Only ERC-20, no NFTs. Owner: @Rrrrotten Main channel:
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Muffin
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: MUFFIN
Contract: 0xD7C292e440bA77eBDA3CdE490C12FD2EDA4B8aD8
Deployer balance: 1.36 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: LORD TRUMP
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Contract: 0x667f98b057feeDF674db447eAd555E75190cFBd6
Deployer balance: 1.73 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Book of Memes for Kids in 2024
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: BOM2024
Contract: 0xb8EA388be9C042Db8996300B251C5E1AC5e83679
Deployer balance: 1.67 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Goatseus Maximus
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: GOAT
Contract: 0xCdA7a0ab8Efe37E08880c9397977f192Bfe56e52
Deployer balance: 0.07 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: BABYCAT
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0x08DE4f65695F8dE84A6930654d2D0a21f4f16081
Deployer balance: 0.07 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Book Of Melania
Total supply: 420000000069000000000
Symbol: BOM
Contract: 0x57674D6012EA3A694C1dcC7321AEf465eb3a0A7D
Deployer balance: 1.13 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: POSDA
Total supply: 100000000000000000000
Symbol: POSDA
Contract: 0xb9389db0c23c690d0F5e7Bd028Bf6ED02a1CDBE5
Deployer balance: 7.98 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: WAIT
Contract: 0xd6Eee076757A9B122908e23728CcECCA673Eb48B
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: 🐸BABYTURBO
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0xa6F0216954fF13A642AFF96c612476B58Dbc5B0c
Deployer balance: 0.08 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: 🐸PEPEWIF
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: 🐸PEPEWIF
Contract: 0x804aEEDD6f29D3F13a19Ba1efbCE9A293b32a893
Deployer balance: 0.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: 🐕TRUMPDOGE
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0x4993eBa051bbA963e7fE9AdE6b2CBc320229f3A8
Deployer balance: 0.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Fake USDT
Total supply: 1000000000000000
Symbol: USDT
Contract: 0x683F7E9FF30d5F5dd69ccad6D51e64Acd9906fB4
Deployer balance: 0.05 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Book of President
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: BOP
Contract: 0x623Eb8da86Bd4D7A681D1F2463dE9056a02Ee183
Deployer balance: 1.40 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Goatseus Maximus
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: goat
Contract: 0xB3Dc28Eb144cBa2C8d7E5E708aF6987d88D39E1a
Deployer balance: 1.89 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: just a normal dog
Total supply: 100000000000000000000
Symbol: maxy
Contract: 0x6c0e9b150c03ca1102B69220283E17f7561Fd2C7
Deployer balance: 1.52 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Hachiko
Total supply: 420690000000000000
Symbol: HACHI
Contract: 0x7F518cb1b567E686172C3A7f54cAfEef5Bdb0c1A
Deployer balance: 1.98 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: WalletConnect
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: WC
Contract: 0x289535d02FB6D573639Dab0A360acef908a06BfB
Deployer balance: 0.04 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: PresidentTRUMP
Total supply: 3800000000000000000000000000
Symbol: PresidentTRUMP
Contract: 0xF3383C7fbdD51f748aE6c31f2C9C55B52292E687
Deployer balance: 0.14 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: NeiroShib
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: NeiroShib
Contract: 0xCE2121954c9cD5eb1f86Bf6E9C6322e3E9D905EE
Deployer balance: 0.07 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Stupid Egotistical Cocksuckers
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: SEC
Contract: 0x4994bE8D6198863e865Ff9beC4b07aA37350Ae5e
Deployer balance: 1.37 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Dats Dat
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: DAT
Contract: 0x5ac928345E11110E05eBDdF769a02cADa5BeB788
Deployer balance: 1.46 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: gold
Total supply: 244000000000000
Symbol: GOLD
Contract: 0x329F124f6a3eEB35Ab0D47a9AEE81fE60212044A
Deployer balance: 1.53 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Way Of The Future
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: WOTF
Contract: 0x63b82BFC980349970dEEe1807354D728FE2F81aE
Deployer balance: 6.35 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Backrooms-70b
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xb16EBdb9B59D3F0Fd74A66a879Df6676933cbF8E
Deployer balance: 1.90 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Yusaku Coin
Total supply: 10000000000000000000
Symbol: YUSAKU
Contract: 0xADd3a2F741483dE1543B189e50a2db58fde2C75f
Deployer balance: 3.97 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: WHITE TIGER
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Symbol: TIGER WH
Contract: 0xC8afc807A3b21eAa4F97b07eeb40c4caF44E3a6b
Deployer balance: 1.40 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: VaultShare
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000
Symbol: $VSHR
Contract: 0x578D3114aAa39F6ECf709709d9CD37004618243c
Deployer balance: 1.18 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: just a normal dog
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: maxy
Contract: 0xF91F2f1A5b8d3D6d7de1dF49E7fCb66fdc13AcDC
Deployer balance: 1.46 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: just a normal dog
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: maxy
Contract: 0x149e37CaA6274FB3C35730b8B446A08E0a484ea3
Deployer balance: 1.55 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Pump Advanced
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: PUMP
Contract: 0x481f7aCf529C42FA2d45a778e24B6e687079eCAb
Deployer balance: 1.26 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK