Only ERC-20, no NFTs. Owner: @Rrrrotten Main channel:
🔵New ERC20 token
Total supply: 0
Contract: 0x2B35be4309e2d4433774D7C1efE151782079895e
Deployer balance: 0.54 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: NimoTrade
Total supply: 100000000000000000
Symbol: NIMO
Contract: 0x86e7635a615Bd66fC66be743f35a7d309A69c103
Deployer balance: 0.06 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: 🌌Quantum.Ai
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: 🌌QUAI
Contract: 0x5874C7e287f730ae8Fe1B20Ce560844aB7E97dD7
Deployer balance: 8.21 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: BASIC
Total supply: 10000000000000000000
Symbol: BASIC
Contract: 0x01098ea3BaC737100aC6Fb9Da72702AaFA64E2A4
Deployer balance: 1.69 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Tether USD
Total supply: 10000000000000
Symbol: USDT
Contract: 0xb3607c0062e1833556c2d087DF13457Cd24BA116
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: PEPE's Best Friend
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: TOAD
Contract: 0x5d36536890b9fb0DaD1F918E50D4b24C6f4370CF
Deployer balance: 0.49 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: APPLEJAM
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000
Symbol: APJ
Contract: 0xf90aCBeF934132b1870C1a0E6868EddE097B14dF
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Meme Index
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MEMEX
Contract: 0x601e3D40BDB27A35F5355E73d0FA66ed417141f2
Deployer balance: 0.49 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: HuLeZhi
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Contract: 0xe0829A0c877C87C4a0682485f1964f11C119aCCE
Deployer balance: 0.49 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: APPLEJAM
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000
Symbol: APJ
Contract: 0x2CA0e4B1e2543008BBcdf1a8Cbb84277D05C4dBf
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: 🐋Whales.Guru
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: $WGURU
Contract: 0xC75C1c9C60504575D9Ae43F960E8A62fd64824C5
Deployer balance: 7.47 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MyToken
Total supply: 8000000000000000000000000
Symbol: MYTOK
Contract: 0xfe37265340AE11D3472EF05F335b0c55cE08aA1b
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: ASCII
Total supply: 6942000000000000000
Symbol: ASCII
Contract: 0xaf180426e7C44F4b73cC44590D2DE407EB63f321
Deployer balance: 1.29 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: APPLEPIE
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000
Symbol: APP
Contract: 0x86528330Fd70f30F8b31BF52B8870258474a89a6
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: MyToken
Total supply: 8000000000000000000000000
Symbol: MYTOK
Contract: 0x6f0cA0A45a829ef9773693Cf160aaf9a346e07a3
Deployer balance: 0.01 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: 🦄UNI.Ai
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: 🦄UNIAI
Contract: 0xe9b6a87041c63B53d903A38Fd0BD258d28fc20fb
Deployer balance: 8.55 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: 🌌Quantum.Ai
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: 🌌QUAI
Contract: 0xcD24D362d64A7041F236a1C11ce22b223849Da13
Deployer balance: 8.21 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Crypto Shark
Total supply: 50000000000000000000000000
Symbol: CSHARK
Contract: 0x9463F543b4accfb193C7A88eA542C3877D6442d2
Deployer balance: 1.28 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: AA5
Total supply: 0
Symbol: AA5
Contract: 0x4b1851f0942b6aA6964Bd9993FBd2D49a209a352
Deployer balance: 0.06 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Nucleus Ai
Total supply: 100000000000000000000
Contract: 0xaBd4837AF66B18025F4751E427ba12ab294C442C
Deployer balance: 2.29 ETH
🚨⚠️100% SCAM🚨⚠️
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: BarbieCoin
Total supply: 10000000000000000000000000
Symbol: $BARBIE
Contract: 0x724Eee605e28e38c1a9D873Da548DBE13C7Fe134
Deployer balance: 1.27 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: EI TORO
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: TORO
Contract: 0x763CeC608e8D7F78D6449F830Ff77F3fFbe42050
Deployer balance: 0.48 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Trump's Guard Dog
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: MAX
Contract: 0x33670f6E8d243f1d33b23AAAF727926d7b9ce338
Deployer balance: 1.49 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Fraudsters
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: $FRDS
Contract: 0xC5c9b10C6328C68d175c4dFe5757d9f46DD67726
Deployer balance: 7.92 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: APPLEJAM
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000
Symbol: APJ
Contract: 0x5A9aB50c6f9842496b7012D46F9FBb5582Eca82e
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: OPTIMUS
Total supply: 100000000000000000000000000
Symbol: OPT
Contract: 0x52909b0DB7Ba2e3781Fab5081670899109221B73
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: POGAI
Total supply: 10000000000000000000
Symbol: POGAI
Contract: 0x70daF4C3591c2a635fffBE618505140ec4A38738
Deployer balance: 1.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Biao
Total supply: 1000000000000000000
Symbol: Biao
Contract: 0xf8dFD00Ee3966fA5f01B0F129b1dC98C48b3DDfF
Deployer balance: 1.09 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: Bridge.Ai
Total supply: 1000000000000000000000000000
Symbol: $BRIDGE
Contract: 0xD892F5CDA94BD8d53D532F00785973F727F74432
Deployer balance: 11.0 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK
🔵New ERC20 token
Etherscan: gnmzhziySO
Total supply: 0
Symbol: LewKDMZSS6
Contract: 0x00001287de6EcF8E097CD53626fE0Af52F660000
Deployer balance: 0.00 ETH
Powered by GYOZA🥟 and shitco1nguru
TG buy bots: Banana🍌🔫 | Ⓜ️aestro | 🔑CK