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Образовательный канал для всех, кто изучает английский. Полезные ресурсы и секреты изучения языка. Акцент на бизнес- и IT-английский: @t_english_bot

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📢📢📢последний пост на этой неделе!!! Что спросить в конце собеседования, когда вам говорят "У вас есть вопросы?" https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/01/how-to-answer-the-job-interview-question-do-you-have-questions.html

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🤓Для тех, кто любит давать советы. В английском это нужно делать очень аккуратно))

✔️It seems to me that...

✔️Don’t you think that….?

✔️Why don’t you…?

✔️Actually, I think…

✔️You could maybe….

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T-English digest

👋🏻Привет! Мы вернулись))начинанием понедельник с полезного совета от наших преподавателей о том, как отвечать на вопрос (который вам точно зададут) о ваших прошлых проектах во время собеседования:

📌If you’ve been working for a couple of years, you might have quite a lot projects to talk about. Then you should really care about conciseness and relevance.
Select projects/experiences carefully and ask yourself why I choose this project to discuss. It might be because the project is technically challenging and shows your leadership skills at the same time. Or it might be because the project is highly relevant to what the new company is doing. All in all, you should be aware of the reason for everything you want to discuss.

📌Also, it’s important to keep a balance between high level ideas and details, which is a common mistake for experienced engineers. Things like “I’ve built the whole infrastructure of our crawling system” is too vague except you came from a well known company like Google, which justifies the complexity. Otherwise, you’d better explain why this point is important (relevant). You may mention that the system has crawled 1B URLs with 20 machines.

📌However, the opposite extreme is equally bad. Too many technical details can only confuse interviewers. Again, a good criterion is to ask yourself – does this detail provide extra information that significantly shows my relevance and strength? If not, don’t bother to mention it.

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😱If you have an iPhone, you should definitely read it http://buff.ly/2sVVMfi

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А вы знали😲?http://buff.ly/2tkWrss

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А вдруг именно сегодня у вас интервью!🤓несколько фраз, которые можно использовать, когда вы говорите о своих преимуществах:

So...if you're asked something like "What can you offer us that someone else can not?/Why should we hire you?", you can say:

✔️My strengths are…

✔️I am really good at…

✔️I am highly motivated to…

✔️I am ready for challenges in…

Or talk about your preferences:

✔️I like to find the solutions that make complex tasks faster in the environment with limited resources.

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Полезное выходное чтиво: Startup graveyard😆 read to avoid the same mistakes: http://startupgraveyard.io/

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Ловите простые, но такие порой необходимые фразы, которые можно использовать, если вы хотите рассказать о проблеме:

✔️I have a trouble with + the product backlog or +accessing (Ving) the product backlog

✔️The problem is that….

✔️Can you do me a favour? I was trying to access the product backlog, but...

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Очередная мотивационная сага из Кремниевой долины об основателе Uber. Для эдвансеров и тех, кто хочет ими стать https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/23/technology/travis-kalanick-pushes-uber-and-himself-to-the-precipice.html?_r=0

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T-English digest

Morning, guys! Если ваша основная цель в изучении английского-прокачать свой вокабуляр🤓, то советуем вам полезный ресурс. Обучение построено в игровом формате, так что вы даже не заметите как станете эдванс юзерами 😎английского https://www.vocabulary.com/

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Часто мы не задумываемся, как окончить email. Автор статьи считает,что sign-off- вишенка на торте, ваша возможность установить хорошие отношения с заказчиком и показать свою компетенцию. https://www.inc.com/justin-bariso/why-your-email-sign-off-is-more-important-than-you-think.html

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T-English digest

Привет!! Сегодня несколько фраз, которые используются для того, чтобы узнать, как дела (но при этом избежать приевшегося how are you?)

✔️How are you keeping?
✔️How is life treating you?
✔️How have you been?
✔️What's new on your side/end?

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T-English digest

Поговорим о так называемых small talks 🎎 Итак, Вы включились на колл раньше своих коллег и среди тех, кто уже присоединился, повисла тишина? Или в командировке вы встретились с вашим коллегой у лифта и надо заполнить паузу, пока вы ждете? Несколько вопросов, которые помогут вам в этих ситуациях:
✔️How are you? Did you have a good weekend?
✔️How is your wife/husband? How are the children?
✔️It’s so hot today, isn’t it?/ It’s so cold today, isn’t it?
Yes, very hot/cold for this time of the year. ✔️What are you doing at the weekend?
✔️Have you been working here long?
✔️Have you met the new accountant?
✔️Do you know any good restaurants near here?
✔️I just love the chocolate eclair they make in the canteen. Have you tried it?
✔️My dog just didn’t want me to come to work this morning. Do you have a dog?
✔️Did you watch the match last night?
✔️Have you seen any good films lately? I’d like to take my wife to the cinema this weekend.

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T-English digest

🤓И снова грамматика на практике: какие конструкции применять когда мы описываем продукт

✔️Present Simple

It costs fifty dollars. (How much does it cost?)
It monitors employee activity. (What does it monitor?)
It is easy to use. (Is it easy to use?)
It is available in three colours. (Is it available in other colours?)
It comes with a two-year guarantee. (Does it come with a guarantee?).

✔️Passive Voice

This device is manufactured in India. (Where is this device manufactured?)
It is designed for competent users. (Who is it designed for?)
It can be used for internal communication. (What can it be used for?)
It is equipped with a signature recognition software. (What is it equipped with?)
The cover is made of leather. (What is the cover made of?)

✔️Comparatives and Superlatives

The new version is more reliable than the old one. (Is the new version more reliable than the old one?)
It’s smaller than a laptop. (Is it smaller than a laptop?)
It’s not as expensive as a PC. (Is it cheaper than a PC?)
It’s the cheapest product on the market.

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T-English digest

Полезные A-слова:

shortened form of a word or expression that uses the first few letters or the main letters of the word to represent it

The abbreviation ’RAM’ stands for Random Access Memory.

critical study or examination of something

A financial analysis was carried out in order to improve cost efficiency.

a device or tool that performs a specific task

They sell a wide range of virtual appliances.

a program designed to do a specific job

This database application lets you manage your contacts and organise your projects.

happen/begin to exist (formal)

Problems may arise when trying to request data from a remote web service.

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T-English digest

Вы знали, что agile произносится с ударением на первый слог? 🤓Лексика для работы по agile-методологии 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼https://www.businessenglishpod.com/2017/05/02/vv-53-english-vocabulary-agile-project-management/

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T-English digest

📢Еще остались люди,которые ловят покемонов! И приехали эти люди на "на покемон-фест", заплатили за вход, чтобы словить самого редкого покемона....и, как только они его ловили, игра выдавала ошибку)) To top it all, покемон-фанатам пришлось ещё долго толпиться в очереди на выход. 🙄Теперь вот пришедшие судиться собираются: https://techcrunch.com/2017/07/30/a-disappointed-pokemon-go-fest-attendee-has-proposed-class-action-lawsuit-against-niantic/

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T-English digest

Вот вам небольшой (серьезно, совсем небольшой!) список современного английского сленга. Enjoy! http://www.lingvistov.ru/blog/spoken-english/english-modern-slang-expressions/

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T-English digest

Если сегодня вы захотите рассказать интересную историю...на английском, используйте эти фразы to sound like a native:

✔️to cut a long story short- короче говоря

✔️to top it all-в довершении всего

✔️needless to say-разумеется

✔️little did I know-если бы я знал

Хорошего настроения и легкой пятницы!

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Для тех,кто чувствует,что сегодня "не их день" Неожиданные истории провалов знаменитых и выдающихся людей http://buff.ly/2tyzLYW

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T-English digest

Нужно договориться о встрече или колле? Используйте эти фразы:

✔️Could we set up/arrange/book a meeting?

✔️Are you available/free next Monday at 2 PM CET (Central European Time)?

✔️How about 11 AM on Tuesday?

✔️Does next Thursday suit you?

✔️Will tomorrow at 3 PM do for you?

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T-English digest

💡💡💡Сегодня полезные фразы, которыми можно выражать согласие, несогласие или...частичное согласие)))


I absolutely/completely agree with you
I’d go along with that.
I couldn’t agree with you more
You have my full agreement
You took the words right out of my mouth
That’s just what I was going to say

✔️Частичное согласие (да,но...)

I still have my doubts, but…
Okay, you’ve convinced me
I agree up to a point, but… / That is not necessarily so.
You could say that. However,…

✔️Совсем несогласны-тогда вам сюда:

I can’t go along with that
You’ve got to be kidding
I find that very difficult to accept / It is out of the question.

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Do you know the difference between U.K. And USA spelling?Take the quiz to find it out https://www.biz-e-training.com/uk-us-spelling/

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The more you click 👍 on Facebook, the worse you feel. To what extent do you agree with the article? http://tcrn.ch/2s6QH7H

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Речь Цукерберга перед студентами Гарварда...переплюнул ли он Стэнфордскую речь Джобса?🤔https://youtu.be/BmYv8XGl-YU

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Yes – 19
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 95%

No – 1
▫️ 5%

👥 20 people voted so far.

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T-English digest

Useful P-words you should definitely know 🤓

be common, frequent

Google prevails in book digitalization.

a method of doing or making something

All our employees will take part in the decision-making process.

help to make something grow/become more popular

I think you should start promoting your products online right now.

chance for success

We are excited by the prospect of working with you.

give, supply, furnish

We provide excellent customer service

🔗Попробуйте составить свои примеры, чтобы запомнить новые слова

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Top 6 s-words that every IT-person should know👍👍👍

two or more things happening at the same time

The charger has a built-in USB power port and includes both a mini and a micro USB cable for simultaneous charging of your mobile devices.

find an answer to a problem

How do I solve a sound quality problem when uploading to Youtube?

complex, developed, knowledgeable

Our software makes the setup of sophisticated devices easy.

a detailed description (of a product)

We reserve the right to change the specifications of our products without notice.

true, real, strong

There has been a substantial increase in buying power in or country.

as much as needed

The warehouse always has sufficient stock.

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T-English digest

🏧🚾Сокращения,которые вы точно повсеместно встречаете:

am (ante meridiem) — лат. до полудня
pm (post meridiem) — лат. пополудни
etc. (et cetera) — лат. и прочее
e.g. (exempli gratia) — лат. например
i.e. (id est) — лат. т. е., то есть
vs (versus) — лат. Против
AD (Anno Domini) — лат. нашей эры
BC (Before Christ) – лат. до нашей эры
jr. (junior) — младший
sr. (senior) — старший
Re. (reply) — ответ (многие думают, что это сокращение для regarding, но нет😒)
Rf. (reference) — сноска, ссылка
Appx. (appendix) — приложение
Co. (company) — компания
IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) — по моему скромному мнению
PM (Prime Minister) — премьер-министр
PA (Personal Assistant) – личный секретарь

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T-English digest

🤓Грамматика на практике: как можно применять известные вам структуры,когда речь идёт о траблшутинге или совете

✔️Present Perfect

Have you tried removing the program?
Have you checked your home button settings?
Have you disabled the extensions?

✔️Past Tenses

What were you doing when the error occurred?
Did you initialize the drive?
Did you verify software compatibility?


You should download a data recovery software to help you.
You should back up all the restored data.

✔️Why don’t you…?

Why don’t you try using the default password?
Why don’t you run some tests to make sure everything is stable?


Burn the ISO to a blank DVD.
Disable the internal GPU.
Don’t attempt to write anything on the hard drive.
Don’t click Yes to format the drive.

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