him on the username given above,Thanks for being a part of our users, We owned 6 Bots and crossed 10k+ chats previously, Due to some serious issues we had to leave, but
Something Good,
we have totally changed the things and made the bot lightest ever we could, will be making it public super soon.
Team Yukki | @NotReallyShikhar
New Yukki Music Bot coming in few days.
-New core
-Optimised for more chats
-Youtube-dl issues totally fix.
-Video Streams with Playlist, Live and from Many other platforms.
-New UI to queries and functions.
@YukkixPersonalBot is up till then with old core.
Updates Shortly🌚❤️
Its not us asking for your details or credentials... Our bot token some how got leaked ;(
Sorry for the issues.
We have launched the first ever(ig) Spam bot based on Telegram
Deploy your ids now :- @YukkiSpamBot
begin with /setvars
Set all the important vars and then proceed with deploying spam bots via /deploy
Spam Bot Functions:-
• Voice Chat Functions ( Raid voice chats with 100+ ids all together )
• Audio Reply Raid
• pfp change and bio change modules added
Deploy spam bot in 2 mins.
For any queries:- @OfficialYukkiSupport
Beta Version
Yukki Spam Bot within Telegram!
- No Heroku Needed or Dynos Issue
- 24*7 Servers Uptime.
Host your Spam Bot in 2 mins with just phone number
• New Spam Modules
• Fast Spam
• Optimised Bot
• Based on Pyrogram ;)
• Turn on or off manually
• Options to check all hosted bots , profiles and vars etc.