Only ERC-20, no NFTs. Owner: @Rrrrotten Main channel:
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Jozinbazin
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: JOZIN
Contract: 0x03A06934e1B556A439F6e8B5E19040704589616D
Deployer balance: 1.69 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MyToken
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MTK
Contract: 0x49aB43A3691F05EdaEF10291211812B1b5e87DE1
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MISSMETA Token
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: MOMO
Contract: 0xA14fD3CC776cC02D636Fb4f3202327f5D3b452Ff
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: DeepChain
Total supply: 300000000000000000
Symbol: DEEP
Contract: 0x1Ddac97DB0E6746b7fdda5EE2B2Da192459e6494
Deployer balance: 1.97 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: JACOBIAN AI
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: JAI
Contract: 0x40b5725a67B1eecd80379D59432E5CD84d5C50d0
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Bluwhale
Total supply: 10000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: BLUAI
Contract: 0x8c0A2066abc50267c52A1802Dc5D744D03d9a72B
Deployer balance: 0.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MorphAI
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MOR
Contract: 0x90cBF99F2Cf0e6De7970D5b770d608b5F8275EF1
Deployer balance: 2.97 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Flow AI
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Symbol: FLA
Contract: 0x1388F54C0a3962D48E678aB36C8a581A74064aBE
Deployer balance: 0.48 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Brettness
Total supply: 420690000000000000000
Contract: 0x76586f78856a3c00A9c28C764720b373D373B19D
Deployer balance: 2.18 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: LowCapMaster
Total supply: 777000000000000000000000000
Symbol: LCM
Contract: 0x7E17AE5F4e4bB1aE795Cb716D424Fd66BBa57353
Deployer balance: 0.06 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Fairy AI
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: FAI
Contract: 0xd008D20c28Efff5666DFE9B40012C5138ED76C11
Deployer balance: 0.37 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Xterio
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: XTERIO
Contract: 0x635ab369EB81d776f410D86E4181B3Da253d0581
Deployer balance: 1.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: BIO TOKEN
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000
Symbol: BIO
Contract: 0x71313b598E8026dc1EcC3912D784dc1BDFF2A55c
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Total supply: 0
Contract: 0x63AF09b654F530638fE27CcF2f3AAEBeD4821b58
Deployer balance: 0.20 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Total supply: 10000000000000000000
Symbol: PENGU
Contract: 0x98F8F8aB7B561CEd43Cc12E5A558052D82A2117f
Deployer balance: 4.09 ETH
🚨⚠️100% SCAM🚨⚠️
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MyToken
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MTK
Contract: 0x404A2e273f0D78e00937E4c99fe82625A8D74C86
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: BIO Protocol
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: BIO
Contract: 0x090919Ee3bdbd59aE9A4c785ed88f5F715B4Daa0
Deployer balance: 1.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MyToken
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MTK
Contract: 0x462758027DDb5018A1907c501a26685BB2B0d598
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Mascot Of The US
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0x729f7b31B22D6336641d2a134c6DAe6ED76E7930
Deployer balance: 1.35 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: NakamotoDEX
Total supply: 21000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: NATOX
Contract: 0x9B774bD9003934fbfF5642C6aA018DDa20c93f5c
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: penis
Total supply: 275000000000000000000000000
Symbol: penis
Contract: 0xE28A30ffCFbAB06f6c7cB473cee2922Bc75a4518
Deployer balance: 1.19 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Echo AI
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: ECHO
Contract: 0x5A16AdC0708A7FFE4CD26C3b6B0501C3021Da381
Deployer balance: 2.46 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Importaciones Clinton E.I.R.L
Total supply: 90000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: RM
Contract: 0x5F01f5D964A5989e947502184AF6eAE98e3506BE
Deployer balance: 0.14 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: SmartBot AI
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: SBA
Contract: 0xc1c730213bbBa085822a0C99f7CeEcFfa5023cf7
Deployer balance: 1.98 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Nodepay
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: Nodepay
Contract: 0xC6d97229dFA4546677C0f87715ea0D7807552E8b
Deployer balance: 1.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Sigma Boy
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xaD0202592d3043bb5De1c806Feb8E47f949f95bd
Deployer balance: 1.58 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: 🎅🏽xSantas
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: 🎅🏽XSANTAS
Contract: 0x8799aF153b74ca77d4C068A940333aD4Cd90747D
Deployer balance: 8.30 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Importaciones Clinton E.I.R.L
Total supply: 600000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: RM
Contract: 0x736C4D84ebba2382C2e91921A20a98EAa9807D3d
Deployer balance: 0.15 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Reindeer
Total supply: 10000000000000000000000000
Contract: 0xB737fA58B3284fe07e4B5F90c3866A4e1dBEBD99
Deployer balance: 0.49 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Total supply: 5000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: DOGE2
Contract: 0x9eC558968Ba334fDCae0D6b24D0Bd87ea5D413F5
Deployer balance: 1.28 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK