Only ERC-20, no NFTs. Owner: @Rrrrotten Main channel:
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Big Jim
Total supply: 420690000000000000000000000000
Symbol: BIG JIM
Contract: 0x71c1ab6C2691aEaEE151f92F3FAFD5152dfa5FaB
Deployer balance: 0.96 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: 🐸Pepe Toku
Total supply: 23000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0x13bAEE7d56FD77e9dD499cAdDe2823D158559bE5
Deployer balance: 10.2 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Telescan
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: TSCAN
Contract: 0xae9d37e02BC10FE4A40e4C40E551558DBE14e0AD
Deployer balance: 1.14 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: stankmemes
Total supply: 69420000000000000000
Symbol: STONK
Contract: 0x164B26DE692C2FA652a82fD8269f1a7962cfe6bc
Deployer balance: 1.26 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Scrappy Doo
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0x1CcBbB54337F00c5842c3cd614794c99C1925c78
Deployer balance: 1.44 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: ⌥
Total supply: 69420000000000000000
Symbol: ⌥
Contract: 0x41049F93cbD5acec554a0731E413db5C122Edc18
Deployer balance: 1.45 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: MCDONALD
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0x96B5110cA37D60F0f3C2C66e4d8A2c78dD85FB4F
Deployer balance: 0.32 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: CMD.EXE
Total supply: 2010626137227025301151350
Symbol: CMD
Contract: 0x16bAB0eCd04eD10d00D1D494Ab2C0bD58BcE2c68
Deployer balance: 0.30 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Mc Donald Trump
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: McTrump
Contract: 0x046907Ec731B507cCE6fdbe3738cc8070bD3E5e3
Deployer balance: 0.53 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: creative and human cat
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Contract: 0xBFc3216f8F20AFAeE461c59075d1C6d4Cdc4B6E2
Deployer balance: 1.46 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Contract: 0x58076BC2Cc9e8416841ab493255e6D14b48dB106
Deployer balance: 0.46 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: McTrump
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xBe4EacBe105083601e781665f2E29f551BA6DFBe
Deployer balance: 0.07 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: COSMIC SEAL
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: CSEAL
Contract: 0x00b94eC9313788bF3A8db8f06600d3F00764EC22
Deployer balance: 10.7 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: COSMIC SEAL
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: PHOCA
Contract: 0xd0C0Bb0eB6031f392187aa3D6784859Fc0C4aB37
Deployer balance: 0.82 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: The Gamehub
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: GHUB
Contract: 0xA99aaa7CB2077D6D54773b17385998167e26d148
Deployer balance: 1.44 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Baby Dog
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Contract: 0x658348Bb640cf1531970d54F66A7a2298386aF2e
Deployer balance: 0.77 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: LORD TRUMP
Total supply: 4000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xFd494709B01A6808786331Ee1f4758d6a90b7fFC
Deployer balance: 1.74 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Brood AI
Total supply: 690000000000000000
Symbol: BROOD
Contract: 0xeBB6145733f3032c452CEB5f8184825D9b0e7ED4
Deployer balance: 5.48 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: MEDUSA
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: MEDUSA
Contract: 0x4ed231e59afb1628ad2187248eeA49524998D0e7
Deployer balance: 0.07 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Believe in ⌥
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: ⌥
Contract: 0x715f3a4Ca8f33EbfD5BFB0E1D563Bde4C2E6C2fc
Deployer balance: 1.24 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Trillium
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: TLM
Contract: 0xF50a308B280daCEFaD61B3323b0f4b35b8100E27
Deployer balance: 1.20 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: KIRBY
Total supply: 10000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: Kirby
Contract: 0x240b13Ca1276748cD5eeA5525E508aC3177f1Cab
Deployer balance: 1.96 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: MC Donald
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0xDe557179E978DCb60F8Af2236b92056d28004d4B
Deployer balance: 3.44 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Trillium
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: TLM
Contract: 0xB78117C763420834D89F716eB346F321634DCa0a
Deployer balance: 1.24 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Mc Donald
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Contract: 0xcbfF7d8F052B95a1F202b2DA29632D3eba25a15B
Deployer balance: 0.29 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Contract: 0x9D882c5CfdADB32c1aF5F32760B9dd7B9F46bD46
Deployer balance: 0.97 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: Kirby
Total supply: 10000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: KIRBY
Contract: 0x583C8ca47d170d32E53dA186E79BE6987410A75C
Deployer balance: 1.15 ETH
⚠🟥100% SCAM⚠🟥
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: McTRUMP
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: McTRUMP
Contract: 0x948a0322Aa3ea77f4B5D5055Ca4ca716167afc1b
Deployer balance: 1.75 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: CSEAL
Contract: 0x3a80Ec170431555FA9F072c9704e812cfe843Ac4
Deployer balance: 0.41 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token💙💛
Etherscan: YAKUZA INU
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: $YKZ
Contract: 0xb7cA7157cA1DcE8c993AFDd10Bcce508ab448001
Deployer balance: 1.25 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana 🍌🔫 | Ⓜaestro | 🔑CK