Ben Shapiro talks about the total destruction of an entire generation of youth in Ukraine and Russia like he’s assessing the options for a takeout menu, it’s just a part of a budget for him. This isn’t someone who’s part of our civilisation.
Читать полностью…Conservatives are Antifa, reserve division. If you negotiate your way through the drug addicted, literal shit and piss flinging retards of the radical left, you're met with "sensible conservatives" ready and willing to put the kibosh on your right to speak.
Does Thuletard ever take a day off from being utterly retarded? He's engaged in a war with these countries, why wouldn't he be slandering them in public? The only mistake he's making is that he's doing a conservatism and trying to one-up liberal countries on their own liberalism. This is what the internal propaganda of these regimes tells their citizens anyway.
If he really wanted to dunk on Western countries he'd ask why their official state propaganda promotes an anti-heroic myth of their own history and brag about Russian citizens being proud of their history.
PEAK SHITHOUSERY: Kenyan President William Ruto congratulates Argentina for winning World Cup and applauds the French African team for a good effort in the final. 😄
Check out more World fuCUP @IntelRepublic
I wonder if Sargon's political evolution has reached the point where he knows whether or not Lawrence Fishburne is white
Out of all the thousands of qualified candidates Elon could have selected for Twitter CEO, his top 2 picks are Lex Friedman, a jewish podcaster, and Jared Kushner, a jewish business guy with no experience in tech to speak of. These picks are made after the ADL, a jewish advocacy organization and by far the most powerful NGO in the entire United States writes hit piece after hit piece against Elon Musk. But please tell me oh enlightened centrists how wrong I am for thinking that jews have total control over this country.
Читать полностью…150,000 Ukrainians dead and 600 billion euros of damage but at least Nazi larpers got a free trip to Israel!
Читать полностью…>Spend $40+ billion on Twitter
>Jews put an embargo on your ad revenue
>Give up after a month and put a Jew in charge of Twitter
Musk has demonstrated levels of not understanding what the shot is that shouldn’t even be possible.
Remember to tell your French friends not to feel bad, France didn't lose the world cup, because France didn't even field a French team
Читать полностью…French fan expresses dismay at World Cup final
Читать полностью…Why major corporations Go Woke: The hunger for investment cash from banks that demand support for progressive ideology
thread archive
The Journalist will always tell you he was banned from Twitter, but he'll never tell you why
Читать полностью…People should grasp that there could be death squads, going street to street, house to house, liquidating white families, and the media in every Western European state would still run with the story that it’s “far-right violence”. 1000 white people murdered in a city? Headline: “Far-right incited violence erupts…”.
Gallia Daily has shared this image of an electric utility bill for a small French bakery.
The electricity charge has increased 261% in a single month. This is unsustainable for any small business, household and in the long run any large industrial concern.
Europe will deindustrialise over the course of a single winter and tens of millions will be forced into poverty in the course of just a few months.
This is the reality of the neoliberal order and the predatory policies of the Jewish elite which oversee that order.
Nationalists must present a positive alternative to this system. If we present a viable alternative we stand the most reasonable chance of leading our people out of the mire
SBF is claiming antisemitism. So predictable you could set your watch to it
Читать полностью…A review of 87 studies all showing that racially diverse societies sharply reduce community life and civic engagement.
This is remarkable. Sociological studies are infamous for lacking replicability, but when it comes to the social impact of racial diversity, you get the same result every time.
Homosexuality cannot be separated from pedophilia. The homosexual movement whitewashed their history of advocacy for pedophilia. There must be zero tolerance on the right for anyone who denies this fact.
I wonder if Jaimee Mitchell, the founder of Gays Against Groomers, would acknowledge these facts? I sure hope none of my subscribers with Twitter accounts go and ask her. And they certainly shouldn't share this video with her followers. That would be rude!
Whenever a story like this pops up the criticism is always incredibly benign, they say it’s “bureaucracy” or “wokism”(“woke” is never clearly defined or explained). Then you’ll have a bunch of incredibly slow conservatives in the comment section, for whom the penny hasn’t and likely never will drop, saying “why not just hire the best person for the job?”. The fact they’re creating a system where they’re making it either very difficult or even impossible to hire white people should tell you they obviously don’t want the best people for the job.
When will these retards learn it was never about fairness? When will they realise a system specifically set up to discriminate isn’t there to stop discrimination?
"Let's see how Milleniyule is going this year..."
Musk is sort of like Sargon, no matter how it's explained to him he'll never understand what the shot is
Читать полностью…I'm going to start referring to Jordan Peterson as "The Yiddler"
Читать полностью…Musk is an example of what happens when someone takes libertarianism seriously and tries to operate in the real world with its principles. This is your brain on Ayn Rand.
Читать полностью…New Batman villain just dropped:
“The Gatekeeper”
>Chimpouts on the streets of Paris when France beats an African team
>Chimpouts on the streets of Paris when France's own African team loses
It must be so frustrating for Elon Musk to hit the gentile ceiling. Without getting into the intricacies of whether he’s really worth that much money, one thing is true, he is an independently accomplished individual operating at the very top of the “elite” class. Yet, when he wants to do something as pedestrian as buy a website and allow basic free speech, that aligns with American constitutional law, a little Nosferatu character pops out the woodwork, puts a hold on all his ad revenue and makes him dance to his tune.
The absolute public humiliation of the billionaire gentile knows no bounds.
There’s blue checks on Twitter talking about being banning survivors, and eulogising those banned, we’re less than 2 days out and there’s already fantastical stories about surviving the Journacaust.
Читать полностью…One trait of a malevolent regime with no natural legitimacy is its need to portray the exact opposite of reality in its propaganda.
Moroccan riots in France could easily spiral into something crazy. If your multicultural civic values can't survive a soccer match imagine food shortages.
Читать полностью…Third and Forth wave feminism were only ever about causing totally unnecessary confusion and discord in gentile populations, and that’s all they’ve ever done.
This vile creature never rests in his mission to get as many third worlders in to Western nations as possible, using whatever 'crises' are available to him. His 'fellow Whites' create the crises and he curates the narratives that facilitate an unending stream of foreigners into our ancestral homelands. And he's always pushing at an open door!
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