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What is the enzyme that breaks down lactose?
The enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose is lactase, an enzyme found on the wall of the intestines. Lactase breaks down lactose (the sugar found in milk) into galactose and glucose.
How many weeks is a normal human pregnancy?
Childbirth usually occurs about 38 weeks after conception; in women who have a menstrual cycle length of four weeks, this is approximately 40 weeks from the start of the last normal menstrual period (LNMP). Human pregnancy is the most studied of all mammalian pregnancies.
How high are the clouds?
Low-level clouds lie below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters). Meteorologists refer to them as stratus clouds. They're often dense, dark, and rainy (or snowy) though they can also be cottony white clumps interspersed with blue sky. The most dramatic types of clouds are cumulus and cumulonimbus, or thunderheads.
How many inches is a newborn baby's head?
The bones in your baby's skull are still growing together, and the skull is growing faster during the first four months than at any other time in her life. The average newborn's head circumference measures about 13 3⁄4 inches (35 cm), growing to about 15 inches (38 cm) by one month.
Why does the moon control the tides?
The tides are due to the gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth. Because the gravitational force decreases as the distance squared, the part of the Earth that is closer to the Moon or the Sun is pulled a little extra and a bulge is created.
What percentage of your bones are in your feet?
The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons. The 52 bones in your feet make up about 25 percent of all the bones in your body.
Why do cats eyes glow at night?
Cats, dogs, and many nocturnal creatures appear to have glowing eyes because the back of their eyeballs include a special reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum. This helps animals (cats in this case) see better in low light by working like a mirror on the retina to reflect the light back through the eyes,
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What animal sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day?
The sleepiest animal in the world is the koala, who sleeps 22 hours a day. Next is the sloth (20 hours), armadillo and opossum (tied at 19 hours each), lemur (16 hours), then hamster and squirrel (tied at 14 hours each).
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⁉️ Why are your lips red?
✅ Your lips' red or pink pigment comes from underlying blood vessels -- red-colored, blood-filled capillaries are close to the thin skin on your lips. The transition of the reddish-pink outline of your lips to the rest of the skin is called the vermillion border, and it's found only in humans .
What is Bonsai?
Bonsai is a Japanese art form using cultivation techniques to produce, in containers, small trees that mimic the shape and scale of full size trees. Similar practices exist in other cultures, including the Chinese tradition of penzai or penjing from which the art originated, and the miniature living landscapes of Vietnamese Hòn Non Bộ. The Japanese tradition dates back over a thousand years.
Purposes of bonsai are primarily contemplation for the viewer, and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity for the grower. By contrast with other plant cultivation practices, bonsai is not intended for production of food or for medicine. Instead, bonsai practice focuses on long-term cultivation and shaping of one or more small trees growing in a container.
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What color do dogs eyes reflect?
The colors of a dog's eyeshine aren't limited to red and green, either. They can be all shades of blue, orange, yellow, turquoise or even violet. The specific color reflected depends on the amount of zinc or riboflavin in the eye cells. Red glowing eyes at night are the result of blood vessels reflecting light.
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Some facts about bamboo:
1.Fast Growth: Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world. It has been recorded at growing 47.6 inches in 24 hours. Some species can even grow over a meter per day under optimal conditions. A new bamboo shoot reaches its full height in less than a year.
2. Oxygen Release: A grove of bamboo releases 35% more oxygen than any other tree out there.
3. Carbon Dioxide Absorption: Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate of 17 tons per hectare every year. It can act as a valuable carbon sink given how fast the plant grows.
4. No Fertilizer Required: Bamboo doesn’t need fertilizer to grow. It can self-mulch by dropping its leaves and use the nutrients to grow.
5. Drought Resistance: Bamboos are drought-tolerant plants. They can grow in the desert.
6. Wood Replacement: Bamboos can be harvested in 3-5 years compared to the 20-30 years of most softwood trees.
How many rooms are there in the White House?
White House Trivia. There are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, and 6 levels in the Residence. There are also 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces, 8 staircases, and 3 elevators.
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When was glass first made?
Archaeologists have found evidence of man-made glass which dates back to 4000 BC; this took the form of glazes used for coating stone beads. It was not until 1500 BC that the first hollow glass container was made by covering a sand core with a layer of molten glass.
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How are diamonds formed?
Most natural diamonds are formed at high temperature and pressure at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 118 mi) in the Earth's mantle. Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growth occurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% of the age of the Earth).
What do the Olympic Rings and Flame represent?
The Olympic Rings and Flame are iconic symbols of the Olympic Games, representing the unity and spirit of athletes from around the world. Here's what they symbolize:
Olympic Rings:
The five interconnected rings represent the five continents:
- Africa
- Asia
- Europe
- Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands)
- The Americas (North and South America)
The rings are equal in size and interconnected, symbolizing the equal importance of each continent and the unity of athletes from around the world.
The colors of the rings - blue, yellow, black, green, and red - were chosen because at least one of these colors appears on the flag of every nation.
Olympic Flame:
The Olympic Flame represents the spirit of the Olympic Games, symbolizing:
- Passion and energy
- Purity and clarity
- Perseverance and determination
- Unity and friendship among athletes
The flame is lit at the beginning of the Games and remains burning throughout, representing the continuous pursuit of excellence and the connection between athletes.
The flame is typically extinguished during the closing ceremony, marking the end of the Games.
Together, the Olympic Rings and Flame embody the values of the Olympic Movement, promoting unity, friendship, and fair play among athletes from diverse backgrounds.
How long does it take to recover from giving blood?
Your body will replace the blood volume (plasma) within 48 hours. It will take four to eight weeks for your body to completely replace the red blood cells you donated. The average adult has eight to 12 pints of blood. You will not notice any physical changes related to the pint you donated.
Is natural gas heavier or lighter than air?
Lighter-than-air natural gas (methane) should not be confused with liquefied petroleum gas. This gas is more commonly called L.P., bottle gas, propane, butane and various other trade names. Liquefied petroleum gases are all heavier than air and will collect in low places when not confined.
Why don't Birds get Electrocuted sitting on Power Lines?
Birds don't get electrocuted while sitting on power lines due to a combination of factors. Firstly, birds have dry feathers that act as insulators, preventing electricity from passing through their bodies. Feathers trap air, creating a layer of insulation that inhibits the flow of electric current. Additionally, birds' feet are covered in scales, which also provide some insulation.
Secondly, when a bird sits on a power line, its body does not usually make contact with both the live wire and the neutral wire or the ground. For an electric shock to occur, there needs to be a complete circuit, with the current flowing from the power source, through the bird's body, and back to the power source. Since birds typically only touch one wire at a time, the circuit is not completed, and no electricity flows through their bodies.
However, it's important to note that while birds are generally safe from electrocution, accidents can still happen. If a bird's wings touch both wires simultaneously, or if it comes into contact with a damaged or faulty power line, it can
suffer an electric shock. These instances are relatively rare, but they do occur.
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What percentage of your weight is muscle?
Exercise is very important in maintaining a healthy body and the muscle mass % is a useful indicator to control it. The normal muscle mass percentage on the body weight lies between 38% and 54% for men and between 28% and 39% for women depending on age and physical activity level.
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Why spiritual connect is needed to achieve happiness?
Читать полностью…What part of the body never stops growing?
Bones, stop growing after puberty and muscle and fat cells also stop dividing. But cartilage - that's the plastic-like stuff in ears and noses - cartilage continues to grow until the day you die. Not only does cartilage grow, but the earlobes elongate from gravity.
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Why don't Birds get Electrocuted sitting on Power Lines?
Birds don't get electrocuted while sitting on power lines due to a combination of factors. Firstly, birds have dry feathers that act as insulators, preventing electricity from passing through their bodies. Feathers trap air, creating a layer of insulation that inhibits the flow of electric current. Additionally, birds' feet are covered in scales, which also provide some insulation.
Secondly, when a bird sits on a power line, its body does not usually make contact with both the live wire and the neutral wire or the ground. For an electric shock to occur, there needs to be a complete circuit, with the current flowing from the power source, through the bird's body, and back to the power source. Since birds typically only touch one wire at a time, the circuit is not completed, and no electricity flows through their bodies.
However, it's important to note that while birds are generally safe from electrocution, accidents can still happen. If a bird's wings touch both wires simultaneously, or if it comes into contact with a damaged or faulty power line, it can suffer an electric shock. These instances are relatively rare, but they do occur.
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⁉️ Why are your lips red?
✅ Your lips' red or pink pigment comes from underlying blood vessels -- red-colored, blood-filled capillaries are close to the thin skin on your lips. The transition of the reddish-pink outline of your lips to the rest of the skin is called the vermillion border, and it's found only in humans .
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7. Building Material: Bamboo is incredibly strong and sturdy. It has been used as support for concrete as well as scaffolding, bridges, and houses.
8. Soil Stability: Bamboo has a wide network of underground roots and rhizomes that prevent soil erosion.
9. Natural Air Conditioner: Bamboo cools the air surrounding it by up to 8 degrees in the summer.
10. Invasiveness: Some species of bamboo, especially ‘running’ bamboos, can be invasive due to their extensive root systems, which allow them to spread rapidly. However, not all species are invasive, and with proper management, the environmental impact can be minimized.
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How much is a moment in time?
A moment is a medieval unit of time equal to 1.5 minutes or 1/40 of an hour. This reckoning is derived from the work of Bartholomeus Anglicus, writing in 1240 that each hour was divided into four points, each point into ten moments, each moment into twelve ounces, and each ounce into 47 atoms.
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