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What are essential fatty acids?
Human body can synthesize most of the fats it require.
However, two essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic, cannot be synthesized in the body and must be obtained from food.
These basic fats, found in plant foods, are used to build other specialized fats called omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
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What is photosphere?
Photosphere is the outer shell of star from which light is radiated.
It is the innermost layer of the solar atmosphere to which our eyes can penetrate through the superficial transparent layers.
Our view is obstructed beyond this layer by the rapidly increasing opacity of the denser layers of the gas as we go inward through it.
Temperature of photosphere for Sun is about 5,800 K and values of pressure & density are low.
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How does potash alum arrest bleeding?
Bleeding can be stopped by coagulation of the blood (formation of a clot). Potash alum has highly charged Al3+ and (SO4)2- ions which act as neutralizing ions for the protein colloid in blood.
This causes aggregation or clotting and this in turn stops the bleeding.
Chemical Formula of Potash Alum :
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What is a carat, and how does it relate to a karat ?
A carat is a unit of weight for diamondsand other gemstones.
One carat equals 200 milligrams (0.200 grams). There are 453 grams in a pound (1,000 grams to a kilogram).
A karat, when used with gold, is a unit of purity- 24-karat gold is pure gold, but usually you mix gold with a metal like copper or silver to make jewelry (because pure gold is too soft).
Each karat indicates 1/24th of the whole.
So if a piece of jewelry is made of metal that is 18 parts gold and 6 parts copper, that is 18-karat gold.
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What is largest cell in human body ?
The largest cell in the human body is the female egg, also known as ovum; it's 1000 micrometres in diameter.
The smallest cell in terms of volume is the sperm cell—it's little more than a nucleus propelled by mitochondria and a flagellum.
Male Sperm is the smallest cell in the human body.
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Why do animals have tails?
Many animals, such as felines,mammals and insects have tails.
The tail has many functions. In Africa animals have evolved into growing tails to brush away flies.
It is also used for balance, by animals such as cats and kangaroos.
Although, the Arctic Fox uses it's tail for warmth, and the fish uses it to move through water.
It is very peculiar that animals have gotten to use tails in ways you would never would have predicted.
Some fish also use it to inject venom into their prey, thus bringing the conclusion that tails have evolved to defend, attack and even warm the animal itself.
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Male mosquito feeds on ?
Only female mosquitoes bite. Both male and female feed mainly on fruit and plant nectar, but the female also needs the protein in blood to help her eggs develop.
Once she's had her fill of blood, she'll rest for a couple of days before laying her eggs.
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What is the white, powdery substance that forms on battery ?
The white powdery substance is sulfuric acid and hydrogen crystals from the escaping hydrogen battery gases and liquid (the batteries have vents that allow the gases to escape.)
This acid causes corosion of the copper wires and steel bolts attached to the battery and to some degree the battery posts and post connectors which are made of lead.
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What australian lake glows in the dark ?
Australia's Gippsland Lakes Glows in Dark, Swimmers Turn Blue.
The micro-organism Noctiluca Scintillan on full display.
It's called bioluminescence, a phenomenon found in nature where micro-organisms will start to glow after a disturbance in the water.
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When was the first vaccine developed?
First vaccines. Edward Jenner invented a method to protect against smallpox in 1796.
The method involved taking material from a blister of someone infected with cowpox and inoculating it into another person's skin; this was called arm-to-arm inoculation.
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What part of the body does not have a blood supply?
The only living cells in the body that aren't directly served by blood vessels are those of the cornea in the eye.
Oxygen and nutrients instead diffuse directly from the tear fluid on the outside and the aqueous humour (the thick watery substance between the lens and the cornea) on the inside, as well as along the nerve fibres that are connected to the cornea.
One of the problems with contact lenses is that they reduce the oxygen supply from the outside. Even with gas-permeable lenses, this can cause corneal neovascularisation, where blood vessels grow into the cornea. This problem is reduced or eliminated by the newest silicone hydrogel lenses.
As well as the cornea, other areas of the body that don't have blood vessels include hair, nails, tooth enamel and the outer skin layers.
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Why do ceiling fans get dusty?
The latter is the case for ceiling fans.
As the blades rotate, they experience frictional forces as they `rub' against the air; this knocks electrons around, causing the blades to build up a net charge.
The charged dust particles then stick to the charged areas of the blades.
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How does a helicopter work?
In order to fly, an object must have "lift," a force moving it upward.
A helicopter's rotor blades are wings and create lift. An airplane must fly fast to move enough air over its wings to provide lift.
A helicopter moves air over its rotor by spinning its blades.
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What is ABC warfare?
In military context ABC warfare means atomic, biological and chemical warfare.
Nuclear, biological, chemical warfare are referred to as NBC, and chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear warfare known as CBRN.
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Does Worker Ants have two stomach ?
Worker ants, responsible for the feeding of the colony, have two stomachs.
The first is for its own food, and the other is where it stores food that it will regurgitate to feed its fellow ants.
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