- Сотни устойчивых фраз и выражений - Сотни полезный постов и статей на тему грамматики и языковых особенностей Admin: @viktoryia_agny
📃 Up for
To be up for something means to want to do it.
▪️Are you up for going to the movies with us? - Yes, I’d love to go
▪️I’m not really up for doing anything tonight. I’m too tired.
Alternative expressions are to feel like doing something or to be in the mood for (doing) something.
▪️Do you feel like going to a museum? - No, I’m not in the mood for (going to) a museum today.
📓 Book: "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac
Young writer Sal Paradise has his life shaken by the arrival of free-spirited Dean Moriarty and his girl, Marylou. As they travel across the country, they encounter a mix of people who each impact their journey indelibly.
🐾 Party animal
Party animal is an informal expression used to characterize someone who spends a lot of time with friends or acquaintances for entertainment—either at home or in public places.
▪️ My friend Eric will take you downtown on Saturday night; he’s a real party animal, so you’ll meet lots of people.
📙 not someone’s cup of tea
not something one likes or prefers. (Informal.)
▪️ Playing cards isn’t her cup of tea.
▪️Sorry, that’s not my cup of tea.
📙 meet one’s end
to die
▪️ The dog met his end under the wheels of a car.
▪️I hope I don’t meet my end until I’m one hundred years old.
📙 keep one’s head above water
to stay ahead of one’s problems;
to keep up with one’s work or responsibilities. (Also used literally. Also with have.)
▪️ I can’t seem to keep my head above water. Work just keeps piling up.
▪️Now that I have more space to work in, I can easily keep my head above water.
📙 kiss of death
an act that puts an end to someone or something.(Informal.)
The mayor’s veto was the kiss of death for the new law.
Fainting on stage was the kiss of death for my acting career.
🎬 How to use 'of course'. It's not always polite.
Of course is such useful English phrase, but be careful. If you use it wrongly people might think you’re angry when you’re not, or they might think that you think they’re stupid. In this video you'll learn how to use it correctly.
💭Abroad/To Go Abroad
This phrase says that someone is traveling to another country.
▪️Maria and John love to go abroad. Their favorite city is Paris.
When abroad is used with other verbs, it shows that someone is located in a foreign country.
▪️Her brother is still abroad.
▪️My parents have been living abroad for five years.
You probably already know the preposition about, which has a meaning similar to concerning or of.
▪️This is a story about a family of lions.
It can also mean approximately.
▪️His daughter is about eighteen years old.
The word about also has a very special usage. It tells that someone or something is ready to begin an action. Note that in this usage it is followed by an infinitive.
▪️John's father was about to leave for work when the phone rang.
▪️The film is about to start.
📙 fall about
to laugh heartily. (Informal.)
We fell about at the antics of the clown.
The audience were falling about during the last act of the comedy.
🔎 Let's make our channel better
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📢 Also
Also is commonly used in writing, but is less common in speaking. Also occupies different positions in a sentence.
We use also in front position to emphasise what follows or to add a new point or topic:
🔹It’s very humid. Also, you can easily get sunburnt.
on the telephone
🔹OK, I’ll phone you next week and we can discuss it then. Also, we need to decide who will be going to Singapore.
We use also in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb. In this position, the meaning of also usually connects back to the whole clause that comes before:
🔹She works very hard but she also goes to the gym every week.
🔹I’ve been working in the garden this week, and I’ve also been reading a lot.
In end position, also normally connects two phrases. We use as well and too instead of also, in end position, especially in speech:
🔹She contacted him in the office but he didn’t answer the phone. His mobile phone was silent also. (or His mobile phone was silent too. or … was silent as well.)
📙 on the tip of one’s tongue
about to be said; almost remembered
▪️ I have his name right on the tip of my tongue. I’ll think of it in a second.
▪️ John had the answer on the tip of his tongue, but Ann said it first.
📙 on the cards
in the future. (Informal.)
▪️ Well, what do you think is on the cards for tomorrow?
▪️I asked the managing director if there was a rise on the cards for me.
Sound like a native speaker: Delete the 'H'!
Have you noticed that when native speakers talk quickly, they often shorten their words or even completely delete some sounds? This makes it challenging for English learners to understand fast speech, because the words are not pronounced in full.
In this lesson, James will teach you about the silent H and how to recognize it to understand fast speech. He will also show you how to cut out the H at the beginning of certain words in order to sound more like a native English speaker. Improve your pronunciation by using the silent H, and see how much of a difference it can make!
📙 pick holes in something
to criticize something severely; to find all the flaws or fallacies in an argument. (Informal.)
▪️ The solicitor picked holes in the witness’s story.
▪️They will pick holes in your argument.
📃 Try
▪️Try on means to put clothing, shoes, or accessories on to see if they fit or if you like them.
I would never buy shoes without trying them on first.
Try this dress on. Lets see how it looks.
▪️Try out means to use a car or other equipment to see how well you handle it or if you like it.
Your new camera looks awesome! Would you like to try it out?
▪️Try to/try and indicate an effort to do something that may not be easy.
Try to be here before eight o’clock./Try and be here before eight o’clock.
▪️Try + verb in -ing form (something) indicates a suggestion for solving a problem or problematical situation.
I can’t get the door open. Try turning the key in the other direction.
▪️I try is a way to express modesty after receiving a compliment.
You are a good cook! Thank you; I try.
📙 give a good account of oneself
to do (something) well or thoroughly.
▪️ John gave a good account of himself when he gave his speech last night.
▪️Mary was not hungry, and she didn’t give a good account of herself at dinner.
💭 Awesome
Awesome is an expression that is used a lot - maybe too much! - to say that you think something is really good.
Other ways to express the same thing include great, fantastic, terrific, wonderful, cool
🔹 So... ho do you like it here? - It's awesome!
📙 flight of fancy
an idea or suggestion that is out of touch with reality or possibility.
What is the point in indulging in flights of fancy about foreign holidays when you cannot even afford the rent?
We are tired of her flights of fancy about marrying a millionaire.
📓 New Portion of books #2
Heey... I prepared for you some other classic books. Here is the list and links to download them here in Telegram.
1. J.D. Salinger - "The Catcher In The Rye" Download
2. Franz Kafka - "The Metamorphosis" Download
3. Virginia Woolf "To the Lightouse" Download
📙 foul play
illegal activity; a criminal act.
The police investigating the death suspect foul play.
Foul play cannot be ruled out.
📙 fighting chance
a good possibility of success, especially if every effort is made.
They have at least a fighting chance of winning the race.
The patient could die, but he has a fighting chance since the operation
🗯 During vs. While
The main difference between these two words is that during is followed by a noun, but while is ussually followed by a subject and a verb.
▪️"I don't always take notes during class."
▪️"They all took notes while the professor gave the lecture."
▪️"What did you discuss during dinner tonight?"
▪️"My friend made dessert while I cooked dinner."
📙 Collection of Books #1
Dear friends,
I decided to post several books in 1 post instead of 1 book per 1 post.
The first list is a collection of classic books. The names are below with links to download them.
I hope you enjoy reading them. (If you want any specific book - please let me know)
1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain) - Download
2. Ulysses (James Joyce) - Download
3. The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) - Download
4. One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez) - Download
5. Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes, Edith Grossman, Harold Bloom) - Download
6. The Sound and the Fury (William Faulkner) - Download
📙 of the first water
of the finest quality.
This is a very fine pearl—a pearl of the first water.
Tom is a musician of the first water
📙 strike the right note
to achieve the desired effect; to do something suitable or pleasing. (A musical reference.)
Meg struck the right note when she wore a dark suit to the interview.
The politician’s speech failed to strike the right note with the crowd.