Only ERC-20, no NFTs. Owner: @Rrrrotten Main channel:
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: OKToken
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: OKT
Contract: 0x0ED22a50bb3A87046f56D8E503DEAF89113E19fC
Deployer balance: 0.03 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Pump.Fun Token
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: PUMP
Contract: 0x34a3dC6286a8707904CA21d7dc208c426A7B2Ed5
Deployer balance: 0.46 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: WalletConnect
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: WC
Contract: 0xAE8530157A273ea5b89AA5edCc1b1cec8c428383
Deployer balance: 0.13 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: BOOM
Contract: 0x456B0A19Fc4E83d86b1725f2801F28E454f95295
Deployer balance: 1.48 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Twench
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: TWENCH
Contract: 0xF7b6bE20d279391EF312C7a7fd18fB6FB67Ae4fE
Deployer balance: 1.33 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: WHITE BEAR
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Symbol: WBEAR
Contract: 0xDDfbC2706983FbC90B480d06140957Ad08993692
Deployer balance: 1.19 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: f
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: u
Contract: 0xbE5EBa36210b4f3ddEfCd4a9889e14D5cBA72a52
Deployer balance: 1.40 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: TRUMPGNON
Total supply: 10000000000000000000
Contract: 0xF36cb58e37ac40183c619D3b5d6D0a40Fa1a1c79
Deployer balance: 6.50 ETH
⚠🟥100% SCAM⚠🟥
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: NEIRO Brother
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Symbol: NeiroBro
Contract: 0xBAeac12f9541D634F5c825EC5F293bD42BaFc4B2
Deployer balance: 1.21 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: MAC
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MAC
Contract: 0x028B176bd879EdCF5401EE8Fdb7A45E4ba3DF475
Deployer balance: 1.40 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: RIP & DIP
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: RIPDIP
Contract: 0xb0567861B7C5DE0CFd38cbFEb4e35AC535DfEACD
Deployer balance: 1.47 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Magicraft AI
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MGC
Contract: 0x54d1E87916926a865D3765424a25E10F1FF28593
Deployer balance: 1.57 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Trunky
Total supply: 69420000000000000000
Symbol: TRNK
Contract: 0xCeD88f3Ca5034AbFC1F5492a808a39eE2B16F321
Deployer balance: 0.26 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: ERC GPT
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: EGPT
Contract: 0x09FADcAe7A98202DEb8CdC729892FB176e12Ad6A
Deployer balance: 2.44 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Book of Trump 47
Total supply: 47000000000000000000
Symbol: BOT47
Contract: 0x18b75EA533c8C3e749a4428F6bb63132A9EA4f9E
Deployer balance: 1.92 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Fair Protocol
Total supply: 10000000000000000000000000
Symbol: FAIR
Contract: 0x4f592c3571c1a72028927E5a31D6e340246282Bd
Deployer balance: 2.98 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Pumpfun Token
Total supply: 420690000000000000000000
Contract: 0x578e6423721240BdfcE425E6Eebc94fc3B8308D6
Deployer balance: 1.67 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: SMELLY CAT
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xCDDBb3361371ac950F7Da878dDCdb8B7DD20536E
Deployer balance: 1.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Klaus Inu
Total supply: 23000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xba745786692206689150378Fa606f795da2dc5a5
Deployer balance: 11.2 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Book of Neiro
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: BOON
Contract: 0x6F4CC7577A253F9A11C16895445687366F7183C5
Deployer balance: 1.28 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: 🦎Baby Phil
Total supply: 23000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xcF5D6A25f173a4719BcbaF9560f2E1ca063fF921
Deployer balance: 11.0 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: 🐈Angry Cat
Total supply: 23000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xC09d3C2195D117877938B279a380d8Cd01d8A057
Deployer balance: 10.9 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Ruff
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: RUFF
Contract: 0x6c73fC62F57649121a75407B1e8BD3232B191433
Deployer balance: 0.50 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: LORD TRUMP
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Contract: 0x6223faF0b32c37db5187ECF015a2d9CFdf3Cabc0
Deployer balance: 1.31 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: backrooms-70b
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Contract: 0x64Ba07d6DAe54a364a20FC9BF884625e93715686
Deployer balance: 1.97 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Pinko by Matt Furie
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: PINKO
Contract: 0x0870641021973f7cb7039843f6Bb6299F9bb00fb
Deployer balance: 1.33 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: backrooms-70b
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Contract: 0x82447CcBF9551a683B351E0DC4A278ab15c4D007
Deployer balance: 1.41 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Vitalik Terminal
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Contract: 0x9eF7EaBB191C52a9FBFCc1bAc6AaC04C3d8a3370
Deployer balance: 2.42 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Backrooms-70b
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0x67a25239867032F1D782202Dc78d69e82d28A712
Deployer balance: 0.31 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Backrooms-70b
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Contract: 0x7edb7e72BaccaFa4E841ec68FeAcFE265a5b9609
Deployer balance: 1.47 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK